These following experts from the internet have accumulated over many years and I have studied and used them when necessary. That has been a frustrating effort from the start just to listen to those giving advice for court proceedings under different categories of non compliance with varying policies. It seemed to me like rehearsing for a play where you know the outcome but still memorize and parrot the script for the audience. Well, fine and good, but who is their audience here in the real world, held in a fictional setting. I am a right brain artistic type that pictures scenarios and makes sense of them so they can be useful in any situation. That is why I am so picky with the comments in some of these presentations. There is a reason for right brained people with their discernment. Maybe the people who don’t use discernment are left brain people. Just saying. I think in terms of practicality, not utility. In high school I took an aptitude test and found I could be useful doing anything but being a lawyer. Wonder why, with the memory work of procedures and do’s and don’t’s that don’t make sense. Some can do it but I can’t. so I figure if I know this, so do the Jesuits. They have anticipated many like me to start investigating or start questioning until it catches on and something has to be done. Well those of us who don’t want to play fictional games in a fictinal setting where real devastating outcomes are produced, become very agitated audiciences when caught up in theit play. So they only have to continue playing their old games of blackmail and pay-offs with the left brain people.
In order to keep peace with the right brain people, they came up with a scheme that I fell for. They made some rules and forms to play another parallel game but with many restrictions regarding birth ceretificates, social security, cards and State ID cards. They turn their head and allow us to exit their rules, but the conditions of our freedom bring even more study rather than us just proclaiming who we are and let them prove we aren’t. maybe we should write the rules that allow them to assume who we are so they can enslave us. There are many perks like being free from the constant surveillance and hastle, but the paperwork required for living in their marketing system is very tedious and is a requirement. So, here we are, back under their watchful eye. The extra paper work allows us to handle payments the way we should have been doing before. We have legal remedies for their regulations but they have their unwritten rules that they can avoid teaching us how to use the remedies. It comes down to us knowing something that helps us financially which was initially for every person to use, prepaid accounts due to a bankruptcy they created. This was for the purpose of keeping people paying twice and both spouses working to stay afloat in the economy.
So they make up more rules to live by if you try to remove yourself from their game. On top of that we are required to do this quietly in the private setting in court cases to prevent the general public in the dark. So, it ends up blackmail as I mentioned before. And we end up playing the game of taking care of ourselves. That is really no different than those doing the dirty work for them. That is how the entire worldly scheme works. There are very few of the ETs, so they pay well if you will do their dirty work for them. They give us options like support the system and benefit from its luxurious lifestyle or reject it and lose access to the grid, the internet, the Google policing system.

It reminds me of my friend Andy, who would say it is Okay to cheat in some card games when there were rules of the game. I suppose Andy was a left brain person. So, now my idea in sovereignty game we are playing is to actually and really understand we are sovereign and the government is not. In that case they have no logical or ethical place in what should be our game. It is all out in the open, yet they still have the guns and the jails, the banks and the churches to do what this man on the next video tells us. We are acting the same as my sister-in-law, Mary Ann did when her son Corey felt obliged to tell his mother a terrific truth, that was proclaimed at the top of his voice yelling, “Mommy, Mommy, the music truck has ice cream.
I believe the narrator’s voice is so mezzmorizing that he could say anything like he has and there is no outcry. Those on the media are magically adored and can do no wrong. Why am I going to so much trouble telling truths that the game players call “Legal Advice.” It really all comes down to assumptions. They assume we will use their definitions. Well I suggest that if we want our freedom without playing their blackmail game we had better revolt, or better yet ignore them thus ridicule those psychopaths.

Here is a remedy for us to have the government prepay our debts like they are supposed to do. We are never told what our remedies are. They just have to provide them according to the spiritual laws they still live by. They gave us different laws so we could not fight them in spiritual warfare. This narrator is telling us every possible thing they are doing against us. It then becomes possible in the Divine plan to allow them to do this when we consent. So we are not even told we can decline their offers or charges.
Well all I can say is, this is a hell of a place to live in when everyone cheats everyone else without compulsion because there are rules. And in our case those psychopaths have written the rules and we consent. I just wish it aggravated more right brain people. Oh, yeah, they even teach us right brain people in their left brain schools.
So, with all that said, here is the narrator spilling the beans after minute 5:00 without any outcry from the audience:

The Real ILLUMINATI and Exposing TRUMP! Must watch!!

Warning the following content may contain elements that are not simple for some audiences, viewer discretion is advised.

Perhaps the key to that knowledge still lies hidden somewhere here on earth. What is stated is more than one small country, it is a big idea, a new world order. Out of these troubled times our fifth objector, a new world order Hannah-Mer. I think even that does not describe why the world has changed so much and why the world has turned so much toward a new world order and a new kind of civilization. After 1989, President Bush kept saying and it was a phrase that I often use myself that we needed a new world order, and instead, it looks like we’ve got a lot of disorder. There is a chance for the president of the United States to use this disaster to carry out what his father did, a phrase his father used I think only once and hasn’t been used since and that is a new world order. This was a stirring address in my view, shorter than his father’s age when he announced the new world order. It’s only now that we can begin to understand that the world order that globalization brings and what it’s going to look like it’s driven forward now not just by the balance of military members the Cold War times or the political power, it’s been driven forward by a seismic shift in economic power that we see around us. We’ve got to give you that stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see. Thousands of people gathered to hear Barack Obama deliver a key foreign policy speech on his current European tour, the Democratic presidential hopeful laid out his vision for America’s place in new world order, saying he was speaking as a proud citizen of the United States and a fellow citizen of the world. You’ve joined our organization and perhaps the most exciting point in our long history, our founders shed a passionate dream to transform this country and eventually the whole world into one cohesive organization, top of the people of the world to share based on need and rejoice together in a harmonious new world. All people are aware of class, to the society is made up of the rich, the middle and the poor, the one thing that all three classes don’t understand is that the pyramid continues upward, there is a detached hidden capstone made up of an elite board of directors who own and manage Illume Corp, the three classes below in essence become the assets and resources of the Illuma Corp. Illume Corp is divided into various administrative branches but each branch is the same five levels in their hierarchy, you’ll begin at the bottom in the inner shipped category as Salvage your role will be to make sure that your orders are carried out to the sub corporations and institutions controlled by Illuma Corp. You will be placed in plain sight at the head of a company or institution in the public sector to carry out the plans delivered from above, remember your role is very important you will be the face of the Illuma Corp to the outside world, you are our connection to the masses below never speak publicly about your orders or your masters. Now let’s look at Illuma Corp 6 administrative branches and their functions, you will be placed in a top position of power among one of the following sectors, in this way as you are monitored and guided from above, you will decide strategy and introduce programs that further our goals but that is the secret to the Illuma Corp’s success, control the head and you control your body. This is potentially Illuma Corp’s most effective instrument for global control, through international banking, we manipulate the face of all countries, we’ve introduced many institutions such as the IMF in WTO that work in our favor to impoverish disobedient nations, always remember death is a powerful weapon against countries that don’t share Illuma Corp’s vision, perhaps our greatest achievements of banking is the Federal Reserve System, is a collection of international banks owned by Illuma Corp members, it was created to form a centralized banking system for the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, an act that was a deep end by some of our most esteemed members, many of you might still assume that the government itself prints and issues the currency, that is not the case, when America needs money they go to our boys and ask for it, the money is printed but it is only representative of a loan interest accrues on that dollar until it is paid back to the Fed, in fact the Federal tax is paid by the American population go almost entirely to paying off this debt, so you see Illuma Corp derives a healthy amount to its operation funding directly from the debt of the public needless to say this is one of our most crucial sources of funding and one of our proudest achievements here in Illuma Corp, through mergers and acquisitions we have slowly and silently brought up the majority of US industry, Illuma Corp and its members own most of the oil, transport, banking, media full communications industries in America and abroad, through fewer and fewer conglomerates we are able to effect with great precision the machinations of Labor and government, ultimately corporations will replace government as a centralized international body that can meet the needs of the public worldwide without the chaos created by national self-interest, when Illuma Corp goes public, Corp just be the foundation for government conglomerates will merge into one cohesive corporation that is responsible only to Illuma Corp and the needs of its global employment force, the Illuma Corp control of the American military is another impressive tool in our possession we have nurtured these institutions lavishly to serve as the prototype for our global police force, when ready our technology and manpower will dominate those who oppose the coming new world order. I just want to say that we can come out with some plans in a very short time we’re going to be building up our military, we’re going to make a military so big and so strong and so great and it will be so powerful that I don’t think we’re ever going to have to use it, nobody’s going to mess with us, that I can tell you. By utilizing American patriotism we have fostered the American soldier the philosophy of peace through superior force when the time is right we will migrate that mentality towards the belief in a global government, who must protect all people through superior force we have used the American military-industrial complex to build the Arsenal necessary to instigate the final cleansing outlined in Illuma Corp’s great plan, our primary target will be Islamic nations who will never submit to our Western centric domination, they also hold much of the remaining oil reserve of the planet, Illuma Corp must own that precious resource as it is crucial in maintaining our domination over the countries of the world. Through Illuma Corp’s enormous federal funding of the military we can develop new forms of warfare and population reduction, the public can’t imagine what we were in the process of developing soon, even the weather will be a weapon under our control we’ll be able to create droughts, floods, hurricanes, and even tsunamis with no fingerprints attached. The political system of America has been under direct control of Illuma Corp for some time it was a relatively easy acquisition and has been even easier to manage, politicians know of our unspoken agreement and will do anything to stay in power. A two-party system benefits Illuma Corp in that it reduces all issues into a black and white debate, through media we can play side against side using each where necessary to support our goals, due to a diminishing faith in the system among the public Illuma Corp has designed a rogue candidate program to provide a voice for the dispossessed, this disperses the impetus for dissent among those who do not feel represented by our candidates and builds a database of potential dissidents. At the turn of the last century Illuma Corp took a serious interest in public education. Our Supreme Council realized that by creating a private organization to dictate curriculum on a federal level, children could be conditioned to read on a mass scale. In the interest of promoting Illuma Corp’s principles in the classroom, hundreds of millions of dollars were invested to create the general education board in 1902, the result of doing this is evident today, the doctrines of public education have transformed recent generations into a weaker more docile mass, from a meticulously planned curriculum we have control over the process by which the average child learns, thus we can mold them into obedient workers who are conditioned to accept the implementation of the great plan. In addition, Illuma Corp has set up many associations including the American historical association that determined and uphold the official view of history, knowledge is power, so he must at all costs be the author of the truth by writing history to suit our interests and dissenting voices cannot gain ground and we can vastly influence culture to achieve our prime objective. The Illuma Corp uses the media to shape the public’s opinion about current events and condition desired attitudes about our future agenda, through news entertainment and advertising we can program a variety of emotions and responses into the collective unconscious, in the past who are limited entirely to print media but now we have multiple mediums to utilize in programming and conditioning the masses, with cable news we have directed the public to a more entertainment-based consumption of world events infotainment this medium is far more effective and subliminal reinforcement of desired attitudes towards our objectives, for instance, we are currently instilling a sense of duty towards environmental issues. With our growth in control of the weather through HAARP and chemtrails, we will scare the public into accepting our global protection agendas we will then phase into the great cleansing which must occur to return the global population to a manageable size. We reinforce the desired norm through advertising creating a model for people to live up to that is virtually impossible the result is an incomplete desperate individual seeking acceptance, for reality television game-shows we repeat the pattern of individual survival versus group survival, this breaks down the idea of community and breeds individuals who seek only their self-interest with a public that is constantly suspicious and scheming we maintain the status quo of a divided population that never thinks to look up. Religion has served its purpose incredibly well it is the oldest and perhaps the broadest form social control utilized by Illuma Corp, with religion there is a written code of conduct that must be followed the authors of the Holy Scriptures who quite well how to lace that code with commands to maintain their dominance over the population this system has survived through millennia to hold the flock together and bring us to sustain, admittedly religion is losing its power of control however the fanaticism that has arisen due to this decline is particularly helpful to Illuma Corp, our invisible influence in the church has helped bring the Christian fundamentalists out of the background we control their opinions on current issues through policies designed and written right here in Illuma Corp headquarters, they are sent to our ministers who then preach the Word of God and their interpretations of the Bible to their followers their blind faith is used to transform them into willing soldiers to defend our cause during the catastrophes ahead, as the final phase is enacted who will propagate endtime prophecy to convince them of their convictions. The rise of Islamic fundamentalism works to Illuma Corp’s advantage is a threat that will demand violence action, in the coming years planned terrorist attacks were warrant a full-scale retaliation and initiate the final phase the great plan, Christians will support our actions, since they will believe them to be proof of the end times prophecy by Illuma Corp’s religious leaders. Now that you have a basic understanding of how we work over here, I would like to introduce you to one of our latest projects the control grid, since ancient times it has been the desire of the Illumans to wield control of the masses below or to protect us from them and them from themselves, the tools to the ages have been effective but always blunt and inaccurate but now with a release of new technology to the masses we have the real ability to implement a control grid with finance industry government and military under our strict control we can safely ship the population into a new world, monitored and controlled by the Illuma Corp. Technology such as the internet, GPS and RFID chips are pillars of the invisible prison we are erecting around the people, within the decade we will have real ID cards that contain criminal records and pertinent information or link to federal databases, cell phones will tell us where each individual is linked to the same database through intelligence agencies at Homeland Security we will monitor individuals who oppose the great plan and remove them from the grid, quickly the population will learn that they have a choice support the system and benefit from its luxuries or reject it and lose access to the grid. Well, that was quite an overview. I hope it gives you an understanding of our process and basic overall structure here in the Illuma Corp, the dawn of the new era is on the horizon, and it will shine gloriously over the new world that we have built together. Chapter 2, unto the Angel of the Church of Ephesus write, these things say that, he the holdeth the seven stars in his right hand who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks, I know thy works and thy labor and thy patience and how thou canst not bear them which are evil and thou has tried them which say they are apostles and are not and has found them liars and has borne and hast patience and for my namesake has laboured and has not fainted nevertheless I have somewhat against thee because thou hast left life first love, remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do the first works or else I will come unto thee quickly and will remove thy candlestick out of his place except thou repent but this thou hast that thou hate is the deeds of the Nicolaitans which I also hate, he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches to him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God and unto the Angel of the Church of Smyrna write, these things saith the first and the last which was dead and is alive I know thy works in tribulation and poverty but thou art rich and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not but are the synagogue of Satan fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison that she may be tried and ye shall have tribulation 10 days be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life, he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches he that overcometh shall not be heard of the second death and to the Angel of the church at Pergamos write, these things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges I know thy works and where thou dwellest even worse Satan seat is now oldest fast my name and has not denied my faith even in those days where in Antipas was my faithful martyr who was slain among you were Satan dwelleth but I have a few things against thee because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam who taught Baylock to cast a stumbling block the children of Israel to eat things sacrificed unto idols and to commit fornication, so has now also that hold the doctrine of the nicolet items which thing I hate repent or else I will come unto thee quickly and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches to him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manner and will give him a white stone and in the stone a new name written which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it and unto the Angel of the church in Thyatira write, these things saith the Son of God who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire and his feet are like fine brass and I know thy works and charity and service and faith and thy patience and thy works and the last to be more than the first notwithstanding I have a few things against thee because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess to teach and to seduce My servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto idols and I gave her space to repent of her fornication and she repented not, behold I will cast her into a bed and them that commit adultery with her into Great Tribulation except they repent of their deeds and I will kill her children with death and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts I will give unto every one of you according to your works but unto you I say and on to the rest in Thyatira as many as have not this doctrine and which have not known the depths of Satan as they speak, I will put upon you none other burden but that which he have already hold fast till I come and he that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end to him will I give power over the nation’s and he shall rule them with a rod of iron as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers even as I received of my father and I will give him the morning star, he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches.

This video is totally correct. We as a collective have consented and drifted apart from unity in our conscious state of minds that it is hugely dependent on our understanding of all past, present, and future corruption and control by a unified totalitarian form of government worldwide. You will see in the next video how spiritual everything we experience including our laws or our statutes are founded on evil spirituality. It is a sham and cannot stand the light of day. Even Bush in 1999 had to establish in our law that all laws are Talmud. THEIR POWER depends on our consent that we believe all has come to be over time and has evolved to what it is today. Thus, we believe it is the best law and must be followed for peace to be established. But it is the other way around. It is for chaos to remain and to increase:

Frank O’Collins – The Roman Cult, Law & The Khazars

This is transcribed from the video at abour minute 47.

Why don’t we go back to some of the inbred families, the Satanic worship by them. This is something that is difficult to detail in terms of what thje philosophies are and why they are doing things that they are and the world has ended up in yher place that it has. And it seems a very mis-entropic anti-human tendencies have been there from day one pretty much that this is a fight against human against human nature , against human spirituality, against the human spirit and the soul. Right?
Yes. Well there was a history that dates back to a city called UR (satanic worshipers) a fight against spirituality and human soul. worshiped a feminine goddess, Namu (later called Isis, later called venus, later called lucifera, then Saturnia-which was the first name of Rome, through a symbol called the nub. We call it a pentagram. Modern Satanist whisper the word Lilith indicating the worship of the feminine darkness. UR had a infamous history. Persisted in magic. Which was that we have two souls. A true soul and a counterfeit Soul. One can reach enlightenment through the counterfeit soul. The worshiped the demons that thgey believed created us through the worship of the counterfeit soul. Then they got kicked out again and they split up again and moved to a new city called Tasha where we get tartar sauce. Where Paul came from. He was a high priest of the Menace Che and of course the Menace Che are the dissenters now the Menace che wrote a book and they made it an oath and it was an extraordinary concept. An unprecedented consept in reaction to Constantine they wrote the blood oath or the covenant of the chosen people. What they did.. was there was a covenant between their gods Sabaoth or Sabbath or Sabot from which we get the concept of Sabbath and ther promise was that they would reign on earth and Sabbath being the legion of demons, would rule in the under world and that it was a contract that thgey would fulfill and at the end of days when the tribes returned they would have their land granted but the land would only be granted when there was a sacrifice of six. There was no mention in the Talmud ever of million. Just a sacrifice of six after the rribulation of Danielle or Dannyelle which is the tribulation that some interrpretersthree and a half years and others have interpreted as 1260 years or afgain. So that is their most key belief. So there is a series of prophecies that all those prophecies were artificially created by the same rulon elite when they created the end of the world from 1941 to 1945. they, the banking families arbitrarily ended their covenant with Saboath, destroyed the blood covenant, and destroyed their supedrnatural claim in 1945. they were comfortable now to rule as gods after the second world war . so this is part of the plan. Here’s a key part of the plan of the second world war. Was to fulfill all the major prophecies. You can remember they could not legitimately move to their hjomeland and reclaim it until the promice of Sabaoth of who we know as Satan or feminine satan until this was fulfilled. And that’s what they did. And it’s a clockwork six (men or million) they tried it at the turn of the century in world war one and it failed. So they did it slightly differently and trhey thought what they accomplished was between the Kazarian tribes. They managed to wipe out the Magyars, managed to wipe out some of their major compeditors in the Vulgar, decendants of the Kazars by basically stealing their identities and certainly in Russia they pretty nmuch wiped out the Russia who were the main tribe of the Kazars who had the first legitimate right . this is the Russian Orthodox. And they eliminated them. So that the Magyar which was a sub-branch which settled in a place called Annatoy which later was called Venice. So the venicians were the winners. And they basically stole their identities and they used the Vatican to forge,I think something like, I think the Vatican admits that they forged something like 80,000 new identities of which I think something like fifty thousand of them were Rabbi. No one ever asked what happen ed to their flocks. This was mWWII. So we are talking about the creation of Israel here. Obviously this tied into it. We were talking about the consequence of the world wars. ((the transfere agreement )) all that stuff. If we go back to the tablets. Either the covenant that is the underpinning of the Talmud has been fulfilled and therefore Israel is legitimate or the Talmud is still in operation [Bush wrote in a educational law that all laws are Talmud] and Israel and everyone that supports it is an abomination to their God. It’s on of the two. No middle ground. Is this a concept that is contained within the Talmud? Absolutely. All the Rabbi in the world know this. Either the Talmud is finished and there is no Jewidh faith anymore and the Jewish faith doesn’t exist. It’s gone so they are finished. And Israel is legitimate and what we are seeing is a show. It’s a song and dance. It doesn’t exist anymore. And that’s why the Rabbi are free to do what they like or the Talmud is still in operation and Israel is the greatest abomination in the history of the Jewish faith and anyone that supports it is an absolute heretic. So we are talking about the fake or fraudulent fulfillment of the prophecies if you will coming out of the other jedaic Christian tradition or the real story and that the actually thjis has played out. Where are you on this? I don’t believe that the Rabbi in the world would risk continuing in a inoffensive way. I believe that they all pretty much accepted those that you nknow are worthy of being callesd a Rabbi. Knowing that the jewish faith endeed in WWII. An d that the covenant is fulfilled and the Talmud is a nice historic document. Has no value whatsoever now. And what we are living under is a thing called the New World Order.
Where are we now in the game plan. Right now in their point of view? Well remembering the group that went out the Magyar who created the concept of a natory which they called the as meaning praiseworthy chosen and latrerr became Venice. The Magyar were largely black kazars whereas the Russa, the Russians who separated after the nineth century under first grand prince of Russia Aaron or Rorick they are the legitimate inheritance of the Menache claim. So these people that basically took over the world aren’t efen Senitic. They don’t herald from the Middle East. You can never be accused of being anti-Semitic ever. They come from soputhern Mongolia. AND WHERE WE ARE AT THE MOMENT IS, SINCE wwii, WHEN THEY TRASHED THEIR COVENANT an d their leaders knew it. They ended the jewish faith. It does not exist anymore. They destroyed it. We have seen a systematic dumbing down of the ruling elite to the point now that really can’t tie their own shoelaces nor can they not even get out the door with out help. They are clinically and actually insane. They have become so isolated that THEY and indeed the people that they select to rule the world on their behalf in public are psychopaths . the world has never been in a more dangerous place because the worls is ruled by idiots. There was absolute brilliance built into the present system (2011). Which we cal democracy. Common law-communist to submit to servitude. That’s ultimatelyt what communist means, to commit to servitude voluntarily. The brilliance behind that, the Jesuits were an absolute shinning light but if you just take thenm off the battlefield for the moment we are dealing with morons. They want to bring back gold standard no one hould doubt. They want to restart their system but you are seeing them flounder because rthey don’t know how it works. I don’t know about law but I know about finance. . they don’t know the truths or rhe rituals. Thgey don’t believe it, all they know they were born into this and that’s all they know. What happened in two generations. We still have the blood lines. The average family has struggled to survive. Once the world have been voluntary slaves, with their sweat, blood and tears being drained from them/ . the ruling elite has had an open check since 1945. they don’t live in ghettos anymore although they do if you talk about walled communities, they kind of live in ghettos but they’re a far cry from the ghettos that their culture forced them to live in in order to maintain a lie. They have had everything laid out for them . they can do whatever they like. They can start whatever war they like. They can build bigger and bigger ships. They can go on perpetual hjolidays. Buy and sell sports teams. If you take that absolute powere = corrupts absolutely and they ended it. They started the NOW and they had one plan and one plan only. To maintain control. And that’s not good enough. Every fgeneration prior to that had a plan to do something. These guys have had one plan only to maintain control and keep lieing and that’s not good enough. And their system because rthey haven’t trained enough people to maintain it and the fact they don’t even// people will be astounded to know that there are whole divisions of the world of high finance that have no idea how the worldwide financial actually works. At it’s root. I don’t mean the stuff they put oiojn the financial times, I mean ACTUALLy from a ritual historical structural position in terms of trust law , currency, menting money, bonds, underwriting they have no idea of the art of this gravity. That is completely ignorant to them now. What do we see ahead now to cover in the next hour.
Websites or just oneheaven as one ion that we will talk about rewriting canon law.

nihilism Collins red ice radio positive to catholic church? Not available now

Canon Law, money and the courts – Part 1

Canon Law, money and the courts – Part 2

present (file) an ecclesiastical “Notice of Protest and Dishonor
bills of exchange reverse curse
part 1
Conference call with Frank Collins et all

Hey victor, this is Charles and Gerald. How are you? Good. Gerald didn’t have the ability to call you so he asked me if I would call you through Skye and connect you two together, so. OK, pleased to meet you Vick. Charlie had mentioned that you wanted to talk to Frank and i. yea, actually I was curious to meet up with you. Where abouts are you in Ontario? I’m in Alberta. Frank is in Australia and I can never remember which city he is in. I think its Sydney. I always say it’s Melbourne. But I think its Sydney. Anyway same time zone down under. Right. You are involved in that one (heaven thing) right? Well, yes. Quite a few people are involved in it. Frank [Canon Law expert] and I originally, our conversations were about ancient history and he’d been working on this Ucadian model for a long time in his life and, anyway we got in to discussing various elements and actually to the point he had studies a lot of very ancient law and a lot of religious law and I had studied stuff that was more contemporary and, you know, we were first discussing, you know, legal things. He was still; he didn’t really know the straw man type of stuff, hey? Anyway he’s got an unbelievable learning curve and he is right up to speed on the way the law things works and because his study of ecclesiastical law as well as other ancient law. The things dovetail together. Right? Its kind of like you are studying one thing, Charlie is studying another, and I am studying another. When we start talking together, we start putting together a bigger picture. Charlie. Yea. Frank is calling right now. Would you add him to your conversation? Will do. OK. Continue talking. Yes. Things, the insight into how the system works have been coming in at an unbelievable pace in the last three weeks or so. Yea, I think things are going to grow exponentially. When we start asking questions, the answers are coming. Well, yes. You know like you have dug into the Birth Certificate aspect. I sure have. There’s about five more different things to the Birth Certificate that we’ve discovered. You see, the whole thing is about jurisdiction. Isn’t it? Yes it is. And so in order to counter some jurisdiction over top of us, we have to figure out who’s got jurisdiction and how they got it. Right? Correct. And so, there’s a bunch of different levels to this and you know how law works. They start with one act or law and then it evolves into another one and another one, and another one? And so there’s a progression. Frank, Victor, back in Canada wanted to talk to us and Charlie has patched us together on a phone call. Vick is on the line in Ontario. Ready to go Frank? I was just explaining, you know, things about jurisdiction that, you know, in the last three weeks or so a lot more insights have been coming in as to how the system goes through jurisdiction over us and how it works. Yes. Some of it that we haven’t got into discussing with the whole group because this is really quite new. [This is about Hammurabi Law]. In any event, the system has jurisdiction over us and they do have a lineage of jurisdiction going back a long, long time. And so they do have jurisdiction. And we have to zero in on it. We have to counter it. So, that’s what we are trying to do with a few different documents here right now. And Frank is working on some of the Canon Law of One Heaven, which is a very important part of it. [The Vatican is the source of Canon Law]. And the other thing that has come to the top of our pile recently, you, Victor, do you remember what colors summonses used to be? No, but they are yellow right now. There are yellow, he? Interesting. They always used to be blue and the Sunday laws were called Blue Laws. And, anyway, blue is an ecclesiastical color. And that’s why you see blue on all the police forces and whatever. Very interesting to know they are coming on yellow paper now and that’s another color that we would expect. But, maybe, Frank you could explain to Vic a little bit more of what we are doing. Or maybe you have some direct question you wanted to ask Vic. Might be better? Yea, you want to up that to what you are saying first? Or do you want to get straight questions or comments? Sorry, are you talking to me Vic? Yea, do you want me to give some background as to, adding to what Gerald said? Or do you want to get started in some questions? What would suit you? Sure, maybe get into a little bit more where you are coming from. I did read quite a bit of your website, although there is a lot more to go. The most difficult thing to anybody that comes to a first talk, most of it the less flow rate. Slightly less more well read. And that is the exact under line motive for these things is extremely difficult. [, www. on screen]. There’s a reason for that. There’s two reasons for that. One of the things I used to have as a kid, was first off war and strategy. And I realized as I got older that it held me in good stead. And one of the lessons I learned about any kind of war, we are as you know really and truly in a war. And have been for a long time. A spiritual war. A war of morals and then physically a flesh war. Between those that keep us as slaves and a few that wish to change that whenever you fight something and make it a cohesive opposite to your self, the more that you attack it, the more that you ultimately strengthen it. I mean this is the fallacy of anyone who’s attempted in history to cause genocide or some kind of elimination. Is that, from what I’ve read, almost no attempt at that has ever succeeded. If anything it has been the catalyst for a much stronger opposition. The only strategy that seemed to have worked and worked an absolute (treat-?) in wiping things from the face of the earth is consumption. But is in opposition and consuming the enemy by establishing position where rather than opposing them, you honor them and then consume them as asub branch of a greater thing. Yea? That’s the only strategy that I have seen in war or society or any form of battle of ideas. That has ever worked. And it is the hallmark of the Jesuits [“The Roman Cult”-on the screen] and the hallmark of the whole Roman Cult. And certainly in the last three hundred years, they’ve been exceptionally successful even with quite poorly executed and poorly devised strategies that have been extremely, extremely successful. So that’s the heart and purpose of what we are doing here. Consumption and correction as opposed to a traditional, you know, good vs. evil. You know team one vs. team two type thing. But now we are at a point where we realize that the heart of the system that supports, protects and nurtures the BAR societies around the world that have locked the courts into their own members is Canon Law. [CANON LAW-NOW ON THE SCREEN]. In fact I said to Joe when you hear the word, rule of law. You know we talk about rule of law all the time. What we unwittingly do when we say rule of law; rule, measure, bar are all different words for canon. Canon is an ancient measure, an ancient rule, an ancient bar, an ancient read, an ancient measure of a carpenter. So, what they’ve done is they have effectively monopolized the courts because they monopolized the law. Canon law, rule of law is their most precious and strongest claim of jurisdiction. Because it’s through those 1,400, 1,500 Canons that they establish their claim of superior jurisdiction over all of us. And until we, and we can’t, and this is the thing. I’ve been looking up until now how to abrogate that. There is no way to abrogate Canon Law other than to consume their system and demonstrate its deficiency and establish through Canon Law effectively abrogate that what they’ve done then to simply false claims. Now I’ve sent to Charlie and I’ve sent to Gerald and with your e-mail I’ll send you an update on how this is going. Its going extremely well. We are in a position by next week to publish something on the order of about 6,000 Canons which finally and forever will eliminate the position of the Roman Cult, the Moloch worshiping Talmud Rabbi, the Phoenician Noble classes, the Knights of Malta, European Nobility from their perches of being the controllers of us allegedly being slaves. [People of the Jewish Talmud worship Satan-now on the screen]. All right? We are very close. And with that, a remarkable thing, I think is going to take place. We’re to let a huge amount in terms of , in virtual time of how their system controls standing, how they hide the overwhelming ecclesiastical nature of their courts, that now what I find is the entire court system, every member is dedicated towards honoring rule of law, Canon Law. I will vouch for that. Yea. So what we are going to be able to do, in fact Charlie has just sent me your e-mail so I’m going to send you these. So when we present Canon Law to them, for the first time ever we are going to be able to say to the BAR Society honor your code, honor your pledge, honor your oath and obey the Canon law. Here are the Canon laws you are disobeying. Now this is going to shock them to their honor because they have absolutely no response. It is their weakest flank. It is absolutely the weakest flank. Once we establish Canon Law as it should be, we actually finely and forever destroy their jurisdictional claims. And until we do that their jurisdictional claims are water tight and are virtually impossible to penetrate. One of the things that we’ve been working on is a thing called a notice of correction of record and some of the insights that I’ve gotten lately have been assisted by or given directly by someone in England that I’ve been talking to. Just today, he pointed me to a couple of things that are up on UK legal websites where it says for instance that if a man or woman stands in front of a judge and proves that they are a living flesh, he has to offer them remedy. [Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666-now on the screen]. Have you ever heard of the Cestui Que Vie Act from 1666? Can’t say that I have. Well what it did was declare everyone dead if they haven’t been heard from in seven years. So from the Birth Certificate up to seven years ifthey haven’t heard from you they consider you are dead and they handle you as a trust from that point on. So when you tell the judge in the system that you are alive now they have to start dealing with you from a different angle. But this is just one small aspect of what needs to be covered in letting them know that the jig is up. Eah? Another thing we found was they, you know when judges run off to their chambers, there’s been a feeling for a while that somehow denotes that you’re on victory. We discovered actually that when a judge first enters a chamber he really is representing …so all the laws of society, we think by the Talmud. They are all really the bylaws of the BAR society so in that first instance when you establish your standing unless the judge provides remedy he is in dishonor. Yea? Yep. So if a judge doesn’t want to provide remedy, what he can do is he can leave the court which is what we see when they run out. [Statutes are by-laws of the BAR Society – now on the screen] but when he returns he doesn’t return to the court based on the rules of the BAR Society, he returns now changing the form of the court without us seeing physically changed into full Admiralty Court. Now unless you now establish your standing again, it is as if you no longer have standing. Because it’s a new court. Yep. Got cha. What you ask for has to change as well. [Admiralty is sometimes referred to as Maritime Law –now on the screen]. Because if you ask for the wrong thing, they won’t give it to you. So under the BAR Society in the first form its remedy. But under the second form because it’s gone to pure Admiralty, you really have only two choices. If you don’t establish standing, they will treat you as salvage under the rules of Oleron [Laws of Oleron are Maritime Law now on the screen] which is the base laws and they are all fictional but under the claim laws that the Roman cult and Phoenicians use for commerce. So they salvage you dead. Right? You are just a four poster bed. If you establish your standing which you must do, when the judge returns, what you ask for is cure and maintenance, not remedy. Because cure and maintenance is the form of remedy. Under Admiralty Law the laws of Oleron is the basis for it all. So, its good to get back to the source document and under that what it says is salvage is salvage. OK there is no live salvage in Maritime Law. So if you are dead you are going to be salvaged and basically put in some holding building. Right? That’s why they put you in prison; you are just a bit of cargo going to a warehouse. But if you establish yourself as living, then under laws of Oleron, that means you are a sailor. OK? On a ship of state. And they must provide you cure. Its actually is not just cure but maximum cure and maintenance until your health is restored. So it actually is a stronger remedy than if the judge had never run out and returned. But what the judge is trying to do is re-establish superior jurisdiction by tricking the defendant into not re-establishing their standing. Yes? Yep. And sadly I feel that this happens I think almost 90% of the time. That a man or woman learns the art of establishing their standing judges, get wind of it. They are more often are not running from the chamber. The truth movement are told that is a good sign so it’s actually being miss-interpreted. But when they come back, what they are doing is they have re-established their honor in a totally different court now a purely Admiralty Court. And unless you re-establish standing and ask for the correct remedy for Admiralty Law, they will not give it to you. And they can do it once more. Vic ? Yep. If you are in a Federal Court, they can leave again for the third and final time. If they leave again and return they come back as a High Priest of the religion of Baal and under the protection of Ecclesiastical Laws of Canon Law where they are treated as an Ordinary. So they are basically sitting there as a representative of the Curia. It is as if you were in front of the Pope. Yea? Right. Now this is rarely done because a mistake at this level is a very serious error on their part and they could… if they do an error of dishonor at this third level, they lose being a judge forever. Yea? Right. It’s the last chance for them to basically get one over you. And it’s only at that point that the claim of sovereignty of a living flesh being between oneself and God can be used. At no other point does it have any remedy. So really what’s happened with sovereignty is; I believe sovereignty, because of that is a genuine remedy. But only in the very, very rarest occurrences. Right. But other than that its turned out to be a terrible, terrible distraction for people.[FBI Headline Archives DOMESTIC TERRORISM The Sovereign Citizen Movement-now on screen showing sovereign license plate]. I agree with you when peoples believe that when the judge runs out of court they think its funny. That is part of the miss-information that is being presented sadly because the people think of it in terms of battle. Really what they are watching is a judge leaving to re-establish their honor because they don’t wish to offer remedy returning into a brand new court. Well understanding what they are doing exactly in fact I’ll tell you where we found validation for this. The word BAR in BAR association has been deliberately; first it comes from 1823. So its relatively recent but its history has been clouded from a name that is supposed to have been a wash up of the Temple, bar and tradition. It actually turns out to be one of the most powerful magic words available to these magicians. A curse. I mean when they sentence you they are issuing a curse. They are issuing a spell. Yea? What we fail to realize is that we’re dealing with people who for a living perform magic. And we’ve forgotten that everything about them is about staying in honor with their magic. If they lose their power of magic they can’t issue orders. That’s why if they are in dishonor a judge has to step down because their orders have no magical power under their system. Right. That sounds ridiculous but that’s actually the reason. And the proof is in the name of these societies. The word BAR is a magic word in that what you see is one word. But really what you should be seeing is Ba Ba three times (baba baba,baba). That’s what bar is. And BaBa means father in Hebrew and it means priest in Hebrew. Ba Ba particularly means a Baal priest. That’s what it means a Bahl priest. A bell or bahl? Bahl is two words. Ba which is lord and then el. El is abbreviated. So Ba’l (the apostrophe) means lord god. Yea? Right. So Ba just on its own means lord. So what you have is the word Ba also means (a sun of) which you have probably seen in Hebrew. Like Simon Ba Jonah ? Yea. But it also means practitioner. Or so what you have is BaBa practitioner of Ba. BaBa practitioner of abbreviated BAR (B=Baal, A= by A= Ramano). So practitioner of Baal through Rome. Yea? BAR another word for Canon, rule, standard. Practitioner of bar, practitioner of Canon Law. Yea? Yea. One other use of bar bar is the beginning of Barbarians which comes from the Greek and it means that the people spoke in a manner that was not understandable just like legalese. So that’s where the word Barbarian came from. And of course it is part of bar. Where they speak legalese where they can only understand the words and we can’t. So what we see in the word itself is a supremely powerful magic word that they are using to present themselves. And so they are really telling people they are religious. The Canon Law tells that all courts are considered Temples [a law book or bible with a cross now on screen]. That’s what Canon Law is doing is giving validation to the fact that the courts are co-oratories and its in Canon Law and judges are priests called Ordinaries. What this is doing is validating what we are witnessing; (That the judge leaving and returning is really changing the form of the court to more senior, more powerful law). It’s showing that a judge is holding levels of power, showing that the judge is absolutely dripping in being a priest, a Ba’l priest. And that the authority of the judge and the ability to sentence is purely an ecclesiastical and sacramental power. It has nothing to do with adjudication or agreement. Their ability to judge and sentence is purely by remaining in honor of their ecclesiastical powers. So when you present an ecclesiastical notice of dishonor [Notice of Protest and Dishonor]. That gives notice of dishonor by their rules a judge loses their power. It turns out that all this argument about liens and things that people had for years; you know that if you get a lien on a judge, the judge has to leave. The lien means nothing. A lien is irrelevant. What’s happening is when someone affects that notice of protest and dishonor to the point that it has some ecclesiastical power the judge is screwed. Their power it turns out is magic. The power is; if I can’t curse you I can’t do my job. And that’s what a judge is supposed to do. To issue judgments. And their judgements are curses. The curse establishes a debt. The debt is the monetization. That’s what they do. Have you ever heard the story in the New Testament about Jesus removing 100 demons and then putting them into pigs and they run off a cliff? No that’s not in my bible. OK, well there’s a story that might be only in the Roman Cults Vulgate. But it’s a story of Jesus banishing 100 demons from a fellow and he put them in the pigs and the pigs jump off a cliff. The point of the story is it demonstrates the rebound of magic in the curses. So what it is implying is that Jesus cursed the demons. The demons then left the body and then Jesus got the demons into the pigs. So that effectively the rebound occurred. Its actually a quiet judge not lest ye be judged. Yes? Yep. That should actually be curse lest ye be cursed. The Egyptians knew. And these people are magicians. Remember? They’re sorceress. They’re into magic. Egyptians knew that the most powerful spell is a curse spell. But the down side of the curse spell is when it matures it returns with interest. Yea? Right. So what they did was they formed; have you seen the mummification of animals? Yep. We’ve totally miss-understood why they went to the extent of mummifying animals. What the Egyptians worked out is they could protect a king from the after life of anyone putting curses by basically putting in substitutes. And biasing those substitutes so that any curses would go to the substitutes. It’s a bit like you know fighter planes will let off flares? Yep. The missile will think the flare is the plane. Right? Yep. You think the missile is the curse coming back. Right? Yep. If you don’t have a flare what will happen to the plane? The plane will get nailed. That’s right. Well that’s exactly what happens to curses. Right?. Now, in voodoo, the voodoo priest put bugs and little animals depending on the seriousness of the curse in jars. I don’t know if you ever have seen a documentary. But you have seen a voo doo priest in a prayer room; you know its full of jars. Right? And what they do is when they curse they’ll put the rebound of the curse; what they’ll do is they’ll; as they are doing the curse they’ll have animal in the jar and when they finish, they’ put the jar away so the jar becomes responsible, not the priest. Yea? Right. Now the Roman Cult with their Phoenicians and the Medici came up with a different plan. They used money, debt money, debt. Right? Yep. So money became the currency of curses. Right? Yep. It meant that all the curses that they’ve done will never mature so long as the money system continues to exist. Right? Right. And so long as the debt never matures they don’t get in trouble. No doubt they have the experience of doing this for an extremely long time. Well the bastards have been getting away with it for 2000 years. Aye? But figuring out how exactly that they pull off their jurisdiction and get everybody to swallow it, its just like money only has a value if everybody believes its valuable. If the whole would only accept sea shells as currency then the currency would be sea shells. Right? Yea, right. If somebody tries to give me a piece of paper I’d say are you nuts. I want sea shells. Nothing else is valuable. So it doesn’t matter if it’s gold, gold is just an illusion. And of course you heard what the IMF did to the reserve bank of India about a year ago? No. they sold them 200 tons of tungsten with four microns of gold plating on it. For full price. Now if you read the incorporation documents of the IMF you will find that they cannot be sued by anybody or anything on the planet. So what recourse does the bank have. They got to fill up their drill holes and tell everybody it’s gold. Bunch a cheats, he? Well it’s like you said about the Monopoly game, you know? They own the board, they own all the pieces, they own the bank and they make the rules and they change the rules and on top of it all they cheat.

[I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Brittan’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply. Nathan Rorhschild.] One of the things that Frank was going to when he left was that when these judges come into court because of that money being a curse, these judges will not come into the chambers with any money in their possession. [Federal Reserve ‘note’ on screen showing all seeing eye.] While they are there on the job. Is that right? Yea. They would be coming in with their own curse I guess, Hea? Yea. It‘s coming back to them. Right. Yea, the other one on that Vic if you read Catholic Canon Law all the priests take a vow of poverty. Hea? Then how come the Cardinals are all Billionaires? You’ve always wondered that? They never touch the money. If you don’t have any money in your pocket you must be poor. Right? That’s their trick of their vow of poverty. They never touch it. Its never in their pocket. So therefore they are poor. Yea, I knew they were doing for the money, but they are not real religious guys. I had no idea of the money of the money being a curse from their perspective in that sense. It is a curse in anybodies hands for that matter. Actually how that got developed was really understanding how Bills of Exchange work. They are really quite incredible. [Why is $$$ a CURSE].[ Its availability can be controlled, it can be made scarce, we need it to survive, we can be coerced into doing the wrong- thing, just to earn a living, we experience the ‘remorse’ for our actions.]

Canon Law, money and the courts – Part 2

Conference call with Frank O’Collins, et al
May 13, 2010
Canon Law expert Frank O’Collins

1991 George Bush signed public law 102-14 entitled the Education Act into federal law under 102nd congress- declared all US law is based on the Talmud = Noahide Laws for non-Jews these 7 laws are to be applied to gentiles in the US. This is getting back to the Talmudic jurisdiction. –original blood oath – first covenant.(a binding agreement) only equals can enter contracts. They tell Christians there is a sacred contract. When a covenant is claimed and it cannot be demonstrated as equal, then it cannot be a valid covenant. It’s a false binding agreement. The most famous Talmud passage is when the Rabbi argued with God and lost, (in this case it is Moloch-Satan) and won the argument. Regarded as most important and esoteric of the Talmud. The argument is the reason for its existence is one of jurisdiction. The reason they claim the argument is valid is under this argument the Rabbi argued that they demonstrate such evil upon the earth (not published) they establish rule upon the earth as judges upon the earth-. Then they are equal to Moloch in the underworld. So it is a valid covenant in their eye. So long as they continue to sacrifice and perform evil. There was a maturing agreement in the covenant which was at a point time in the covenant, they (the Rabbinical Zionist crew have to sacrifice themselves, and of course they haven’t. instead, what we see the 20th century is the maturing of this covenant they substituted others instead of themselves. And the figure they interpreted by the most senior Rabbi in sacrifice of themselves which they use as a substitute, was the figure 6 Million. Interpreted from their prophesy that they had to sacrifice 6 million of their own to remain in honor with the covenant. People think of 6 M in WWII. They tried it in WWI first. It didn’t wash. They claimed that 6M Jews were killed in WWI. Made announcements in NY about it. Regarded as propaganda. So they decided not to push it any further. (in many countries questioning the ‘official’ holocaust story is illegal! Many people have been imprisoned.) Holocaust means a burnt sacrificial to a god. [This part of the conference was breaking up-wonder why?] From the time of the Roman Cult Popes , that were Phoenicians they were burning people like the Kitharas they were getting prophecy out of them while they were burning them. It is such an excruciating way to die that the soul is given up to Moloch. So it becomes part of the energy of Moloch does not really make Moloch happy. The challenge for them is that their cosmology is really basic. For example, they recognize there have been supernatural forces in existence for a long time. It has never really occurred to them where those spiritual forces come from. So if you have a superhuman spirit, where did it come from? Was it made out of energy? Was it because of collective grief, or some alien that existed prior? To the Somothians we call Samaritans, Phoenicians, and Carthaginians. To those people they didn’t really care. Their interest was how do we establish the argument of power? Not looking to anything deeper than that. Their cosmology has always been shallow. They are traitors. TO THEM IT WAS ALL ABOUT ARGUMENT, LEGALESE, POSITION AND CONTROL. It was never about completion, synergy. They are into prophesy but they don’t realize how shallow they are. They would rather be told something from a dieing man or woman on a stake than spend 20 years studying history to come up with something themselves. So it is a real mindset of these people. That’s why their big houses (Rothschild’s estates] parties and drugs because really to them it is all the short path.
One truth is “to know thy enemy” is really important. And it is one of the big missing pieces in moving forward in the truth movement. Its not for appreciation for walking in the shoes and understanding the mind of the enemy. Sadly that’s why a lot of actions are done without full effect. [The history of the Rothschild’s and central banking]. Book=the synagogue of Satan. By Hitchcock take the Jesuits for example, people not understanding who the Jesuits are. They are the Roman Cult. People think they have been in power since the time of Peter. When in reality they only took power across the 11th century. [Illuminati – the cult that hijacked the world –Makow] there a lot of tools coming to the fore now. Which is address, tackle, out position these people. I just mention one thing. The Roman Cult. When I describe the taking over by the Lombardi satanic families that used the Pontifus Maximus title and the history that out positioned the Franks and the Saxons that gave life back to Rome. To out position Constantinople.. I call them the Roman Cult. Not the church because if you say the church is corrupt you may get 3 people in a room that agree, but you may get quite a few really upset because they are Catholic or know ones who are. Not fair to slander everyone because of a few priests. But if you say Roman Cult you are talking about a very small group of people who know exactly what they are doing. Back to what we were talking about before how to establish standing. frank collins
Andrew Hitchcock
Henry Makow \THE ILLUMINIATI: the cult that Hijacked the World
Video series produced by THE Anti Corruption Society
Some who do not do this will get remedy to throw many off.

Another, Vick, we’ve found is that every time they establish a new covenant. I have one of these in honor and adding to the original Talmud covenant they burn and murder by fire a lot of people. What is the purpose of that? To worship Moloch. That is where we get the word immolate from the holocaust, the burnt offering of animals. So you discover all these periods in history when these events occur and around the event and because of the event there is some major, major act that takes place. For example when the Cestui Que Vie Act was introduced which introduced the legal concept how the trust was to work and we call it the ESTATE. Yea. The estate. The concept of estate is that when a man or woman is effectively dead. Yea? Legally. you can’t have a living thing in a trust, it has to be dead. It is probate. Right? So, what the registry at vital statistics does is as soon as he does the BC he declares the baby dead. Unless, that’s why it is a notice of protest in blue. That’s why Birth Certificates are in blue. It is saying …Its also why the Birth Certificate is usually not issued immediately with a live birth record. It is issued sometime after. Because what they are sdoing is aying we haven’t heard from the baby so we are writing a notice of protest in dishonor. And then after 7 years the registrar can then say well I didn’t hear from the baby after 7 years. The baby must be dead. That means any CESTUI QUE VIE TRUST is lawful and the lien that is placed on the Cestui Que Vie Trust is lawful. And any money that is created from the Maritime lien which has been approved, monetized, MARITIME BILS OF EXCHANGE can be issued. Unlike Agricultural Bills of Exchange which we call commercial, a maritime bill of exchange, because the lien makes the acceptor already accept the lien. Once it is monetized the ecclesiastical nature of a Maritime lien means the Bills of Exchange cannot be refused. It is actually a dishonor and a criminal act to refuse a Maritime Bill of Exchange under their system. We know them as US Federal Reserve notes.
They are more powerful than gold. See with gold you can haggle, but you cannot haggle over a Maritime Bill of Exchange. You have to accept them at face value. So, the reason they got rid of the gold standard was Maritime Bills of Exchange are far better and far more useful than gold. They are guaranteed by the lien. Who is holding the lien? The trustee of the bankruptcy. So every country who was bankrupt since 1933 by the BIS. The BIS (Bank of International Settlements) was founded with 1.6 trillion dollars worth of gold. It’s actually listed in plain sight they tell everybody that it was founded with 1.6 TRILLION dollars worth of gold. They just added Swiss gold franks now. The Swiss have never minted 1.6 Trillion worth of Swiss gold franks ever. What they are saying is the total stores of gold at the Vatican which is the largest private stores in the world underwrite the BIS. And what they are not telling you is they say this gold came together from England, Germany and other places. Well you know these countries never had that volume of gold. They never disclose their volume of gold. It was brought into play through a large group of private shareholders that have a direct tie into the Vatican and remain the shareholders of the BIS today. That part I was aware of. Were you aware of that? Yea. I do not know who the parties are but that 1.6 Trillion Dollars. Well the reserve banks are only members. The private shareholders, they hide them in plain sight. You know who they are? They are the Knights of Malta. OK. [part of a network of ‘Luciferian freemasonry] . So the knights of Malta are an order of the Catholic Church. It’s the most open order of the Catholic Church. It admits Protestants and Jews. Not that I’ve seen any Moslems in it. But I’m sure they even accept Moslems. Any head of state that comes onboard becomes a Knight of Malta. Every FBI director has been a Knight of Malta. Every CIA director has been a Knight of Malta, every treasurer has always been a Knight of Malta, every President since Roosevelt has been a Knight of Malta. But it can all be validated. It’s like there’s nothing in there that is untrue or trying to establish a position that can’t be validated. Its all facts. Its all trying to establish there was a solid underpinning to it. But the gold was a ruse. The gold just got into a position of bankruptcy control. And then what the BIS did was put these reserve banks in place of the trustees. So the liens are held by the trustees. So the Federal Reserve is the trustee. [Federal Reserve Washington D.C. A private corporation] of the multiple time bankrupt corporations of the United States. Now every time there is a bankruptcy, what they do is they roll the previous bankrupted corporation under a new fresh company. A new fresh corporation. So think of it as onions. Yea? Yep. So every time they do that it makes it harder to get out of bankruptcy, Right? Because if you are under multiple bankruptcies, you have to get out of the first, the second, and the third. Its like a hole. So in the case of America now its been bankrupt at least 4 or 5 times. That means that we are buried 5 times into that corporation. And every time, what they are doing it is just another giant massive curse also managed by the trustees being the Federal Reserve. Back to the BIS. What we found is too of all the Maritime Bills of Exchange currencies only one is given Ecclesiastical Superiority. And by ecclesiastical superiority I mean a form of money that is still produced in a religious ceremony. Right? Yes. We know blue is the color of ecclesiastical notices of dishonor, Right? It’s also a color that denotes the sea. The sea of souls. Aqua in fact the color. The spiritual force. Now when they print US dollars the paper they print it on is blue, it starts out as blue. Right? Then when they apply yellow to it, it becomes green. Yellow is the symbol of the Phoenicians. The aqua is the symbol of sea. And when the yellow and the aqua are applied you are talking about Maritime. It is called Aqua Marine. Yea? Yea. And then the red. The symbol of the red is the Talmud Covenant. It is back to the Talmud Covenant. The red because it is the blood covenant. There is only one blood covenant. In Christianity we think it is the sacrifice of Jesus. The Talmud [the Jewish sacred text] has always known it is just them putting it up as a false signal.The covenant that they base it on is the covenant of the chosen people. You’ve heard that before, the chosen people? Yep. Well it is the chosen people of Moloch. Right? , The chosen people of Satan. A lot of Christians out there will have a different take on that. This is the problem. The Rabbi knows this. So, they’ve sold the lies. That’s why they laugh. Because people have been sold the lie and believe it. That the Red symbolizes the Talmud Covenant. Whenever you see the numbers in red it is back to the primary covenant. You know? By the way if I can just interject there. Do you know about the United States public law 102-14? Not off the top. I’ve read a lot of them, but quiet a while ago. OK that one is entitled The Education Act. It was passed in 1991 by the Bush. Anyway it declares that all US law is based on the Talmud. Is that news to you? [Noahide laws for non-Jews]. No it is not actually. Anyway it goes on to say that its an education that’s Talmudic or the 7 Noahide Laws are to be applied to gentiles in the United States. It doesn’t explain what the punishment is for violating the Noahide Laws. But it makes a statement. You can find it on the Internet 102-14. Anyway what it is doing is its getting back to the Talmudic jurisdiction with the original blood oath. That’s where the first covenant is at. And they do have jurisdiction. They do. My dad always told me the Talmud is not a good book. The interesting thing. This is something I was saying to Gerald and I’ve said to the guys thinking that when you hear the word covenant what they don’t tell you is that a covenant is a binding agreement. So it’s a contract. A binding contract. Yep. [Contract= binding contract] And you cannot enter a contract. You know under the oldest laws, you got the Hematite, Ryan, all these laws. You cannot enter a contract unless it is a contract of equals. Yep. So what they teach Christians is that they say there is a sacred contract. Right? They teach Christians that you can’t enter a contract unless you are equal. Right. So when a covenant is claimed and it can’t be demonstrated as equal then it can’t be a valid contract. [ONLY EQUALS CAN ENTER INTO CONTRACTS!] it’s a false covenant. Right? It is a false binding agreement. The most famous passage of Talmud. You probably heard this, When the Rabbi argued with god and won. [The Talmud ‘claims a covenant was made with Moloch!!] A famous passage by the King of Israel, the founder of the covenant: it says the Rabbi argued with god (in this case it is with Moloch-Satan and won the argument. So the passage is one of the most esoteric of the Talmud . its regarded as one of the most important of the Talmud. But its reason for existence is the argument is one of jurisdiction. And why they claim that the covenant with Moloch is valid is that under this argument the rabbi argued that they demonstrate such evil upon the earth [not published-but this is the effect of it] if they unleash such evil upon the earth, they establish rule upon the earth. As judges of the earth. Then they are equal to Moloch in the underworld. So it’s a valid covenant in their eyes. So long as they continue to perform evil, and they sacrifice. OK, that explains a lot right there doesn’t it? It does. But there was a maturing agreement in the covenant which was at the end of the covenant (or at a point of time in the covenant) that they (these are the Rabinical Zionist crew, have to sacrifice themselves. And of course they haven’t. Instead, what we see in the 20th century which was signified as the maturing of this covenant. They substituted others instead of themselves and the figure that was interpreted by their most senior rabbi in sacrifice of themselves which they used as substitute was the figure 6 Million. Six Million? Six Million. They interpreted that from their prophesy that they had to sacrifice 6 million of their own in order to remain in honor with the covenant. Now people think of the figure 6million in WWII of course. Right? Yep. Yet they tried it in WWI and it didn’t wash. They claimed that 6 million Jewish German soldiers had been killed in WWI. And they made big announcements in NY about it. People said it was just propaganda and crap. So they decided not to push it any further. [in many countries questioning the official story is illegal!! Many people have been imprisoned]. The figure was very strongly pushed after WWII to say that 6 million Jews had been murdered in the holocaust. The Holocaust means a burnt sacrificial offering to a god of animals. [ the call began to break up during the discussion of ‘holocaust’ sacrifices] Well in sacrifices two things to know: from the time of the Roman Cult Popes that were Phoenicians that were killing people like the Kantars, they were getting prophesy from them when they were burning them. And when they were burning them, it is such an excruciating painful way to die that the soul is then given up to Moloch. So it becomes part of the energy of Moloch. That would make Moloch happy then wouldn’t it? No. turns out not really. Turns out not really? Well yes. In the sense that well OK, The challenge for them is that the cosmology is extremely basic. For example they recognize that there has been supernatural forces in existence for a long time, but it has never really occurred to them where those spiritual forces come from. So if you have a super human spirit, where did it come from? Was it made of energy, was it because of the collective belief, was it because of some alien existed prior to the Samaritans also called Phoenicians and Carthaginians. To these people they didn’t really care. Their interest was, how do we establish an argument of power. They weren’t into anything deeper than that. The cosmology has always been shallow. They were traitors. To them it was all about argument, legalize, position and control. It was never about completion, synergy, they are into prophecy, but again it shows how shallow they are. They would rather be told something by a dying man or woman on a stake than spend 20 years studying history to come up with something themselves. Yep. So it is a real mindset of these people and it is why they build the big houses and have parties and you know take drugs. Because really to them it is not the long path, it is the short path.[Rothschild Estate Waddesdon Manor] In all of this its you know senses and say you that a lot of stuff gets spoken about Chinese war philosophy. But I think one truth is” to know thy enemy” is extremely important. [the synagogue of Satan-is the history of the house of Rothschild’s and central banking] And its one of the missing pieces in moving forward in the truth movement. It is not the appreciation of walking in the shoes and understanding the mind of the enemy. I think that is why sadly a lot of actions are done without full faith. Take the Jesuits for example, people don’t understand who the Jesuits are. Or the Roman Cult. People who have been in power since the time of Peter. When in reality they only took power across the 11th century. There’s a lot of things that are coming to the fore now that are tools that we can use to physically address, tackle, position, out position these people. I just mentioned one thing the Roman Cult. [the cult that hijacked the world by Henry Makow, PhD.] When I described the taking over by the Lombardy pagan satanic families that used the Pontifics Maximus Title and the history to out position the Franks and the Saxons that gave life back to Rome through opposition to Constantinople. I call them the roman cult. I don’t call them the Roman Catholic Church, because if we say the Catholic Church is corrupt, you may get a few to agree but have some that might get upset because they are Catholic or they know someone who is. They don’t feel it is fair to basically slander everyone because of a few priests. But if you say Roman Cult we are not talking about a Catholic. We are talking about a small group of people who know exactly what they are doing.
Back to what we were saying before about understanding what happens in the court, , and the concept of how to establish standing immediately, clearly, You know threes been millions of words that have been produced on the internet about how to tackle tax and other issues. But, in many cases it is about fluff, about misdirection. It is getting back to exactly what’s going on. So When you look at the definitions that are in the legal dictionary, they tell you that when you walk in, one of the legal maxims is: one who does not establish their rights has none!. If you don’t establish standing in court, you have no standing. They tell us and yet people still think that if they put paperwork into a clerk that is somehow how you establish standing. It doesn’t. You must stand and say: YOUR HONOR, I AM A LIVING BEING, THE FLESH LIVES, THE BLOOD FLOWS. I ASK HUMBLY FOR REMEDY.
If the judge doesn’t want to give you remedy he runs out as we described and re-establishes their honor by coming back into the court. The court will immediately transform into m being a Maritime court from being a court of the BAR Society. And he will continue as if nothing happened. You have to re-establish again; YOUR HONOR I WISH TO RESTATE, I AM A LIVING BEING, THE BLOOD FLOWS, THE FLESH LIVES. The judge will freak out then. Because you have done that and you say I HUMBLY ASK FOR CURE AND MAINTENANCE. Your honor I ask for cure and maintenance not remedy because it is a Maritime Court now. That will really freak out the judge. If it is a federal judge, and he really wants to put you in prison, he will run out again to re-=establish honor, he comes back in for the third and final time. He can’t do it anymore. You say YOUR HONOR I AM A LIVING BEING, THE BLOOD FLOWS, THE FLESH LIVES. WE ARE SOVEREIGN AND NOTHING STANDS BETWEEN MYSELF AND THE DIVINE. And as the judge has now positioned himself as a priest under Canon Law, that’s it. Game over. But in that simple, simple process because they have fed so much garbage out to people there is thousands and thousands of people that have gone to prison because they thought they were doing the remedy and they wonder why in the world it is still railroaded through. Well if this is the
basis of what they are doing it sure makes sense exactly what is going on and why people won’t get the remedy and they look at it like gambling. They let the odd person win so they keep coming back for more. And other people get the sense that they can win. But the percentages are very small but it keeps the business in the courts going anyhow. Like it does in a casino. That’s right, it is a casino and they are making money off it as you know. there making money every time someone goes to jail. Sell the bond, make the money.

Credits and Resources .org
Frank Collins
The bankruptcy of America – 1933
Andrew Hitchcock
The Synagogue of Satan
Henry Makow
The Illuminati: the Cult that Hijacked the World
Video produced by
The AntiCorruption Society

death by guillotine so organs can be donated.
Getting back to Talmudic jurisdiction with original blood oath. That is where the first covenant (= binding contract) is at. They do have jurisdiction. . And you cannot enter it unless you are equal. So when a covenant is claimed , and it cannot be demonstrated as equal then it cannot be a covenant. it is a false covenant. A false binding agreement. The most famous passage of the Talmud is when the Rabbi argued with

Our standing in court and our rights in law are up to our knowledge of what was just revealed.
One who does not establish their legal rights has none first appearance in BAR (Ba ba ) court; establish standing ; your honor, I am a living being, the flesh lives, the blood flows.. I ask humbly for emedy if judge does not wish to give remedy he will run out of court and re-enter to establish his honor. Then you re-establish your standing; your honor, I am a living being, the blood flows, the flesh lives, I humbly ask for cure and maintenance. (now a maritime court) . if a federal judge wants to put you
in prison he will run out again. To re-establish honor he will come back in for third and last time. Your honor I wish to establish that I am a living being, the blood flows the flesh lives. We are sovereign and nothing stands between myself and the divine. Now that he has established himself as a priest under canon law that’s it. Game over.

By these statutes. It’s their Macavalean system all over again. To gain some more concepts of how rhe church or the people of Ur are in control just consider these corporate court judges are supposed to have taken an oath from the judicial department to uphold the constitution to the best of their ability. Yet the laws are written by the legislative department. The U.S. legislature who writes these statutes have given authority to the court system to try only cases involving individuals under contracts with each other. Since contracts are the basis and outside the law, tthese courts have no authority to work within the law system. The judges can only administer trusts and contracts. Their oaths to uphold the statutes are administered by the Cardinal Bishops of the church dioces they are in. a person can only be charged for disobeying a criminal statute if there is a statute that states the penalty for breaking that statute. There is no penalty statute that addresses this situation. All courts are civil courts, not criminal courts. When a judge finds a person guilty of a crime, he sentences that person to a prison sentence of so many years. This time is set by a commission, not a governmental agency. When the judge sentences the man he tells him you will serve 50 years, but to be more just we will only hold you for 30 years if you sign this plea of guilty and promise not to challenge this finding. Who wouldn’t sign? But by doing so you have just accepted the sentence. As the past supreme court justice Rorack said all men in prison today are there voluntarily. That statement removed him from the supreme court. The city councils in the city corporations assign certain aspects of their duties to commissions to keep the politics out of the press so the people cannot make them accountable. I have sat in a courtroom where the judge was grilling the defendant to answer that his plea was not coerced from every angle he could pose the question. It is on tape. Yet his signature is not a contract therefore RECISSION of signature for release from prison is viable and should be done as soon as we have enough people who will be willing to help with the paperwork or with the lawful requirement for all judges who have sentenced (unilaterally tricked into signing) defendants into signing should do this work themselves and make sure when the prisoner is released that prisoner will have access to the prison bond and the bond the judge holds in the proper name of the releasee. This is all evil and the judges should face their karma and do their job according to the other side of the Talmud they work under. All is ecclesaiatic and therefore Talmud. This is my first objective, that of freeing those who were tricked into confessing whether literally guilty or not. One who committed a murderous crime should have been tried in a common law court. The statute courts fight for the right to try murder cases because they cannot lose. BUT, they have to use a statute to do it. this is where they gurantee their winfall profits. All volunteers who visit prisoners such as KAIROS, ACTYS, and KOLBY should realize they are working for the system of corporate entities and keeping the prisoners “Religiously HAPPILY” in their cells. Together we can be a force to reckon with and then we need to convert lawyers and attorneys to do their job in the guise of truth and justice. Remember it all comes down from rthe church which in turn it comes down from the Jesuits, the original 13 ET families, controlling us with our help. We are compartmentally educated for governmental jobs in their schools which only teach each department what it needs to konow for PROCEDURES to carry out the conscious thinking. Remember it is our subconscious mind that carries out the ego thoughts programmed by these elites. We actually believe in ourselves as peace keepers. But we are in essence CHAOS keepers.

They tend to tell us what they plan to do, but we have to listen and circumvent their plan. In this next video we will see in their economic laws requirinf remedy, wew have fallen short. But their rulews have them backed into a corner and if we put on our pointed toe cowboy boots wew kick them in their corner like any other slimy, repulsive cockroach.

Federal Reserve Act of 1913 — Your REMEDY under the Common Law

I’’m David Merrill and I’d like to speak for a moment about the Federal Reserve Act written in 1913 and the remedy found therein and how to apply it today. It’s important to understand why the remedy had to be written into the Federal Reserve Act. To look at that we look at the description in the title of an act to provide for the establishment of Federal Reserve Banks to furnish an elastic currency to afford means of rediscounting commercial paper and so on. The important part for us to focus on in this short video is to furnish an elastic currency to understand the authority behind remedy in the ”United States of America” we should look back to 1789 the Judiciary Act and read saving to suitors in all cases the right of a common-law remedy where the common law is competent to give it this savings suitors Clause of 1789 also allows for the exclusive original cognizance by Congress and by the United States government of all seizures on my end. Therefore Congress was required to write the remedy from elastic currency into section 16 of the ”Federal Reserve Act” they shall be redeemed in gold on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States, or in gold or lawful money at any Federal Reserve Bank.However reading section 16 carefully the remedy from central banking reveals that Federal Reserve notes are for reserve banks if you have Federal Reserve notes in your wallet in other words you’re considered a reserve bank to restate remedy, One could quit being a Reserve Bank by redeeming lawful money with the Federal Reserve notes corporate powers, are defined in the Federal Reserve Act upon the filing of such certificate with comptroller or the currency as aforesaid the said Federal Reserve Bank shall become a body corporate and as such shall have the power to have ”succession” for a period of twenty years from its organization unless it is sooner dissolved by an act of Congress, and on so do the math from (1913 to 1933), was 20 years all these Reserve Bank’s people with Federal Reserve notes in their pockets and their wallets and their pillows under their mattresses. Whatever in their bank accounts they wanted to get their Federal Reserve notes redeemed in 1933 for gold or gold certificates like the United States notes lawful money inelastic currency because the nature of Federal Reserve notes is elastic currency.The Federal Reserve Banks had been producing far more notes than they had gold and gold certificates, redeemable in gold to return ”Franklin Delano Roosevelt” formerly governor of New York quickly came to the banker’s rescue. He declared the banker’s holiday to make sense of legal tender versus lawful money one has to understand that the Constitution of the United States of America speaks about money in two distinct places. No State shall make anything but gold and silver coins a tender in payment of debts and the other power is to Congress to coin money regulate the value, thereof and of foreign coins and fix the standard of weights and measures considering these two clauses in the context intended by the founding fathers the United States of America, is not to have fiat currency and it didn’t have fiat currency between ”1789 and 1861” that’s when there was an extraordinary occasion according to President Lincoln. Here’s what I’m going to have to warn you that I’m skipping a lot of history about emergencies in America. But on March 28 1861 the emergency began and it’s still in place today. Parts of the emergency ended in the late 70s 1970s but in the stipulations. At the end of this act from Congress we find that the trading with the enemy Act Title 12 sections 95A and so forth about the banker’s holiday remain in full force and effect meaning that under this same emergency, a banker’s holiday can be called at any time by the secretary or the president this is a critical point to remember if you’re considering applying remedy today because they’ve kept the ability to make a banker’s holiday they’ve kept the ability to keep a banker’s holiday in case all you reserve bankers with Federal Reserve notes private credit in your pockets decide to redeem lawful money. At the same time that’s a bank run bankers holidays are for bank runs if you’re following this evidence that remedy is still in place logically you should be wondering what happened after 1933 in 1934 the wording was changed to accommodate the gold seizure of FDR section 16 of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was codified into title 12 section 411, and it’s been there ever since it was changed in 1933 to read the Federal Reserve notes shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States. And so forth now since then many a patriot has marched into a Federal Reserve Bank with Federal Reserve notes demanding gold or silver coins some sort of substance some sort of lawful money according to that Patriots rendition of what the Constitution reads and because of such Patriots, it’s become impossible to even get into the lobby of a Federal Reserve Bank. Under such a demand I think it’s important to explain clearly that due to the saving to suitors Clause of 1789 Congress cannot take away remedy, Congress had to leave remedy in place so we have to examine inelastic currency United States notes the amount of United States currency notes outstanding and in circulation may not be more than three hundred million dollars and may not be held or used for reserve what this means is the amount of United States currency notes outstanding and in circulation is fixed the amount of the United States.Notes in circulation cannot be expanded upon through fractional lending.This is the difference between elastic currency and inelastic currency.For some insight into what the courts think of redeeming lawful money let’s, listen to the Ninth Circuit Court, although Golden Eagles double eagles and silver dollars were lovely to look at and delightful to hold holder of $50.Federal Reserve Banknote although entitled to redeem his note was not entitled to do so in precious metal would you listen to that the justices of the Ninth Circuit admit this gentleman was entitled to redeem his notes saving to suitors in all cases the right of a common-law remedy where the common law is competent to give.It’s wise for the justices of the Ninth Circuit not to stand between people and their remedy by law sadly by the verbiage we can deduce that this gentleman did not know about the emergency. Since 1861 and did not know about the gold seizure in 1933 at least he wasn’t acknowledging it in law whereas the Ninth Circuit justices do know about the history of America for example here’s an informed opinion from the Attorney General of the state of Michigan in my opinion. Therefore, US Constitution article 1 section 10 does not require the state of Michigan to pay its debts or receive payment for debts exclusively in either gold or silver coins. It is further my opinion that the state may not require the payment of private debts exclusively in either gold or silver coins since Congress long possesses and exercises this Authority. Therefore one should pay attention only to how Congress defines lawful money in the exercise of that power Congress has declared that Federal Reserve notes are legal tender and are redeemable in lawful money.In a similar case, United States notes shall be lawful money and the legal tender in payment of all debts public and private, within the United States except for duties on imports and interest on the public debt attorneys in black robes are trained to give opinions that make it sound as though. They have the authority to define lawful money. I just told you the definition by Congress and it’s from, This case defendant argues that Federal Reserve notes in which he was paid were not lawful money within the meaning of Article 1 section 8 United States Constitution. We have held to the contrary in the United States verse where we find no validity in the distinction which the defendant draws between lawful money and legal tender.You see Gary Rickman endorsed his paychecks and by doing so he bonded his substance behind the fractional lending or the elastic currency, therefore, the elastic currency or legal tender is as good as lawful money it’s bonded now back to the citation money is a medium of exchange. Legal tender is money that the law requires a creditor to receive in payment of an obligation the aggregate of the powers granted to Congress by the ”Constitution” includes broad and comprehensive authority over revenue finance and currency in the exercise of that our Congress has declared that Federal Reserve notes are legal tender and are redeemable in lawful money. That’s what Gary Rickman did; this explains the frustration of so many Patriots going into the bank. With Federal Reserve notes demanding lawful money for them, they walk in with the admission they’ve already endorsed private credit because they are walking in with admitted Federal Reserve notes. It’s not lawful money, it’s not the United States notes in the form of lawful money they’re coming in with Federal Reserve notes. Private credit demanding Federal Reserve notes lawful money but they’ve already accrued the tax liability.They’ve already endorsed private credit because the limitation of the exemption on the income tax / Coinage is only $1,000, I’m only going to touch upon that light coins do not say that they are Federal Reserve tokens they say that, their coins are equivalent to US dollars to this recent asset. A report from the Federal Reserve Board to Congress reveals the situation of gold since the late 1970s.Financial ministers all around the world in amending the Bretton Woods agreements accepted France and America’s decision to go from the fixed exchange rate of gold. The US dollar is domestic to the US dollar foreign to a floating exchange rate. Special Drawing Rights SDRs are often called paper gold and here we see that the gold in the United States United Nations. IMF trust fund is still earmarked 42.2 $2 per ounce this should pique the interest of anybody who’s bought and sold gold because the spot today is nearly a thousand dollars per ounce wouldn’t that be nice to find one window where you could buy gold at forty-two and sell it another window at about a thousand dollars that would crash the windows that would crash the difference between the US dollar and the Federal Reserve Note. However, I intend to conclude this point about coins the same coins for quarters for instance divided equally into US dollars as they divide into Federal Reserve notes. There’s a discrepancy in the physical metaphysics of the value of the coins.Congress has stretched the metaphysics of the Federal Reserve notes and the United States notes to the point where if you were to tender the United States notes they could be accepted at the same face value as Federal Reserve notes about a twenty to one discrepancy. Since 1933 when the remedy was fresh on people’s minds and they threatened a bank run by threatening to redeem lawful money instead of Federal Reserve notes, So very few people have been redeeming lawful money in the form of United States notes that on January 21st, 1971 the Treasury decided to quit putting more United States notes into circulation simply because nobody was demanding lawful money instead of private credit from the Fed Federal Reserve notes. Consider if you endorse private credit from the Fed with your paycheck by signing the back without any restrictive or non-endorsement verbiage you’ve just accepted private credit from the Fed instead of lawful money.If you’d like to truly own a piece of property you have to purchase it you have to buy it, you have to pay for it in lawful money you can’t pay for it in private credit without having an obligation or a residual first lien upon that property by whoever you got the private credit from in finding a remedy. It’s critical to understand the distinction between discharging debt and buying something. if you buy something you own it in a low item which means you use lawful money to purchase it. If you discharge debt there’s still an obligation that resides in that item many well-intentioned Patriots fall into the mental trap of thinking the notice of federal tax lien is part of carrying out the lien it’s not part of perfecting the lien at all.It’s a notice to third parties that the lien is already cured the liens are already cured because the Treasury had the first lien and don’t be fooled by a comic book designed so 10-year-olds can understand fractional lending the Fed takes you in your substance bonding. This increase in the elastic currency is as serious as a heart attack; the law simply states the remedy is simple. The Federal Reserve notes shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand ok.So that’s all there is to it I found a fella on the internet doing it with this verbiage above his signature on the reverse side and this works rather well with tellers they don’t quite understand it so they quickly give you your fund’s lawful money the United States notes in the form of Federal Reserve notes. However many people have found this direct approach works much better.This intrepid suitor filed the libel of review in admiralty in the United States district courts using lawful money he kept track of the bills see there was the bank notary authorizing both the bills and his true name. Congress keeping wartime provisions through the trading with the enemy act for a bankers holiday sometime in the future may not be proof enough to convince you reading from Juilliard verse Greenman the backbone case of the legal tender cases following the War Between the States providing that notes of the United States issued during the War of rebellion under acts of Congress declaring them to be legal tender and payment of private debts shall be reissued and kept in circulation.The important point to get is that Congress has never enacted any legislation to take the United States notes out of circulation at the beginning, I showed you the title 31 united states code Section (5 1 1 5) defining the United States notes to be inelastic interestingly in 1982. Congress made another revision to that same section in the section the words United States currency notes are substituted for the United States notes for clarity and consistency in the revised title remember that the Constitution grants the power to remove the United States notes from circulation only to the Congress not to the Treasury. Let’s pretend though for a moment that the Treasury does have the authority to listen to this wording carefully United States notes serve no function that is not already adequately served by Federal Reserve notes, as a result, the Treasury Department stopped issuing United States notes and none have been placed into circulation since January 21st, 1971. The Treasury has not removed the United States notes from circulation rather for all intents and purposes Federal Reserve notes function adequately as inelastic currency. The United States notes when they’re not endorsed it’s interesting to note that is hundreds maybe even thousands of Americans started redeeming lawful money from their paychecks.Congress escalated the frivolous filing penalty from $500 to $5,000 a frivolous positions memorandum was issued to all IRS agents the memorandum itemized quite a few various frivolous positions but for which the taxpayer could be penalized this new $5,000 fine items 11 and 12 come close to the redeeming lawful money issue for.Reserve notes are not taxable income when paid to a taxpayer because they are not gold and silver and may not be redeemed for gold or silver twelve in a transaction using gold and silver coins.The value of the coins is excluded from income or the amount realized in the transaction is the face value of the coins and on but neither one of these is redeeming lawful money pursuant to title 12 Section 411 at the end of the memorandum summarized it says returns or submissions that contain positions not listed above which on their face have no basis for validity and existing law or which have been deemed frivolous in a published opinion of the United States Tax Court or another court of competent.Jurisdiction may be determined to reflect a desire to delay or impede the administration of federal tax laws and thereby subject to the $5,000 penalty well as I’ve shown title 12 section 411 is the existing law in the Ninth Circuit Court opinion supports that Federal Reserve notes may be redeemed at any time in lawful money in debating with the tax attorney in an Internet chat room the tax attorney pointed out to me that the employee agrees to handle Federal Reserve notes and private credit, from the Fed when filling out the w-4 or the 1099 form. By providing that information that’s the agreement okay I agree. Our hypothetical employee is a Federal Reserve Bank handling private credit as intended by the 1913 Federal Reserve Act that’s what remedy is provided for that’s who the remedy is provided for now our hypothetical employee is on his way home from work and he drops into his boss’s bank to cash his five hundred dollar paycheck he still has the option to redeem lawful money and get out of private reserve banking. I produced a video along these lines about a year ago and was chatting on a website called to restore the Republic by Aaron Russo started before he died, of course, he’s the producer of a movie called America freedom to fascism. Today a member made a comment there that I thought was worth sharing. We must stop the Federal Reserve before our nation is completely destroyed. code states that all Federal Reserve notes can be redeemed at any Federal Reserve Bank for lawful money. This is a fact I proposed to all the members of our TR to start today talk to everyone they know and get a copy of this section of the US code. The details of the redemption of Federal Reserve notes in lawful money go on and you can pause if you’d like to read this entire comment, my point being in conclusion, It’s not a legal determination that’s up to the Treasury. The treasurer the Secretary of the treasurer the bank teller or the bank notary this is a decision to demand lawful money that’s up to you by remedy.You’re the one who makes the choice a woman in a small Maine Bank had the bank manager demand that she strikes through the restricted endorsement as was called up. There she was a single mom; her demand was clear and witnessed by the notary of the bank the following week. She handwrote a simple demand for lawful money and it worked fine. I heard that the next week she had trouble again the banks are a little bit confused about how to do the accounting on this non-endorsement this redemption of lawful money the bank attorneys become very concerned when they realize that they cannot fractionally lend on the funds that have been withdrawn or deposited in this case.One fella had a rubber paycheck from his employer who didn’t have funds to cover it and he deposited it well they had to return the instrument to this fellow and when they did they had torn the non-endorsement Burbage off the end of the check hiding the fact that they had counterfeited money off of his funds because they fractionally leaned upon it without a bond he had not assured them that his substance and everything he owned was on first-lien by the Treasury. As a bond behind the extra inelastic currency, an employee paid periodically dropping by his boss’s bank where he does not have an account is the simplest scenario to understand the redemption of waffle money. If you can understand that scenario and your right to demand lawful money in that it’s nobody else’s legal determination then you can add it to signature cards and withdrawal slips and so forth the more complicated scenario of the posting member on the restore. The Republic site was speaking specifically about ordering up a certified copy of title 12 Section 411 by calling seven one nine five to 0, 6,200 and asking for reception number two, zero, seven, zero one, five, nine, three, two filed.On February 5th, 2007 like-minded suitors redeeming lawful money were meeting in Colorado Springs. I was at a meeting and a fella came from Denver he’d been redeeming lawful money on his signature card with his bank he’d altered the signature card for the authorizing signature to redeem lawful money on every transaction they called him under false pretenses saying his wife had trouble with her account so he went into the bank and then found out that they were telling him we’re closing down your accounts unless you change it back so he changed back because he needed the accounts what we did is we got him a certified copy of this from the County.Clerk and recorder in Colorado Springs and then he took it up to Denver showed it to them and they allowed him to redeem lawful money on his account by signature card again they allowed him to change it back this suitor is a state employee in California. He retroactively Lee got refunds from the state for two years by simply declaring in effect if I’d known in good faith I could have been redeeming lawful money I would have been doing so for these past two years now. We have the possibility of refunds on withholdings that is to say if an employee has withholdings sent to the IRS during the year he could get a full refund by redeeming lawful money simply by proving that he’d been redeeming lawful money all year long which is to say if he showed that refund check to his boss might discontinue withholding because the IRS had been unlawful. Using the interest on all those funds during that year before he got his refund this is where it’s wise to wonder if America’s shifted over to paper gold or Special Drawing rights then isn’t it patriotic to continue paying the income tax and continue subjecting yourself to be the chattel bonding the money supply. The comment you’re reading is found in the State Department bulletin in late 1975 from the undersecretary of the Treasury cats and what he’s talking about is a preamble to the secret Jamaica Ram buoy Accord between France and America piggybacked on the amendments of the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1976. This is when we went over to Special Drawing Rights, a basket of currencies, a fictional basket of currencies between five exemplary nations originally between 23 nations I believe but it’s long since been between five exemplary nations where the conditioning to endorse private credit as the only option is prevalent. The CIA Offers accurate and current information about macroeconomics all around the world this is probably no surprise to see China at the top nearly four hundred billion dollars in the black then it might not surprise you among the 200 or so nations listed United States is in the bottom nearly eight hundred billion dollars in the red.There are of course a lot of factors to consider about import and export account deficits etc but remember that America started the SDRS back in 1975. Looking at China’s information in the middle of the paragraph after keeping its currency tightly linked to the US dollar for years China in July 2005 revalued its currency by 2.1 percent against the US dollar and moved to an exchange rate system that references a basket of currencies that’s special drawing rights SDRs, regardless of what you might think of Ron Paul the American people have stated.What they think of the Federal Reserve by simply endorsing private credit thereof I think Ron Paul should be commended however for putting legislation before Congress on at least two occasions to abolish the Fed with virtually no constituency these of course flopped.The moment he quit talking about him they didn’t make it till the next morning because there’s no constituency America loves the Fed because America endorses the Fed that’s their vote they vote by signature on the backside of every paycheck the good side of that is they do it by conditioning, can be defeated because conditioning is a state of mind and I hope, I don’t say that hastily because conditioning can also be the most powerful thing to defeat our belief sets are one of our most protected assets an outstanding example of conditioning is. Few Americans will believe what they can see right there on camera watching the Treasury Secret Service driver’s left hand and observing the simple physics, the momentum, and the direction of the bullet as it hits JFK’s head. It may be hard to believe but one construction is the American people killed JFK by supporting private credit and endorsing private credit from the Fed JFK. By executive order was standing up against the Fed before the convention of states in 1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt admits that it’s voluntary to help out he’s pleading to the people to enter their paychecks into these new forms of private credit of the Fed to save the Fed past the 20-year charter expiration in summary.I’d like to paint a picture of the box that you would use to paint a prosecution in the corner on this redeeming lawful money issue simply put, if somebody tells you that you don’t have the right to redeem lawful money you use Title 12 Section 411 and Section 16 of the Federal Reserve Act that’s your remedy that’s the law that says so in its current law if they tell you you’re, doing it incorrectly, then you simply say well, then the burden on you is to show me how it’s done correctly another box to consider is that, if they would argue well you started redeeming lawful money in the first month of 2004 well then you’d simply say okay then you admit that I do have the right to redeem lawful money and things changed. When I started doing so but while you’re establishing the record in a court of equity, to begin with, if I had in good faith known, I could have been redeeming lawful money all along. I would have done so since my first paycheck ever you NOW PLAYING How to Think Ab.

Since everything is a corporation, let us look at their nature and purpose in declaring us also fictional entities for their own enrichment in this next video. It will also show us a history with England kept under wraps:


June 12 2020 ; Queen Elizabeth controls and has amended US social security 1997 number 1778 Social Security United States of America order 1997 made 22nd of July

Don’t let this information alarm you because without it you cannot be free.
June 12 2020 ; Queen Elizabeth controls and has amended US social security 1997 number 1778 Social Security United States of Amedrica order 1997 made 22nd of July 1997 coming into force for September 1997 at the court at Buckingham Palace on 22nd day of July 1997. now therefore Her Majesty and pursuance of section 179 1A and 2 of the SS Security Administration Act of 1992 and all other powers enabling her in that behalf is pleased by and with the advice of her Privy Council to order and is hereby ordered as follows. This order may be cited as the Social Security United States of America order 1997 and shall come into force September 1, 1997. does this give new meaning to: This guy, this Federal Judge, William Wayne Justice saying that in court that he takes his orders from England. That’s true because the whole court system comes out of the inner city of London. The ends of court and they’re here to rule over the Freemasons and the black robes. This order goes on to re-define words in the Social Security Act that makes some changes to the United States law. Remember King George was the arch treasurer and front solicitor of the Holy Roman Empire and See and of the United States of America. If you look at the treaty of peace in 1783. you know there’s still a county in Maryland called Prince George’s County. I mean that’s right in your face. You think they would have changed that. Do You? Kicked him out of the country. It’s the same old story. Great Britan which is the agent for the Pope is in charge of the USA. What people don’t know is that the so-called founding fathers and King George were working hand in hand to bring the people of America to their knees to install a central government over them and to bind them to a debt that could not be paid. First off, you have to understand the United States is a Corporation and that it existed before the Revolutionary War. The United States is not a land mass. It is a Corporation. Now you also have to realize that King George was not just the King of England, he was also the King of France. That’s also in the treaty of peace, US of A statutes at large eighty. On January 22nd, 1783 Congress ratified a contract for the re-payment of 21 loans. The United States had already received dating from February 28, 1778 to July 5, 1782. Now the United States Inc owes the King money which is due January 1st, 1788 from King George via France. King George funded both sides of the Revolutionary War. That’s how they do it. Now the articles of confederation which were declared in force March 1st, 1781 states in article 12 all bills of credit admitted, moneys borrowed and debts contracted by or under the authority of Congress before the assembling of the United States and pursuant to the present confederation shall be deemed and considered a charge against the United States for payment in satisfaction where of said United States and the public faith are hereby solemly pledged. So the articles of confederation acknowledged the debt owed to King George. Now after loosing the Revolutionary War, even though the war was nothing more than a move to turn the people into permanent debtors for the King, the conquest was not yet complete. Now the loans were coming due and so a meeting was convened in Anapolice,Maryland to discuss the economic instability of the country under the articles of confederation. Only 5 states came to the meetig. But there is a call for another meeting to take place in Philadelphia the following year with the express purpose of revising the articles of confederation. On February 24, 1787, congress gave approval of the meeting to take place in Philadelphia on May 14, 1787 to revise the articles of confederation. Something had to be done about the mounting debt. Little did the people know that the so-called founding fathers were going to reorganize the United States because it was bankrupt. On a. It’s funny what’s happening right now, moving into more of an economy restrictive type deal. [and I’m not only going to mention the ugly hypocrisy and about the state sanctioned protesting. It’s so in your face. It’s just so obvious it’s comical. You can’t even get together with ten people in your back yard to have a barbecue, but you can go out with thousands and protest the police on something that looks like based on something that looks like it was completely faked.]. so what is a constitutor? Because to have a constitution you have to have a costitutor. On September 17, 1787 twelve state’s deligates approved the constitution. And the states have now become constitutors. In the Civil law, one who by simple agreement becomes responsible for the payment of another’s debt. Black’s law dictionary sixth edition. The states were now liable for the debt owed to the King. But the people of America were not because they were not party to the constitution because it was never put to them for a vote. On August 4, 1790, an act was passed that was titled “An act making provision for the payment of the debt of the United States. This can be found in 1 US Statutes at large, pages 138-178. This act for all itents and purposed abolished the states and created the districts. If you don’t believe it look it up. The act set up federal districts. In Pensylvania, they have two districts. In this act each district was assigned a portion of the debt. The next step was for the staes to reorganize their governments which most did in 1790. This had to be done because the states needed to legally bind the people to the debt. The original state constitutions were never submitted to the people for a vote. So the governments wrote new constitutioins and submitted them to the people for a vote. Thereby, binding the people to the debts owed to Great Britain. The people became citizens of the state where they resided in an ipso factoed citizen of the United States. A citizen is a fictional member of a fictional entity and it is synonymous with subject. When you think of a state is in reality a corporation, in other words a person. If you live in California, you’re a franchisee. Thay have what’s called the California Franchise Tax Board which is a state tax collection agency. Who you are in reality is a franchisee of a foreign corporation. So if you ‘re in California, you are moonlighting in California, but your main job is with the corporate United States of America. So there are no states, just corporations. Every politic on this earth is a corporation. The corporation is an artificial entity of fiction at law. They only exist in your mind. They are images in your mind. They speak to you. we labor, pledge our property and give our children to a fiction. If you want an in depth look into the nature of these corporatins and to see how you also have been declared a fictional entity, see American law and procedure jurisprudence and legal institutions volume 13 by James DeWitt Andrew , Albany Law school. This book explains In detail the nature and purpose of these corporations. You’ll be stunned at what you read. Article 6 section 1 of the constitution keeps the loans from the King valid. It states, and we’re still paying on it; All debts are contracted and engagements entered into before the adoption of this constitution shall be valid against the United States under this constitutioin as under the confederatin. Another interesting tidbit can be found at article 1 section 8 clause 2 which states that congress has the power to borrow money on the credit of the United States. This was needed for the United States which went bankrupt, first time on January 1, 1788 could borrow money and then because United States were a party to the constitution they would also be liable for it. The next underhanded move was the creation of the United States bank in 1791. this was a private bank of which there were 25,000 shares issued in which 18,000 were held by those in England. The bank loaned the United States money in exchage for securities of the United States. Now the creditors of the United States which included the King wanted to be paid the interest on the loans that were given to the United States. So Alexander Hamilton came up with a great idea of taxing alcohol. The people resisted, so George Washington sent out the militia to collect the tax which they did. This became known as the whiskey rebellion. It is the militia’s duty to collect taxes out of the United States, collect taxes of the people if the peoples are not party to the constitution. The people are slaves. the United States belongs to the founding fathers. Their posterity and Great Britan. America is nothing more than a plantation. It always has been. How many times have you seen someone in court attempt to use the constitution and the judge tells them he can’t, because you’re not a party to it. We are slaves period. If you don’t believe read total Ford Fay and Company V mayor and alder men of the city of Savannah 14 Georgia 438 520 which stares “but in deed no private person has a right to complain by suit in court on the ground of a breach of the constitution. The constitution it is true is a compact but he is not a party to it. Back to the militia. Just read article 1 section 8 clause 15 which states that it is the militia’s job to execute the laws of the union. Now read clause 16 which states that congress has the power to provide for organizing, arming and disciplining the militia and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the Uited States. The militia is not there to protrect you or me. It’s their duty to collect our substance. That’s your police, ladies and gentlemen. They’re policy enforcement agents. They’re here to protect the corporation, extort money from you and arrest code breakers. As you can see, all the constitution did was set up a military government to guard the King’s commerce and make us all slaves. If one goes to 8 US Statutes at large 116 through 132 you’ll find the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation. This treaty was signed November 9, 1794 which was 12 years after the war. Article 2 of the treaty states that the King’s troops were still occupying the United States. Being the nice King that he was, he decided that the troops would return to England. By June 1, 1796 the troops were still on American soil because quite frankly the King wanted them there. They never left. Many people see that it’s all bull shit. They changed the history books. They just give you a fluffy little fun little story then. Many people blame the Jews for our problems, but they too, are no more than part also slaves. Jewish law does not however govern the entire world is found in the US law Manickam Ilan deputy president supreme court of Israel to it everything in the Babylonian Talmud is binding on all Israel. Every town and country must follow all customs, give effect to the decrees and carry out the enactment of the Talmudic sages because the entire Jewish people accept that everything contained in the talmut, the sages who adopted the enactments and decrees instituted the practices, rendered the decisions.


From the Federal Reserve to a New US Republic via Global Currency Reset

From the Federal Reserve to a new US Republic via global currency reset by Judy Byington May 27, 2016 website child abuse produced by higher self. Nearly 450 years ago the Anglo-Saxon world banking system began with the creation of the Vatican historical a search roaster kills today known as the global collateral accounts. These funds of sovereign countries were mainly backed by gold reserves of the ancient Chinese Royal Dragon families certain sovereign families of Asia and Europe had pooled their assets into a series of very complex and secreted all flood your private banking trust or Kellogg’s. The monies were intended for humanitarian projects to help the world for the better, though, had been fraudulently abused by your corrupt global banking system since at least the late 1600s and 1694. This global monetary system overseen by your secreted cabal was being run out of the central bank in England controlled by the Rothschilds family Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild once declared. I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire, the man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire and I controlled the British money supply by the mid to late 1700s, of Eastern Europe. These dark forces had gained complete control of the planets wealth by secretively taking over world. This is through an invisible web of usury and fiat finance. The cabal’s influence upon greedy global leaders led to domination over the world’s military diplomacy, education, science and media systems. In 1871, the cabal created the Corporation of the US to work under orders of the world monetary organizations, international monetary fund, WTO Bank of International settlements North American Union Council on foreign relations committee of 300 and the trilateral commission they discarded the U.S. Constitution manipulated funds of central banks across the globe and eventually formed the US Federal Reserve to continue their plunder of global assets. The privately owned US Inc. US Federal Reserve and US treasury were designed to conform to the dictates of those loyal to Masonic orders such as skull and bones institutions like London’s Crown Temple and the Vatican plus private families of European royalty. The Bilderberg’s George Soros Rothschilds Carnegie’s and Rockefeller’s among their ranks were powerful. Church, government, political education and business people bankers European royals Vatican hierarchy and former Nazi mind control experts brought into the US, Canada and Australia after World War II. Upon formation of the CIA in a greedy quest for power. These global elites were said to attend child exploitation get-togethers in order to blackmail politically powerful participants gain power and privilege, and thus influence world events. These same global elites were known to work with the hazard area and or entering head of Mafia’s drug criminal enterprises extensively involved in drug and gunrunning plus the kidnapping of vulnerable children and youth. Those who kept atrocities on innocent children under wraps. Enjoyed free manipulation of world monetary funds under protection of the Mafia, criminal syndicates, with their dirty money freely laundered through the Vatican Bank since 2012 eye witnesses to this rape, torture, murder, kidnapping and exploitation of children by global elite bankers have testified before the international common law Court of Justice in Brussels. Apparently her criminal syndicate based in Italy regularly supplied indigent children for use in satanically oriented sex abuse and child sacrifice ceremonies. The kidnapping rings work through the Vatican office of Catholic charities Jesuit superior general or US Netherlands and European government and church owned foster daycare and youth detention centers. One of the most horrific examples was the Canadian child genocide see the international tribunal into crimes of church and state had Kevin Annette’s award-winning documentary film unrepentant for three years. Survivor witnesses who went before the six international judges claimed that well-known world leaders regularly sexually abused and killed children in satanic ceremonies. Their unholy rights were directed by what was known as the satanic ninth Circle child sacrifice called the ninth Circle was globally based centuries old and closely tied to the CIA Vatican Nazi Germany European royalty. Prominent world leaders and bankers of the global monetary system. Apparently the rituals layered in pedophilia and child sacrifice were supported by the international monetary fund with monies funneled out of the CIA and further filtered through the Vatican Bank Obama US State Department pedophilia cover up HBO’s Belmar and DynCorp pedophile cover-up Council on foreign relations tied to both HBO and DynCorp. The most influential of their cabal organizations was the privately owned US Federal Reserve, the Fed had functioned as the primary creator of world reserve currency since the 1944 Bretton Woods conference at the end of World War II. The practice of charging US citizens interest for use of their own money depleted US gold reserves to where none existed in Fort Knox and eventually created the petrodollar allowing easy credit soon led to a global economy that functioned on currency that was backed by nothing. The 1999. These are act, the national economic stabilization and recovery act, also known as the national economic security and Reformation act was formed to correct the situation. These are it came about from a 1993 ruling of the US Supreme Court. After 30 years of lawsuits by the farmers Union in that successful suit. The US banking system and US government were found to be in collusion to defraud US citizens. Yet to this day needs are related and in congressional archives collecting dust needs are. By the year 2000, and to avoid a global monetary crisis in urgent need for reset of world currencies became apparent. Beginning in 2007 and running through 2015. All countries of the globe except for the US, had joined asset-backed currency of the newly formed brights alliance brights was an acronym representing the nations of Brazil Russia India China and South Africa. In retaliation to the world’s main reserve currency of the fiat US dollar, the brights system supported a country’s currency through its natural resources, oil, gold, silver, copper and other precious metals. This led to the global currency reset of May 2016 a complicated process concerning a reevaluation of world currencies that included removal of the Federal Reserve and certain global elites along with their has area Mafia from control of the global monetary system. The reset would restore a new US Republic that functioned under knees are a law and within the original Constitution. US citizens would finally be given their own gold back currency along with much-needed changes in the US tax and banking systems. On April 26, 2016 the global currency reset began playing out when China formally launched a return to the gold standard through the brights system. Completion of the GCR rollout across the world was scheduled to occur the latter part of May 2016. By this same time the cabal had bankrupted themselves plus their privately owned US Federal Reserve dollar was no longer being accepted for world trade. The history of that process included formation of the new US Republic integration of the Federal Reserve into the US treasury and changes in the US tax system. Initially, there would be a re-value of 20 different currencies including the Iraqi dinar Vietnamese dog Zimbabwe Sam Indian rugby and Uranian real reevaluation of other world currencies was expected to quickly follow higher exchange rates were made available during the first six days of initial exchanges, especially if a good percentage of monies were dedicated to humanitarian projects. These projects were said funded in part by gold of the Chinese Royal Dragon families and by $800 trillion in US taxpayer monies illegally taken by the Federal Reserve during the Bush administration then confiscated during a 1992 Federal Reserve audit. Another source of funds was $3.8 trillion gain through a negotiated agreement with Soviet Sec. Gen. Mikhail Gorbachev during the fall of the Soviet union. The $3.8 trillion, had also been illegally held by the Federal Reserve. It was also found through an intensive investigation that Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, John Roberts and Pres. Bush Senior had stolen $9.1 trillion of USA taxpayers funds from the U.S. Treasury, the mastermind behind this heist by Roberts and Bush was said to be Henry Kissinger. By midday on Friday, March 21, 2008 John Roberts control of the USA treasury had been terminated by a majority vote of the other USA Supreme Court justices. Three of the assistant justices were discovered to have been conspiring with Bush and Roberts in administering the $9.1 trillion. Treasury theft on Monday, March 31, 2008 federal prosecutor of the United States Department of Justice office of special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald had a team of 177 attorneys working uninterrupted all night at the U.S. Treasury and the US Supreme Court stolen or misapplied funds vastly exceeded America’s gross annual budget during his investigations into the US government wire fraud at the treasury, Fitzgerald stumbled across an altogether larger legal fraud. Washington DC itself had no right in constitutional law to run America. Washington DC was a system of corporate scams constructed to milk the American people without their knowing the United States was not even the United States of America. The data retrieved spelled slow death for the Washington DC ruling class, especially when the U.S. Congress’s long-lost knees or legislation was ruled valid by the US Supreme Court. Knees are a repeated attempts to pay off the US national debt. Using these $800 trillion $3.8 trillion and $9.1 trillion of taxpayer monies illegally held by the Federal Reserve had been continually thwarted by the cabal. At present, the funds were in European bank accounts, awaiting the global currency reset see this soon-to-be released trailer of a documentary about corruption in the Federal Reserve Eagle 121 to there is also a feature documentary film about the US monetary system and its relationship to the cabal CIA 911 which happened as an initial global currency reset was to take place. Presidents Johnson and bushes and the assassination of Pres. Kennedy. Right before Kennedy was murdered he had signed documents which would have closed the Federal Reserve history one. The privately owned US Federal Reserve system started around 450 years ago with creation of a Vatican trust account attached to the generational wealth of several nations this world financial system was set up by and mainly funded through gold of the ancient Chinese Royal Dragon families of Asia to the ancient Chinese Royal Dragon society was an organization of old families within China and Taiwan who operated above the political divide of the two independent Chinese governments, the Chinese held that old family ties and function superseded political arrangements and were inconsequential over the passage of time three Dragon families were said to abstain from any public view and knowledge, but acted for the benefit of the world in coordination with higher levels of the global financial organizations committee of 300 and in particular the private Federal Reserve system for Dragon families had accumulated great wealth with trillions in interest payments still owing in the form of a variety of notes, bonds and certificates that were an obligation of the Federal Reserve system. These bonds had values ranging in the many thousands of trillions of US dollars five in the last decade the Dragon family organization attempted to contribute significant billions of US dollars for the purpose of aiding numerous global humanitarian purposes such as relief during disasters to countries throughout the world including Hurricane Katrina in the United States, earthquakes in Haiti, China and Indonesia. The Chernobyl nuclear disaster rebuilding the Republic of George’s infrastructure, water and energy supply for the Cayman Islands, Bangladesh, and more. Six. In the late 1700s, a group in Eastern Europe known as the cabal began taking control of the global monetary system using fiat or paper currency that was not asset-backed to counter this movement. Some sovereign families of Asia and Europe dominated by the Chinese Royal Dragon families pooled their gold assets into secreted off like your private banking trusts now known as the global collateral accounts or global debt facility seven on the darker side, Switzerland, the home and legal origin of United Nations charters housed cabal organizations of the international monetary fund, WTO and Bank of International settlements the Bank of International settlements in Basel Switzerland controlled all central banks of what was known as the G-7 nations. He who controls the gold rules the world. In the US, the cabal operated monetary system went back to the founding of the United States of American Corporation in 1871 reorganization in 1907 Jekyll Island in 1910 and forming of the privately owned Federal Reserve in 1913, they discarded the U.S. Constitution manipulated funds of central banks across the globe and use the US Federal Reserve to plunder global assets rather than utilizing the monies for their original humanitarian purpose, thereby enriching their own and fellow global elites pockets. The since the US monetary system began. It has been subject to the privately owned US Inc. and US Federal Reserve plus other cabal organizations, including that has Aryan Mafia cabal monies were commonly laundered through the Vatican Bank 10, the US Federal Reserve function under orders of the international monetary fund, WTO Bank of International settlements North American Union Council on foreign relations, trilateral commission and committee of 300 11 this corrupt system was run by political elite secret society members whose allegiance was to masonry, including those initiated into skull and bones or were associated with the sovereign city of London’s crowd, temple, Vatican, high-energy, or in private family such as European royalty. The Bilderberg’s George Soros Rothschilds Carnegie’s and Rockefeller’s 12 the private US Federal Reserve system, which issued fiat US Federal Reserve notes was financially owned and controlled by the crowd temple bar in the independent and sovereign city of London 13 bar stands for British accredited Regency the city of London crowd temple bar also controlled the US judiciary system 14 in the war of 1812 British soldiers had destroyed copies of the titles of nobility amendment because it prevented anyone who had ties to the crown of England from holding public office. US attorneys gave out to the crowd temple bar of England in order to become licensed under practices of the US Bar Association 15, the US Bar Association was owned by the Northern trust company, which eventually also owned as a holding company, the US taxpayer system of the Internal Revenue Service, for all intents and purposes, the IRS and US Bar Association functioned as the same entity under the control of the Vatican and crown of England 16 in the American Civil War 1861 to 1865. Both sides were financed by the crowd temple in London and all subsequent legal and financial settlements were controlled by the crowd temple for the Vatican. 17. Because of this mutual agreement and ties between the Vatican London crowd temple US Bar Association and the IRS. It became important to have Roman Catholics placed in ruling positions in the Washington DC Corporation and at the Supreme Court. After all, American bar attorneys worked for the British accredited registry or British accreditation registry and legally American taxes, treasury and resources were chattels of old Europe. 18 this mess which continue today came about in 1871 when the privately owned United States of American Corporation was secretly and covertly founded for the purpose of controlling the US monetary system. The corporation was simply a privately owned Maritime Corporation out of Puerto Rico using funding of the Royal Dragon families 19 in 1910 at Chico Lila George of the US corporation fraudulently put together this monetary system as an omnipotent fiat dollar making machine among the founders were JP Morgan and National city Bank president Frank a vendor lip shutting use of their last names. The group met at a privately owned railway car in New Jersey 20 by 1913 the secreted organization had become the privately owned and Rothschilds dominated Federal Reserve system that served as the US central bank 21, the US Congress was said to be bought off as they secretly passed the illegal and unconstitutional Federal Reserve act of 1913, a corrupt Pres. Wilson signed it into law. 22. In an act of treason. The U.S. Congress allowed the privately owned Federal Reserve to print the emerging nations physical money for the U.S. Treasury. 23. Under the 1913 Federal Reserve act and the privately owned Fed the Almighty USD quickly spread as a de facto global reserve currency, replacing the British pounds sterling, 24, the Fed alone was allowed to have full global monetary authority over the rest of the world and print as many US dollars as they deemed necessary without any international oversight except to those private families owning the central banking system, 25, the Federal Reserve Bank was not connected to the US government, but composed of a group of privately owned central banks with the main interest of serving the cabal. The central banks acted on behalf of sovereign countries to buy bonds backed by the Chinese Royal Dragon family historical asset trust accounts 26, the Federal Reserve was also a franchise of that has Aryan banking Mafia known as the Rothschild world moneychangers. They were notorious for creating money from nothing and lending it to 98% of the world’s nations in order to receive pernicious usury in exchange 27, the Rothschild has Aryan Mafia bank stirs not only created about 98% of the world money from thin air. They charged interest to those who use their own money usury alone added 40% to the cost of all goods and services in the global community. This was insane for any nations people to pay a foreign-based private bank of elusive Orion child murdering pedophile has Aryan Mafia parasites to use what should have been their own money in the first place. 28. Four years this cabal has fought implementation of the global currency reset since it took away a great deal of their power ongoing monetary gain and was designed to close their privately owned Federal Reserve system by which they controlled the world. 29 the United States was the only country on the planet that did not have its own national currency. One of the purposes of the global currency reset was for the US to secure and use their own asset-backed currency. 30 for several years, US Federal Reserve notes backed by gold borrowed from the Royal Dragon families had been used for government and trade purposes. This monetary system functioned under the non-US government owned North American Union, 31, the Federal Reserve notes that were used by the common US citizens had no backing at all and were referred to as fiat currency. Fiat currency was any non-asset-backed money declared by the government to be legal tender. 32 thus since inception of the nation US citizens had been forced to buy their Federal Reserve note currency along with paying interest on it from the privately owned Federal Reserve. 33. The Federal Reserve note had interest attached to it which helped create our nations well over $17 trillion national debt. Some would say that the US was well over $100 trillion in debt. 34. Greed ruled the privately owned US central banking system. The funds from the Chinese Dragon families were originally designed for humanitarian purposes. Though US citizens were forced to pay interest on their own money in order to use it with earnings fed into the corrupt cabal banking system 35 for these many years, the US government has borrowed a huge amount of collateral assets in gold and silver from the Dragon families. Therefore, the US government was able to issue huge amounts of USD as currencies via the Federal Reserve. 36 the likes of William Jennings suggested a new central bank under the US Republic. But like many such proposals to Congress Jennings plan never saw the light of day. 37. By November 16, 1914 the time the first world war began, privately owned central banks under this corrupt system had been opened in 12 US cities. The US indirectly finance the war by helping in the flow of trade goods to Europe and more so when they declared war on Germany in 1917 38 by the 1920s as the world was regaining to normalcy. It was recognized that gold was no longer a central factor in credit control history of the Federal Reserve system 39 in March 1933, Pres. Roosevelt changed Constitution wording away from constitutional law and declared the bankruptcy of the United States 40. The banks took over our gold and silver money that was backed by gold standard. The result was more fiat money. Before 1933 paper money was backed by gold the Federal Reserve notes were money substitutes backed only by a false belief. 41. In 1934, the US Internal Revenue Service came on shore and was immediately purchased by an attorney firm which incorporated as a Delaware corporation, 42, the corrupt financial system came to a head at the end of World War II, a mind control program called MK ultra was begun upon import of Nazi trained mind control experts into the US, Canada and Australia. The Nazis helped design philosophy behind the creation of the CIA in 1954. The mind control program funded by US tax dollars for the purpose of developing super spies and assassins was tightly tied into the world monetary system. 43. George H. W. Bush was influential in the forming of the CIA and their mind control program MK ultra November 13, 2010 New York Times reported that Dr. Joseph Mitchell was among the Nazis given a safe haven in the US through the CIA sponsored project paperclip of pre-runner to MK ultra 44 MK ultra was heavily involved in human experiments to torture children into multiple personalities through satanic ceremonies of pedophilia and child sacrifices, global elites, including those in the banking system were known to regularly hold the satanic child exploitation ceremonies for the purpose of gaining power and privilege 45. A Canadian light control victim, now in her mid 60s gave heart wrenching details about child genocide during 2012 hearings at the international common-law Court of Justice in Brussels. She discussed her eyewitness to murders of seven other children during her two-year childhood stand at Canadian Air Force Base known as Lincoln Park in Calgary Alberta. She was a victim of a CIA funded mind control program to develop super spies, 46, the Brussels vehicle J Ct. heard this and testimonies of 18 other witnesses to illegal activities of the ninth Circle satanic child sacrifice called children in the CIA mind control program claim to be victimized by a former Nazi SS doctor referred to as Dr. Green according to the survivor, the Nazi mind control expert and 3 9th Cir. satanic child sacrifice called members were working undercover as Canadian military personnel. 47. These human experiments on children were run at the base. Between 1956 and 1958. On her website. The witness gave tribute to children like her who were born into and raised in the CIA mind control program MK ultra children ages 2 to 10 were put to death. She said, due to the severity of injuries sustained during the course of human medical experiments 48 in both Canada and the US several survivors of the CIA mind control program have identified Nazi mind control expert Joseph Mitchell as their torturer. He was known by them as a doctor, green or green ball 49 Christine Nichola testified about a doctor green in 1995 during congressional hearings on human radiation experiments. The mind control survivor said that, beginning at the tender age of four. She was terrorized by CIA operatives under the direction of Dr. Green. They were training her to be a spy, and assassin by subjecting the child to radiation drugs, electroshock, sexual abuse, and mind control experiments, Dr. Green was able to split her young mind into multiple personalities. 50. Dr. Green evidently tortured another weakness of the 1995 hearings, Claudia Mullen stated that she discovered documents where the US government gave Dr. Green, $50 million to run the program with the CIA science division CIA office of research and development. Mullen said that from age 7 and near Dr. Green’s office. She was given electroshock radiation drugs isolated in a tub of water sexually abused and cured. Sleep deprivation burns and all kinds of emotional and physical abuse she claimed these atrocities were also performed on countless other children. 51 Jenny Hill of Garden Grove, California, also claimed to be a victim of Dr. Green CIA mind control practices. The CIA claimed they closed MK ultra in 1964. Yet Hills torture programming by Dr. Green began a year later, in 1965. According to her biography 22 faces Hill was abused by Dr. Green and others in a satanic child sacrifice right that took place on June 21, 1965 summer solstice in this video, Hill discussed her weakness of another six-year-old child’s murder. The severe abuse caused the disintegration of her personality, 52 and Australia Fiona Barnett also claimed to be a victim of Nazi mind control programming that included human hunting parties where children were raped hunted down and killed 53 the cabal satanic practices and evil purposes under protection of the CIA and Mafia lead to the acceptance and availability of easy credit by the privately owned central banks and Federal Reserve 54 the immoral practices soon created a fiat US dollar that since the 1944 Bretton Woods conference at the end of World War II had functioned as the primary world reserve currency. This resulted in the global economy to function on currency backed by nothing. 55. It was not supposed to be that way at the end of World War II with communist and Kuomintang factions at war in China. The international community and the Chinese ascended to their gold being placed under the cover control of Indonesian Pres. Sukarno as per arrangements agreed in the 1921 pack of nations made in London. Much of this gold was delivered and hidden in Indonesia and the Philippines in secret bunkers constructed by the Japanese. Between 1924 and 1945, 56 in June 1944, a private global monetary control framework was introduced to the world during the Bretton Woods conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. Since then, the central banking system has attempted to privatize global wealth monitoring and restricting the world’s money supply, including blogs, banking instruments, stocks, digital paper and coin currencies. 57. At the same Bretton Woods conference NATO introduce the global monetary and military strategy that was agreed to entreaties by 44 allied nations, the allies, who won the war declared that the United States of America was the world’s liberator and therefore should be the world’s future military enforcer and top economic power player. 58. Thus, the USA was granted the right to print the de facto global reserve currency and called it the United States dollar. All other currencies of the world would be held in PAR comparison to determine their own international value 59 in 1944 post-World War II at this Bretton Woods conference, the Chinese elders and cabal agreed to a transitional truce in order to reset the world’s financial system. After several gruesome world wars, the elders would place a minority percentage of the global collateral accounts, specifically gold into central banking vaults worldwide 60. They physically transferred said gold over a two-year period which established the current financial system in 1946, a common gold standard against currency was to be spot set daily in the city of London. 61 this benevolent gold was on lease to all good standing sovereign nations for a 50 year period with a five year transition period ending in the fall of 2001 62 Swift system Society for worldwide Interbank financial telecommunication banking system was a private institution based in Belgium, composed of the US Federal Reserve Bank. Wall Street banks and the Bank for International settlements. The Swift system operated in 215 countries and territories. This network was involved in international monetary transfers heavily influenced by the Rothschild family 63 in 1971, Pres. Nixon allowed the Federal Reserve Bank to print the nation’s money without regarding previously agreed to gold standard treaties. This act effectively ignored the 1944 Bretton Woods agreement and revalued all US issued debt past, present and future against the per barrel price of oil, known as the petrodollar. 64. This instigation of the petrodollar into world currency by Pres. Richard Nixon took the US dollar off the gold standard, thus further perverting the value of the now artificial fiat US dollar 65 between the late 1980s and 2016. Practically every US president has had their hand in the international monetary fund, the level of corruption saturated every nook and cranny of the entity that we call USA, Inc. these same global leaders were named as perpetrators during satanic ritual abuse by survivors of the child abuse at exclusive gatherings of Masada global leaders such as at Bohemian Grove, California, 66, by 1979 the US military had started training to retake the country and eliminate this cabal shadow government that ruled the corrupt world monetary system 67. In 1991 Roy Schlesinger went before a Senate committee to present evidence of the international bankers and government criminal activity through the Federal Reserve. He informed them how the Corporation of the United States was tied to the establishment of a new world order, which intended to bring about a fascist one world government ruled by the international bankers 68 in 1992, a task force was put together consisting of over 300 retired and 35 active US military officers who strongly supported constitutional law. This task force was responsible for investigating governmental officials, congressional officers, judges, and the Federal Reserve. 69. The task force included chief of Naval operations Adm. Jeremy Burda, Gen. David McLeod and former director of central intelligence William Colby. They uncovered the common practice of bravery and extortion committed by both senators and judges the criminal activity was so rampant that only 2/535 members of Congress were deemed August. More importantly, in 1992 they ordered and carried out the first ever and only audit of the Federal Reserve. 70 the Federal Reserve was accustomed to giving orders to politicians and had no intentions of being audited. However, after they were informed their offices would be rated under military gunpoint, if necessary, they complied with the investigation. After reviewing their files. The military officers failed $800 trillion sitting in accounts which should have been applied to the national debt. Contrary to federal government propaganda. They also discovered that most nations owed money to the United States instead of the other way around. 71. These hidden trillions were then confiscated and placed into European bank accounts in order to generate the enormous funds needed to pay as successful farmers claims class action lawsuit that help to instigate the 1992 Federal Reserve audit later this money would become the basis of the global currency reset prosperity programs, 72, despite the deathblow of losing control of $800 trillion through a 1992 audit of the Federal Reserve, the now president and founder of the CIA mind control program MK ultra George H. W. Bush garnered the help of the illuminati to continue on with their plans of global enslavement. This included using mind control torture methods gain from adult and child victims of Nazi Germany concentration camps 73 in August 1992, the military officers confronted President Bush and demanded he sign an agreement that he would return the United States to constitutional law. He was ordered to never use the term new world order again. Bush pretended to cooperate, but secretly plan to bring about the new world order anyway using the CIA and their use of mind control to overpower the American public. 74. On December 25, 1992, Pres. George H. W. Bush set out to sign an executive order that would have indefinitely closed all banks giving Bush an excuse to declare martial law. Under the chaos of martial law Bush intended to install a new constitution which would have kept everyone currently in office in their same position for 25 years plus removed all rights to elect new officials, the military intervened and stopped Bush from signing that executive order 75 in 1993 members of the Supreme Court. Certain members of Congress and representatives from the Clinton government met with high-ranking US military officers who were demanding a return to constitutional law reforms of the banking system and financial redress. Clinton, however, was a proponent of the new world order and the CIA mind control programs. As a result, nothing of substance was done see CIA mind control self Kathy O’Brien’s books access denied and transformation of America 76. The 1999. These are act, the national economic stabilization and recovery act, also known as the national economic security and reformation act came about after a 1993 ruling of the US Supreme Court. After 30 years of lawsuits by the farmers Union 77 in that successful suit. The US banking system and US government were found to be in collusion to defraud US citizens. 78. Also in that successful suit. It was proven in court that the US office of the Internal Revenue Service that collected taxes from citizens had never been ratified by the U.S. Congress. 79. Initially the Clinton administration attempted to get the world court to overrule these though. By 1999 the true needs. Rollover was introduced in Congress 80 knees or was the most groundbreaking reformation to sweep the US, the 1999 act did away with the Federal Reserve Bank IRS and shadow US government of the cabal plus implemented the following changes that zeros out all credit card, mortgage and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a Jubilee or a forgiveness of debt be abolishes the US income tax. See abolishes the IRS employees of the IRS will be transferred into the U.S. Treasury national sales tax area. The creates a 14% flat rate nonessential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed nor will used items such as old homes. The increases benefits to senior citizens have returns constitutional law to all courts and legal matters. G reinstates the original title of nobility. Amendment H establishes new presidential and congressional elections within 120 days after knees or his announcement, the interim government will cancel all national emergencies and return us back to constitutional law monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities. Of special interest groups. J creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver and platinum precious metals ending the bankruptcy of the United States, initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933 K forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation, L initiates a new U.S. Treasury bank system in alignment with constitutional law and eliminates the Federal Reserve system during the transition. The Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side-by-side of the new U.S. Treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply and restores financial privacy of trains. All judges and attorneys in constitutional law. The ceases all aggressive US government military actions worldwide you establishes peace throughout the world are releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes as enables the release of over 6000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security including free energy devices, antigravity and sonic healing machines. 81. Not surprisingly much disinformation about knees or it could be found on the Internet. Wikipedia’s article was total disinformation. Dr. Harvey Francis Bernards needs her appeal was rejected by Congress in the 1990s Dr. Bernard was a systems philosopher and had tried for years to interest Congress in his monetary reform suggestions 82. Late one evening on March 9, 2000 original quorum call was hand-delivered by Delta force and Navy SEALs to 15 members of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House who were sponsors and Seo sponsors of knees are. They were immediately escorted by the Delta force and Navy SEALs to their respective voting chambers, where they passed the Nesser act 83. These 15 members of Congress were the only people lawfully allowed to hold office in accordance with the original 13th amendment, which made a lawyer’s oath to the British crown 84. Finally, in a March 9, 2000 required meeting Congress passed knees around 85 during the November 8, 2000 US election fiasco in Florida of Bush, JR, the state was approached by 4000 CIA agents of Bush Senior officials were told that they must make Bush Junior president or there would be civil war in the US, 86 in October 2000 people in military betrayed their agreement to implement knees or President Clinton had no interest in citing knees are into law 87 on October 10, 2000 and under orders from US military generals. The elite naval seals and Delta force stormed the White House under gunpoint. They forced then-President Bill Clinton to sign these during this time, Secret Service and White House security personnel were ordered to stand down were disarmed and allowed to witness this event under a gag order. President Clinton also relinquished his bar registry 88. From its very inception, the promoter of mind control, Bush Senior, the corporate government. Major bank houses and the Carlyle group have opposed knees are to maintain secrecy. The case details and the docket number were sealed and revised within the official congressional registry to reflect the commemorative coin. It was again revised even more recently. This is why there was no public congressional records about knees are and why you search for this law would not yield the correct details until after the reformations were made public. 89 members of Congress will not reveal knees or because they have been ordered by the US Supreme Court justices to deny its existence or face charges of treason punishable by death. Some members of Congress have actually been charged with obstruction over their discussions of knees or a when Minnesota Sen. Paul Wellstone was about to break the gag order is small passenger plane crashed killing his wife, daughter and himself. If fear was not enough to keep Washington in line money was routine bribes were offered to government and military officials by the power elite/secret government 90. The next step was the difficult task of announcing knees are into the world. Many powerful groups tried to prevent the implementation of knees or the knees or a law required that at least once a year and effort be made to announce the launch of the public. Three current US Supreme Court judges have used their authority on the committee in charge of knees or his announcement to secretly sabotage efforts to reveal knees 91 on September 9, 2001, 18 months after knees or became law. The Supreme Court justices ordered the 107th Congress to pass a resolution approving these. That same day, Congress passed knees are a 92 the next day on September 10, 2001 George Bush Senior moved into the White House to steer his son on how to block the announcement of knees or 93. Upon forming the CIA after World War II, Bush Senior help to import those Nazi mind control specialists into the US, Canada and Australia, Bush Senior’s father had ties to Nazi Germany Bush Senior help run the mind control, torture, rape and murder of children by the CIA. Bush Senior also managed the CIA in Dallas during the Kennedy assassination. It was well known that the CIA controlled the media, 94, the day after Bush Senior moved into the White House on September 11, 2001 at 10 AM Eastern standard Time, Alan Greenspan was scheduled to announce the new U.S. Treasury bank system debt forgiveness for all US citizens and abolishment of the IRS as the first part of the public announcements of knees or 95 it was speculated that on September 11, 2001 at 8 AM Eastern standard Time, the cabal working with the CIA did the unthinkable. In New York City, two nuclear devices were imploded beneath the twin towers 96 it was alleged that just before the announcement. At 9 AM on September 11, 2001 Bush Senior ordered the demolition of the World Trade Center’s twin towers to stop the international banking computers on floors one and two in the north tower from initiating the new U.S. Treasury bank system explosives in the World Trade Center were said to be planted by operators and detonated remotely in building seven, which it is alleged was demolished. Later that day in order to cover up their crime. 97. It was also said that on September 11, 2001 remote pilot technology was used in a flyover event to deliver a payload of explosives into the Pentagon at the exact location of a group of military personnel known as the white knights back in 1871. Upon creation of the United States of America, Inc., and as a contingency plan. The military had formed an interim government headed by these white night military leaders on September 11, 2001 the white knights were coordinating activities supporting these are as implementation nationwide from their new naval command center at the Pentagon, which was destroyed during the events of 9/11, 98, with the announcement of knees or is stopped dead in its tracks. George Bush Senior was said to have decapitated any hopes of returning the government back to the people. 99 between the late 1990s and early 2000s. The Bush family crime syndicate was believed to have stolen $800 trillion in taxpayer monies through use of the Federal Reserve plus expanded their operations during the past half decade, 100, the $800 trillion was recovered during a 1992 Federal Reserve audit more illegally taken taxpayer funds were recovered around 2006, 101. The funds were stored in European accounts awaiting the global currency reset where they were targeted for use in humanitarian projects 102, the illegally taken funds formed the basis for some of the criminal charges to be levied against this broad Bush criminal syndicate. An organization called the new Republic was holding off on these arrests until a series of charges were authenticated and could be acted upon. 103 a major film documentary Eagle 121 to covered how Pres. Reagan secret agent ambassador Leah meal want to amass 3.8 trillion through a negotiated agreement with Soviet Sec. Gen. Mikhail Gorbachev during the fall of the Soviet union. The 3.8 trillion was designed to go back to the American people, but was stolen by the Federal Reserve system one to has pledged to eliminate our national debt overnight after a 2006, US District Court mandate was honored that would return the money. The documentary was scheduled to be released upon announcement of the new US Republic 104, by 2007 two world wars and several conflicts had been funded by the Federal Reserve in a failed yet direct response to give the Royal Dragon families back there collateral lysing assets to a rapidly defaulting central banking system 105 on Friday, January 18, 2008. Colleagues heard the 17th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Glover Roberts of prominent American Roman catholic say that the knees are a global prosperity packages would never be delivered 106. By March 2008, it was decided that Chief Justice John Roberts was holding the global prosperity packages illegally in the vaults of the USA Supreme Court in Washington DC 107 on the evening of March 20, 2008 John Roberts called a meeting at the U.S. Treasury supported by senior American Roman catholic archbishops and cardinals the Vatican in Rome and the crowd temple in London, John Roberts and George Bush Junior were conspiring to prevent delivery of the want to plan funds and the knees are a global prosperity packages 108 John Roberts said to his colleagues. I run treasury I decide what will be done and what I am doing is none of your business. You don’t work for the government and you don’t work for the American people you work for me and you will do what I tell you to do and what I am doing is none of your business. I am sick and tired of calls from all over the world and my business being reported on the Internet by Casper. Anyone caught opening their mouth will immediately be fired 109 John Roberts problem was that several of his Washington DC colleagues in both the Supreme Court and the treasury did not agree that it was right for the Chief Justice to act in open defiance of the American Constitution. The international Court of Justice and the international monetary fund 110, John Roberts and Bush Senior had stolen $9.1 trillion of USA taxpayers funds from the treasury, the mastermind behind this heist was said to be Henry Kissinger, stolen or misapplied funds vastly exceeded America’s gross annual budget 111 by midday on Friday, March 21, 2008 John Roberts control of the USA treasury had been terminated by a majority vote of the other USA Supreme Court justices 112, three of the assistant justices were discovered to have been conspiring with Bush and Roberts in administering the $9.1 trillion. Treasury theft. They were Samuel Alito, Roman catholic with Italian connections, Antonin Scalia, Roman catholic with Sicilian connections and Clarence Thomas, a Roman catholic with a developed interest in pornography and the public history of sexual harassment 113, when Roberts resignation was demanded. He quickly signed a letter correctly dating at the March 21, 2008, but deliberately signing it fraudulently by writing his name is Robert rather than Roberts centuries ago. Others successfully falsified biblical texts with similar measures 114 on Tuesday, March 25, 2008. It emerged that Sandra Day O’Connor recently retired Supreme Court assistant Justice was actively involved in attempting to trade the stolen $9.1 trillion for Bush and Roberts. O’Connor was regarded as a form claims and these are a turncoat who was bribed into conspiratorial obedience by the Bush White House 115 on the morning of Tuesday, March 25, 2008 Roman catholic Patrick Fitzgerald, federal prosecutor of the United States Department of Justice office of special Counsel returned to the U.S. Treasury to continue his investigation of the stolen monies. A few hours later he was instructed by Chief Justice Roberts to stop his work and leave 116. By the beginning of April 2008 agents acting for Pres. George Bush Junior and the Vatican had a contract out for Patrick Fitzgerald’s assassination and had told him, so Fitzgerald and his coworkers were closely protected with security provided by Interpol and the Chinese secret society of which Benjamin Fulford had spoken in 2007, 117 the Chinese enforcers also had people in place within the inner circles of George Bush Junior George Bush Senior Dick Cheney Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton as well as in the special hospitals. These people would be taken to in the event of an accident. If the Chinese bullet didn’t work. The Chinese syringe certainly would 118 on Monday, March 31, 2008, Fitzgerald had a team of 177 attorneys working uninterrupted all night at the U.S. Treasury and the US Supreme Court. The data retrieved spelled slow death for the Washington DC ruling class 119 during his investigations into the US government wire fraud at the treasury, Fitzgerald stumbled across an altogether larger legal fraud. Washington DC itself had no right in constitutional law to run America. Washington DC was a system of corporate scams constructed to milk the American people without their knowing 120 Fitzgerald also uncovered that the United States was not the United States of America. There were two completely different legal entities operating there was an illegal president of the US imposed but no legally constituted president of the USA, the US, Washington DC, was not about the government of the people by the people for the people. The US was about the control of the people by the corporations for the crowd temple in London 121. All this might have stayed invisible but for knees are and the American financial depression of 2007 two 2008. The combination of these two things engendered irresistible pressures which allowed special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to uncover the truth about the US monetary system being run by the cabal 122 by the time of Fitzgerald’s investigation, America’s money was gone. There was nothing to replace it with except the knees or world prosperity funds. The politicos were desperate. They didn’t want knees or knees or would reestablish constitutional law and they would be forced out of office to face public treason charges. They were terminally desperate in their desperation. They made mistakes by attempted illegal wire transfers and offshore stealth trades there flailing about, because the whole corporate legal fiction to unwind visibly 123 historical details described here came to the attention of Patrick Fitzgerald in April 2008 the Bush Cheney Clinton Junta was in a fight for its political, legal, and financial life, but still controlled the mainstream corporate media. Thus, the general population was unaware of anything but a politically understated financial crisis, a collapsing dollar, rising gold price and a few million foreclosures on domestic properties 124, also by 2008 another proponent of the new world order, the Obama administration was in charge. Obama refused to work under a budget while diluting the national debt with the stimulus package that didn’t stimulate the economy. But more than tripled the national debt, 125, the US fast began losing their influence as the main world reserve currency due to its uncontrollable monetary policies ever growing debt and use of fiat currency 126. These discrepancies build to a head when the dragons demanded payment for derivatives debts on Lehman Brothers, the Royal Dragon families were very concerned that the US could not even pay the interest on its debt to the 127 the Dragon families called in their loan on Lehman Brothers, thus causing the 2008 mortgage crisis 128 when Lehman could not pay off the debt. Call the US government declared a global financial emergency borrowing $700 billion from its citizens. In order to maintain repayment schedules negotiated by the Federal Reserve Bank to the Chinese Royal Dragon families 129 by now nations of the global monetary system had alarming concern about the US national debt and US currency which had no backing yet was being used as the main world reserve currency in 2009, the Royal Dragon families stepped into form products and organization of Brazil Russia India China and South Africa 130. Eight 2011 treaty white paper informed different global finance ministers of the economical conditions of the world as a result, Ireland challenged the world monetary system saying if you can prove that you loaned us any money. We will gladly pay you. But if you can’t basically go pound sand, and they held to it. They had that same thing going on with grace. It was believed that if the right one had gotten elected in Greece they would have done the same thing as they did to Ireland 131 in the fourth 1:45 thousand and 12 as the settler on a condo trust leaned against the Federal Reserve Bank and to prevent them from re-chartering the Federal Reserve was melted into the new United States treasury now located in Reno Nevada under what was eventually called the new Republic formally formed in 2015 132 by 2015 all the nations of the world except for the US and Japan had joint products. Japan joined in the fall of 2015 leaving the US as the lone holdout 133 Reichs economic resources united together to replace the US as the world’s leading economic power. But Reichs had a problem. The fiat US dollar was the global reserve currency by which all other currencies are valued as equal 134 to solve their problem. Reichs reevaluated the currencies of the world which had joined the bright system they backed all those world currencies with natural resources of the countries and gold reserves of the Dragon families so as to conform to the IMF’s basil three regulations 135. By February 2015. The new US Republic had been formed by concerned congresspeople. The Royal Dragon families had demanded formation of this new Republic is a necessary step before they would back US currency with their gold in the bright system 136. By this time, the United States of America, Inc. Corporation was defunct bankrupt and operating as a façade 137 as of March 1, 2015 the Fed nor the United States of American Corporation founded in 1871 had liquidity left to satisfy its debt repayments 138. The Obama administration had repeatedly refused to join Reichs, thus creating a dangerous situation of fiat currency, whereby the US and even all world economies could easily collapse, 139 the new Republic went into formal operation on March 1, 2015 it was stationed in West Virginia and protected by the US Army 140 in 2015 Marine Corps Gen. Joseph Dunford was selected to be the interim president of the new Republic because he had recently been appointed by Congress to be the joint Chief of Staff at the Pentagon, 141. Also in 2015 when Paul Ryan replace John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader and speaker of the house. He did so knowing he might eventually replace Dunford as the interim president of the new Republic. As it turned out, Ryan served in the position for a few months while Dunford served as Republic VP, but Ryan eventually declined the new Republic president’s job 142 under the new Republic, the US government was turned over on an interim basis to military leaders referred to as the white knights as the only legally operating entity left of the Republic. The white knights worked within the US Pentagon to run the country’s affairs. This transition had quietly rolled out going back to fourth quarter 2012 143 in February 2015. The new US Republic incorporated the 2015 Jade held military exercises as part of their movement to take back the original U.S. Constitution 144, the new Republic had to construct a national currency, but they didn’t have the gold by which they could comply with the IMF’s basil three in April 2015 the Chinese elders least $100 billion in gold to the new Republic 145 U.S. Treasury reserve notes were created by the new Republic for use at the government level but were not designed to be used on the street since 2015. They have been trading the new treasury reserve notes internationally in Europe and in the Japanese market 146 for a monetary system that could be used by the general US public. The new Republic created what’s known as United States notes the only difference between the new US notes currency and the Federal Reserve notes was that the new currency would not be charged interest 147, the new US note currency was like what Pres. Kennedy had created way back in 1963 when he tried to shut down the Federal Reserve right before he was assassinated. 148. Kennedy’s ultimate cost of trying to take down the Federal Reserve using the new US notes was explained in a documentary about to be released as an introduction to the new Republic 149 on April 22, 2015 the Chinese elders began moving the USA into Goldbach currency by making the treasury reserve notes live on the back screens 150 in 2015. The new US Republic charged with protecting the Royal Dragon family gold that backed the new US currency located the new U.S. Treasury in Nevada on an Indian reservation because Indian reservations had free trade zones 151. One of the major Royal funding streams for the US Federal Reserve dollar, which was also the major world’s reserve currency reached its term with the last of the funding streams cut off at the start of December 2015 152 patriots like Winston Stroud help the Federal Reserve to be absorbed into the U.S. Treasury 153 the Dragon families excused all US debt when their gold was placed in the new U.S. Treasury in Reno in April 2016. This included excusing debt and derivate of the Wells Fargo bank which is mainly owned by the Dragon families plus derivatives of certain other banks. There is question about excusing debt and derivatives of the Bank of America since it is heavily used by the cabal 154 in April 2016 certain patriotic members of Congress formed the new US Republic U.S. Treasury and US currency notes. The US notes were backed by the USA’s natural resources plus $100 billion more in gold borrowed from Royal Dragon families 155 on January 1, 2016 and as Senate Majority Leader Paul Ryan replace Joseph Dunford as interim president of the new Republic with the charge to remain in place as the interim US president until the November 2016 elections 156 Dunford step down to fill the slot as vice president of the new Republic 157 on March 31, 2016. The US finally joined Reichs opening the door for the new Republic to take over and dictate US monetary policy under rules as outlined in the original U.S. Constitution 158 the new Republic of United States government and treasury were restored at 6:30 PM Wednesday March 30, 2016 when the Dragon family released funding for the new Republic, the real reason for the Chinese visit to the White House that day, 159 the Dragon families $100 billion in gold that was leased to the new U.S. Treasury was temporarily stored in Texas, 160 on April 1, 2016, an agreement was signed between the old Swift system and the new product CIPS system. The cabal financial system of Swift, which had been used in monetary transactions by over 10,000 financial systems worldwide was taken over by the bright CIPS system 161 on April 8, 2016 Obama made Chinese elders and the IMF began a series of emergency meetings in Washington DC that continued through April 14 2016 162 in the middle of these meetings on April 10, 2016 over 100 arrests of bankers were made and charged with funding ISI S 163 on April 11, 2016, Iraq ordered dealers to stop selling Dinar. The Iraqi government payouts were now done in bonds. Iraqi bonds stopped trading on the international market. The Dinar currency was no longer allowed in or out of Iraq 164 by April 18, 2016. A disturbing series of events were in motion along the lines of the last financial collapse. US banks were expected to report their worst financial quarters since the start of the great recession, the Fed issued a warning to the biggest bank in the country J.P. Morgan Chase that they couldn’t take another hit without incurring an epic disaster. The letter was addressed to Jamie Deming, the leader of the bank who seem to have become completely immune to prosecution. No matter what he did. It is 19 pages and heavily redacted the great recession blog posted a bullet list. The letter spark secret meetings among those in power 165 on April 19, 2016, an announcement was made that the Chinese Yuan was now Goldbach and China no longer accepted US Federal Reserve notes in trade 166 on April 20, 2016 treasury secretary Jack Lew announced the new United States notes currency to the world via CNN and Fox news new United States notes or Goldbach currency has been printed with new faces such as Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill 167 on April 21, 2016 at 4 PM US markets closed on the US Federal Reserve notes. They were no longer accepted for world trade and only could be used in the US, 168. On April 21, 2016 the Chinese Yuan became a worldwide Goldbach reserve currency as of 8:30 PM Eastern Thursday night 169, the Zimbabwe dollar price was fixed at a high level as of April 21, 2016 170 on April 26, 2016 Pentagon Chief of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford and the new Republic military made their way into the White House via the underground tunnel system White House on lock down new Republic special forces alongside general Dunford had entered the White House via JFK’s tunnel papers of surrender and resignation have been issued reported by operation on April 27, 2016 171 between April 26 and April 30. Dunford and his team were involved in negotiations for the surrender of the cabal and USA Corp. Dunford and the resistance movement knew they could use the threat of exposing the cabal of the global media live streaming event that was to air on April 30 2016 for the White House correspondents dinner, 172. Also on April 26, 2016 the global currency reset process began playing out when China formally launched a return to the gold standard 173 Pentagon sources say that the White House was under lock down April 26 and 27th as special forces led by Gen. Joseph Dunford entered via tunnel to demand Obama and bidden resignations. The official version was that the White House was under lock down that day because of offense, jumper 174 on April 30, 2016 Mme. Lowe declared the Dinar Goldbach and Exchanges Took Pl. in Atlanta, GA 175 on the evening of April 30, 2016 in Washington DC just before Pres. Obama was scheduled to speak at his White House correspondents dinner. An agreement was reached. The cabal had functioned on fiat currency through the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve was bankrupt. The cabal had no choice but to surrender and sign the agreements to begin the global currency reset if the papers were inside Obama was threatened that as overseeing president Pentagon had Chief of Staff Joseph Dunford would push Obama’s side at the dinner and publicly announce the new Republic in front of all the world’s press corps 176 the Bronx bank of Wells Fargo and HSBC bank put a 10 PM April 30, 2016 deadline on Citibank to get Basel three compliant or default a backroom deal was signed at 8:59:59 PM Citibank defaulted to a IIB WF HSBC and became Basel three compliant and thus Obama was allowed to speak. Security forces which earlier had been pulled from the Citibank currency center redemption locations returned by midnight 177 Obama started his talk at the White House correspondents dinner by saying it is my honor to be at my last, and perhaps the last White House correspondents dinner ha ha ha and he next says the end of the Republic never looked better. I am just counting the days before my death panel. I have only two words to close with Obama out. He quickly raises two fingers to his lips Masonic secret° his obligation that enjoins secrecy and with his other hand picks up the portable like raises it over his head and then intentionally drops them like out of his head to the ground 178 it was reported that after the White House correspondents dinner Obama did not go back to the White House for several weeks. The Obama family had occupied an apartment inside the Beltway in order to keep up appearances both during his remaining months as president and to act as though the Obama family is staying in DC so their two girls can finish their education, 179. The plan was to keep everything appearing status quo without bringing attention to the changeover in government, currency, banking, and ultimately control of the Republic international rates would change on Forex without fanfare as well with sovereign rates showing on off-site redemption centers. Concurrently, 180 by May 2016. The cabal was bankrupt and there US Federal Reserve dollar was no longer accepted for trade worldwide. Through this bankruptcy and subsequent backing of the new U.S. Treasury note by gold from the Royal Dragon families USA and 100 Indian nations were legally separated from the cabal members of the cabal were being arrested under the US federal marshal program 181, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation told banking giants like J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, New York, Mellon Bank and State Street Corp. that their bankruptcy plans were not credible. To put it another way, some of the top has Aryan cabal banks and owners of the Federal Reserve Board were basically being told they were bankrupt 182 on May 1, 2016 at 8:59 PM Eastern standard Time, the cabal surrendered when Citibank defaulted 183 on May 1, 2016, the Zimbabwe note was declared. Goldbach and was reported to have a value of $11.80 in Europe 184. On that same Sunday, May 1, 2016 in Iraq, US Sec. Lou made the announcement that the US currency was Goldbach along with other world currencies. It was now a brand-new financial system around the world on the new digital Brite system transactions took place in a matter of seconds instead of days, 185 on Monday, May 2, 2016 Geneva, Switzerland became a ratifying adherent of the China sponsored Asian infrastructure investment bank making the Confederation. One of the last countries to complete the membership process 186 by that same Monday at midnight May 2, 2016 Puerto Rico defaulted on their sovereign loans. Puerto Rico was the headquarters of US, Inc. the cabal organization fighting the global currency reset 187. On that Monday, the USA Corporation defaulted. Also, as a result, all government agencies created by USA, Inc. legally defaulted to including but not limited to, the Federal Reserve Bank, Internal Revenue Service, homeland security, Federal Emergency Management Agency national security agency Central intelligence agency and National Aeronautics and Space Administration 188 as of Monday, May 2, 2016, the USA and 100 Indian nations were legally separate from the cabal the cabal along with their Federal Reserve was bankrupt, the US Federal Reserve note was no longer accepted for trade in and outside of the US members of the cabal were being arrested under the federal marshal program 189 on Tuesday morning, May 3, 2016 there was a technical transfers of funds. All silver nations had agreed to the new brights monetary system including having asset-backed currencies under basil three and basil for compliance ancient historic bonds were recalled filed of all countries, dating back hundreds of years, including 1776 in the US, 190 eight had chosen Whitehead military leadership along with Whitehead politicians were positioned and seated in the new Republic government to handle the day-to-day operations of the United States. This included military and political oversight over all domestic and international matters concerning the country. 191 the new US Republic put out a Goldbach currency called United States notes the Republic sovereign currency treasury reserve notes was already being traded on government world markets 192 all 208 sovereign nations of the world were diplomatically, militarily and financially recognizing the Republic of the United States and their United States notes and treasury reserve notes monetary value systems, the USA, Inc. was no longer acknowledged on the global stage 193 through the USA, Inc. bankruptcy and backing of the new U.S. Treasury note by gold of the Royal Dragon families USA and 100 Indian nations were legally separated from the cabal 194 as of May 2016. The CIA plan was to keep Obama as the face of the regime and use them to transition to a possible Donald Trump presidency, the powers behind the US government thrown had changed and Obama was no longer living in the White House 195. The epic events regarding the changeover of the global monetary system was news throughout Europe and Asia. Though no mention was made in the cabal leader George Soros owned US mainstream media 196. One very visible sign of the US regime change was the fact that Pentagon sources noted. 1500 Yale skull and bones documents will be released to expose US Secretary of State John Kerry, the bushes and other cabal members 197 on Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 12 midnight to 3 AM Eastern standard Time, the digital world monetary system was put into the new brights system to officially begin the global currency reset an RV of world currencies 198 on May 6, 2016. The White House put out a detailed plan for a peaceful transition of power 199 on May 10, 2016 a letter was written by Judge Ana Maria Reisinger to United Nations Secretary-General banking moon and United States Secretary of State John Forbes Kerry 200 three days later on May 13, 2016 an intelligence alert stated that all necessary components of American life and national mechanisms of function are securely within Republic controlled by the military forces of commander-in-chief Gen. Joseph Dunford 201 by May 20, 2016. The new US Republic had issued sovereign letters patented in November 2015 and appointed new federal representatives Jacob Rothchild representing the UN Corporation and Pope Francis as trustee were notified that the United States of America Inc. had no contract was acting out of for hire basis only, and was obligated to honor the terms and conditions of the actual Constitution while doing so. 202 as of Sunday evening, May 22, 2016 the Chinese elders place their gold to back the entire new brights financial system that included backing US notes of the new US Republic 203 on Monday, May 23, 2016 the Chinese halted all financial extension graces to the ever with ring cabal political, financial and military pageant. They eliminated the USA, Inc. no sovereign country in active participation with the brights could participate with the USA, Inc. on their new Goldbach financial system 204, there were 208 countries, which had agreed to use the new brights electronic payment system that came online on May 23, 2016 the new brights CIPS electronic payment system of CIPS was active. The old Western banking system called Swift would not be able to access and exchange the new Goldbach you and 205. Also on May 23, 2016 US financial markets were switched over to the new Goldbach money as was every bank account in the US system of finance. All Americans are now operating safely inside of the new brights system with no meaningful or immediate changes to day to day financial activities 206. On May 24, 2016. The new monetary system had still not gone into effect on that same day, Benjamin Fulford published the man who is blocking the new financial system and preventing the use of Asian gold for the benefit of the planet is bearing Jacob Nathaniel Rothchild according to his close relatives as well as the CIA very Rothchild is the head of the has Aryan mafia referred to as the octopus that controls the issuance of US dollars euros, Japanese yen, and many other currencies, not including the Chinese UN or the Russian ruble if bearing Rothchild does not contact the White Dragon society to negotiate a compromise within 24 hours of this newsletter being published the White Dragon society will offer 1 ton of gold available for pickup in Hong Kong to anybody who can persuade him to get out of the way, 207. Evidently the glitch in the system was corrected when on May 25, 2016, Fulford published the Rothchild’s have contacted the White Dragon society. So the 1 ton gold offer has been suspended. Negotiations are proceeding 208, all 208 sovereign nations of the world were now expected to diplomatically, militarily and financially recognize the Republic of the United States and their US notes and treasury reserve notes as being gold and asset-backed under the new brights system 209, the USA, Inc. and all of its agencies were no longer to be acknowledged on the global stage 210 under the new US Republic, the US Federal Reserve banking system was closed. The Fed was owned by a British foreign corporation and its monies had not been governed by the people for the people there were insufficient federal government controls over detailed physical performance and day-to-day operation of the Federal Reserve Bank for it to be considered a federal agency there were excerpts from a court case connected to needs that proved the Federal Reserve system’s illegal status 211 under that US Supreme Court ruling connected to Nedra. It was ruled that US banks should be independent privately owned and locally controlled corporations. The Fed would be replaced by a system of treasury banks, which issued the new US notes and treasury notes that were asset and Goldbach 212 under the new US Republic. The IRS and corrupt judges would be dealt with 213 under the new US Republic, the Bar Association and all US attorneys would have to renounce their borrow to the Temple bar of London and become lawyers but they couldn’t be considered attorneys anymore 214 under the new US Republic, the individual governments of the 50 states would remain in place. 215 the North American Union would be done and Washington DC would be just Inc., 216 Pope Francis has fired five of the Cardinals out of the Vatican bank which controlled the world currency before instigation of products 217 the new US Republic military was in the process of reclaiming all military installations 218. The purpose of the new US Republic was to function as a restored constitutional government as established pre-Civil War, 219 see the trailer of the soon to be released documentary about corruption in the Federal Reserve Eagle 121 to 220 there was a three hour feature documentary film produced about the US monetary system and its relationship to the cabal CIA 9/11 which happened as an initial global currency reset was to take place. Presidents Johnson and bushes and the assassination of Pres. Kennedy. Right before Kennedy was murdered he had signed documents which would have closed the Federal Reserve the links in the original article can be found in the description box below. By this time, the United States of America, Inc. Corporation was defunct bankrupt and operating as a façade 137 as of March 1, 2015 the Fed nor the United States of American Corporation founded in 1871 had liquidity left to satisfy its debt repayments 138. The Obama administration had repeatedly refused to join brights thus creating a dangerous situation of fiat currency, whereby the US and even all world economies could easily collapse, 139 the new Republic went into formal operation on March 1, 2015 it was stationed in West Virginia and protected by the US Army 140 in 2015 Marine Corps Gen. Joseph Dunford was selected to be the interim president of the new Republic because he had recently been appointed by Congress to be the joint Chief of Staff at the Pentagon, 141. Also in 2015 when Paul Ryan replaced John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader and speaker of the house. He did so knowing he might eventually replace Dunford as the interim president of the new Republic. As it turned out, Ryan served in the position for a few months while Dunford served as Republic VP, but Ryan eventually declined the new Republic president’s job 142 under the new Republic, the US government was turned over on an interim basis to military leaders referred to as the white knights as the only legally operating entity left of the Republic. The white knights worked within the US Pentagon to run the country’s affairs. This transition had quietly rolled out going back to fourth quarter 2012 143 in February 2015. The new US Republic incorporated the 2015 Jade held military exercises as part of their movement to take back the original U.S. Constitution 144, the new Republic had to construct a national currency, but they didn’t have the gold by which they could comply with the IMF’s basil three in April 2015 the Chinese elders least $100 billion in gold to the new Republic 145 US treasury reserve notes were created by the new Republic for use at the government level but were not designed to be used on the street since 2015. They have been trading the new treasury reserve notes internationally in Europe and in the Japanese market 146 for a monetary system that could be used by the general US public. The new Republic created what’s known as United States notes the only difference between the new US notes currency and the Federal Reserve notes was that the new currency would not be charged interest 147, the new US note currency was like what Pres. Kennedy had created way back in 1963 when he tried to shut down the Federal Reserve right before he was assassinated. 148. Kennedy’s ultimate cost of trying to take down the Federal Reserve using the new US notes was explained in a documentary about to be released as an introduction to the new Republic 149 on April 22, 2015 the Chinese elders began moving the USA into Goldbach currency by making the treasury reserve notes live on the back screens 150 in 2015. The new US Republic charged with protecting the royal Dragon family gold that backed the new US currency located the new U.S. Treasury in Nevada on an Indian reservation because Indian reservations had free trade zones 151. One of the major royal funding streams for the US Federal Reserve dollar, which was also the major world’s reserve currency reached its term with the last of the funding streams cut off at the start of December 2015 152 patriots like Winston Stroud help the Federal Reserve to be absorbed into the U.S. Treasury 153 the Dragon families excused all US debt when their gold was placed in the new U.S. Treasury in Reno in April 2016. This included excusing debt and derivate of the Wells Fargo bank which is mainly owned by the Dragon families plus derivatives of certain other banks. There is question about excusing debt and derivatives of the Bank of America since it is heavily used by the cabal 154 in April 2016 certain patriotic members of Congress formed the new US Republic U.S. Treasury and US currency notes. The US notes were backed by the USA’s natural resources plus $100 billion more in gold borrowed from royal Dragon families 155 on January 1, 2016 and as Senate Majority Leader Paul Ryan replaced Joseph Dunford as interim president of the new Republic with the charge to remain in place as the interim US president until the November 2016 elections 156 Dunford step down to fill the slot as vice president of the new Republic 157 on March 31, 2016. The US finally join brights opening the door for the new Republic to take over and dictate US monetary policy under rules as outlined in the original U.S. Constitution 158 the new Republic of United States government and treasury were restored at 6:30 PM Wednesday March 30, 2016 when the Dragon family released funding for the new Republic, the real reason for the Chinese visit to the White House that day, 159 the Dragon families $100 billion in gold that was leased to the new U.S. Treasury was temporarily stored in Texas, 160 on April 1, 2016, an agreement was signed between the old Swift system and the new brights CIPS system. The cabal financial system of Swift, which had been used in monetary transactions by over 10,000 financial systems worldwide was taken over by the brights CIPS system 161 on April 8, 2016 Obama made Chinese elders and the IMF began a series of emergency meetings in Washington DC that continued through April 14 2016 162 in the middle of these meetings on April 10, 2016 over 100 arrests of bankers were made and charged with funding ISI S 163 on April 11, 2016, Iraq ordered dealers to stop selling Dinar. The Iraqi government payouts were now done in bonds. Iraqi bond stopped trading on the international market. The Dinar currency was no longer allowed in or out of Iraq 164 by April 18, 2016. A disturbing series of events were in motion along the lines of the last financial collapse. US banks were expected to report their worst financial quarters since the start of the great recession, the Fed issued a warning to the biggest bank in the country J.P. Morgan Chase that they couldn’t take another hit without incurring an epic disaster. The letter was addressed to Jamie Deming, the leader of the bank who seem to have become completely immune to prosecution. No matter what he did. It is 19 pages and heavily redacted the great recession blog posted a bullet list. The letter spark secret meetings among those in power 165 on April 19, 2016, an announcement was made that the Chinese Yuan was now Goldbach and China no longer accepted US Federal Reserve notes in trade 166 on April 20, 2016 treasury secretary Jack Lew announced the new United States notes currency to the world via CNN and Fox news new United States notes or Goldbach currency has been printed with new faces such as Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill 167 on April 21, 2016 at 4 PM US markets closed on the US Federal Reserve notes. They were no longer accepted for world trade and only could be used in the US, 168. On April 21, 2016 the Chinese Yuan became a worldwide Goldbach reserve currency as of 8:30 PM Eastern Thursday night 169, the Zimbabwe dollar price was fixed at a high level as of April 21, 2016 170 on April 26, 2016 Pentagon Chief of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford and the new Republic military made their way into the White House via the underground tunnel system White House on lock down new Republic special forces alongside general Dunford had entered the White House via JFK’s tunnel papers of surrender and resignation have been issued reported by operation on April 27, 2016 171 between April 26 and April 30. Dunford and his team were involved in negotiations for the surrender of the cabal and USA Corp. Dunford and the resistance movement knew they could use the threat of exposing the cabal of the global media live streaming event that was to air on April 30 2016 for the White House correspondents dinner, 172. Also on April 26, 2016 the global currency reset process began playing out when China formally launched a return to the gold standard 173 Pentagon sources say that the White House was under lock down April 26 and 27th as special forces led by Gen. Joseph Dunford entered via tunnel to demand Obama and bidden resignations. The official version was that the White House was under lock down that day because of offense, jumper 174 on April 30, 2016 Mme. Lowe declared the Dinar Goldbach and Exchanges Took Pl. in Atlanta, GA 175 on the evening of April 30, 2016 in Washington DC just before Pres. Obama was scheduled to speak at his White House correspondents dinner. An agreement was reached. The cabal had functioned on fiat currency through the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve was bankrupt. The cabal had no choice but to surrender and sign the agreements to begin the global currency reset if the papers were inside Obama was threatened that as overseeing president Pentagon had Chief of Staff Joseph Dunford would push Obama’s side at the dinner and publicly announce the new Republic in front of all the world’s press corps 176 the brights banker for Wells Fargo and HSBC bank put a 10 PM April 30, 2016 deadline on Citibank to get Basel three compliant or default a backroom deal was signed at 8:59:59 PM Citibank defaulted to a IIB WF HSBC and became Basel three compliant and thus Obama was allowed to speak. Security forces which earlier had been pulled from the Citibank currency center redemption locations returned by midnight 177 Obama started his talk at the White House correspondents dinner by saying it is my honor to be at my last, and perhaps the last White House correspondents dinner ha ha ha and he next says the end of the Republic never looked better. I am just counting the days before my death panel. I have only two words to close with Obama out. He quickly raises two fingers to his lips Masonic secret° his obligation that enjoins secrecy and with his other hand picks up the portable like raises it over his head and then intentionally drops them like out of his head to the ground 178 it was reported that after the White House correspondents dinner Obama did not go back to the White House for several weeks. The Obama family had occupied an apartment inside the Beltway in order to keep up appearances both during his remaining months as president and to act as though the Obama family is staying in DC so their two girls can finish their education, 179. The plan was to keep everything appearing status quo without bringing attention to the changeover in government, currency, banking, and ultimately control of the Republic international rates would change on Forex without fanfare as well with sovereign rates showing on off-site redemption centers. Concurrently, 180 by May 2016. The cabal was bankrupt and there US Federal Reserve dollar was no longer accepted for trade worldwide. Through this bankruptcy and subsequent backing of the new U.S. Treasury note by gold from the Royal Dragon families, the USA and 100 Indian nations were legally separated from the cabal members of the cabal were being arrested under the US federal marshal program 181, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation told banking giants like J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, New York, Mellon Bank and State Street Corp. that their bankruptcy plans were not credible. To put it another way, some of the top has Aryan cabal banks and owners of the Federal Reserve Board were basically being told they were bankrupt 182 on May 1, 2016 at 8:59 PM Eastern standard Time, the cabal surrendered when Citibank defaulted 183 on May 1, 2016, the Zimbabwe note was declared. Goldbach and was reported to have a value of $11 and eight hour player. 58. Thus, the USA was granted the right to print the de facto global reserve currency and called it the United States dollar. All other currencies of the world would be held in PAR comparison to determine their own international value 59 in 1944 post-World War II at this Bretton Woods conference, the Chinese elders and cabal agreed to a transitional truce in order to reset the world’s financial system. After several gruesome world wars, the elders would place a minority percentage of the global collateral accounts, specifically gold into central banking vaults worldwide 60. They physically transferred said gold over a two-year period which established the current financial system in 1946, a common gold standard against currency was to be spots at daily in the city of London. 61 this benevolent gold was on lease to all good standing sovereign nations for a 50 year period with a five year transition period ending in the fall of 2001 62 Swift system Society for worldwide Interbank financial telecommunication banking system was a private institution based in Belgium, composed of the US Federal Reserve Bank. Wall Street banks and the Bank for International settlements, Swift system operated in 215 countries and territories. This network was involved in international monetary transfers heavily influenced by the Rothschild family 63 in 1971, Pres. Nixon allowed the Federal Reserve Bank to print the nation’s money without regarding previously agreed to gold standard treaties. This act effectively ignored the 1944 Bretton Woods agreement and revalued all US issued debt past, present and future against the per barrel price of oil, known as the petrodollar. 64. This instigation of the petrodollar into world currency by Pres. Richard Nixon took the US dollar off the gold standard, thus further perverting the value of the now artificial fiat US dollar 65 between the late 1980s and 2016. Practically every US president has had their hand in the international monetary fund, the level of corruption saturated every milk and cranny of the entity that we call USA, Inc. these same global leaders were named as perpetrators during satanic ritual abuse by survivors of the child abuse and exclusive gatherings of Masonic global leaders such as at Bohemian Grove, California 66 by 1979 the US military had started training to retake the country and eliminate this cabal shadow government that ruled the corrupt world monetary system 67 in 1991 Roy Schlesinger went before a Senate committee to present evidence of the international bankers and government criminal activity through the Federal Reserve. He informed them how the Corporation of the United States was tied to the establishment of a new world order, which intended to bring about a fascist one world government ruled by the international bankers 68 in 1992, a task force was put together consisting of over 300 retired and 35 active US military officers who strongly supported constitutional law. This task force was responsible for investigating governmental officials, congressional officers, judges, and the Federal Reserve. 69. The task force included chief of Naval operations Adm. Jeremy Burda, Gen. David McLeod and former director of central intelligence William Colby. They uncovered the common practice of bravery and extortion committed by both senators and judges the criminal activity was so rampant that only 2/535 members of Congress were deemed August. More importantly, in 1992 they ordered and carried out the first ever and only audit of the Federal Reserve. 70 the Federal Reserve was accustomed to giving orders to politicians and had no intentions of being audited. However, after they were informed their offices would be rated under military gunpoint, if necessary, they complied with the investigation. After reviewing their files. The military officers failed $800 trillion sitting in accounts which should have been applied to the national debt. Contrary to federal government propaganda. They also discovered that most nations owed money to the United States instead of the other way around. 71. These hidden trillions were then confiscated and placed into European bank accounts in order to generate the enormous funds needed to pay as successful farmers claims class action lawsuit that help to instigate the 1992 Federal Reserve audit later this money would become the basis of the global currency reset prosperity programs, 72, despite the deathblow of losing control of $800 trillion through a 1992 audit of the Federal Reserve, the now president and founder of the CIA mind control program MK ultra George H. W. Bush garnered the help of the illuminati to continue on with their plans of global enslavement. This included using mind control torture methods gain from adult and child victims of Nazi Germany concentration camps 73 in August 1992, the military officers confronted President Bush and demanded he sign an agreement that he would return the United States to constitutional law. He was ordered to never use the term new world order again. Bush pretended to cooperate, but secretly plan to bring about the New World order anyway using the CIA and their use of mind control to overpower the American public. 74. On December 25, 1992, Pres. George H. W. Bush set out to sign an executive order that would have indefinitely closed all banks giving Bush an excuse to declare martial law. Under the chaos of martial law Bush intended to install a new constitution which would have kept everyone currently in office in their same position for 25 years plus removed all rights to elect new officials, the military intervened and stopped Bush from signing that executive order 75 in 1993 members of the Supreme Court. Certain members of Congress and representatives from the Clinton government met with high-ranking US military officers who were demanding a return to constitutional law reforms of the banking system and financial redress. Clinton, however, was a proponent of the new world order and the CIA mind control programs. As a result, nothing of substance was done see CIA mind control cell Kathy O’Brien’s books access denied and transformation of America 76. The 1999. These are act, the national economic stabilization and recovery act, also known as the national economic security and reformation act came about after a 1993 ruling of the US Supreme Court. After 30 years of lawsuits by the farmers Union 77 and that successful suit. The US banking system and US government were found to be in collusion to defraud US citizens. 78. Also in that successful suit. It was proven in court that the US office of the Internal Revenue Service that collected taxes from citizens had never been ratified by the U.S. Congress. 79. Initially the Clinton administration attempted to get the world court to overrule Missouri, though by 1999 the true needs of the law was introduced in Congress 80 knees or was the most groundbreaking reformation to sweep the US, the 1999 acted away with the Federal Reserve Bank IRS and shadow US government of the cabal plus implemented the following changes zeros out all credit card, mortgage and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a Jubilee or a forgiveness of debt be abolishes the US income tax. See abolishes the IRS employees of the IRS will be transferred into the U.S. Treasury national sales tax area. The creates a 14% flat rate nonessential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed nor will used items such as old homes. The increases benefits to senior citizens have returns constitutional law to all courts and legal matters. G reinstates the original title of nobility amendment age establishes new presidential and congressional elections within 120 days after knees or his announcement, the interim government will cancel all national emergencies and return us back to constitutional law monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities. Of special interest groups. J creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver and platinum precious metals ending the bankruptcy of the United States, initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933 K forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation L initiates a new U.S. Treasury bank system in alignment with constitutional law and eliminates the Federal Reserve system during the transition. The Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side-by-side of the new U.S. Treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply and restores financial privacy of trains. All judges and attorneys in constitutional law. The ceases all aggressive US government military actions worldwide you establishes peace throughout the world are releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes. S enables the release of over 6000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security including free energy devices, antigravity and sonic healing machines. 81. Not surprisingly much disinformation about knees or it could be found on the Internet. Wikipedia’s article was total disinformation. Dr. Harvey Francis Bernards needs her appeal was rejected by Congress in the 1990s Dr. Bernard was a systems philosopher and had tried for years to interest Congress in his monetary reform suggestions 82. Late one evening on March 9, 2000 original courtroom call was hand-delivered by Delta force and Navy SEALs to 15 members of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House who were sponsors and Seo sponsors of knees are. They were immediately escorted by the Delta force and Navy SEALs to their respective voting chambers, where they passed the Nesser act 83. These 15 members of Congress were the only people lawfully allowed to hold office in accordance with the original 13th amendment, which made a lawyer’s oath to the British crown 84. Finally, in a March 9, 2000 required meeting Congress passed knees are a 85 during the November 8, 2000 US election fiasco in Florida of Bush, JR, the state was approached by 4000 CIA agents of Bush Senior officials were told that they must make Bush Junior president or there would be civil war in the US, 86 in October 2000 people in military betrayed their agreement to implement knees or President Clinton had no interest in citing knees are into law 87 on October 10, 2000 and under orders from US military generals. The elite naval seals and Delta force stormed the White House under gunpoint. They forced then-President Bill Clinton to sign these during this time, Secret Service and White House security personnel were ordered to stand down were disarmed and allowed to witness this event under a gag order. President Clinton also relinquished his bar registry 88. From its very inception, the promoter of mind control, Bush Senior, the corporate government. Major bank houses and the Carlyle group have opposed knees are to maintain secrecy. The case details and the docket number were sealed and revised within the official Congressional registry to reflect the commemorative coin. It was again revised even more recently. This is why there was no public congressional records about knees are and why you search for this law would not yield the correct details until after the reformations were made public. 89 members of Congress will not reveal knees or because they have been ordered by the US Supreme Court justices to deny its existence or face charges of treason punishable by death. Some members of Congress have actually been charged with obstruction over their discussions of knees are when Minnesota Sen. Paul Wellstone was about to break the gag order is small passenger plane crashed killing his wife, daughter and himself. If fear was not enough to keep Washington in line money was routine bribes were offered to government and military officials by the power elite/secret government 90. The next step was the difficult task of announcing knees or into the world. Many powerful groups tried to prevent the implementation of knees or the knees or a law required that at least once a year and effort be made to announce the launch of the public. Three current US Supreme Court judges have used their authority on the committee in charge of knees or his announcement to secretly sabotage efforts to reveal knees or 91 on September 9, 2001, 18 months after knees became law. The Supreme Court justices ordered the 107th Congress to pass a resolution approving these. That same day, Congress passed knees are a 92 the next day on September 10, 2001 George Bush Senior moved into the White House to steer his son on how to block the announcement of knees or 93. Upon forming the CIA after World War II, Bush Senior helped to import those Nazi mind control specialists into the US, Canada and Australia, Bush Senior’s father had ties to Nazi Germany Bush Senior helped run the mind control, torture, rape and murder of children by the CIA from the Federal Reserve to a new US Republic via global currency reset by Judy Byington May 27, 2016 website child abuse produced by higher self. Nearly 450 years ago the Anglo-Saxon world banking system began with the creation of the Vatican historical asset trust accounts today known as the global collateral accounts. These funds of sovereign countries were mainly backed by gold reserves of the ancient Chinese Royal Dragon families certain sovereign families of Asia and Europe had pooled their assets into a series of very complex and secreted off ledger private banking trust accounts. The monies were intended for humanitarian projects to help the world for the better, though, had been fraudulently abused by a corrupt global banking system since at least the late 1600s and 1694. This global monetary system overseen by a secreted cabal was being run out of the central bank in England controlled by the Rothschilds family Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild once declared. I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire, the man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply by the mid to late 1700s, of Eastern Europe. These dark forces had gained complete control of the planets wealth by secretively taking over world. This is through an invisible web of usury and fiat finance. The cabal’s influence upon greedy global leaders led to domination over the world’s military diplomacy, education, science and media systems. In 1871, the cabal created the Corporation of the US to work under orders of the world monetary organizations, international monetary fund, WTO Bank of International settlements North American Union Council on foreign relations committee of 300 and the trilateral commission they discarded the U.S. Constitution manipulated funds of central banks across the globe and eventually formed the US Federal Reserve to continue their plunder of global assets. The privately owned US Inc. US Federal Reserve and US treasury were designed to conform to the dictates of those loyal to Masonic orders such as skull and bones institutions like London’s Crown Temple and the Vatican plus private families of European royalty. The Bilderberg’s George Soros Rothschilds Carnegie’s and Rockefeller’s among their ranks were powerful. Church, government, political education and business people bankers European royals Vatican hierarchy and former Nazi mind control experts brought into the US, Canada and Australia after World War II. Upon formation of the CIA in a greedy quest for power. These global elites were said to attend child exploitation get-togethers in order to blackmail politically powerful participants gain power and privilege, and thus influence world events. These same global elites were known to work with the has Aryan or entering head of mafias to run criminal enterprises extensively involved in drug and gunrunning plus the kidnapping of vulnerable children and youth. Those who kept atrocities on innocent children under wraps. Enjoyed free manipulation of world monetary funds under protection of the Mafia, criminal syndicates, with their dirty money freely laundered through the Vatican Bank since 2012 eyewitnesses to this rape, torture, murder, kidnapping and exploitation of children by global elite bankers have testified before the international common-law Court of Justice in Brussels. Apparently her criminal syndicate based in Italy regularly supplied indigent children for use in satanically oriented sex abuse and child sacrifice ceremonies. The kidnapping rings work through the Vatican office of Catholic charities Jesuit superior general or US Netherlands and European government and church owned foster daycare and youth detention centers. One of the most horrific examples was the Canadian child genocide see the international tribunal into crimes of church and state had Kevin and its award-winning documentary film unrepentant for three years. Survivor witnesses who went before the six international judges claimed that well-known world leaders regularly sexually abused and killed children in satanic ceremonies. Their unholy rights were directed by what was known as the satanic ninth Circle child sacrifice called the ninth Circle was globally based centuries old and closely tied to the CIA Vatican Nazi Germany European royalty. Prominent world leaders and bankers of the global monetary system. Apparently the rituals layered in pedophilia and child sacrifice were supported by the international monetary fund with monies funneled out of the CIA and further filtered through the Vatican Bank Obama US State Department pedophilia cover up HBO’s Biltmore and DynCorp pedophile cover-up Council on foreign relations tied to both HBO and DynCorp. The most influential of their cabal organizations was the privately owned US Federal Reserve, the Fed had functioned as the primary creator of world reserve currency since the 1944 Bretton Woods conference at the end of World War II. The practice of charging US citizens interest for use of their own money depleted US gold reserves to where none existed in Fort Knox and eventually created the petrodollar allowing easy credit soon led to a global economy that functioned on currency that was backed by nothing. The 1999. These are act, the national economic stabilization and recovery act, also known as the national economic security and Reformation act was formed to correct the situation, knees, or it came about from a 1993 ruling of the US Supreme Court. After 30 years of lawsuits by the farmers Union in that successful suit. The US banking system and US government were found to be in collusion to defraud US citizens. Yet to this day. Knees rolling hidden in congressional archives collecting dust. Knees are a by the year 2000, and to avoid a global monetary crisis in urgent need for reset of world currencies became apparent. Beginning in 2007 and running through 2015. All countries of the globe except for the US, had joined asset-backed currency of the newly formed brights alliance brights was an acronym representing the nations of Brazil Russia India China and South Africa. In retaliation to the world’s main reserve currency of the fiat US dollar, the brights system supported a country’s currency through its natural resources, oil, gold, silver, copper and other precious metals. This led to the global currency reset of May 2016 a complicated process concerning a reevaluation of world currencies that included removal of the Federal Reserve and certain global elites along with their has Aryan Mafia from control of the global monetary system. The reset would restore a new US Republic that functioned under knees or law and within the original Constitution. US citizens would finally be given their own gold back currency along with much-needed changes in the US tax and banking systems. On April 26, 2016 the global currency reset began playing out when China formally launched a return to the gold standard through the brights system. Completion of the GCR rollout across the world was scheduled to occur the latter part of May 2016. By the same time, the cabal had bankrupted themselves plus their privately owned US Federal Reserve dollar was no longer being accepted for world trade. The history of that process included formation of the new US Republic integration of the Federal Reserve into the US treasury and changes in the US tax system. Initially, there would be a re-value of 20 different currencies including the Iraqi dinar Vietnamese dog Zimbabwe Sam Indian rugby and Uranian recall reevaluation of other world currencies was expected to quickly follow higher exchange rates were made available during the first six days of initial exchanges, especially if a good percentage of monies were dedicated to humanitarian projects. These projects were set funded in part by gold of the Chinese Royal Dragon families and by $800 trillion in US taxpayer monies illegally taken by the Federal Reserve during the Bush administration then confiscated during a 1992 Federal Reserve audit. Another source of funds was $3.8 trillion gain through a negotiated agreement with Soviet Sec. Gen. Mikhail Gorbachev during the fall of the Soviet union. The $3.8 trillion, had also been illegally held by the Federal Reserve. It was also found through an intensive investigation that Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, John Roberts and Pres. Bush Senior had stolen $9.1 trillion of USA taxpayers funds from the U.S. Treasury, the mastermind behind this heist by Roberts and Bush was said to be Henry Kissinger. By midday on Friday, March 21, 2008 John Roberts control of the USA treasury had been terminated by a majority vote of the other USA Supreme Court justices. Three of the assistant justices were discovered to have been conspiring with Bush and Roberts in administering the $9.1 trillion. Treasury theft on Monday, March 31, 2008 federal prosecutor of the United States Department of Justice office of special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald had a team of 177 attorneys working uninterrupted all night at the U.S. Treasury and the US Supreme Court stolen or misapplied funds vastly exceeded America’s gross annual budget during his investigations into the US government wire fraud at the treasury, Fitzgerald stumbled across an altogether larger legal fraud. Washington DC itself had no right in constitutional law to run America. Washington DC was a system of corporate scams constructed to milk the American people without their knowing the United States was not even the United States of America. The data retrieved spelled slow death for the Washington DC ruling class, especially when the U.S. Congress is long-lost knees or legislation was ruled valid by the US Supreme Court. Knees are a repeated attempts to pay off the US national debt. Using these $800 trillion $3.8 trillion and $9.1 trillion of taxpayer monies illegally held by the Federal Reserve had been continually thwarted by the cabal. At present, the funds were in European bank accounts, awaiting the global currency reset see this soon-to-be released trailer of a documentary about corruption in the Federal Reserve Eagle 121 to there is also a feature documentary film about the US monetary system and its relationship to the cabal CIA 9/11 which happened as an initial global currency reset was to take place. Presidents Johnson and bushes and the assassination of Pres. Kennedy. Right before Kennedy was murdered he had signed documents which would have closed the Federal Reserve history one. The privately owned US Federal Reserve system started around 450 years ago with creation of a Vatican trust account attached to the generational wealth of several nations this world financial system was set up by and mainly funded through gold of the ancient Chinese Royal Dragon families of Asia to the ancient Chinese Royal Dragon society was an organization of old families within China and Taiwan who operated above the political divide of the two independent Chinese governments, the Chinese held that old family ties and function superseded political arrangements and were inconsequential over the passage of time three Dragon families were said to abstain from any public view and knowledge, but acted for the benefit of the world in coordination with higher levels of the global financial organizations committee of 300 and in particular the private Federal Reserve system for Dragon families had accumulated great wealth with trillions in interest payments still owing in the form of a variety of notes, bonds and certificates that were an obligation of the Federal Reserve system. These bonds had values ranging in the many thousands of trillions of US dollars five in the last decade the Dragon family organization attempted to contribute significant billions of US dollars for the purpose of aiding numerous global humanitarian purposes such as relief during disasters to countries throughout the world including Hurricane Katrina in the United States, earthquakes in Haiti, China and Indonesia. The Chernobyl nuclear disaster rebuilding the Republic of George’s infrastructure, water and energy supply for the Cayman Islands, Bangladesh, and more. Six. In the late 1700s, a group in Eastern Europe known as the cabal began taking control of the global monetary system using fiat or paper currency that was not asset-backed to counter this movement. Some sovereign families of Asia and Europe dominated by the Chinese Royal Dragon families pooled their gold assets into secreted off ledger private banking trusts now known as the global collateral accounts or global debt facility seven on the darker side, Switzerland, the home and legal origin of United Nations charters housed cabal organizations of the international monetary fund, WTO and Bank of International settlements the Bank of International settlements in Basel Switzerland controlled all central banks of what was known as the G-7 nations. He who controls the gold rules the world. In the US, the cabal operated monetary system went back to founding of the United States of American Corporation in 1871 reorganization in 1907 Jekyll Island in 1910 and forming of the privately owned Federal Reserve in 1913, they discarded the U.S. Constitution manipulated funds of central banks across the globe and use the US Federal Reserve to plunder global assets rather than utilizing the monies for their original humanitarian purpose, thereby enriching their own and fellow global elites pockets. The since the US monetary system began. It has been subject to the privately owned US Inc. and US Federal Reserve plus other cabal organizations, including that has Aryan Mafia cabal monies were commonly laundered through the Vatican Bank 10, the US Federal Reserve function under orders of the international monetary fund, WTO Bank of International settlements North American Union Council on foreign relations, trilateral commission and committee of 300 11 this corrupt system was run by political elites. Bush Senior also managed the CIA in Dallas during the Kennedy assassination. It was well known that the CIA controlled the media, 94, the day after Bush Senior moved into the White House on September 11, 2001 at 10 AM Eastern standard Time, Alan Greenspan was scheduled to announce the new U.S. Treasury bank system debt forgiveness for all US citizens and abolishment of the IRS as the first part of the public announcements of knees are 95 it was speculated that on September 11, 2001 at 8 AM Eastern standard Time, the cabal working with the CIA did the unthinkable. In New York City, two nuclear devices were imploded beneath the twin towers 96 it was alleged that just before the announcement. At 9 AM on September 11, 2001 Bush Senior ordered the demolition of the World Trade Center’s twin towers to stop the international banking computers on floors one and two in the north tower from initiating the new U.S. Treasury bank system explosives in the World Trade Center were said to be planted by operators and detonated remotely in building seven, which it is alleged was demolished. Later that day in order to cover up their crime. 97. It was also said that on September 11, 2001 remote pilot technology was used in a flyover event to deliver a payload of explosives into the Pentagon at the exact location of a group of military personnel known as the white knights back in 1871. Upon creation of the United States of America, Inc., and as a contingency plan. The military had formed an interim government headed by these white night military leaders on September 11, 2001 the white knights were coordinating activities supporting these are is implementation nationwide. From their new naval command center at the Pentagon, which was destroyed during the events of 9/11, 98, with the announcement of knees are is stopped dead in its tracks. George Bush Senior was said to have decapitated any hopes of returning the government back to the people. 99 between the late 1990s and early 2000s. The Bush family crime syndicate was believed to have stolen $800 trillion in taxpayer monies through use of the Federal Reserve plus expanded their operations during the past half decade, 100, the $800 trillion was recovered during a 1992 Federal Reserve audit more illegally taken taxpayer funds were recovered around 2006, 101. The funds were stored in European accounts awaiting the global currency reset where they were targeted for use in humanitarian projects 102, the illegally taken funds form the basis for some of the criminal charges to be levied against this broadbrush criminal syndicate. An organization called the new Republic was holding off on these arrests until a series of charges were authenticated and could be acted upon. 103 a major film documentary Eagle 121 to covered how Pres. Reagan secret agent ambassador Leah meal want to amass 3.8 trillion through a negotiated agreement with Soviet Sec. Gen. Mikhail Gorbachev during the fall of the Soviet union. The 3.8 trillion was designed to go back to the American people, but was stolen by the Federal Reserve system want to has pledged to eliminate our national debt overnight after a 2006, US District Court mandate was honored that would return the money. The documentary was scheduled to be released upon announcement of the new US Republic 104, by 2007 two world wars and several conflicts had been funded by the Federal Reserve in a failed yet direct response to give the Royal Dragon families back there collateral lysing assets to a rapidly defaulting central banking system 105 on Friday, January 18, 2008. Colleagues heard the 17th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Glover Roberts, a prominent American Roman catholic say that the knees are a global prosperity packages would never be delivered 106. By March 2008, it was decided that Chief Justice John Roberts was holding the global prosperity packages illegally in the vaults of the USA Supreme Court in Washington DC 107 on the evening of March 20, 2008 John Roberts called a meeting at the U.S. Treasury supported by senior American Roman catholic archbishops and cardinals the Vatican in Rome and the crowd temple in London, John Roberts and George Bush Junior were conspiring to prevent delivery of the want to plan funds and the knees are a global prosperity packages 108 John Roberts said to his colleagues. I run treasury I decide what will be done and what I am doing is none of your business. You don’t work for the government and you don’t work for the American people you work for me and you will do what I tell you to do and what I am doing is none of your business. I am sick and tired of calls from all over the world and my business being reported on the Internet by Casper. Anyone caught opening their mouth will immediately be fired 109 John Roberts problem was that several of his Washington DC colleagues in both the Supreme Court and the treasury did not agree that it was right for the Chief Justice to act in open defiance of the American Constitution. The international Court of Justice and the international monetary fund 110, John Roberts and Bush Senior had stolen $9.1 trillion of USA taxpayers funds from the treasury, the mastermind behind his heist was said to be Henry Kissinger, stolen or misapplied funds vastly exceeded America’s gross annual budget 111 by midday on Friday, March 21, 2008 John Roberts control of the USA treasury had been terminated by a majority vote of the other USA Supreme Court justices 112, three of the assistant justices were discovered to have been conspiring with Bush and Roberts in administering the $9.1 trillion. Treasury theft. They were Samuel Alito, Roman catholic with Italian connections, Antonin Scalia, Roman catholic with Sicilian connections and Clarence Thomas, a Roman catholic with a developed interest in pornography and the public history of sexual harassment 113, when Roberts resignation was demanded. He quickly signed a letter correctly dating at the March 21, 2008, but deliberately signing it fraudulently by writing his name is Robert rather than Roberts centuries ago. Others successfully falsified biblical texts with similar measures 114 on Tuesday, March 25, 2008. It emerged that Sandra Day O’Connor recently retired Supreme Court assistant Justice was actively involved in attempting to trade the stolen $9.1 trillion for Bush and Roberts. O’Connor was regarded as a farm, claims, and these are a turncoat who was bribed into conspiratorial obedience by the Bush White House 115 on the morning of Tuesday, March 25, 2008 Roman catholic Patrick Fitzgerald, federal prosecutor of the United States Department of Justice office of special Counsel returned to the US treasury to continue his investigation of the stolen monies. A few hours later he was instructed by Chief Justice Roberts to stop his work and leave 116. By the beginning of April 2008 agents acting for Pres. George Bush Junior and the Vatican had a contract out for Patrick Fitzgerald’s assassination and had told him, so Fitzgerald and his coworkers were closely protected with security provided by Interpol and the Chinese secret society of which Benjamin Fulford had spoken in 2007, 117 the Chinese enforcers also had people in place within the inner circles of George Bush Junior George Bush Senior Dick Cheney Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton as well as in the special hospitals. These people would be taken to in the event of an accident. If the Chinese bullet didn’t work. The Chinese syringe certainly would 118 on Monday, March 31, 2008, Fitzgerald had a team of 177 attorneys working uninterrupted all night at the U.S. Treasury and the US Supreme Court. The data retrieved spelled slow death for the Washington DC ruling class 119 during his investigations into the US government wire fraud at the treasury, Fitzgerald stumbled across an altogether larger legal fraud. Washington DC itself had no right in constitutional law to run America. Washington DC was a system of corporate scams constructed to milk the American people without their knowing 120 Fitzgerald also uncovered that the United States was not the United States of America. There were two completely different legal entities operating there was an illegal president of the US imposed but no legally constituted president of the USA, the US, Washington DC, was not about the government of the people by the people for the people. The US was about the control of the people by the corporations for the crowd temple in London 121. All this might have stayed invisible but for knees are and the American financial depression of 2007 two 2008. The combination of these two things engendered irresistible pressures which allowed special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to uncover the truth about the US monetary system being run by the cabal 122 by the time of Fitzgerald’s investigation, America’s money was gone. There was nothing to replace it with except the knees or world prosperity funds. The politicos were desperate. They didn’t want knees or knees or would reestablish constitutional law and they would be forced out of office to face public treason charges. They were terminally desperate in their desperation. They made mistakes by attempted illegal wire transfers and offshore stealth trades there flailing about, because the whole corporate legal fiction to unwind visibly 123 historical details described here came to the attention of Patrick Fitzgerald in April 2008 the Bush Cheney Clinton Junta was in a fight for its political, legal, and financial life, but still controlled the mainstream corporate media. Thus, the general population was unaware of anything but a politically understated financial crisis, a collapsing dollar, rising gold price and a few million foreclosures on domestic properties 124, also by 2008 another proponent of the new world order, the Obama administration was in charge. Obama refused to work under a budget while diluting the national debt with the stimulus package that didn’t stimulate the economy. But more than tripled the national debt, 125, the US fast began losing their influence as the main world reserve currency due to its uncontrollable monetary policies ever growing debt and use of fiat currency 126. These discrepancies build to a head when the dragons demanded payment for derivatives debts on Lehman Brothers, the Royal Dragon families were very concerned of the US could not even pay the interest on its debt to the 127 the Dragon families called in their loan on Lehman Brothers, thus causing the 2008 mortgage crisis 128 when Lehman could not pay off the debt. Call the US government declared a global financial emergency borrowing $700 billion from its citizens. In order to maintain repayment schedules negotiated by the Federal Reserve Bank to the Chinese Royal Dragon families 129 by now nations of the global monetary system had alarming concern about the US national debt and US currency which had no backing yet was being used as the main world reserve currency in 2009, the Royal Dragon families stepped into form products and organization of Brazil Russia India China and South Africa 130. Eight 2011 treaty white paper informed different global finance ministers of the economical conditions of the world as a result, Ireland challenged the world monetary system saying if you can prove that you loaned us any money. We will gladly pay you. But if you can’t basically go pound sand, and they held to it. They had that same thing going on with grace. It was believed that if the right one had gotten elected in Greece they would have done the same thing as they did to Ireland 131 in the fourth 1:45 thousand and 12 as the settler on a condo trust lien against the Federal Reserve Bank and to prevent them from rechartering. The Federal Reserve was melted into the new United States treasury now located in Reno Nevada under what was eventually called the new Republic formally formed in 2015 132 by 2015 all the nations of the world except for the US and Japan had joint products. Japan joined in the fall of 2015 leaving the US as the lone holdout 133 Reichs economic resources united together to replace the US as the world’s leading economic power. But Reichs had a problem. The fiat US dollar was the global reserve currency by which all other currencies are valued as equal 134 to solve your problem. Reichs reevaluated the currencies of the world which had joined the bright system they backed all those world currencies with natural resources of the countries and gold reserves of the Dragon families so as to conform to the IMF’s basil three regulations 135. By February 2015. The new US Republic had been formed by concerned congresspeople. The Royal Dragon families had demanded formation of this new Republic is a necessary step before they would back US currency with their gold in the bright system 136 secret society members whose allegiance was to masonry, including those initiated into skull and bones or were associated with the sovereign city of London’s crowd, temple, Vatican, high-energy, or in private family such as European royalty. The Bilderberg’s George Soros Rothschilds Carnegie’s and Rockefeller’s 12 the private US Federal Reserve system, which issued fiat US Federal Reserve notes was financially owned and controlled by the crowd temple bar in the independent and sovereign city of London 13 bar stands for British accredited Regency the city of London crowd temple bar also controlled the US judiciary system 14 in the war of 1812 British soldiers had destroyed copies of the titles of nobility amendment because it prevented anyone who had ties to the crown of England from holding public office. US attorneys gave both to the crowd temple bar of England in order to become licensed under practices of the US Bar Association 15, the US Bar Association was owned by the Northern trust company, which eventually also owned as a holding company, the US taxpayer system of the Internal Revenue Service, for all intents and purposes, the IRS and US Bar Association functioned as the same entity under the control of the Vatican and crown of England 16 in the American Civil War 1861 to 1865. Both sides were financed by the crowd temple in London and all subsequent legal and financial settlements were controlled by the crowd temple for the Vatican. 17. Because of this mutual agreement and ties between the Vatican London crowd temple US Bar Association and the IRS. It became important to have Roman Catholics placed in ruling positions in the Washington DC Corporation and at the Supreme Court. After all, American bar attorneys work for the British accredited registry or British accreditation registry and legally American taxes, treasury and resources were chattels of old Europe. 18 this mess which continued today came about in 1871 when a privately owned United States of America incorporation was secretly and covertly founded for the purpose of controlling the US monetary system. The corporation was simply a privately owned Maritime Corporation out of Puerto Rico using funding of the Royal Dragon families 19 in 1910 at Chico Lila George of the US corporation fraudulently put together this monetary system is an omnipotent fiat dollar making machine among the founders were JP Morgan and National city Bank president Frank a vendor lip shutting use of their last names. The group met at a privately owned railway car in New Jersey 20 by 1913 this accretive organization had become the privately owned and Rothschilds dominated Federal Reserve system that served as the US central bank 21, the US Congress was said to be bought off as they secretly pass the illegal and unconstitutional Federal Reserve act of 1913, a corrupt Pres. Wilson signed it into law. 22. In an act of treason. The U.S. Congress allowed the privately owned Federal Reserve to print the emerging nations physical money for the U.S. Treasury. 23. Under the 1913 Federal Reserve act and the privately owned Fed the Almighty USD quickly spread as a de facto global reserve currency, replacing the British pounds sterling, 24, the Fed alone was allowed to have full global monetary authority over the rest of the world and print as many US dollars as they deemed necessary without any international oversight except to those private families owning the central banking system, 25, the Federal Reserve Bank was not connected to the US government, but composed of a group of privately owned central banks with the main interest of serving the cabal. The central banks acted on behalf of sovereign countries to buy bonds backed by the Chinese Royal Dragon family historical asset trust accounts 26, the Federal Reserve was also a franchise of the has Aryan banking Mafia known as the Rothschild world moneychangers. They were notorious for creating money from nothing and lending it to 98% of the world’s nations in order to receive pernicious usury in exchange 27, the Rothschild has Aryan Mafia bank stirs not only created about 98% of the world money from thin air. They charged interest to those who use their own money usury alone added 40% to the cost of all goods and services in the global community. This was insane for any nations people to pay a foreign-based private bank of elusive Orion child murdering pedophile has Aryan Mafia parasites to use what should have been their own money in the first place. 28. Four years this cabal has fought implementation of the global currency reset since it took away a great deal of their power ongoing monetary gain and was designed to close their privately owned Federal Reserve system by which they controlled the world. 29 the United States was the only country on the planet that did not have its own national currency. One of the purposes of the global currency reset was for the US to secure and use their own asset-backed currency. 30 for several years, US Federal Reserve notes backed by gold borrowed from the Royal Dragon families had been used for government and trade purposes. This monetary system functioned under the non-US government owned North American union, 31, the Federal Reserve notes that were used by the common US citizens had no backing at all and were referred to as fiat currency. Fiat currency was any non-asset-backed money declared by the government to be legal tender. 32 thus since inception of the nation US citizens had been forced to buy their Federal Reserve note currency along with paying interest on it from the privately owned Federal Reserve. 33. The Federal Reserve note had interest attached to it which helped create our nations well over $17 trillion national debt. Some would say that the US was well over 100 trillion


This document entails how the whole world has been enslaved through corruption and deceit. Those in this republic fighting to inform not only the public who have been blinded to this control but to the entire world of people controlled by the Vatican who control the souls, London, which controls, the economy and legal systems, , and Washington D.C. deceptively named THE UNITED STATES
We the people are crushed into poverty, sickness and death by the corruption of deceit and the fraud of silence and the treason of attempted total destruction of our free , honest, and self-representative way of life by this TRILATERAL COMMISSION.

To find and establish what we have lost, we must start at the very basic fraud and treason found in these very court proceedings where every attempt to bring truth and justice is thwarted by process and administration of our basic rights and security called our treasury direct accounts . This is the object of every supposed fair trial based on truth and justice by the deception of defrauding us through the basic manipulation of word definitions. all procedure and purpose is clouded in emotional trickery.
Everyone is supposed to have a fair trial which allows for explanation of intent for actions and the ability of one to meet his adversary face to face in the openness of truth and light, without mis-direction of the government agency as trustworthy witness to manipulate the outcome to the end of ransacking a man’s security. Facts and truth are refused which may hide the true objective.
The methods used to control the outcome have been uncovered in an attempt to correct the violation of we the people’s god given right protected by our constitution which is continually under attack to continue the ransack of we the people.

Do your job. Join in the work to displace our controllers

Petition Your State Legislator

Almost everyone knows that our federal government is on a dangerous course. The unsustainable debt combined with crushing regulations on states and businesses is a recipe for disaster.
What is less known is that the Founders gave state legislatures the power to act as a final check on abuses of power by Washington, DC. Article V of the U.S. Constitution authorizes the state legislatures to call a convention for proposing needed amendments to the Constitution. This process does not require the consent of the federal government in Washington, DC.
I support the Convention of States Project; a national effort to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution, restricted to proposing amendments that will impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit its power and jurisdiction, and impose term limits on its officials and members of Congress.
I want our state to be one of the necessary 34 states to pass a resolution calling for this kind of Article V Convention. You can find a copy of the model resolution and the Article V Pocket Guide (which explains the process and answers many questions) here:

I ask that you support the Convention of States Project and consider becoming a co-sponsor of the resolution. Please respond to my request by informing the national COS team of your position, or sending them any questions you may have:

info@conventionofstates.comor (540) 441-7227.

Thank you so much for your service to the people of our district.
Respectfully, [Your Name]

War!—International Peace Proclamation

Be it known to all whom these Presents come: An international Peace Treaty has been established ending all hostilities related to The American Civil War which unofficially began in 1861 with an Executive Declaration issued by then- Territorial President Abraham Lincoln.
Grand Peace Treaty of the States
Insomuch as a mercenary conflict known as The American Civil War was engendered and fought by members of the Confederation of States exixting in 1860, and that conflict has been left unresolved, now let it be agreed and declared that this Grand Peace Treaty of the States has been approved by the owner States and has been established and bound upon these Several Parties by mutual Treaty Agreement among these and among the Several States now existing, and also applies to all Subcontractors and Employees exercising Delegated Powers:

Agreement 1: That all States and all Confederate States now or in future existing agree to an immediate and permanent cessation of hostilities connected in any way to The American Civil War;

Agreement 2: This cessation of hostilities and resulting peace extends on the soil, in the air, on land and at sea, and is also an obligation of all those exercising delegated powers on behalf of our States;

Agreement 3: All the States then-existing and existing now, have abolished by Roll Call Vote all forms of slavery and peonage within their borders, within their Territories and Possessions, and within the realm of their intellectual properties, so that no more legal presumptions, exclusions, or suppositions may be used to evade the paramount provisions of our Organic and Public Laws;

Agreement 4: All the States then- existing and existing now, agree via this Grand Peace Treaty of the States to uphold this peace both within and without their borders and to forever end and release the disputes arising from The American Civil War, and to return all States to their natural status and sovereignty as States of the Union without exception and according to theEqual Footing Doctrine;

Agreement 5: All States now existing agree that the votes of all State Members of the unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America are now and have remaine valid without exception before, during, and after The American Civil War;


. In alignment with that you may realize Google is just a tentacle of the black hole leaches that are sucking our life force. We are allowing it no more. They hide under statutes created just for this work. The unlawful, and meant for evil, statutes have to be removed. Actually all of them must be removed. They prevent no bad in the world. they only are that bad we are to remove. Since their courts are their support, they need to be ignored, their source of income should be removed. And since they are the only courts except those authorized to exist on our land we will have to tate the Jesuit’s time is now to be re-booted from the USA. They were once but invited back by president__________ in 19____. Let them rebut our coms. This should be considered by them the remedy provided even though we don’t need to do it. they should be blind sided but that would necessarily preclude our initial conspiring. Let them worry about the open conspiracy. Require them to prove their value to us, their individual statutes one by one. There are reasons all prisoners are incarcerated. They need to be released and nurtured to healing by us in the love collective. they need to be released with no strings attached with the bonds that landed them there. The judges do not need this reward obtained by looking them in the face eye to eye offering them some time off their sentence for a signature on a guilty plea. legally this signature can be rescissioned. But that court work keeps them in business. This requirement should be forgiven as they would have been, had they known to repent of their sins and ask the ecclesiastical court fot forgiveness. For in the end it is the church running all this evil matrix disguising the 13 families from Mesopatamia 5000 years ago. The USA was the first to invite these people under the name of Jesuits back. Also to be spotlighted is India. They are the only country that did not boot them out for their intrigues, murdering ways and overall evil intentions under the guise of sponsoring the church, neither they or the church deserve any clemency. We, when vindicated will have the prerogative to let them live, but in the prison of their choice. These released prisoners should expect our loving support even they will have the proceeds of their bond. We should allow them to live free of our traditions that keep us tied, a home they cannot own but live in ollowing the opportunity to double pay utility bills and re-register their car every year. They should own a new car not tied to a particular DOT.they and we alike should be allowed to live a spirituslly led life with the help if needed of natural plants (none should address anything natural as a drug or medicine any more. We will rerwrite our language with proper grammar so we stopputting spells, spelling outselves. Miller’s work should be taught freely along with only revealed truths in the home.
Everyone of us conspiring against our deceivers shall have an opportunity to publically vote, (support the boot- out of) reject them recording their intent and their proof there are any statutes that need to be included in god’s laws, all ten of them.we shall give everyone thie chance to vote only afte showing they understand the significance ot the uncovering of the statutes and their deceit in that there was never any penalty prescribed and that it was all a fear scam to drown us in debt. The root traitors have no way to leave erath. Those working for their ends knowing or unknowingly will have the opportunity to use pluaible deniability just as they do when faced with their evil and its fruit. The truths brought out into the light in this book are freely given, no poll tax involved. There could be an opportunity for donations to the not for personal profitorginization to provide funding for their teaching to those just benefiting from this release from their firm grip. To fully appreciate their windfall, they should realize the handouts they are used to receiving were bribes or like non-disclosure agreements . they were in turn sealing our fate by accepting free handouts. There are no free lunches, but the love of community far exceeds the hunger of the flesh. Let those who have already exposed their intentions oversee thie voting process. Although this could be accomplished by our civil disobedience we would be furling their fire . we can smolder their sparks with a documented declaration of free men, women, animals, plants and minerale incorporated in the one spirit of this universe. We may even desire to write a pledge of alleigence to it like we have done in the past in thief religious vows and worships. We need not worship, we only need to recognize our osn uniqueness as an intregral part and act in its and all/s good.
Our next goal will be to address the patents held for so long without any effort to implement them. These should be released for our use. All documents classified for national security purposes held by all nations shall be opened for all to see before voting just like the one memorandum wirhin the IRS indicating all of us requesting our income taxes back to our original return should be repaid but kee it secret so rthey can continue their burglary.

Anna seminar donaton to Anchorage
you know something is wrong when book produced separate from Amazon/an American state national printer print. Co. unincorporated /private

Anna’s website:
Snailmail: Anna Maria Riezinger c/o Box 520994 Big Lake, Alaska 99652
Pay pal
Claim a copy right to your trade name and all of its derivatives punctuations and all of its variations. And then you set back and you go “hey I’m the subrogee” , I’m the priority creditor. Claim your name and estate. Your state is attached to your name. we died a long time ago. All that is left is our estate. Have not been heard from since you left that hospital. Income tax applies only to corporations. The term income is applicable only to corporations. If there is an income tax , it is against a corporation. It cannot be a tax against a living being. Income applies only to corporate accruals. Irs is just a private bill collector with out any authority.
History of income tax . it began in 1100’s in England. Called peter’s pence. Created by roman catholic church. To pay for the crusades. And it was collected by their specific bill collectors who were black robed men who wore white wigs. They were called galley. And they were priests of the pagan Sybile. They came to rome in the second century BC. And they’ve been bill collectors for the popes. And roman pontiffs ever since. On 25th of every april they would come around and collect an income tax called peter’s pence. And they are still doing the same thing now. Only they are doing it through the internal revenue service. And they are using judges and barristers. And you’ll note that the british barristers still wear white wigs. Income tax has been illegal in America but not in the U.S. they can’t charge us the living people anything but they can charge our corporate person however much they want as long as you let them have a corporate person. Human is the color of man, not a living man. One definition is a monster, a straw man. Something that appears to be a man but isn’t. Rockefeller said he payed no income tax.
As a result of the 1907 bankruptcy, all of our land had been held as surety for that bankruptcy. They laid clame to all of our land and they parceled it out as residential, industria, and agricultural. And they took a title on all that lane, as surety for the bankruptcy that started in 1907. when it settled in 1953, the rats sayed: “oh we can’t possibly know who all this land belongs to anymore. So they put it in two giant land trusts. The dept. of agriculture and the interior. Private land was taken up by dept. of AG and the public lands was taken by the dept of the interior. Managed by BLM. They took title of our land as surety for their debt. Then they made a false claim of abandonment. And rolled it all over into trusts. They continue to hold the title. So they stole by this open fraud and pulled the same thing through our labor. Our labor assets and our own personal property. With the 1933 bankruptcy. When they stole our actual silver dollars, the value our labor, our names, . they used al that for surety for their debts too. Who started all these scams? Two gangs involved. The dutch and English. Over time the dutch gang included some French elements. We have basically western European countries corporate governments fooling around with them. Trying to seize upon our assets. By this legal chicanery. These were planned bankruptcies. Take place every 60, 70, 80 years. Set up so they can discharge their debts against us. Leave us holding the bag for all their debts. They continue to hold us as wards of their states or their next generation service providers.
Now the 20 trillion dollar debt is theirs not ours. So, who’s holding the credit? When you pay a debt with a debt, you create a credit. You never get paid in this system until you foist off those debt notes on someone else. A credit is created for one party and a debt is created by the receiving party. Its backwards of any thing you would normally think of. Its because you’re are trading a debt. Creating a negative number. I’m holding a negative 7 and I give you that negative 7 as a payment soy now have negative 30. Yet we are spending this as though it were real. Its just a book keeping fiasco. You never hear about the national credit. We hold the credit. They are not just doing their book keeping. Bringing the two sides together to zero it out. Its bookkeeping fraud. Dis honest bookkeeping began with fast eddie o’hara. Al Capone/s bookkeeper. His new system was called cooking the books. Keeping two sets of books. Double accrual bookkeeping. In stead of carriage bookkeeping. In 1946 the government adopted this bookkeeping system. The general accounting office switched over to double accrual bookkeeping. And they haven’t kept a straight set of books ever since. The FBI found out about this booking system in the 20’s and by 1946 government corporations had adopted it.
Has there been an awakening in the last 20 years? A lot of people have been taking charge of the IRS. They are no longer the bully boys they were as a result. Because when you are well informed you are well armed. You can write a letter claiming your exemption and kick them right out of your life. And you can do it even 10 years retroactively. You have no obligation unless you are a federal employee or a federal dependent. There are certain people who are legitimately Federal Citizens. People in the military, military dependents, federal civilian employees. And their dependents. People truly wards of the state. In insane asylums. How this all began was with black Americans. After the civil war they were never granted actual state citizenship. The gov. services corporation booted in the wake of the civil war came in and claimed title to the black slaves that had been supposedly freed. The British crown came back in after the fact, claimed title to them and what happened was although private slave ownership was outlawed, public slave ownership had just begun. It was from that, all the rest of this has happened. We were not sharp enough to figure out what these rats were doing and object to it and put a stop to it they re-enslaved the black people, the plantation slaves, as public slaves. Then they extend this to all federal employees, after us. They’ve been able to work this by controlling the courts, and the banks.
What about the future of monetary system..crypto currencies? To her, money is a ridiculous concept. Value of paper to who, what?
We’ve only had one quasi successful monetary system in the world. That was based on precious metals. Even here people mistake the symbol of value for the value. Subject to manipulation and hoarding. Counterfeiting etc. whoever has that commodity controls and dominates others who have to suffer. Lik OPEC. Oil or Queen of England w/gold. 19th century, gold and silver was limited..elasticity..when the need for a medium of exchange exceeds the supply currency is elastic. Can print more of it. To meet the market demand. We worship the dollar bill. Its idolatry a great abomination. It started in the ancient kingdom of Summer. Where the Queen Semiramus, started doing this. The Sumarians had a lot of grain..traded in grain. Queen printed grain on gold coins. Inflation by printing two baskets of wheat.
Con men disconnect the medium of exchange from the actual fact of what is being exchanged. All commodities, all labor should be included as exchange. Let worldwide currency symbolize all natural resources in a big wad. The producer of a commodity has an unfair advantage in the commodity markets. Some countries have a lot of labor but few resources. They are the goats standing behind the 8 ball. To have prosperity w/o misery and poverty is if everybody can bring something to the market place. And be a producer. Without a basket of commodities including land we will have chiseling. Hoarding insanity. This has gone on for 8000 years since the Queen stamped grain on a gold coin. We need a fair, transparent and honest system.

After claiming name back, what other steps to take? Claim your land back too. Arbitrary describe your land. There plat and lot block descriptions. A street number description. We pay at some level for all of this.
When they took title to our land, they took our land out into international jurisdiction and in order to get our land back, to actually own our land, we have to get out own political status straightened out, and identify ourselves as actual American state nationals. Because U.S. citizens can’t own land in the states. First and foremost you have to get your estate and own name back. Then you can go in and get your land back. You can reclaim your land. You do a Meets and Bounds survey. A physical survey. You actually attach the description to the physical boundary stones or markers of your land. You correct the deed. You rename it and you copyright the name. example. Paid all owed on piece of land and deed correction by meets and bounds description using boundary markers. Arbitrarily named it, with c w/circle around it, copyright, symbol and recorded it. Gave a copy to tax acessors office. Had them date stamp in a copy for me so that I could prove I had actually registered it in terms of telling them what I had done. Then I recorded that with the land recording office. No property taxes. But I had none prior to that. By a different rational. Most of get a property assessment Bill every year and we assume this is for services rendered. We think about snow plowing and sanding icy roads, cutting ditches and keeping utility lines clean. Fire service areas. Provided by the “local government” before meets and bounds and getting name back etc. I went to the property tax office and said ok you are providing me all these services but I don’t have a contract with you. So I want to straighten this out and know what I am paying for. I want to know if I’m getting rooked. I’ll contract with you for those services I want and we will do this as a business deal. No reply. 30 days later sent a registered letter stating I made you this offer. I realize that you are providing services. I don’t want to be unfair or cheat anybody. I made the offer to look over the services you provide and make sense for me. Nothing happened. 30 days later wrote back and said, I made this offer and have not heard from you so I have to assume you are not interested in contacting to provide services to me. And any services I receive, I will accept free gratis. Never contacted again.
Right to travel and tolls.
Gov. sells off an interest in a road that has been built w/public funds to a private investor. They put up a toll for the use of that road. Did the people that sold that road, have the right to do so and did they have the right to the land underneath the road. The answer is almost always no. another bogus make a buck scam. Will be corrected but not a high priority at the moment. We have the absolute right to travel. The motor vehicle code was never designed to do any thing to interrupt that. EVER. The motor vehicle code was excused. The excuse for the motor vehicle code was for public safety. The use that certain companies get out of public roads to make private profits. Taxi cab co. or long distance trucking firm. Currier service. Examples. Were taxed for making living off public resources. And regulated and licensed. Anytime you have a license, you are applying to do something that would otherwise be illegal. This is a profession ,drivewrs of vehicles. Benefiting from a public resource. That’s not fair. Jusr me in private vehicle going to the store, has nothing to do with making profit off resources. Just me traveling. They have no right to say boo about that. Don’t approve of licensing driving for average man. But want to see some amount of responsibility that people should know the rules of the road. Should have some training and capability to pass a test. Beyond that no need for license. Should have an ID. That’s it. Technically need only give name and ID People afraid of being stopped. Their own fault because you can put a little label on my drivers license that flags them right there, I’m not a federal citizen, I’m not using the roads for any profit or gain. I’m retired from all that. I have a little lable front and back of my license which says: “RETIRED” , that’s it bye folks. Anybody at any age can rfetire from any obligation of citizenship. Citizenship cannot be imposed on a person against their will. It is a major league war crime to do so. Involving piano wire around the neck and firing squads. They cannot impose citizenship on you. They cannot steal your nationality. You are actually holding the cards. You just don’t know it. It’s the same thing with your car. You and your private car (auto) are exempt. If you say it is. If you nger “Z” plates. The regulation of the vehicle code that exempts your own car, your truck you are not using for commercial purposes. This is regulation “Z”. so you go to the DMV and ask for “Z” plates. And they have a little sticker. Its a black and white sticker. It has a number and you put in on your tag. It is a one time only. Put it on, boom. That identifies it as a private car, that you are claiming your exemption. And then they won’t bother you. $200 instead of $160. Any American can apply.
Can get a detailed step by step procedure //how to deal w/birth certificate. And certificate of assumed name.

Session laws, not statute laws that govern copyright of assumed name. because the states are federated, what is true in one has to be true in another. So you can go ahead and do the claiming anyhow. Will be posted as a template. Either record those or send a record copy to yourself. There are two ways of recording land jurisdiction documents . one is to record via the land recording office. The other is the post office. Land is international. And soil is national. What you end up with is red ink instead of blue ink. Postal cancelation stamp is always red. That’s land jurisdiction. Stamps coming in off courts are always blue. Sea jurisdiction. When you get your certificate of assumed name done, you can take it to the local land recording office. Some of them object and won’t record it unless it has the SESSION law from that specific state. And either you can pay a paralegal to dig up that SESSION law guaranteeing your copyrights for assumed names or you can send yourself a record copy. I prefer to get it straight. Look up the law and get recorded in the public land recording office which is what I did. But you can also send yourself a record copy . and this applies to anything you want to get a record of. You send yourself a registered letter, and when it comes back you put it in the file with the file copy of whatever is in that letter. If any question comes up, you certify a copy of the file copy you have. This is a true complete correct copy of the document etc. signed date by self. Then you walk in and you have this little envelop and you wave it at the judge. Here I have a record copy, an unsealed record copy . you have absolute proof that you set this and you have the registration number from the registered mailing which is the record number and you have the red stamp. So when it comes to any altercation with the courts that’s as good as having it recorded at the land jurisdiction office. If you can’t get it recorded by the land recording office, you can always do a registered mailing to yourself.
What changes coming up? The gov. has been saying it is interregnum or on pause. (for 150 years). Her husband said it has Ended if it ever existed and sent a proclamation with it that detailed all this his ansestors were the ones who donated they took under the fledgling republic and acted as heads of state and all of the great seal and all of that is under their coat of arms, under their kingship, issued a proclamation to go with it that details a lot of this. that’s a big change we have not abandoned our land or property or anything else, and all you bankers and charlatans and lawyers can just get back into your little box and stay there.
Another change, we have explicitly stated our currency is the American silver dollar. Otherwise known as the united states silver dollar.
We located the record where the US navy municipal corporation infringed on our copyright, created a corporation called the united states of America in all caps. That is what they have on their federal reserve notes. And that is their excuse for trying to charge us for all of their debts. So we seized upon that trademark and we put in trust. And we aliened it.
As soon as we get our paperwork in order and learn how to use it you’re going to be driving these drudges off the bench. All these bill collectors, the IRS, they will get back in their little box.
We are self governing.

making sense of the world, Judge Anna this has been removed from the internet

1. Don’t fly the war flag. Fly the civil flag and post the black and white private property signs.
2. Practice saying I’m not a citizen. I am a national of this country standing on it’s land jurisdiction
3. Remember that none of us is interested in liberty. We are intent on securing freedom
4. We don’t live in any democracy. We live in 50 Republican states.
There’s never been a Republic per se. Only an unincorporated union of 50
We have to clean our own house and correct our own correct political status. Here are the steps:
1. Return your lawful trade name and the full John Michael Doe to the land soil of your birth state. Do this by recording, not registering your acknowledgement, acceptance and deed of re-conveyance laying claim to your given name and all derivative names declaring their permanent domicile as the land of Texas,, etc. If your own county recording office won’t accept this, find another county that will.
2. Then as an extension to the deed, record your act of expatriation from any presumed territory or municipal citizenship.
3. Then as another extension to the deed claim up each name named via a common law copyright and habeas corpus declaration using the certificate of assumed name.
4. Then as another extension to the deed claim up your physical body and biological identity using a paramount claim of your DNA and all derivative emanations from the moment of conception
5. Then as a final extension to the deed record, your mandatory note as a foreign sovereign. Examples of these documents have been posted on my web site: and the living law firm hopes to have a free packet of instructions and available forms very soon.
So, you have your name, names back on the land and their political status properly identified and it is time to rejoin the other Americans who aren’t territorial or municipal United States citizens or citizens of the United States in operating your lawful government. This requires launching your own local county jurial assembly and after that your state jurial assembly. For help doing this, contact the Michigan General Jurial Assembly which has been up and operating since the 1980’s. They have developed materials and assistance sources to help everyone else to get properly organized. They can be contacted by e-mail at ???.info and host a national conference call every Thursday night at 9 PM. EST, 1 71 2 770 4160 access code 226823# International hotline service. 19894505522 from 2 to 7 pm on Monday thru Thursday. 1st 2018.We need a majority of states set up and operating by Nov. 1, 2018

Peace Has Been Declared in America

Absent a knowing and intelligent waiver, no person may be imprisoned for any offense unless he was represented by council at his trial. Alabama v Shelton 535 US 654
Where there is no meeting of the minds, there is no contract (Maxwell v Fairbanks capital corp.)
With respect to this court case you meet much pressure to retain a lawyer even for free which is explained as your protection. Everyone has the right to defend themselves.
My most recent encounter for making an erratic turn at an intersection having found my correct route having been lost. I was stopped for this. I was asked as if I were some criminal why I was lost and why I was in this area of town. I refused to answer these questions. I was to produce driver’s license which I did not have as I am in the process of being documented by the court as a sovereign. I did not want to spend the time explaining my position. There was no reason for them wanting to come out of the car. They had sheriffs come. I saw this was getting out of hand so I opened the door to straighten up so I could get my wallet from my front pants pocket. I was immediately grabbed. it was 2 years ago and my right rotator cuff is still hampered. The judge, the atty I accepted as only a source of service as a fiduciary I would need if I were victorious and was awarded the bonds in the case. This information was foreign to both atty’s and the judge; this first meeting was not part of the process. My atty had never contacted me to explain the reason for the meeting on the 25th. While I was explaining to the judge that I am a living being, my skin lives and my blood flows I humbly request remedy and the remedy I request is legal subrogation. That I was here by special appearance not a general appearance to make a plea. But to settle the case reserving all my rights especially UCC 1-308 not to be compelled to perform under any contract or commercial agreement that I did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally, and not accepting the liability of the compelled benefit of any unrevealed contract or commercial agreement. And that I am under no contract where the party such as the government signed with me. They do not sign the contracts we fall into because of belief in them not wanting to harm us. We are just innocent slaves. This passed by them in a state of bewilderment. I sat for a few minutes trying to teach my atty about the bankruptcy of the country, the lack of gold and silver to pay debts causing a remedy I was asking for. He wanted to know where the money came from if not from my bank account. He knew nothing about accepting an offer and returning it In order to discharge the debt with the vales of the charge instrument. He knew nothing about discharging debt. We went around with them trying to get me to agree to their verbiage calling me the defendant. I told them I committed the action and if any harm was done I would be liable to discharge the debt in a private part of the legal system so that the innocent ignorant people observing the case would not question. They finally offered me to owe nothing because of the time I was put in jail without use of a phone because I was telling them in the jail of my rights to be taken to a magistrate before jail. Later I found that there was no warrant signed by a judge either. I only appeared to charge in the court setting these sheriffs for un-kn owingly due to the same education they receive violating my rights. They have nothing to stand on. And as I finally wore the two atty’s down by not consenting to anything against my rights that they persuaded the judge to honot their solution. Actually I was relieved because it would be more months waiting for a chance to prove my EGO right. It was best to choose my battles and so I did.
Everything you need is here, just put it together with case backups and a desire to expose these servants to real justice. Hopefully by that time you can present them with this book and its links to real truth and justice.
I have no more time to put this together since the book is going to press as I write.


(2/10/14)legal system slavery everything utilities prepaid
the legal name that we carry. Santos Bonacci is a legal name which is Crown property. It is intellectual property which does not belong to me. I stress this every time with the Sheriffs and policemen. I do not want to be part of fraud. I have a common law name. I am commonly known as Santos Binachi. But the legal system due to our birth certificates which are Vatican Roman Curia owned is a slavery system. We have an estate. We have a Cestui Cay Ve estate connected to our birth certificates and everything is pre-paid. Tell that to your friends. Everything is pre-paid. All of our utilities are already pre-paid. The utilities are fraudulent. How many pensioners go to the post office to pay with that little stub? Next time you get a utility bill, try this. Ring the company and say send me a true bill and I will settle the true bill. Because they only send statements in the mail. Because they are only allowed to send statements because they’ve already been paid and they are double dipping. And this is why we are perpetuating the National debt. Every time you pay with feat currency, anything, you are compounding the national debt. Do not be a party to fraud. Everything I did was separate from fraud. What were the fines called? Just traffic fines. Was it toll roads. I imagine so. I don’t get their mail. I just throw it in the bin. I don’t know. I wasn’t refusing. We will settle it, yes. We will discharge the debt. You don’t pay. If you pay with reserve notes, that’s a private bank. The reserve bank is a private bank. If you pay anything with reserve notes you are compounding the national debt. You pay by discharging it. I was going to instruct the judge today to be the trustee because the Sheriffs are committing fraud by trying to make me the trustee. This is why young men and women have been going to jail because they are being forced under duress to be the trustee. The state is the trustee of our trust. Every time you go to court three parties turn up. The trustee, which is the judge and the clerk, the executive officer which is the prosecution, and the beneficiary, we are the beneficiaries of those trusts. We should take control of those trusts and authorize the authorized party which is the judge to discharge the debt. How? With a signature. Its fraud. I went in to awaken all Australians to this fraud that is going on. And we will be out of debt. And we will have a beautiful country to live in. the whole world. I won’t be going to jail. That is an option when you go into court? No? that’s how they scare you. And they scare a lot of young men to go in to jail. Some men and women in their early teens are going in because they have smoked perhaps a Cannabis which is God’s given plant and it has our DNA in it. How they get kids into jail is because they call it Marijuana. Marijuana is a legal term. Cannabis and hemp is a lawful term. You can have it as much as you want and they cannot touch you. The Rockefellers did this in the 40’s to stop the hemp production and they named it Marijuana and made it a legal term so they could slam you into jail and they can make money from their bonds.
Our birth certificate, the banisters pay 6 Million dollars from the hospitals for our birth certificates. By the time you retire it generates 6 Billion dollars for those pedophile Rockefellers and Rothschild’s who own the system in cahoots with the banks. You don’t fairly pay the tolls every one else pays? Its fair that our trust is already set up to pay it . everything is pre-paid. Doesn’t the government own the roads? Those roads are built by WE THE PEOPLE. We own them you see. So to travel, when I get in a car, I don’t drive because that’s a legal term. I travel. We are sovereigns, we are free to travel. No one can tell you you can’t travel in the universe. Aren’t there some regulations in society you have to follow? Yes, the public servants we are sovereigns. we the people. if we only know that. You think you are exempt from paying the toll ways? Only the public. If I am paid by the public I must follow their codes and regulations. It’s not law. Legal and law are two different things. There is only one law in the universe. Do not cause harm. Do not injure, and fulfill your contracts. That’s the law. That’s the true law. The rest is just codes and enactments and statutes and bylaws and they all, anyone that is paid by the government is obliged to fulfill those codes. I’m not. There is no evidence that I have ever been paid by the government. What happened to your car? What car? The car you racked up 132 thousand dollars in fines. Well the cops came the day after the Sheriff called and took my sovereign plates off and took them to the station and they said if y9ou want them you can come and get them. And the next day I sold it for 250 dollars to the wreckers because it was a heap. Will you get any more toll fines? That is a question I couldn’t really answer at this stage. The likely outcome of all this is hopefully the people will get what is coming to them. I will not be a party to fraud. The moment I say I am Santos Binachi, the legal entity, I am using intellectual property which does not belong to me. The moment you show a police officer your license, which means you have now licentious behavior because that’s what the license is short for. It is used to do what otherwise is lawful. That’s why you need a license. Because it is lawful to travel. Who is going to tell me I can’t go from A to B? no one in the universe. By a legal term called enclosure (they have enclosed the roadways and anyone…this goes back to the Roman days when they were building those roads. Pilgrims and free people could use those roads for free. But if they do commerce on those roads they had to pay. So you aree doing commerce… yea and besides we don’t have a government. Friends we do not have a government. Its all corporate owned. There is a difference between a policeman or woman who serves to protect and another creature called a police officer. They serve for profit. And who sends them to get those little promissory notes, negotiable instruments? The banisters. The banisters are cornered. The writings are on the wall and this is why they are driving the commanders and sergeants people in those police stations to go after more revenue. How many young boys did I stay within the cells here that were coming and going that are in there for legalities. They didn’t break the law. They might have had a pot of Marijuana. Well that’s just an exercise in photosynthesis. There is photosynthesis happening all around us. Marijuana is God’s plant the last time I looked. Well I should say hemp. Traffic offinces? 130 thousand. I don’t know how that happened because I think it must be compound interest. I never drive. I only travel. Driving is a legal term and it will get you in trouble. Journing or traveling. In a civil matter force must not be used. They used force, they kidnapped me, they assaulted me. And I put it on camera. Trespass. It’s a civil matter. And they lie. Because they said I refused. They used the word refused, refused, refused. I conditionally consented upon proof of claim. If they can produce a signed lawful contract with equal consideration, full disclosure, in lawful terms and conditions that I signed Dick Rhodes, then they’ve got a case. Come April first, they’ve got no case because I did say to the judge, I conditionally accept their claim upon proof of cause. They have no cause. There’s no contract. The outcome is I got bail. When you sign on the bail. “V.C and then sign. That means via benefit. collectus. Under duress. This means nothing. Its disqualified by my V.C . always sign everything with V.C and if there is space write “all rights reserved””if you maintain your common law rights, and you waive their privileges, services and benefits, that’s all the state offers you. A benefit is you get to go to jail. That’s a benefit. You must maintain and reserve your rights. I have already exposed a policeman and gave him 3 years. I filmed him 3 years when he committed this fraud. And I gave him a chance. I sat on that video thinking if he changes I will not post it. But I did. I knew he would come after me. He ia vicious animal. He will get his just deserts. What goes around, comes around. He is the police officer who is causing my family a lot of trouble because he is milking their bonds. We all have a bond. Our birth certificates are securitized bonds. We are stocks and bonds on the stock market run by the Vatican. The Vatican is going down. Check my work on YOU-TUBE syncretism, Santos and please enlighten yourselves. We must bring this fraud down. By consciousness. By love and exposure. Because this world is run and controlled by psychopaths. And most of them are pedophiles. And you wonder where your little kids are disappearing to? Friends they are disappearing to the most powerful people on this (planet?) they are psychopaths.

attorney with banker LINK REMOVED BY GOOGLE

After copyrighting your name, no one will be able to use your name to enrich themselves without first gaining your agreement. Let’s say a police officer pulled you over and wanted to give you a ticket. You can warn the officer that he is using your copyrighted name for financial benefit and that is a violation of your copyright. You should also inform him that to persist in the use of your copyrighted material without your permission carries an automatic penalty of 500,000 dollars. You have just formed a legally binding verbal contract with the officer. If the officer then persists in using your name without permission, he has breached the contract. You then have the right, under UCC article 9, to default judgment against them using non-judicial proceedings to collect on the debt that he owes you. This is a very powerful concept that can be used in dozens to hundreds of ways

(still here)Dealing with presentments – Civil and Criminal Charges –

Audio Part 3
Whenever you redeive a traffic ticket (citation), summons, complaint, indictment, etc., what you receive is a public offer. It is an offer of indebtedness to your strawman. It is conclusive presumption, i.e., “fact,” that your strawman is obligated to provide the funds if you act in dishonor. In commerce the penalty for being in dishonor is losing one’s equity. Remember that no court in the system – since they are all in the public realm – can see, address, or deal with the real you. Public courts can deal only with assumptions and fictions in their colorable (phony) system. As such,there are no facts other than what is stipulated (agreed) to by the parties. If an adversary says the sky is green and you agree, that agreement constitutes a “fact.” The commercial tribunals of the system are all contract courts, and your stipulation is contractural ratification, which is the law of the matter. People lose in the courts because they try to counter or neutralize one assumption with another.
If you are in dishonor you will be forced to provide, through your strawman, public funds (FRN’s or equivalent), one way or the other, to satisfy the obligation, this can be simply parting with FRN’s, doing “community service,” or by incarcerated as the surety for the obligations of your strawman. This generates funds that are used to balance the books and also make considerable additional money for the courts, judges, attorneys, etc. Given the immensity of the money made (per CAFR and LAFR), which is several times the total amount of the entire economy of the private sector, the mania in the United States for charging, prosecuting, and incarcerating is understandable.

The following are important considerations in the equation:

1. As investors in the bankrupt corporation called the United States, as well as the USA, the parent corporation, we, as real people, are the true creditors of the country and source of the wealth, as discussed above. As such, we are exempt from taxation from the public side. The creator and sovereign cannot be taxed by a system that functions by using the credit of the creditor. The public side is debt, operating by borrowing against us. Being derivative and dependent, the tail cannot wag the dog; the reflection cannot dominate the reality it reflects. The system does not deal with us as real beings; it deals with a fiction –a symbol- which is not us and therefore does not require the system to deal with us as the creditor and sovereign. Moreover, the public domain can tax and regulate only what is created in and belongs to the system, which can be only strawmen and never real beings.
2. As creditors, sovereigns, and true owners (preferred stockholders) of the country, we have authority to offset any obligation imposed on our strawman by the public side by making our exemption (which is unlimited) available to discharge the charges. The source from which the obligation was derived is our own credit, which can therefore be used as the asset to offset the obligation created by borrowing against that credit.
3. The size of the purported obligation, as well as its severity, is technically irrelevant. That which can be invented in the form of an obligation can be offset. i.e., discharged, with the same ease as the obligation was created. All public debt is nothing but numbers – digits in the matrix. Promissory notes (creating currency by signature) got us into this mess, promissory notes can get us out. FOOTNOTE 16 It is often considerably more difficult using the acceptance-for –value process for dealing with matters involving a mala in se crime than prohibita offence, although all “crimes” in the system today are “commercial crimes,” see 27 USC 72.11.
4. The only way we can discharge and offset such charges completely – neutralize and eliminate them totally and close the accounting – is through an acceptance and return for value through the use of our exemption, which we make available to be used for exchange as the funds for discharging the obligations/charges. Per the maxim of law, ‘As a thing is bound, so it is unbound.’
5. When, as the creditor and sovereign, proceed as above, we are functioning as the king. The colorable public side is rendered dependent upon and subservient to our acts. By law,tion public officers are fiduciaries and have no discretion. Compliance is mandatory. It is unrealistic, of course, to think that those who structure and operate the system for commercial enrichment and power will “go gently into that goodnight.” When we use the system for our protection and benefit. In addition, and of crucial importance, is to neutralize the unrevealed presumption on which the system operates that we, the real us, have agreed to be united with and treated the same as our strawman.We remove that presumption by noticing the proper parties of the foundational documents referenced below. Many times when these documents are placed on the record in a court case, the case disappears. If they cannot access the real you (and your body, labor, and property), they are left hangng out to dry in their cloud-cuckoo-land.
What to do upon receiving a presentment
Receipt of an offer (presentment) will occur in one (1) of the following ways:
1) by mail;
2) in person; or
3) after arrest and being placed in custody.

Herewith below we will concern ourselves with the first two (2) modes of receiving a presentment.
1) As soon as you receive an offer (such as a bill or statement you wish to discharge), make a copy (preferably color copy, certified as true and exact copy by a notary) of the offer and keep that copy in a safe place. If you are already in court, go to the court and obtain at least two (2) copies certified by the court clerk of the documents filed in a case by the other party. Then use these as you would an ordinary presentment, following the procedure set forth hereunder.
1. After making a copy of the essential documents issued by the other side, imprint over the first page of the original of each document the following text (there are numerous versions of this and options as to which is best):
This presentment is accepted for assessed value and returned in exchange for settlement and closure of this accounting, certified and sworn on the commercial liability of the authorized representative as true, correct, and complete, with all related endorsements front and back. Pre-paid; exempt from levy. Adjust the account and release the orders to the authorized representative immediately.
[Autographed Postage Stamp
(two-cents US is OK)] Date: _______)_
2. If you have had your bullet stamp made, which includes your full name in upper-and-lower-case (some people use all lower-case letters in their documents for ancient linguistic reasons), as well as your EIN# and the terms stating that you are operating in capacity of being the “living principal” and “authorized representative,” stamp your bullet stamp in gold ink so that it is over part of your Accepted and Returned for Value, i.e., “ARFV,” stamp (above) and also across the upper left hand portion of the postage stamp.
Foot Note – 17; There appear to be four alphabets in English: print including upper-case letters (in whole or part). Print in all lower-case letters, upper-case cursive, and lower-case cursive. Allegedly cursive (handwriting) joins phoenetic symbols in a way that removes their individuality and therefore does not verify/ceretify the pronunciation of your name, voiding capacity for your autograph to state a claim. This is why one should always also print his name, thereby having a double witness and removing ambiguity (which may be construed as fraud in law that may require a third party, i.e.,judge, to adjudicate). Also, language (multiple languages, i.e., babal-as in the “Tower of Babal”) came from the ancient Phoenicians and was, among other things, developed as a weapon. Writing in all lower-case letters was allegedly the mode of writing used by the elite, whereas use of all capital letters was reserved for ships, dead fictions, and slaves. One may review the term, “capitas diminutia maxima” in Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th edition, concerening this matter.
3. Autograph your name at a diagonal across the postage stamp so that your autograph is done over a part of the ARFV text, across the postage stamp, and on the presentment itself. Use blue or purple ink. Put in the date by hand.
Foornote- 18 A long-standing concern about what color ink to use for such things as signing a document with an accepted-for-value stamp has been recently resolved for this author, who has now concluded that red is not good; but blue or purple is optimum. Rather than indicating blood and the living being as we thought, the significance in the color scheme of the system indicates that red expresses deficiency, such as “being in the red.”

4. If you do not have your bullet stamp, use the postage stamp as above, autographing on a diagonal across the stamp, filling in the date, and also printing your EIN#, as per the following:
This presentment is accepted for assessed value and returned in exchange for settlement and closure of this accounting, certifiedand sworn on the commercial liability of the authorized party as true, correct, and complete, with all related endorsements front and back. Pre-paid; exempt from levy. Adjust the account and release the orderes to the authorized representative immediately.
[Autographed Postage Stamp (Two-cents US is OK)] Account No. [EIN#]
[Name], authorized representative

5. Your package to the offerror will consist of:

a.) Verified notice (by affidavit, notarized) that informs the presenter of what the documents are that are attached/encl;osed, what is required of the presenter, notice that the notary retaining a copy of the documents being sent and is acting as a disinterested third party, and that if the presentor does not respond to the notary within the required time a(ten (10) days in most cases) with notice that he has adjusted the account and the obligation is discharged, a Certificate of non-Response will be forthcoming from the notary that constitutes a notice of dishonor and judgment in estoppel on the law;
b.) Your accepted-and-returned-for-value presentment, signed and dated by you in blue or purple ink and bearing your Private Treasury UCC Contract Trust Account No. [SS# w/o dashes]:

6. If the notary does not hear from the offeror within ten (10) days that the discharge has occurred and the accounting is closed, have the notary send the offeror a Certificate of Non-Response. This constitutes a certificate of dishonor and a judgment in estoppel on the law, which bars the offeror, and everyuone else, from ever coming after you again concerning the issues in the offer.
If a court case is involved, have your notary also notarize such things as the following:

1. Certified copy of the Oath of Office of whatever judge is involved (if the identity of the judge is known at that point), as obtained from the secretary of state of the state, or county recorder, or whatever office is holding it.
2. Notice of Waiver of Protest. This document requests the court to waive any fee, fine, cost, or charge the court is looking for. A default position by the court is automatic record of INVOLUNTARY BANKRUPTCY if the court dishonors your request (as the living principal and authorized representative for your strawman). Your notice informs them that their dishonor constitutes a waiver of right to protest the matter (or anything connected therewith) henceforth.
3. Notice of Acceptance, Standing, and Status; Request for Remedy. This pleading-format document instructs the court to discharge all charges and dismiss the case (based upon your acceptance and return for value of the charging instruments and all court documents, along with filing the bond) or, in the alternative, produce the assessment for the charges (whether the charging instrument is a citation, complaint, information, statement, or indictment). (See “Instructions for Executinr and Using Employer ID,” B)3),supra.)
It is an automatic dishonor/forfeit position if the court does not provide the assessment for the charges if you require it. Substitution of the bona fide nature of the assessment consists of providing the commercial paperwork that reveals the origin, nature, particulars, and legitimacy of the assessmsnt which, to be genuine, must be executed by the responsible party under affidavit sworn true, correct, and complete, with stated commercial liability risked by the responsible party in case he is found to be in error, and swearing to the accuracy, relevance, contractual validity, and vedrifiability of all allegations made and the excctitude of the sum-certain amount of the assessment. Failure to “put up or shut up” in this regard signifies the court’s stipulaton that it is continuing to entertain prosecution of non-existent charges.
4. Bond (2 options):
a. Single-page bond (on court pleading format). This bond is filed in the court on court-pleading format. Such format renders the document more familiar in appearance (and therefore more easily filed) than trying to file papers that are not in pleasing format. Elaboration on the bond, its use, and history of success are discussed hereunder.
b. Request for Appearance Bond. This document is a court brief that instructs the court to have an appearance bond issued (at no cost to you) in order to underwrite the case and the appearance of your strawman at scheduled court hearings. The court’s failure to issue the bond allows you to utilize their dishonor/obstruction as a grant of their signature by accommodation to be used in a subrogation surety bond. You notice the court that you are requesting an appearance bond, backed by your exemption (on the private side0, at no cost to you. Technically the granting by the court of your request discharges all obligations connected with the case, ends the dispute, and makes you the owner of the matter.

At this time we are awaiting final outcome of using this process

If the matter is a commercial bill such as a credit card statement or other invoice, and they ignore what you have done and continue sending you more invoices, treat each new bill as an original presentment. Each statement is another offer on which you can do the same process. This is true of any matter, such as mortgages, credit cards, etc. the offeror’s non-response signifies his tacit stipulation that he owes you the amount on your bill. He has implicitly agreed that he owes you the funds by not responding; he has invoked trhe doctrine of acquiescence and estoppel by silence.
As valuable as a judgment in estoppel on the law is, it is not the best we can make of a situation. We would like to make money from the event. For this we need a second judgment in estoppel-one on the facts/money. When you do this you establish on the record the amount that the offeror owes you in costs, fees, and damages. The amount can be anything you choose, since only you can decide what you think the matter is worth to you. Besides, it is all nothing but digits in the matrix.

If a court procedure is involved, as soon as possible file a court brief in standard court pleading format entitled “NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE,” by which you notice the court of the following:

1. you have accepted the charging instrument for value Banker’s Acceptance and returned it in exchange for settlement and closure of the accounting concerning the matter.
2. Settlement of he account has been done privately by exchanging your exemption for discharge of the obligation by use of your Private Treasury UCC Contract Trust Account, No. [SS# w/o dashes].
3. you are operating in capacity of being the living principal, authorized representative and attorney in fact for the strawman.

As exhibits/attachements to your notice of acceptance, include color copies (preferably certified by a notary as true copies) of the following foundational documents.:
1. Employer Identification no.;
2. Private Agreement;
3. Security Agreement-Pains and Penalties;
Also file:
1. Notice of Request for Waiver.
2. Notice of Request for Remedy.

Put an autographed and bulled-stamped postage stamp on the back, lower right hand side of every page of every court brief you file. Obtain multiple copies of your documents to the court and have the clerk file stamp them all.

B. Explanation of the process involved in accusation and prosecution. The situation involved in having to appear in court is as follows:
Existential Event – Subjective Interpretation by Accuser, with alleged Injured Party and Claim of Mens rea (criminal intent)
Statutory Criminal Charges – Civil Resolution by agreement of thje parties.

The sequence is this:

1. You commit some actual act (such as writing a check on a closed account), which is simply an event in reality. Youn inscribed something on a piece of paper. So what? u also walked to the grocery store, ran into a friend, and planned a dinner party; all are simple happenings, with no legal charge attached.
2. Someone (some living being, the complaintant) has considered what you did to be a crime you committed with criminal intent (mens rea). In other words, out of an infinite number of possible subjective, inner motivations you might have had for doing something, and an infinite number of possible ways anyone can think about what he perceives of your action, the accuser chose to adopt the perspective that what you did was a crime that you committed with criminal intent. The first is a value judgment; the second, regardless of substance, is nothing for which anyone but you possesses authority to speak, the accuser can neither know your intent nor does he have any right to speak for it. He can observe your outer behavior, not your inner motivation.
3. The interpretation that what you did as a “crime,” as well as what that “crime” is, what statutes you allegedly violated, the basis of prosecution, etc., are all applications of the facts to the accuser’s presumptions/assumptions/ priorities/ interpretations/motivations.
4. The complainant swears out a complaint under affidavit that you did what he says you did and submits it to the prosecuting authorities for them, as “public servants” (serving the system, not you), to investigate, and thereafter prosecute, your strawman (with you attached unless you rebut the presumption of the contrived union).
5. The first thing across the mirror (the bar) onto the right hand side of the bar, i.e., public/debt/bankruptcy mirage-land, is the criminal charges, which is what the public side indicts you for. Since the public side is debt, reflection, and bankruptcy, nothing of substance and reality can originate there. The public side must reflectsomething real on the private side and then adjudicate the imaginary dispute concerning the arbitrary interpretation of the actual event, calling it a “crime,” and saying it violated one or more of their statutes. The event itself is nothing other than an occurance in reality, a thing-in-itself that is completely neutral. If someone calls it a crime that is his projection/interpretation of his mental processes and priorities. What he makes of what you allegedly did is his business, not yours. What do his mental processes have to do with you? He is manufacturing fiction and projecting it on you, attempting to lure you into traversing into his imaginary , let’s-pretend world and deal with goes on there. You receive a complaint that says, “on or about June 5, 2001, John P. Smith (you) did willfully do blah blah, blah.” So you read this, blush, and say to yourself, angered andfearful inside, “That dirty rat, I did not!” if you join his game and try to disprove his fiction you have left tyour domain, departed from solid ground, and ensconced yourself firmly into a swirling mirage of your accuser’s frtile imagination . why write yourself into his novel?
6. In a criminal case the system functions by getting people to plead to the criminal statutes on the public side. Then the matter shifts from criminal to the civil (agreement of the parties) for resolution. If you take this route you are down the drain. The proper way is to obtain a civil (meaning money) resolution on the private side so that the dispute is ended at its source and there is no controversy for any tribunal to resolve. This resolution occurs by stipulation between the parties as real beings. Once that agreement is reached on the private side (the origin), the possibility for any public action is eliminated. There is no longer anything to drag across the bar and into the public domain.
7. For securing the stipulation between the parties that ends the dispute on the spot, admit to the facts in the charging instrument (after having accepted everything for value of course). This can be accomplished by a statement such as,”I have no problem with pleading guilty to the facts stated in the charges.” The prosecution says you wrote a check on a closed account. OK, you did. That is a fact, not a charge, so agree with the statement. By so doing you are not agreeing that what you did was a crime, or violated any statute, or can be any basis for prosecuting you. You have merely agreed to a fact in reality, thereby reaching a stipulation with the prosecutor that end the negotiations. Because there is stipulation between the parties, there is no longer any controversy for a court to hear and to entertain. The agreement between the two of you ends the matter. When there is agreement on the private/ substance side the subject matter can never get to the public side, because no dispute exists.
8. Concerning the bonding of the case, your discharge of the matter by use of your exemption makes you owner of the transaction.
9. Keep in mind that if you follow their lure, what they present to you as the way to go, you’re dead. They want you to plead to the statutes, not the facts. The statutes are their property, their “truth” (i.e., fiction), and jurisdiction concerning which you have no authority to deal. You own yourself on the substance side but have no claim on interpretation of facts that someone alleges on the private side (out of his belfry) that he wanrs you to deal with on the colorable, public side. If a matter is ended at its source (the private domain) there is nothing to bring into the public arena.
10. By pleading guilty to the facts on the private side you are demurring. “Who says I can’t write a check on my own closed account? I placed some ink on a piece of paper, but so what?
11. remember that no one on the public side can charge anyone with a crime on the private side. Only people act; strawmen do not and can not. Therefore, deal with matters between you and your adversaries privately, forming private contract(usually by their tacit consent through non-response) between you and them. The terms and conditions of the contract include the fact, established on the notarial record that they stipulate that the matter is resolved, so no dispute exists. Sic transit case.
12. Someone invoking the system must post a bond to invoke the services of a court. The authorities cannot arrest you without an order (warrant, which is a check) from a court, and the only way a court can obtain the jurisdiction to issue a warrant is by someone having posted a bond indemnifying the court and granting the court subject matter jurisdiction (funds against which to execute the warrant/check) to adjudicate the matters you are being accused of. You must require that they provide the AUDIT TRAIL of the accounting on that bond that allegedly bonds the case.
13. If you are presented with a warrant, accept it for value, write “exempt from levy” on it, sign, date, and return it to the court. This grants the court authority to use your exemption in exchange for the release of the property, i.e., return of the bond to you (as the creditor and insurer).
14. The court bond gives the court subject matter jurisdiction. If you are the creditor-paying with substance and not liability funds-it is your court. The court serves the creditor. When you have title to the bond behind the criminal prosecution there is no way you can go to jail because you have DISCHARGED THE BOND that would otherwise result in your being seized and incarcerated as the surety for your strawman that they treat as a debtor (defendant, loser) in a dispute.
15. if you enter a plea when no bond has been posted, you have broken the law by pleading to non-existant charges (i.e., color of charges). Also you have granted the court subject matter jurisdiction to prosecute your strawman on the public side as the debtor. Posting a court bond removes all basis for continuing; the matter is resolved by your discharge on the private side.
16. Having a hearing in an admiralty court is not a common-law right. It requires posting a bond so that the court can have in rem jurisdiction. The property at stake in the proceeding is the bond.
You must secure title to the bond behind a criminal prosecution if you wish to be immune from conviction. How do you get title? There must be an agreement between the parties concerning the identy of the creditor on the bond. The court will probably try to secure title by asking you to pay a small fee for the filing of the bond. This is a trap. One way or another you must providxe the asset that balances the books. The issue is not whether you discharge the obligation, but what kind of funds, i.e., in asset funds or liability funds you use for doing so. If you use your exemption you secure the title; if you use FRN’s you forfeit title. Therefore, you suggest that either the court waive the public administration fee for registering the bonmd or secure the fee by performing an adjustment and offset through use of your Private Treasury UCC Contract Trust Account (EIN#). If the court does not do either it is in dishonor of you , as the king/creditor, authorizing you to discharge the matter by bringing involuntaru bankruptcy against the court to discharge the bond because you have established yourself as the owner by your acceptance for value and willingness to allow your exemption to be used for discharging the obligation.

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DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS LINK WILL NO LONGER GIVE YOU THE TRUTH? DO YOU WANT TRUTH? DO YOU RECEIVE TRUTH OR JUSTICE IN YOUR LIFE HERE ON THEIR PRISON PLANET? It is all about prison bonds. There are more in prison than any plantation because it is a for profit deal. They really don’t want the US debt slaves to know what is really going on. It is all about bonds. A bond is a promise to pay. In the court room after arrest they use two sets of bonds. They fill out a bid bond. The US District court uses 273, 274 and 275 standard forms. The GSA General Services Administration puts out another set of bonds. Their bid bond is standard form 24. Once you have a copy of a bid bond you can go on Google to pull it up. The performance bond is standard form 25 and the payment bond is standard form 25A. What are they doing with these bonds? They are suing you for a debt collection. Every one of these 3 bonds has a penal sum attached to it. The reason for the penal sum is, if you don’t pay the debt you go into default judgment. For every statute and code on the books, there is no actual positive laws anymore, just corporate statutes and codes. The BAR operates out of London. Attorneys are trained to lead you into dishonor or default judgment. Then the court puts you into prison and then they sell your default judgment. The US district court (not the authorizesd district courts of the United Stated) buys all these default judgments. I don’t know why no one has found this out before. There are about 3 hundred re-insurance companies that buy these bonds. They are all insurance companies. These are the people who are buying these bonds. When you went into default judgment they cannot buy these bonds unless they are certified by the Secretary of the Treasury. They have 2,000 regulations governing these bonds, governing commercial papers and negotiable instrument, anything you put your signature on because you are a signatory to the exemption account that you hold at the Federal Reserve Bank, is a negotiable instrument. Look at the back of the SS card. You will see a letter followewd by 8 numbers. The letter denotes one of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks. A thru L, also on dollar bill. You actually have 10 accounts. If you tell the SS admin you lost yours they will replace it up to 10 over your lifetime. UCC is Merecantile Civil Law. They use that in the courtroom because each of you are merchants at law, which is anyone who holds themselves out to be an expert. Because you are using commercial paper on a daily basis, we are considered experts in commercial law. This is also why they are not telling you what is really going on in the courtroom. You are presumed to know this stuff because you hold yourself as an expert using commercial paper every day. Everytime you put your signature on a piece of paper you are creating a negotiable instrument. Some are non-negotiable and some are negotiable. You are acting as an accommodation party undere UCC 3 – 419, anyone who loans their signature to another party. When you loan your signature to them they can re-write your signature on any document they want and that’s exactly what they are doing. The Federal courts are buying up these state court default judgments, called criminal cases, to cover up what they are really doing. Actually they are civil cases. Google “Clerk’s Practice.” They make it criminal? If you don’t pay the debt, you go to prison. All major corporations are feeding of the prison system. They are called Real Estate Investment Trusts. PZN which means prison trusts. Prisoners are real estate. They own all the real estate because they hold the bonds to them. You didn’t redeem your bond so they don’t close your account. They run these bonds through Wal-Mart and other corporations to fund wars etc. they do it overnight. They clear the bank accounts overnight.

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Use a bid bond to pay your charges and stay out of jail. Don’t use a bond when sentenced to jail use a bird bond. You are the principal and the straw man is the surety. Then fill out a performance bond which is a re-assurance for the bid bond. On this bond put yourself as the grantor or re-insurrer. (274 dollars to file). You underwrite the bid bond with a performance bond. The case number in district court tells how much the bond is. So, use the cusip number on back of SS card. Don’t let the judges put you in jail. Discharge your debt yourself. The british took over all security instreuments of the USA Corp. in the white house after war. They installed their banks, our court systems. So we are indebted to this national debt. To collect the debt is they issue this straw man exemption account and immediately put it into death. Your strawman goes into probate court. For a certain amount of time. So anybody owed money from the strawman can go to the courts and with their UCC1 financing statement line up to get paid. When charged you are guilty aNd yOu have to pay. Court says this entity in probate owes money so we go to the guy acting as the surety and hold him in one of our warehouses. And then issue a default judgment and sell that on the market. That’s why all crimes are commercial with a commercial value attached to them. Plaintiff is US Corp. they bought you at birth and trained you through their public schools so you have an economic value over your lifetime. They issued bonds on that the amount of money you will earn over your lifetime. And pay into their collection agency which is IRS. They issue bonds on that too. When you don’t pay the debt they issue a bid bond re-insured by a performance bond then underwritten by a payment bond. All sold on the international equities market (stock). As mortgage backed securities. With case number call Fidelity and give them the cusip number which is the case number and they will pull that up and tell you the value and buyer.

Bid bonds explained FCA Surety Bonds. What is a bid bond? What is typically a bid bond is 10% of the contract amount. And is submitted at the TENDER stage. It’s submitted to insure that it was put in in good faith and that you are awarder the contract and followed through in other words if you put a bid in for let’s say a million dollars and you have a 10% bid bond the value of the bid bond’s a 100 thousand. If you don’t follow through with your tender if awarded the contract, the owner could make a claim up to 100,000 dollars against your bid bond to cover the spread between you and the next bidder. So, the bid bond is often accompied by something called an agreement to bond. And what the agreement of bond does is it’s an agreement by your bond company to issue a performance bond and a labor and material bond should you be awarded the contract. So the bid bond and agreement bond go in conjunction with the performance bond, labor and material bond because the bid bond and the agreement bond are submitted at the tender stage and if you are awarded the contract you’ll be required to put up a performance bond and labor and material bond. So, now, I’ll talk about how you qualify for bid bonds. Well you’re really qualifying for a bond facility. You get a bond facility set up with job cycling’s. for a single job and total work on hand meaning total contracts on hand and then you’re allowed to bid contracts within those limits. That required bid bonds at the bid stage and then performance bonds or labor and material bonds if awarded the contract. So, in order to qualify, the bond companies looking at two categories. The first is operation. They want to know which job you completed similar size and scope. How long yuou’ve been in business, how your company is set u0p and you have the ability to actually perform the work you’d like to get. The second component is your financial strength. So they’re looking at your personal financial statements, your corporate financial statements. Anything, agreements that exist for lines of credit. They want to see your backlog and they want to understand do you have the ability to actually perform the contract which you’re requesting bonds for.

Bid Bonds : Explained

this video is an AD see how purely derived this definition sounds? No fraud here.

Another Santos Bonacci video shows the weakness of the fictional legal system relying on our consent due to ignorance perpetuated by their self agrandising, fictitious powers in movies and news broadcasts. Their authority, jurisdiction and even venue are their weak points. Santos addresses an audience and reporters after overcoming the legal system in court:


Title 26 u s district courts
Most higher District Courts in our country are mimicking the original 13 unitred states District Courts. They are recognized by all capital letters like; THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS OR COUNTY OF _____ DISTRICT COURT: title 26

these US district courts are all privately owned courts. They are owned by united states attorney’s executive offices out of Washington DC. They are not a court of record or a judicial court. The judge does not even have an oath of office. It is privately owned. Where in the constitution that it says a united states district court. It talks about a district court of the US , a small (d) and a small (c). the original judicial act of 1789, calls them district courts of the united states . 13 of them set up under 13 judicial districts. One in each district.
Closed account discussion 15 7001-6 uniform electronic transfer and signature act.
CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE ON PROOF OF CLAIM to get rid og your liability. 1-108 UCC
A constructive trust in equity to get your money they are not entitled to for plaintiff.
So you appoint the judge as trustee and make him liable for all the taxes and they drop case. The power of appointment act of 1951 because you are the donor. And the donor (a class 5 gift and estate tax) the donor has total control over the power of appointment. You can appoint anybody and they have to accept it. 3203A and 2514 of title 26
Use power of appointment with executor letter. This is what Clarence missed in hid executor letter. You are holder of power of appointment. EVERYTHING IS CLASS 5 GIFT AND ESTATE TAX.
I appoint myself, the donor, as executor of the estate and making you
Appoint self as special occupant of the legal estate of the decedent(called absolute estate)
As donor, beneficiary of this constructive trust claiming the office of the special occupant of the legal estate. Say it is a legal estate . it is not a legal estate because there is no executor. You are the heir and beneficiary to the estate and are not stepping up.
I am claiming the ececutive office of the legal estate of the decedent (missing on executor letter.) DO THIS AS DONOR NOT GRANTOR.
Use general post for executor letter.
UCC 1-201 rights are remedies
Letter volume 34 (abolishing local action rule) first step toward modernizing jurisdiction and venue in Tenn. No venue=not land courts. Documents whole thing 60 page law review. Case site ponzi v fessenden on the net. 258US254 can download. A court has 2 jurisdictions. We live in the jurisdiction of 2 sovereignties. Each having its own system of courts to declare and enforce its laws in common territory. It would be impossible for such courts to fulfill their respective functions without embarrassing conflict unless rules were adopted by them to avoid it. People whose benefit these 2 systems are maintained are deeply interested that each system has the effective and uninhibited in its vindication of its flaws. The situation requires that therefore not only definite rules fixing the powers of the courts in cases of jurisdiction over the same persons and things in actual litigation but also a spirit of reciprocal commodity and mutual assistance to promote due and orderly procedure. The chief rule that preserves our two systems of court from actual conflict of jurisdiction is that the court which is first takes subject matter of litigation into its control whether this be person or property must be permitted to exhaust its remedy. To obtain which it assumes control. Before the other court attempts to take it for its purpose. The principle is stated by mr. justice mathews in covel v haman. 111 US. Even w/o Subject matter jurisdiction if they take control of it by you contracting with them they have to exhaust that litigation. But if you challenge subject matter jurisdiction then they have to prove it.

County court /look at texas constitution/ does a county court have jurisdiction over land and real property to foreclose/ is that jurisdiction foreclosed on them to do foreclosures.CHALLENGE VENUE NOT can get a void judgment. Void on its face because the court lacks subject matter jurisdiction. State civil code. Venue is more important than jurisdiction. Etemology of the word venue=early 14th century/ a coming for the purpose of attack. 0From an old French venue coming. From the feminine passive participle of venere to come. From aire to come from the pie base gwa to go or come from. She come. The sense of place where a case in law is tried. First recorded in the 1530’s. extended to locality in general. Especially fight of a concert or sporting event. Change of venue is from blackstone and it uses the word come. C-O-M-E means to approach land. To come approach land. Come unto one’s self. Recover, arrive, Assemble. To go from. To come. He goes to be born (substitution or “O” for “U” is scribal change before minimums. Originally munuk some modern past tense from
Came. Is middle English probably from the old noun (productive with verbs). VENUE means land. The only court that has venue over land has jurisdiction. Nobody has raised venue. They only have venue if you consent to it. Even if they don’t have it. You give it to them. Go in under special appearance=I do not consent. It works too. You have to stand your ground.
8281 form. Someone did a 1099OID and had trouble. Got a 200,000 dollar check. Paid bills. Then IRS came back after him. They want to find out if you know what you are doing. Attempting to force a summons on him. Records and books. File a (IRS form)4490 form. Ask them where their claim is. Proof of claim. Make them(IRS) prove their claim. Should he do a 8281 since he did an1099OID? Make them prove their claim. Even though you did not file the 8281. show proof of claim. They are using coersive tactics to get him into prison because everything done to this point is pure law. They have mad many errors. Maybe they are not stupid. They don’t read anything he has submitted. Send proof of claim directly to IRS. Address is on 4490. not to the court or US atty. (ONLY a copy to US atty). Where do they have a claim to invalidate his 1099OID?
Read the 4490. there is a publication (form 4490 proof of claim for internal revenue taxes) explaining the 4490. the undersigned officer of the internal revenue a duly authorized agent of the US in this behalf being duly sworn (name) is justly and truly endebted to the US in the amount of___with interest and penalty showing. In IRS manual 5.5.4 proof of claim procedures. The practice manual says use the form 4490 proof of claim for IRS taxes when filing a claim in probate or non-bankruptcy and solvency proceedings. They did file a notice of taxes. What I did was a counter tax . taxing period. Section 1040 for the estate tax. I know what you are talking about under document 6209 for gift and estate tax. Yes, tax on farm property. I did not know the definition of farm was until you explained it. Now that makes sense to me. The alternate evaluation on decedents estate. Right, under 2032A evaluation. Yes, evaluation on a carryover basis. The one thing I mentioned to is it has happened to me before. I puled up a privacy act transcript. And in the transcript did actually show it in there. Designated as executor. And shows the carryover basis in there. YEAH appoint them the executor. I guess the tax on the form 4490 would be the… send them a letter telling them under 2038 2514 under the power of appointment act if 1951 you are appointing them as executor of the estate of the decedent. Now they have to pay all the taxes . appoint the IRS agent coming after as executor. Whoever is the exector has to pay the tax, right jean? Right. Go read 2002. would you want to appoint the judge as executor? Yes appoint the judge. “I’m making you the executor. “he will run out of the court room. 11 years ago I accidentally came close to doing that. I accepted for value , the judge ran out. Now I know why. He did not know I did not know what I was doing. I just said accept for value. It e was on audio record of court. He ran. And appointed people to meet him in chamber. I have the IRS manual here. section overview. Talks about form 10492 notice of federal taxes due. Under 31USC 3713.
I have a DL case. I am holding out for court of record. There are some atty’s there temporarily. Going into a court of record and appointing the judge. What would that do ? you can do that orally. Use the Uniform trust code of 2005 section 406 and 407. tells how to d an oral appointment. You can FORM A TRUST ORALLY. I can appoint judge ex. Or fiduciary. Yeah. This is a misdemeanor case. You have the power of appointment under the power of appointment act of 1951. under sections 2038 and 2514. of title 26 as the donor and beneficiary of record you are appointing judge as executor of the legal estate of the decedent. I did not know until you mentioned that that is why 11 years ago the judge ran out. He said if you walk out of my courtroom I will remand you to custody and put 50,00 bill on you. So I accepted it for value. He ran out. I guess he thought he would have to pay tax in the 50,000. yeah you counter… yeah on proof of claim. I would conditionally offer to post 50,000 on proof of claim. Does he have authority to make a presentment.
Calif is a territory never ratified. Ceded under treaty of Guadalupe. Changed articles 9 and 6 and 8 and 10. all Mexicans were to be made citizens under the treaty, they took that section out. Took land grant section out. Why so many foreclosures in calif. w/o permission of polk. Done under contract with senate. But not valid w/o president. Has to approve all treaties. None of these courts have any jurisdiction to do anything. The real party of interest is the president of Mexico. Download treaty.
One last question. Closed account check. I used one in court. For a 150 dollar fine. They kept send a bill as my creditor. If no pay a warrant. I went judges who knew me there were not there. Iasked what form of payment. I said ok by check. Gave clerk a closed account check. A month later financial services wanted to talk to me. It bounced. I said you are paid. Don’t bother me. And I left. I kepr looking on internet they said they would file a warrant for arrest. It never happened. They voided it out/what did that mean voided it out? They voied the judgment. That’s what you have been doing with 473D on all these unlawful detainers. They are void judgments on their face because they never had the authority. Ask them if they have 50% of the certification acknowledgment of 50% of the owners of the notes, . And who are the owners of the notes? Or the securities they are foreclosing on. Ask if they are holdere in due course. Ask if they took a subject to the defences and claims that the payor could assert against the payee. Say isn’t that true under CFR fed trade commission 433. 2 that you tok a subject to all the defences and claims the payor could assert against the payee. Want to see a fanny pucker?
Oregon question: the last CFR you mentioned . volume 16. 433.2 of the code of federal regulations. Go into electronic. Type in code of electronic regulations. 16CFR is the disclaimer. Take subject to all defences and claims. Ask them that”? din’t you take them to allmy defences and claims? Well here is all my cefences and claims. Watch them cringe. I want my proceeds from the sale of my security. Where is the check.
…well people need to learn how to handle themselves. I actually have one of these forms filled out these 4490 forms. It is filles in a dist court in Colorado. Receivership.
More questions ; medical harvest taken and 30,00 gold coins and car DEA, jhired atty. Hoe to get back. Do a 4490 proof of claim. You did not lay claim to it so it is abandoned property. Under title 18? Sect 91,92,93? Health code. It is a forfeiture. Had 20 days to post bond. Kept bond money too. File an in rem (they do it underyou did not file an in rem complaint. Layng claim to the property. To mitigate it. So supplement to rule C.
They take the proceeds abandoned property. You should have filed a claim. And not atty.
[ for class www. My private then upper right it says jean keating tonights call. Takes you to a page where toby’s name and pay pal address.
Teresa question. Bad advice shrouts coaches 1099OID now 100% lein. David Clarence said I could write some checks on some account . wrote some on open account and the bank ended up closing the accounte. Now had to pay last medical check. In 5 days or send police. YOU SHOULD USE THE BILL AS A CHECK. Do a pay to the order of . even if it is a letter with amount on it. It is a bill. Do a pay to the order of. Or a BULL in Ecelestial law.the word bill comes from bull. It’s a papal bull. Endorse it for payment. Say pay to the order of: the department of treasury. Then charge it to whoever sent you the bill. AND GRANT IT TO THE MEMORY OF MY ACCOUNT AND PUT YOUR ss # ON THERE. I did it to a 80,000 judgment against a court. Never heard from them again. Write that slanted across page in red ink. NEVER SIGN ANYTHING IN BLUE INK. Make last signature on the page even on back. In ancient times used own blood=living man. Blue ink dead man. Notary after signature. Only sig they see last in line is first in time so they cannot sign anything after your signature. Red ink. IRS practice manual says every document has to be signed in red ink.

Send to IRS taxes copy US atty. Proof of claim 4490 IRS publication form even if you don’t do 8281

yusf and keeting 2nd interview this video has been removed from the internet

Original judiciary act of 1789 13 district courts of the U S set up in 13 judicial districts. These districts are territories of the U S franchises. Wash DC article 1 section 8 clause 17. to adjudicate insular possessions of the U S . the forts are set up under the Buck act. As territorial administrative courts. They are not constitutional courts. The U S district judge does not even have an oath of office. Neither does the attorney general have an oath of office. He is under Interpol. The IMF fund is also under foreign control. Formed under the Briton Woods agreement. They don’t have an oath of office. He is not the secretary of the treasury, he’s the governor…. How can you hold two offices? Under title 22 section 286 has them as unregistered foreign agents with no oath of office.
How do they do what they do with out jurisdiction. How do they get jurisdiction. What do you mean when you ask what are they doing? Where do they get their authority? What grants jurisdiction to arrest people. Take property and liberty? They do it under contract. Read title 18 section 3231. they have no jurisdiction. The only court that has jurisdiction over violations of the title 18 (criminal statutes of the U S). is the district court of the U S.
Here, I’ll read it to you…..deleted.
So, it’s not a criminal case. They don’t have jurisdiction. Everyone goes in there and submits to their authority. They contract with them. Nothing prevents you from contracting with them. Well, some of them just show up at the door with a warrant from an indictment. With people ready to testify. They take you into a federal building. Then jail for years. How did we contract with them. Was it the DL, SS card, using Fed Reserve notes. Marriage cert. BC. What are these minimum contacts.
It is the BC. Who is the person on the BC? It is a legal entity. A dead person. On BC they put your first name and the last name. Okay, what is the first name? the first name is not your real name. the first real name is your last name. they should have the last name first and the first name last. HOW? Your last name is your family name. the estate is passed down thought the family name. makes sense. Well they don’t put your family name on the BC. That makes sense. The inheritance, the estate is established through the sir name of the father. Well they have the mother’s maiden name on the BC. That means the mother had a child without a father. Under Deuteronomy 23:2 you have a bastard illegitimate child. The hospitals are committing this fraud. They destroy the birth records. The nurse at the hospital who fills out the documents destroys all the records after seven years. So you are presumed to be an abandoned or missing child. The state or county assumes the roll of Paris Petray. That’s the father. You are in testate. You are not a beneficiary or an heir. They assume the roll of the father of the child.
So, you go in there and identify as a dead person. [Gene goes to a phone call] [there are sections of people in this country who have this information . a community has this information. They live together in communities. When the child is born, they have someone in Washington DC on the phone who files paperwork at seven different un disclosed agencies] did not tell what these agencies are.
[Gene is back] When you spell a name, it has to be in proper grammar. Not in all capital letters. That’s called a portmanto. Or a homograph. It is a foreign language. Any time you register a document in a foreign language there has to be an interpretation of what the words mean. Read title 15 (50?) section 19. of the appendix. What you have is a document in a foreign language. It has nothing to do with a person. This is a rule of statutory construction or a rule of grammar. You do not spell English words in all capital letters. The only words that are spelled in all capital letters are persons places or things. That are proper nouns. And you only capitalize the first letter in the name. you do not capitalize every letter in the name. that’s a fundamental rule of grammar. So this file has all the fundamental rules of grammar. So it cannot be a proper name. that’s number one. So what the Hell is it? You are going in there and using this name on legal documents and you don’t even know what the Hell the word means. In fact it is not a name. because a name isn’t spelled in all capital letters. The only jurisdiction that they spell names in all capital letters is in Admiralty Maritime. And what they do… is in the book, “the law of Admiralty” by Greg Gilmore, . what they do is they make the vessel or the ship into a juristic person. Then they get you to come in there and testify on behalf of that (a juristic person) …that’s what every body does. Everybody goes in there and identifies themselves as a legal fiction. If you are not that person, why are you going in there and identifying yourself as that person.

Well how would you identify yourself?
Well you use your last name first and your first name last. And you spell it in lower case capitalizing only the first letter in each name. you learned that in school.

Well all that I’m not that name argument will get you in trouble. That’s not me on that piece of paper. So what capacity are you appearing or not appearing? 3rd party intervener under rule 24, so forth.
The first thing you have to do is be a person that has standing. Has the capacity to make an appearance. Go read rule 17 of the federal rules of civil procedure. [right, a real party in interest] the only party with standing to bring an action in a court. It is the administrator, executor, conservitor, guardian, bailee, Baylor, and trustee. Those are all probate terms. You go in appearing as a dead person under rule 601 under the dead man statutes and you have no competence to say anything. That is why they don’t listen to you.

County courts (min 25) are not judicial . they are chartered. Go into the county. This is the county circuit court. Pull the charter to see if it is judicial. It is an administrative tribunal. Administrative judges. Acting as administrator or executive of your estate. That is administrative, not judicial. They are officers, not judges. They work under the probate department.
Is the subject of the action a bid bond? How do you get out of this situation. Is it redemption of this bond. If this is admiralty and they are probating your estate to pay a debt. Am I correct?
No it is a tax issue. It is a tax charge not a criminal charge. It is tax evasion. They have to have a bond in order to indemnify them against attacks. Ask them if they have a bond posted under 2032A. section 2032A of title 26.
everybody goes in there and identifies themselves as defendant. By contracting with them. So they submitted to their bogus court. See how they spell his name on paperwork.
Can you explain why everything is a tax issue?
Because you haven’t paid the taxes on the decedent. They are making you the trustee. Because you are using his name representing yourself as being the estate of a dead person. And you haven’t paid the taxes on it. Go read the treatis on “Zero your Account” van guardian. All criminal charges are a tax charge. \; the nature of the remedy

The next video helps us realize we are being deceived without even our attempting to stop it or at least put up some resistance like using their own banking rules in our court cases:, A4V, Trusts, UCC 1, 1099 OID, prepaid account

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at birth parents applied for certification, citizenship, which basically amounts to a part time job with the US which is a corporation. It’s a company and part time because your full time job is working for you. Your full time job you receive money of exchange because you’re exchanging yuour labor which is your private property for other products and services of equal value. Private property is not taxable. There is no freal gain, therefore no income, therefore no income tax. What’s interesting too is if you look at the law dicrionary the definition of the word income it’s actually considered capital gains from investments. But only a corporation can earn income. So if a judge ever asks you how much income did you earn you know legally and lawfully say I haven’t earned any income. Define what income is. So any way the application they made was known as an application for live BC and what issued from this application is known as a BC. So, the company of the US kept the original application and gave your parents a copy of the BC. This created what is known as a foreign situs trust. The big problem though is that whan you are born, you in essence went to work for the company. The problem is the company you went to work for could not pay back the loans they had with the bank and the company had to go into bankruptcy in 1933. so, we wnt to work for a bankrupt company when we were born. And basically said we’ll pay all your bills for you. So, therefore the corporation has no way to pay us. Furthermore the company came to yuour parents and asked to borrow your assets and your parents unwittingly obliged thus making you one of the company’s creditors. It’s interesting to note. Take note of that because you and I are the creditors. So, here’s the deception. The company that took the application and pledged your future labor as a guarantee for payment to the bankers also known as the international monetary fund. The bankers gave the company cfredit for your application against the amount that the company owed the bankers which at the time of your birth was worth anywhere from 1 million to 3 million dollars. But this transaction is not made in dollars. It’s just made in whats refered to is money of account transaction. So, no real money actually came in and it was simply an accounting entry against the debt owed to the bankers by the company. So, this is credit. The bankers then took your application and use fractional banking lending. It is the BC that is proof that an applixcation was submitted. It is the application that is the real negotiable insgrument. And the BC proves there is a negotiable instrument being used in commerce to borrow money. That’s what a certificate is. If your BC is worth say 1 million dollars, the bank can loan the same 1 million out as many as 9 times, thus makig your BC worth 9 million dollars. And it keeps going and going. So, your BC has almost unlimited value. Associated with it. It’s credit, debt really if you think about it. However, becaused it was pledged, you became involved as involuntary servitude or basicaslly a slave to the company. And what is known as an invisible contract since you didn’t know about it. They never tell us about this stuff. So, if you look at your BC you will notice that it reads basically like a title to your car or certificate of title. You never actually get the title. But, it’s got the weight, so many bpounds, date of elivery parties involved, the length, the size, what engine , even got your foorprint on it. So what does a bank do when you borrow money on a car? They keep the certificate of title for safe keeping until the debt is paid. Once the debt is paid, they release the certificate of title back to the original owner. For now you get the use of the car until the debt is paid. Basically the same situation that we’re in. so, they took the title to your body, The BC , and borrowed money against it and that’s exactly what the BC is. It’s the title to your body. Interesting, just like a car. And we have to realize we are not the title. We are the flesh and blood man woman human being. We’re not the ink on the paper. So, since you and I are the only one who gives value to the BC, because it’s our labor, you and I are the only ones who can go back to the bank and fredeem and regain control of the BC just like the car. The car gives value to the title to the car, you give value to the title of your BC. Without you the BC is worthless. So, right now even though they have no legal ritht or claim or lien the makers control your title BC. You can regain control by simply filing a lien against the title using an affidavit of obligation or a commercial lien. This is done every day. Banks file notices of liens every day. They follow up with the departmeent of commerce secretary of state to prove and establidh their interests in all kinds of property, homes. Cars, tools, eqiuipment. Whatefer they are loaning money against. So, what do you want to do? Do you want your title back? It’s done very simply by contacting the secretary of the state or department of copmmerce and filling a UCC 1 financing statement and listing the property as collarteral on the statement. The same can be done with your BC which is your property. You and only you can file this notice of lien . you and only you can determine the value of the property since you are priceless in god’s eyes. The value of your security agreement which is listed as collateral on the UCC 1 should be unlimited. So, here is some good news. All of our debt, what we call debt is actually pre-paid. With what’s known as money of account. There is no real substance or money of exchange like gold or silver, only accounting adjustments and setoffs. And here’s where it starts to get a mind-blowere, for most people that aren’t aware of any of this information or haven’t been enlightened yet. So they agreed to do this after they gathered up all the gold from the people ad passed what’s house joint resolution 192 back in 1933. so, the truth is you and I already are, it’s just you know nobody’s told us yet until now and then that’s kind of a mind blower too. That there is no real money to pay anything with. It’s just accounting setoffs and discharges. So, like all good companies, they offer their employees insurance benefits. They offer insurance to us if we would fill out a form SS5 also known as an application for SS benefit. This all originated from the Shepard Toweners Maternity Act which was to help new mothers with the care of their children if the mother was unwed. And what’s interesting if you look at your BC and the way they sneakily do this is that your mother always uses her maiden name on the birth certificate which makes all basically bastard children. And the hospitals are family hospitals and so basicall your mom goes in there and says I don’t have any money to pay anything mwith and we are destitute and please help us. Here take my child and yeah, that’s why they ask for the maiden name of the mother on the application for a live BC. We’re all considered bastard children with the company as our daddy. So, the SS5 is really a power of attorney for the company who issued the insurance benefit to the real man. Power of attorney was given to the corporation AKA the government. When they established the new account, they styled the name I all capital letters which is really a cor[poration. It’s a dead entity. It’s the name title of a corporation. The SSN is prima facia evidence that there is an insurance policy. The benefits that one receives includes the privilege of an army, navy, police, fire protection, courts, jails, prisons etc. and that’s one of the benefits, privileges of being a US citizen. Is you get to go to prison to pay your debts because all crimes are commercial and they all have a monetary value attached to them. You can’t afford it? Well then you get to go to prison to pay. Isn’t that nice? That’s why we have the biggest prison population in the world right now. So, when we fill out the SS5 form, we allow the company to access our account, our checkbook as it were. The prepaid account that was set up when our birth certificate was issued. We gave them permission as signers to write checks on our account and they do it all the time. Now keep in mind, this is the same account the bankers fractionalized and created huge almost unlimited sums of moey and we became co-business partners with the company and they’re able to access and use our prepaid account for whatever they deem necessary. So you know some people might bew be asking what’s the catch? Now do you see that they don’t want to let a newborn out of the hospital without a SS account number? They want to access that prepaid account. The only way they can is they offer some kind of beefit that you albeit unwittingly accept. Also known as the social security insurance program. The creation of rhe SS account created what is now known as a sus ta quei trust account. This is pronounced just like that. Cessful k trust. It’s a formal latin term referring to a beneficiary having an equitable
interest in a trust with the legal title being vested to the trustee. So, who is the trustee? Unless you take control of the trust, the company and the government is the rtrustee of the sus k vie trust. So, a sus k trust a trust is an equitable obligation binding a person who is called a trustee to deal with property over which he has control which is called the trust property. For the beefit of persons who are called benefiociaries of the sus t k trust od whom he may himself be one. And anyone of whom may enforce the obligation . any act or neglect on any part of the trustee which is not authorized or excused by the terms of the trust instrument or by law is in breach of trust. So far it’s worked out really good for the US corporation. They just didn’t tell you how to go about getting your debt set off. And how to access and use your what‘s called your prepaid account. So, here’s what you can do and here again( I juat want to preface this by saying this is not legal or tax advice and I don’t condone doing this and blab la bls.). but if you were so inclined when you would acquire a certified copy of your BC from the keeper of the records of yur estate, usually department of vital records to do what’s called an accepted for value ; basically a bankers acceptance because there is no maoney to pay anything when you accept for value, the birth certificate and create a bond, an insurance policy guaranteeing we won’t harm anyone and send them both of the copy of the UCC 1 financing statement proving our security interest in thje BC and send it all to the payroll clderk f the company also known as the secretary of the treasury. I guess today it’s that old grandma looking lady. I can’t think of her name right now. Janet Yellen. So yu need to let them know you want to use yur prepaid account. It’s the same thing as asking them to pay for the expenses we have incurred on an expense report and an expense report whilebeing employed with the company. So, think of it that way. You are an employee of the company but you’re the signer for all the debts for the company. So, as a part time employee of the company. Because there is no money to pay anything with anyway, they have to pay all your expeses. So, they’ll give us what’s basically an expense account, a prepaid account and we might as well use it. Right? That’s what it’s there fore. So when someons sends you a bill that it was referred to as a presentment, what they’re attempting to do is create a ew money with money of account checkbook money by getting you to accept the liability they’re sending you and getting you to pay the bill with money of exchange which is Federal Reserve notes or the equity you created ie. Money that was created as a result of your labor. They actually will keep kind of borrowing more money into existence which raises the national debt. In commerce whoever creates a liability must bring in the remedy as well. The senter doesn’t send you the funds to pay the bill. You must accept the bill for value and allow the presenting party access to the exemption prepaid. Account to set off the debt the center is creating so it’s your choice whether to set off the debt with the prepaid account by accepting the bill for value and having the presenter send the accepted for value presentment that you return to them back to the paymaster i.e. the secretary of the treasury or give them equity from your labor i.e. Feweral Reserve Note. So, I know which one I would rather do. So you just accept the so-called presentment for value and have them send it back to the payroll clerk. Right? If you do there’s certain things you want to do concerning your account with the IRS. There’s certain filings and things that I did some more in depth information at “Stop the Pirates Blog Spot dot com. So it’s kind of do a little revies. The IRS really as the IRS is the accounting and collection for the internastional monetary fund. The bankers who the company owes money to. They enforce and oversee the bankruptcy of the company. They’re really not your enemy. They are only doing what they were hired to do and that is to keep track of the bankruptcy of the company. It is imperative to learn how to use them to your advantage and they can be a tremendous resource to us. So the secretary of the treasury is like a payroll clerk at most any company you may work for. The actual and dual capacity is both payroll clerk and receiver in the bankruptcy for the bankers. With additional documents and letters not covered in this present presentation one can call upon the secretary to adjust the accounts and pay bills, taxes and the like back to the presenter of the bills we have got and accumulated over time and have the debt in court cured , paid off using the prepaid account that is waiting for us to use. So all I have to do is accept the bill for the value I gave it when my labor was pledged and send it back to the party who sent the bill and forward it to the secretary of the treasury and he will use my prepaid account to settle and close the account debt. Basically all in a nutshell that’s how it should work so you know we call upon the secretary of the treasury to do what he was hired to do ad make adjustments to our account, set it to zero and the normal cause of doing business, car payments, credit cards, utiulities, taxes etc. all of them. So I want to talk for a little bit here about 1099 OID which is Original Issue Discount. So during your whole lifetime you probably did not have the secretary of the treasury or the IRS paying, discharging your debts for you or adjusting your account according to house joint resolution 192. Most people have been giving your equity away paying your bills in the form of Federal Reserve Notes that you acquired through your labor. You had a prepaid account available, but didn’y know it existed. And didn’t know how to use it and the net result you have been paying for stuff the company should have been paying for all along. So it’s time to fill out your expese report. That’s the form 1099 OID and sending it to the accounting department of the IRS to be reimbursed fot the stuff you paid for but the company was supposed to pay for. Now this is very dangerous information and I don’t recommend that anybody do this unless you’re really know your shit. So, the 1099 OID is basically an expense report that needs to be submitted to the company by the accounting department, the IRS to be reimbursed for purchases you made that the company should have paid for in the first place. Just like an expense report you need to attach the receipts oly in the event of an IRS audit. Of course the 1099 for proper accounting by the accounting department of the IRS. So, once you start doing this, you are going to need to continue doing it for the rest of your life. And it’s going to have to become a part of your life. So, I really don’t want to go too deep itno the 1099 OID, 1099 A stuff so when you were born to kind of revies, your parents entered in a contract with the government. The company, that was bankrupt and you essentially went to work part time for them to help pay off the debt of the company and in court, the instrument that was used was the application for a live BC and it became a binding contract. It also became a pledge to and for the company and security they used to pay the debt of the company that the company has with the bakers. One can regain control of the BC inbstrument by filling the UCC 1 financing statement with the secretary of state and whatever state you live in listing the BC as your property it were collateral. If you do not know how to do this that’s some detailed information at Stop the Pirates at Blog for entertainment purposes only. By filling out a form SS5 applicatiuon for SS benefits when we entered into another contract that allowed the company to access our prepaid account that was created with the passage of HJR 192. the SS5 can be revoked and the contract recinded by simply filling out form SS521 withdrawal of SS benefits. So by creating rthe security agreement and then an affidavit of obligation commercial lien recording it in the county and following a UCC 1 financing statement with the secretary of state you regained control over the application for live birth and the strawman that was created by the corporation. Please be aware that this is an ongoing learning process and always do your due diligence and don’t jump into anything half-heartedly. If you’re going to do it. So I don’t recommend that yu do measure twice and cut once as they say. Get some help. As much as possible. I always recommend doing your own homework and don’t trust anybody out there at least not me because I don’t know anything. Anyway that’s basically it kind like in a nutshell. Tells you what’s going on with yur BC and how you can reclaim it if you’re so inclined hypothetically this is not legal or tax advice. For entertainment purposes only.

(unavailable link) now for the rest of the story they were not able to make unavailable. You are welcome:

A person who is a citizen of the United States** is necessarily a citizen of the particular state in which he resides. But a person may be a citizen of a particular state and not a citizen of the United States**. To hold otherwise would be to deny the state the highest exercise of its sovereignty, –the right to declare who are its citizens.
[State v, Fowler, 41 La. Ann. 380]
[6 S. 602(1889), emphasis added]
** Corporate U.S.

We have in our political system of Government of the United States** and a government of each of the several States. Each one of these governments is distinct from the others, and each has citizens of its own…
[U.S. v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542]
[(1875)emphasis added]
** Corporate U.S.

The state and federal government is a corporation and therefore the Congress, State Legislatures, City Councils, Municipalities and all State and Federal Courts are corporate entities posing as Constitutional branches of government.

Corporations are privately owned businesses, meaning that the Corporate United States belongs to one or more private individuals, which is always governed by a Board of Directors. The Corporate United States is privately owned by a group of European Royal and Elite individuals tied to the Federal Reserve System and the letters of incorporation are recorded in the Vatican, The President of the United States is actually the CEO of the United States and the Congress and all others are corporate employees. Everything they do is in the interest of the corporate owners! I can’t access those documents because of National Security.

In order to promulgate and enforce Criminal Laws to govern the SOVEREIGN public, the government must be SOVEREIGN too, which is an accepted RULE OF LAW derived from the Ancient Law of Kings. Corporations are not and can never be SOVEREIGN. They are not real; they are a fiction and only exist on paper.

Therefore, all laws created by these government corporations are private corporate regulations called public law, statutes, codes, and ordinances to conceal their true nature. Do the Judge and your lawyer know about this? You bet they do!

Since these government bodies are not SOVEREIGN, they cannot promulgate or enforce CRIMINAL LAWS: they can only create and enforce Civil Laws, which are duly bound to comply with the Law of Contracts. The Law of Contracts requires signed written agreements and complete transparency! Did you ever agree to be arrested and tried under any of their corporate statutes? For that matter, did you ever agree to contract with them by agreeing to be sued for violating their corporate regulations?
{Citations and Complaints are contracts but they lack transparency because you were never told what might happen to you if you agree to contract, and that you had a right to refuse the accommodation}

Do any of America’s Courts have Jurisdiction over a SOVEREIGN? Yes, but only by your consent to be judged by the Court. Can they compel [summon or Subpoena] you to appear or participate in their process? No… they can’t compel you and yes … they can ask but you can reject the accommodation in writing and nothing can be done about it because you have refused to give the court jurisdiction over you.

Enforcement of these corporate statutes by local, state, and federal law enforcement officers are unlawful actions being committed against the SOVEREIGN public and these officers can be held personally liable for their actions. [Bank v. U.S., 529 US 334-2000]

There being no Constitutional Criminal Laws or Transparency in the American Justice System, everyone arrested, convicted and sentenced to prison under these CIVIL LAWS are in prison by CONSENT and therein, all American Jails are actually DEBTORS PRISONS!

Most of the County and State Prisons and all of the Federal Prisons are privately owned corporate businesses for profit, which kick back to the sentencing Judges. The Bureau of Prisons Privatization Management Branch provides general oversight, for these institutions. So if you are convicted in these Courts, you can expect to serve jail time! Now you know why America has such high prison populations!

Can the State Government and Courts take custody of your children? Only with your consent, otherwise their agents and officers can be held responsibly liable for their actions! Orphans are a different matter and can become wards of the Court until emancipated.

Corporate governments are a usurpation of the organic American Constitution and this corporatist onslaught in America has since its creation, been a ANTISOVEREIGN and TERRORIST REGIME and are in fact the real TERRORIST and TRAITORS to the American Republic.

Blessings, Judge Dale. Retired

The practice of law can not be licensed by any state/state.” (Schware v board of examiners), 353 U.S. 238, 239

The practice of law is an occupation of common right.” (Sims v Aherns), 71 S.W. 720 (1925)




Opotional idea we have thought of trying – one may write a private letter to the judge as well simply asking:
Will the plaintiff (or prosecutor) certify my right of subrogation (do this in writing please)?

If you already have an attorney show him what you plan to send to the judge. The attorney will likely run from this approach and discourage you, as it exposes the game they are all playing together. Then send this letter privately from you to the judge in chambers, signed as the living soul (LS).

Ask for disclosure of oath of office ( who administered it and is it for upholding the constitution or the statutes since 1999), bond, Court EIN


executor letter; TDA account word executor or estate is left off the name from the office of the executor of the name estate, to the office of court administrator c/o the court reporter and clerk of court: administering the estate from the bench the occupant of the executor’s office for the name, estate//you are trying to administer the estate of name w/o the consent of the office of the executor. Stop it. Then send me any paperwork that shows you do have the authority to administer the estate w/o the consent of the office of the executor.

UCC 1-308 addresses the concept that a party who, with explicie reservation of rights, performs or promises or assents to performance in a manner demanded or offered by the other party does not thereby prejudice the rights reserved

UCC 3-501 “refuse for cause without dishonor”, “I claim common law jurisdiction, you have no legislative authority over me!”I am claiming Common Law Jurisdictin in all courts in Texas at all levels. Under UCC 3-501 I refuse Cause without dishonor and that the jus-diciary has no legislative authority over me as 1866 civil rights, prima facia law Title 12, the Maxims of Commerce (UCC1-308) and American Jurisprudence (63c2d). Affidavit of Obligation…I do NOT consent to the Bar Association , a private organizations use of my private name for the purpose of benefiting the private organizatins of the State .

Ucc2-207 the mirror image rule
UCC2-201 alteration of sales contracte within 10 daysUCC2-202
UCC1-203 leases
UCC 1-204 except as provided in articles 3,4,5,6. a person gies value for rights if the person acquires them in return for a binding commitment to extend credit or for the extension of immediately available credit whether or not drawn upon and whether or not charge-back is provided for in the event of difficulties.
Ucci-206 presumption and facts
Ucc i-207 involving tendetr of negotiable instruments – souerceeds common law doctrine
Ucci-208 option accelerate at will0o of payments
Ucc 1-209 contract modification, recend, waiver
Ucc1-210 security interest in bank trans.
Ucc1-211 personal knowledge of a fact.
Ucc 4-204 except as note ed in 3,4,5,6 presentment warranties
1-306 waiver or renunciation of claim or righr after greach

stillness in the storm po box 755Nellysford, VA 22958-0755
the law behind the Refusal for Cause comes from our right to refuse to contract with whomever we do not wish to contract with. This principle is addressed in Truth in Lending Act as well as the UCC section 2-207© and 3-501(b):
2-207: Additional Terms in Acceptance or Confirmation
(1) A definite and seasonable expression of acceptance or a written confirmation which is sent within a reasonable time operates as an acceptance even though it states terms additional to or different from those offered or agreed upon, unless acceptance is expressly made conditional on assent to the additional or different terms.
(2) The additional terms are to be constructed as proposals for addition to the contract. Between merchants such terms become part of the contract unless:
(a) the offer expressly limits acceptance of the offer:
(b) they materially alter it:or
© notification of objection to them has already been given or is given within a reasonable time after notice of them is received [emphasis added].
(3) Conduct by both parties which recognizes the existence of a contract is sufficient to establish a contract for sale although the writings of the parties do not otherwise establish a contract. In such case the terms of the particular contract consist of those terms on which the writings of the parties agree: together with any supplementary terms incorporated under any other provisions of this Act.
3-501. Presentment.
(a) “Presentment” means a demand by or on behalf of a person entitled to enforce an instrument (i) to pay the instrument made to the drawee or a party obliged to pay the instrument or, in the case of a note or accepted draft payment at a bank, to the bank, or (ii) to accept a draft made to the drawee. Before 340 AD, no one knew when Jesus was born.

The undersigned officer of thre irs a duly authorized agent of the US . in this behalf

Absent a knowing and intelligent waiver, no person may be imprisoned for any offense unless he was represented by council at his trial. Alabama v Shelton 535 US 654
Where there is no meeting of the minds, there is no contract (Maxwell v Fairbanks capital corp.)

With respect to this court case you meet much pressure to retain a lawyer even for free which is explained as your protection. Everyone has the right to defend themselves.
My most recent encounter for making an erratic turn at an intersection having found my correct route having been lost. I was stopped for this. I was asked as if I were some criminal why I was lost and why I was in this area of town. I refused to answer these questions. I was to produce driver’s license which I did not have as I am in the process of being documented by the court as a sovereign. I did not want to spend the time explaining my position. There was no reason for them wanting to come out of the car. They had sheriffs come. I saw this was getting out of hand so I opened the door to straighten up so I could get my wallet from my front pants pocket. I was immediately grabbed. it was 2 years ago and my right rotator cuff is still hampered. The judge, the atty I accepted as only a source of service as a fiduciary I would need if I were victorious and was awarded the bonds in the case. This information was foreign to both atty’s and the judge; this first meeting was not part of the process. My atty had never contacted me to explain the reason for the meeting on the 25th. While I was explaining to the judge that I am a living being, my skin lives and my blood flows I humbly request remedy and the remedy I request is legal subrogation. That I was here by special appearance not a general appearance to make a plea. But to settle the case reserving all my rights especially UCC 1-308 not to be compelled to perform under any contract or commercial agreement that I did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally, and not accepting the liability of the compelled benefit of any unrevealed contract or commercial agreement. And that I am under no contract where the party such as the government signed with me. They do not sign the contracts we fall into because of belief in them not wanting to harm us. We are just innocent slaves. This passed by them in a state of bewilderment. I sat for a few minutes trying to teach my atty about the bankruptcy of the country, the lack of gold and silver to pay debts causing a remedy I was asking for. He wanted to know where the money came from if not from my bank account. He knew nothing about accepting an offer and returning it In order to discharge the debt with the vales of the charge instrument. He knew nothing about discharging debt. We went around with them trying to get me to agree to their verbiage calling me the defendant. I told them I committed the action and if any harm was done I would be liable to discharge the debt in a private part of the legal system so that the innocent ignorant people observing the case would not question. They finally offered me to owe nothing because of the time I was put in jail without use of a phone because I was telling them in the jail of my rights to be taken to a magistrate before jail. Later I found that there was no warrant signed by a judge either. I only appeared to charge in the court setting these sheriffs for un-kn owingly due to the same education they receive violating my rights. They have nothing to stand on. And as I finally wore the two atty’s down by not consenting to anything against my rights that they persuaded the judge to honot their solution. Actually I was relieved because it would be more months waiting for a chance to prove my EGO right. It was best to choose my battles and so I did.
Everything you need is here, just put it together with case backups and a desire to expose these servants to real justice. Hopefully by that time you can present them with this book and its links to real truth and justice.
I have no more time to put this together since the book is going to press as I write.

Another remedy they have given us, but have not educated us in its usem is covered it up to effect double utility payments to our government provided services. Since the bankruptcy of our country many times over and the confiscation of our gold and silver the country has had to assume ownership of all goods and assume what they call Government Obligations to pre –pay our government supplied needs. The following is the remedy many have not seen:

There is an acronym; GAAP which stands for

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Banker’s know this and all of their transactions are through Banker’s Acceptances. This is a banker’s acceptance in that the credit we will be using comes directly from our Treasury Account then directly to any agency or corporation with access to that account. Their bill to you is truly an invoice stating what they withdrew to afford you their services; they also send a coupon (a receipt for that payment you unconsciously paid). When they ask you to send back the coupon, with your payment indicates they would rather be paid again if you don’t mind (or generally don’t know). So, for all who know, the debt has been discharged. All that is needed is to accept the debt and properly return it for discharge so the account can be balanced. If a mortgage is used, the bank is put in the same position. They never use cash. It’s for appearance sake only. The credit they work with in order to fill an order comes from your account, but they would rather be paid twice even if they have to receive it in payment schedules. So in order to discharge debt properly one should accept his presentment and properly take care that it is discharged properly.
At least that is their opinion. We do not have access to it but the bankers do. In order for them to practice their magic on us they have to provide a remedy. Below is the remedy. They do not however have to tell us what it is. It has taken, we, the people, about 70 years to figure this out. If you follow the procedures and understand the United States Code of Law, you will succeed in accomplishing a most simple sales approach. Courts also accept GAAP and they are also playing the same game as the banks, but their stakes are unlimited. Federal Notes (dollars) have absolutely no value and cannot purchase anything without their phrase acceptable as legal tender. Basically this is Truth. So, consider this advice as a notice of Truth and not a notice of legal (fictional) advice. Truth does not recognize fiction within its realm.
In addition to the Government Obligations Remittance Coupon, request the IRS for a 1099A form to attach to the coupon making you the creditor and holder in due course for the property. Provide the retail company the following instructioins for your purchase.

You are hereby notified that I do hereby tender payment for the above referenced obligation of debt, and because this debt concerns property of their US it is deemed by law and operation of statute to be a gov. obligations and must be handled in accord with the dictates of statute. I accept the obligation on behalf of the US of A and hereby make assignment of the obligation to the US Treasury Dept. on behalf of the US of A as authorized by statute.
You are to present the item (remittance coupon) to the U S Treasury Deptment or at any Federal Reserve bank to include any Federal Reserve member bank to redeem the value of the obligation.
As per the terms of the contract this shall serve as my notice of change in terms of contract, canceling and suspending any acceleration penalties and paying the US government debt obligation for value through acceptance pledging an assignment in full.
To order put name of company then account number ________ all property is owned by gov. because it is a gov. obligation it doesn’t need your SSN in order to be discharged. it is a gov. obligation / all it needs is that account number. Why? Because it’s discharged through the US treasury. It doesn’t require your SSN/ it’s a gov. obligations. They already own the property. They just need the person to redeem that contract so by putting the account number you associate the contract with it
If they need something else they will tell you. Because you will tell them/ if you have any problems please have the treasury dept place whatever else it needs from me in writing and I will respond accordingly
You pay bills. You find the form with the bureau of public debt with the treasury, that you need to send in to discharge or to redeem a government coupon. Or to redeem a gov. obligation.

First name
Last name


Wilmington DE.

Pay and Pledged


To the order
of: ______________________________________________________________

Amount of

INTENTIONS: The above U.S. Government Obligations is hereby accepted and acknowledged and I do assign and pledge the total value of the obligation to the U.S, of America through the U.S. Department of the Treasury to be redeemed for value and receivable at the Federal Reserve, the Federal Reserve Bank, and/or any member bank and/or National Association as prescribed by statute the Act of March 9, 1933 of May 12, 1933; 12 USC 411; 18 USC 8; and the intentions of the U.S. Congress concerning THE CURRENT SERIOUS NATIONAL EMERGENCY.

Memo; discharging of government obligations

Ficial Interest Holder and citizen of the U.S. of America


31 U.S.C. ~ 3124 – U.S. Code – Unannotated Title 31. Money and Finance ~ 3124. Exemption from taxation (a) Stocks and obligations of the United States Government are exempt from taxation by a State or political subdivision of a State

18 U.S. Code ~ 8 – Obligation or other security of the United States defined

18 U.S.C. ~ 8 and 31 U.S.C. ~ 3124 is TAX EXEMPTION: 313124188

The term “obligation or other security of the United States” includes all bonds, certificates of indebtedness, national bank currency, Federal Reserve notes, Federal Reserve bank notes, coupons, United States notes, Treasury notes, gold certificates, silver certificates, fractional notes, certificates of deposit, bills, checks, or drafts for money, drawn by or upon authorized officers of the United States, stamps and other representatives of value, of whatever denomination, issued under any Act of Congress, and canceled United States stamps.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 685.)

In addition, here is a revelation I came across. It is about the deception of the IRS. Besides it being just a private corporation in London 1913that takes in our income taxes under the guise of the definition of income, that is money made through investments like in prison bonds, not money made on your job, your salary. This money should not appear on the IRS form for your income. But besides that, only two states ratified the idea of income tax in the first palce. Once this got out, would you believe they had the audacity to keep it hidden and keep it bringing in the money England wants for us loosing the war. All of our income taxes go tho the queen, as well as all revenue from the ATF, (alcohol, tobacco and firearms). Here is an internal memo that shows the truth they still keep hidden:

Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury
APRIL 4 1985
On March 5. 1985, a carge of tax evasion was filed in U.S. District Court in Indianapolis, Indiana by U.S. Attorney George Duncan. The charges were dismissed! The defense attorney, Lowell Becraft of Huntsville, Alabama presented irrefutable evidence that the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was never properly ratified. This amendment which established the “income tax” was signed into law despite serious defects. In reality only two States ratified the amendment and ratification requires 36 States to be valid. The effect of this is such that every tax paid into the Treasury since 1913, is due and refundable to every citizen and business.
The official position of the service is, as it has always been to aid and assist the citizens of the United States. We will not publish or advertise this finding as a total immediate refund would cause a serious drain on the resources of the Treasury. For those citizens who become aware of this finding and apply for a total refund, expedite their refund documents as quickly as possible.
A simple 1040X form will suffice until a new form is designed and printed. Advise each of your managers that they are not to discuss this situation with anyone. There will be no written communications and you are to destroy this memorandum.
The Secretary of the Treasury assures me that there will be no reduction in the workforce as this refunding activity will take a minimum of 5 years to complete. Further directions will be forwarded as the need arises.
Roscoe L. Egger, Jr.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue

New Mailing Addresses for Form 1040X if you can’t e-file
Addresses for mailing paper Forms 1040-X have changed for amended returns.
All addresses must have at least three full lines of text to meet USPS requirements . USPS may reject mail that does not meet that standard – therefore, be sure to use all three lines in the address listed below.
If you are amending your return because of any of the situations listed next, use the corresponding address.
If you are filing Form 1040-X:
In response to a notice you received from the IRS
With Form 1040NR or 1040-EZ; or from a foreign country. U.S. possession or territory; or use an APO or FPO address; or file Form 2555, 2555-EZ, or 4563, or are or were a dual alien.
Shown in thre THEN mill Form 1040-X to:
The address shown in the notice
Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service
Austin, Texas 73301-0215

We have a video by EEON that explains how the Government Obligations came about.

This next video expresses our remedy under the economic state of bankrupt affairs of our nation in order to live your life as debtors having to pay a national debt continually piling up which is caused by unbalanced booke in the treasuey and our inability to pay our debts with silver and gold since 1933. Our remedy was to be that the bankrupt government has to assume ownership of all items we need in life and therefore out of necessity prepay all of our needs based on our ability to work and produce goods and keep the nation prospereous. The remedy is exhibited below as a form to use to accept this remedy. The only drawback is that as everything showed in this book so far is the fact that the selfish do not want to share in this bankruptcy or any work or any remedy for us. So it is secreted away for many, many years, that is until we have finally through MR. EEON and orhers before him who produced this video for our enlightenment.

This video is hard to follow and will test your patience, but as with everything else you have faced for the first time recently you will succeed. There are many people if you seek them or manifest them to come together and amplify EEON’s teachings. It will take some study and looking up some laws to be able to bring the commercial elite into submission to their own system. I wish you good luck and guidance through a good heartfelt desire to help others as you go:

There is no transcript for this powerful entry by EeoN a man after my own heart trying to bring all government corrupyion down using their own stuff. His work requires him to go deep where you cannot use some Cliff’s notes. You must learn his material to succeed. This leads to his best video giving you our remedy economically in out bankrupt society.

Finally A WAY to Real Freedom, HOW TO GET OUT OF THE MATRIX By EEON 2018 11 07

I am LEGEND, The greatest DEBT ELIMINATION course ever, Get rid of all debt with a little effort

Equitable Redemption Document
courts say you are capable of entering into contracts the same as an adult even though you are considered minors. You can buy property and have bank accounts the same as an adult. Because an adult is a legal term. You want to be a man or woman not adult. A child has no rights, a minor has no rights, a juvenile has no rights. They receive their rights from their parents. It’s a play on words .although a word may sound similar, in form and English, most of them are legal terminology. Especially when dealing with lawyers in the courts. There is a solution. Everything is contract. Always contracting. The courts exist in equity. Borrowed it from England. Not the pilgrims but the business men and lawyers who came here in the interest of the king. England ruled the colonies at the beginning. England controlled the colonies. How do we correct this? Need to understand what and how is going on. Because courts always deal in equity and are always making equitable arrangements, and agreements, every thing you do should be in equity. Equity must do equity. It must be just and reasonable. Now know you have the right to redeem your property. Once a minor turns of age, of majority, they have the right to gain security. And control of their property. The securities held in their minor account. So you have the right to redemption. Thus, equitable redemption. With redemption there must be consideration, so you can’t just redeem your property without giving consideration. Normally what you have contributed in the first place. What benefit they gain by holding on to your securities. You must reimburse them for their services. There must always be value and consideration. What they have done to maintain your securities is consideration, as long as you assess a value to it. These principles are important. When it comes to contracts you have the right to enter into a contract the same as the US has a right to enter into a contract. Per Supreme Court. And the US can waive its sovereignty the moment it enters into a contract. But our contract with the government, the ones that with the state, the incarceration, the state contracts, that specifically has the gov. waiving its rights. The equitable redemption value is not necessarily for the government. Unless the IRS, a private corporation is setting up there telling you you need to pay something. So you will pay them in US acceptable currency. We have currency? Yes. We have the full faith and credit of the U S. just focus on the word credit. It is currency. That is why you can buy something based on your credit rating. Your credit, currency, is what allows you to participate in commerce in most arenas. If you have no credit, no credit and bad credit is not the same thing, sometime no credit can be good credit. The system works this confusing way because they make the rules. Let’s make sense of it. A contract is an agreement between two parties. A unilateral contract, one agreed upon both parties even though one party actually agreed to it. Acquiescence (failure to respond or silence) is a means of agreeing. Sometimes they send something in mail w/o proof. That is why we use e-mail system with electronic signature to prove that we notified a party because they post their e-mail online. Example: we type in “Wal-Mart contacts us.” We click on Wal-Mart corporate. Their media relations allow you to send media (a play on words). as long as they provide an e-mail address. Click on e-mail customer service because it is part of the company. Notice to agent is notice to principal. Did you not read your own document? Let’s see the terms of the contract. This is a conditional acceptance for value counter offer proof of claim. The presentment shall construe a claimant against the assets of your institution and its valid for your failure to comply with the requirements of this agreement and to validate not verify the comprehensive accounting.

Notice to agent is notice to principal and vice-versa
This is a Maxim so wasn’t needed in paragraph. Select a topic. = find an e-mail address. We have to let them know I said leave me alone. They won’t leave me alone so I told them if you don’t leave me alone I’m going to tell the world your secrets. I’m go ing to make sure they understand how your system is a bunch of cards that have gas over them and I got matches. I have flame throwers. Every company has e-mail addresses. Go with media. They want e-mails from media requests. All the companies that let you send in e-mail payments and junk etc. as long as you put your electronic signature on your contract. knock your selves out. Notify them, serve them. The laws surrounding contract do not require you to notify them by mail. The electronic It just says you must notify them. You are just giving them notification and that’s all you need to do. Lets go back to the contract.
Understand the document. First thing you don’t have to worry about titles. You just have to worry about the fact that you are sending it to. So you put their name, address, and just like the other contracts if it is more than one then you will put all of their names and all of their addresses on the document. This is what and how you do. Put all that info on same document. If there are other parties list their names on there under this section. And put the word and in between each address of the parties. So you put the name and address and account information. Then you put the next one. But it has to be dealing with the same account. This is taking care of those bills, singular issues. So you make a separate contract for each company. It won’t be confusing because the contracts all say the same thing, just different parties. Important to put correct date. Every time they send you a bill they are re-contracting with you. So you want to contract with them under your terms and your conditions because they always send you their terms and conditions. So guess what you do a


Your proof of claims must be in a question form. Ask them a question. That’s why it ends with a question mark. The questions are things we can prove. In law. For instance. That in Perry v United States it was held that when the US with constitutional authority makes contracts it has rights and incurs responsibility similar to those of individuals who are parties to such instruments. There is no difference said the court in U S v bank of Metropolis except that the US cannot be sued w/o its consent our document says that the US waives any and all rights and immunities / contracts with the US / the court quoted in this fund shall be fulfilled speedily and it is essential for the maintenance of the credit of the public. Its all about credit. They lie saying dollar bills are money because they are issued and then given back to the federal reserve who takes them to the treasury to receive credit for that item. It has always been credit. Even if you traded in gold you received credit for the exchange. It has always been about credit. Look at the word credit. You always hear the phrase “oh it will be credited to your account. “ oh we are going to credit that to your account. Well the scriptures have always talked about how God will credit to individuals accounts. It has always been credit. Everybody earns credit. One way or the other. VALUE AND CONSIDERATION IS CREDIT. It is an EQUITABLE TERM.

This is an essential paragraph you really need to pay attention to. It says you are hereby notified that I do hereby tender payment. Why? Because, the law requires to act in good faith and to act honorably. So if you are claiming or someone is claiming that you owe a debt then go ahead and satisfy that debt . THERE IS NO MONEY. 1933 suspended your ability to make and /or pay in anything other than the junk that they give you. All you have is the credit on your back. With reference to the obligation of debt and because this debt concerns property of the US/ yes because the US controls the currency in the US thus any monies you may have legal tender or otherwise is the property of the US . Make sure you understand. This is how we know it is the property of the US.
The actual original comment from Congress was the ownership of all property is in the state. So if legal tender and currency of the US it says currency of the US. In a form of monies and our coins accepted by the US it is called currency of the US, legal tender has the word US on it. It is the property of the US. It’s called a federal reserve note but it is printed by the treasury department and no other,. That’s why it has no value because the treasury said it has no value. I did not say that. Let’s see from the treasury’s website.
‘United States coins and currency please understand this is the United State’s monies. It’s not the Federal Reserve including Federal Reserve notes. And circulating notes of the federal bank’s and national banks. They say that. I didn’t say that. This is a direct quote from their website. Are legal tender because it’s owned by the United States. It is property of the United States. the property or the one must return to the source. Why does it get to be returned to the source? FOR CREDIT. What do you mean for credit? Well let’s show you how it is returned to the source for credit. It says in this paragraph “it shall be deemed by law an operation of statute to be government obligation and must be handled in the courts. What statute. What is the statute? Will we accept the obligation not on and in behalf of the United States of America /// not the UNITED STATES and we hereby assign, make an assignment of the obligations of the United States Treasury Department. We make them the AGENT creating a special relationship on and in behalf of the United States of America as authorized by statute and trust law.
Why? Because we have a trust relationship. You are to present them, REMITTANCE COUPONS, to Unites States Treasury Department and / or any federal reserve bank including any Federal Reserve member bank to redeem the value of the obligation 12 USC 411 directing an immediate credit for value to my account. That’s right. We’re giving you this coupon. You are going to return the credit to us. And get whatever credit you’re going to get for that coupon. This is a coupon people. THE SAME AS A DOLLAR BILL IS A COUPON.
OK here is your simple tender of payment. it says settler and interest holder . And citizen of the Unites States of America. You don’t have to change that. You can leave that the same. However, this document with additions, there are some additions that’s why this video. We made some amendments so if you downloaded
This prior to the watching of this video go and re-download it because the contract has been reworded in certain sections to PROTECT YOU and your interests. You, for your item number. Remember each of your contracts had a different contract number. You put the contract number here (upper right) because this is part of the contract. so you put the contract number here. It’s equitable remittance coupon
I suggest you can even call it (((equitable redemption coupon))) you don’t have to you can leave it the way it is. We put the intentions. The above United States government obligations is hereby accepted and acknowledged and I do ASSIGN AND PLEDGE THE TOTAL VALUE OF THE OBLIGATION to the US of A through the US Dept of the Treasury ((to be redeemed for value and receivable))
To be receivable at any bank Through the United States Treasury to be redeemable at any federal reserve bank or member bank or any national association as (((prescribed by statute – the Act of March 9th 1933 act of March 12, 1933 . 12 USC 411, 18 USC 8 USC 1-308 , 3-419 or UCC and the intentions of the United States Congress concerning the current serious national emergency and CREDITED TO THE GRANTOR’S ACCOUNT. So you want the dual credit. You want the credit going to the person the debt is supposedly owed to and you want the credit come into your account. Just that simple. Many people are going to want to reword this and make it say something unreasonable. You must understand you cannot be unreasonable. What does it mean to be unreasonable? To do something not deemed necessary. To do something that is over and abhorred and beyond what is common and many people tend to do that because they get greedy. Because, “well that doesn’t have any value in the first place. I can do whatever I want. See, that;\’s unreasonable. That’s ignorance that people have attached themselves to . you got to let that go.

THE COMPANY TO FOLLOW THE CODE BY ORDERING THEM TO DO SO AND YOU ASSIGN THE INTEREST TO THAT’S WHAT WE DID A NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT . THAT’S WHAT THIS IS . (and hereby make assignment of the obligation to the United States Treasury Department creating a special relationship on and in behalf of the United States of America. It says don’t you know it is the same language that’s in all the other documents, but therefore the undersigned is not a signatory nor a party to the special compact contract known as the Constitution Charter of the U S nor notice nor cognizing of any agreement contract between the U S and the undersigned is specifically any obtained through full disclosure and containing any fair for valuable consideration there in. To include setting up of trust accounts and/or insurance policies and/or contracts
Which would act, operate, create and establish a relationship, NEXUS, and thereby there in bind the undersigned to the specific source of authority for the creation and existence of alleged statute laws as contained allegedly promulgated within the code known as the United States Code which with the privities of the contracts and the contract itself would thereby adhere and create and establish legal force and/or effect of such statute law over and upon the undersigned. [Now what gives this contract legal force in effect?] Well, the reason why this contract has legal force and effect is because the parties are notified of it. They’re given an opportunity to respond and it stipulates that if the party fails to respond and they have an obligation to respond because of the relationship that the parties have prior to the signing of the contract that because there is a relationship between the parties a special relationship now then the contract becomes binding upon the other party. See what they’re doing is they’re telling you you must pay and they send you something in the mail and you are obligated to pay. Well, you are doing the same thing to them in reverse. If you can’t see that you’ll just have to put yourself in their shoes and send your document as if you were them. [But what obligation did they have to meet?] It’s in the wording of the contract. That’s what we are explaining. You see they have an obligation to respond because you guys have a relationship and agreement with each other. But you have a basic contractual relationship. You are hereby making it a special relationship with the use of the term. This creates a special relationship between the parties. Thank the appeals court and the Supreme Court of the United Ststes for advising you of that. Under the United States laws Vinnie’s jurisdiction and it says and the like of this commercials of its commercial court’s administrative tribunals units and thereby therein bind the undersigned to said courts Administrative Tribunal units decisions, orders, judgments, and the like specifically within the above reference commercial bla, bla, bla. Now lets go down here so that we can talk about arbitration. That the arbitration process whereas the arbitration process is binding on all parties and is the sole and exclusive remedy for redressing any and all issues associated with this trust agreement that this agreement supersedes and predates as well as replaces any and all prior agreements between the parties and is binding on all parties and irrevocable and the parties agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement upon default of the defaulting party as of the date of the default, not the value of the agreement you entered that amount [bla, bla, bla. We talked about that earlier] the undersigned humbly and respectfully requests that respondents provides that necessary proof of claim so that so as to resolve the undersigned’s confusions and concerns within these matters. Otherwise, the undersigned must ask what is the undersigned’s remedy? What we already said, we believe our remedy is ((( 12 USC 411 ))) and we’re going to elect to exercise that . therefore the respondents have superior knowledge of the law. [Now it’s sitting in the catbird’s seat. We talked about that earlier] [23132 paragraph of….] (min 41:25) they are the one who gave the contract in the first place. So because they gave it and because they are the custodian of record, because remember they are doing the accounting. They are telling you what you owe.
[Next paragraph…23134…] the parties further agree that any contracting in the future between the parties shall not invalidate and or supersede this contract and if any portion of this contract is deemed or held invalid it shall not invalidate any other portion and/or section of this contract. That this contract shall be taken contextually, read, construed and reviewed under the strict guise of the reasonable common man or woman position. (Without respects legalese or legal terminology that the common law referred to here in and throughout is not the English common law but the common law is scribed within the meaning of do to your fellow as you would have him do to you. And the equitable principle, make peace, settle matters quickly with your adversary while he is on his way to the magistrate. Do it while you are still together on the way and your adversary or your adversary may hand you over to the judge and the judge may hand you over to the officer and you may be thrown in prison. Truly I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny. That is equity. Equity does not want people at arms with each other.
This is construed to settle matters quickly. This contract shall remain in force until all terms and conditions have been met and fulfilled to their completion , and at such time the special relationship , trustee, grantor, beneficiary, properties, assets, value, and consideration shall cease their obligation beyond the terms and conditions stated herein. We had to put in a cutoff date because there was none. This shall remain in force and until ….etc. . we also mentioned that this was being done honorably and reasonably.
The document is a full 9 pages. No reason to make it 12 or 13 pages. We covered everything including the arbitration in the arbitration agreement between the parties. We made sure the parties understand that there is an arbitration agreement and we make sure it is applicable to every situation. The arbitrator is permitted and allowed to adjust the arbitration award to no less than two times the original value of the properties associated with this agreement plus additional fines, penalties and other assessment. That are deemed reasonable to the arbitrator upon presentment of such claims supported by prima fascia evidence of such claims . we said this document is to be construed despite its legal terminology . prima fascia evidence, that’s legal terminology. You don’t speak that language but, it is to be construed without the use of that language. So the arbitrator does not have to be an educated law person. Everybody is deemed to know the law but you don’t have to speak the language of legalese in order to know law.
In the arbitration agreement the arbitrator is obligated to follow according to the terms of the agreement. [23139]
The arbitrator is to follow the agreement not some statute which refers to agreements. The statute is not a private statute. It’s a public statute. You’ve heard people say you cannot mix public and private. They are mixing public with private all the time when they bring statutes into private contracts. Even though there are statutes in this contract it is a private agreement between the parties. The arbitrator is prohibited beyond the scope of the agreement.

This contract is devastating to the system. No more will they be able to demand you pay this or demand you pay that because you’re going to pay in the very same form that they have been issuing currency in the United States. And credit, your credit. That is held by government. the supreme court has already said it. The fact that there is a trust set up in your name the fact that you have minor securities held in your minor account. That is supposed to be used to offset any debt that you may or may holding your assets in trust is how you handle those trust agreements. This document is for those individuals who are claiming you owe a debt which is keeping you in debt, which is keeping you trapped in servitude. So when someone says you owe a debt and they want to take you to court, you get to show them your honor they can’t do this. We have an arbitration agreement. that’s part of our contract. What contract? The contract that’s on the record. . “Well I didn’t recognize… it doesn’t matter what you recognize, what you must do according to the supreme court of the US ruling Jan 9, 2019 is you must send it to arbitration. You don’t get to determine whether or not the arbitration agreement is valid or the contract is valid. Only the arbitrator can do that. [search bar= Jan. 28, 2019] in a unanimous decision Jan. 8, 2019 in Henry Schein, inc. v Archer & White Sales, Inc. (Henry Schein) . the US Sup. Ct confirmed that the US is a pro-arbitration jurisdiction that will honor parties agreements to arbitrate. Specifically rhere an arbitration clause clearly delegates the decision of arbitrability to the arbitrators, courts, should have no say in the matter-even if they perceive the argument in favor of arbitration as ‘wholly groundless’ this decision provides clarity for the potential disputants and is in line with prior Court precedent prohibiting courts from reviewing the merits of a dispute whrn properly delegated to an arbitrator.
Now we get to balance the budget as a whole.


§ 2-302. Unconscionable contract or Clause.

Primary tabs

(1) If the court as a matter of law finds the contractor any clause of the contract to have been unconscionable at the time it was made the court may refuse to enforce the contract, or it may enforce the remainder of the contract without the unconscionable clause, or it may so limit the application of any unconscionable clause as to avoid any unconscionable result.
(2) When it is claimed or appears to the court that the contractor any clause thereof may be unconscionable the parties shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to present evidence as to its commercial setting, purpose and effect to aid the court in making the determination.
‹ § 2-301. General Obligations of Parties. up § 2-303. Allocation or Division of Risks. ›


One of the most difficult positions to be in when inside a courtroom is sitting down. It is best to wait outside-or in the back of the courtroom-until the strawman’s name is called. Then walk towards the bar to speak and don’t sit down. Sitting is inferior to standing, and if you go through the drill of being in court before the judge enters, standing up upon hearing the bailiff announce, “All rise,” and then sitting down wheninstructed to do so, you are signaling by your behavior that you are an obedient serf and subject of the court and within its jurisdiction. This is not a desirable position. A maxim of law concerning this states: “It is immaterial whether a man gives his assent by words or by acts and deeds. 10 Col 52
When your strawman’s name is called, when spoken it sounds the same as your upper-and-lower-case name (see “idem sonens,” meaning same sound,” in Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th edition). When this happens, do not say “here.” As soon as you give your name you testify that you are in the public side. You testify that the real you is the strawman.Defendant on the paperwork at which the judge is looking. You form a contract with the court by which you agree that the real you may be treated in accordance with the way they treat the strawman/Defendant. You surrender to the court’s jurisdiction. You agree to leave your own ground and domain and go join them on the school yard in their let’s-pretend cops-and –robbers game.

The critical points to keep in mind in any court interaction are as follows:

1. The courts are equity/admiralty/probate/truest courts, not courts of law. In such courts there is neither law, nor substance, nor facts, nor evidence, nor charges. There I are assumptions, presumptions, color of law, color of substance, color of facts, color of evidence, and colot of charges. Officials and attorneys execute the paperwork and pleadings as if (let’s pretend presumption) your strawman is the trustee (Defendant, actually co-trustee of the public cestui que trust created by the 14th Ammendment) with a duty and the state (Plaintiff) is the beneficiary (i.e., co-beneficiary of the public, cestui que trust createdby the 14th Ammendment) who has allegedly been deprived of his trust benefits by the delinquent trustee. Trustees are always outside common law.
The cestui que trust is a “public charitable (collective) trust ,” or “PCT,” that is constructive and not express. “Constructive” means that the trust is constructed (created, manufactured, concocted) by “operation of law,” i.e., out of nothing, as just another of an uncountable number of legal fictions of which the entire system consists, by the whim and fiat of those who own the particular law forum in which the trust is indentured and domiciled. In the case of the United States, this jurisdiction is the private, commercial, international, military jurisdiction of the original incorporation of US Inc. in 1871, within the 14th Ammendment and emergency war powers implemented at the advent of the civil war that suspended law and terminated thereafter operation of the “de jure” government under the original charter, the 1787 Constitution.

A “citizen of the United States” was created by/within the 14th Ammendment as a corporate, civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee of the PCT. The 14th Ammendment upholds the debt of the USA and US Inc. in Section 4 of the Ammendment, which states that the “debt” shall not be questioned,” that is part of the terms and conditions of your co-trustee position. If you question the debt you are in violation of your own contractural obligations. Endeavoring to find fault with the system or any of those operating on its behalf is considered as arguing against yourself, which every judge immediately dismisses as self-evident error, if not insanity. No wonder judges are so fond of ordering psychiatric evaluations for those who appear in court these days.

It is presumed that everyone who states that he is a “citizen of the United States (Inc.,” or acts as if he were, has knowingly, intentionally, and voluntarily contracted into the private, military, international, commercial admiralty/equity law forum of the 14th Ammendment PCT, surrendered all rights, and agreed to be bound by the alleged resulting contract.
In the PCT, every citizen of the United States acts in a dual capacity: as co-trustee and co-beneficiary. This means that as a “citizen” you have on the one hand (as co-trustee) obligations and duties, such as the requirement to comply with all the system’s codes, rules, regulations, laws, statutes, and public policy, and on the other hand (wearing the hat of co-beneficiary) you can receive benefits, such as welfare and other rob-Peter-to-pay-Paul token benefits such as “retirement benefits,” “unemployment insurance,” and other trinkets doled out in exchange for having, like Esau, sold your birthright for a bowl of porridge. There is no grantor or trustor (although there is a creator) to a PCT because it is an implied trust, i.e. constructed, and not formed by EXPRESS, WRITTEN, BILATERAL CONTRACT.

Once you are in the PCT, you can contract into Social Security, which is a reversionary, revocable trust in the New Deal, a socialist/communist scheme in which all participants are “tort feasors” who secure, by membership, benefits to which they are not entitled by having been extracted at legal gunpoint from other people. Accepting SS (or any other government) benefits is accepting stolen goods, providing the system with an excuse to consider you “guilty until proven innocent.”

Therefore, in any court case, the action is being brought by the allegedly offended beneficiary, the Plaintiff, as (implied) co-bemneficiary of the PCT, against Defendant, the (implied) co-trustee. This is why the “law” amd “facts” are all completely irrelevant. If you go into court tryuing to argue either, you must necessarily lose since the only issue is whether your strawman faithfully performed its duty as trustee of the trust, such as to obey the statutes, pay the taxes, or whatever else is required in accordance with the ever-increasing ocean of by-laws of US Inc. if you raise objections of “law” or “facts,” you not only traverse and dishonor (by arguing), and therefore automatically lose, but you give witness/testimony against yourself that you are a bad (delinquent) trustee trying to escape your duties as a co-trustee of the PCT. You are thereby presumed guilty. Your fatal error is not first and foremost that you argued, denied, rebutted, traversed, dishonored, and tried to avoid your contractural and fiduciary obligations (of a contract you ratified countless times by accepting innumerable government “benefits,” such as Social Security, obtaining a driver’s liscense, fetting a passport, etc., etc., etc.) as co-trustee, but that you failed to rebut the presumption there is only one issue and all the rest is so much irrelevant froth. The issue is whether or not you rebut the opereational assumption. If you do not, nothing else matters; the presumption (where the power and teeth are) stands and you lose.
2. you as the living principal, are real and exist on the substance/private side. The strawman, all-caps name, Defendabt, is fictitious and exists on the substance/private side. The living principal cannot be seen, addressed, or dealt with by the public side, which is a reflection in the mirror and a chimera. The Defendant cannot enter or access the private side just as the living principal cannot enter the public domain.
3. it is essential to neutralize the presumption by which the system operates against us, which is that the living principal is presumed to be attached to and united with the strawman so that whatever is done to the strawman is imposed in the flesh on the living principal. It is unrebutted presumption of the union of the real and fictitious that enables the court to access the real you. This is why it is crucial to neutralize that presumption and render it inoperable.
4. you must not traverse or dishonor. You cannot win by arguing in let’s pretend mirage-land.
5. you must end the controversy, i.e., terminate the presumption of the existence of a dispute, on both the private and the public sides. The obligations/charges must be discharged so that the books balance and you have complied with the law in both domaions./
6. the public side is bankrupt, has no capacity to execute a sentence, and cannot charge you in common law. The charges are “in the nature of” (meaning colorable) civil or criminal charges in common law, meaning they are in form only without any of the suvbstance. This is also (among other reasons) why you cannot lein public officials: doing so is a common-law (substance) process, and as bankrupt entities they cannot provide you with a remedy. Trying to lein public officials is a dishonor and crime by endeavoring to impose a common-law remedy in a sphere that cannot access common law.

Several possibilities (in lieu of or in addition to the Three Questions approach, below) for dealing with the name issue come to mind. These statements are intended as satisfying all of the above essential elements. When your strawman’s name is called or the judge asks you your name, you could say onr of the following (whatever you are comfortable with):

“I am here concerning that matter.”
“I am here as a third-party intervener in that matter appearing as authorized representative for my client,”

The third-party intervener is you, the living principal, acting in your own interest because you have a pre-existing claim against the Defendant that precludes them from acting against any version of your all-caps name based on your prior contract therewith (such as your UCC, Specific Power of Attorney and indemnity and Hold Harmless Agreement, your Employer ID, etc).”

Then continue:
“ I accept for value and return for value all of the charging instruments in this matter and make my exemption available [not “offer.” Since we never make offers]
For discharge of all obligations and charges connected with this case. I do not dispute any of the facts in the charging instruments,”
We must remember that problems are not solved on the level of problems: we cannot resolve the imaginary dispute in the imaginary domain. We must not try to pay with public funds; we must not try to prove ourselves innocent; and we must not plead “not Guilty” (which is arguing, traversing, dishonoring, and telling them that you are joining the imaginary game and treating it as if it were real). All attempts to do these things are traversing and dishonoring, breaking the law, and committing treason against the equity court by trying to deal with the dispute as if it were substantive, private, real, and in common law. The court then convicts us for contempt of courft and imposes the common-law sentence.
We must also remember that they need us, as the living principal, to be a witness against ourselves, testify, and make the legal determination for them that we are the one they are looking for in their let’s-pretend game and want to prosecute, convict, and punish. They need us to volunteer into contracting with them in their public domain. They cannot make the legal determination that the Defendant has anything to do with us; it is up to us to hang ourselves. The above statement satisfies all of the essential criteria, as follows:

1. The catch-22 of the matter is that under common law you are presumed innocent until proven guilty, whereas in their admiralty/equity courts you are presumed guilty until you prove yourself innovent (which is impossible in their let’s pretend/presumption game). If you try to prove yourself innocent you are in dishonor and are charged with breach of trust to the beneficiary, the State. By so doing you commit treason against the court by trying to secure a common-law remedy where none is possible, and you do not neutralize trhe presumption (and indeed, ratify it’s force and effect) while admitting that you have been a delinquent trustee and acted in violation of your fiduciary duty.


An interesting property of their equity courts is revealed by remembering the maxim of law that “anything inside a box is not there.” Consequently, the following persons/players are not there: 1.) the jury, which sits in the “jury box”; 2.) the witness, who gives “testimony” in the “witnessw box”; 3.) the judge, who sits on a platform, which is also a box. Only the trustee (Defendant) and beneficiary (State) are there and relevant to the proceedings; all the rest are part of the Wizzard’s smoke-and-mirrors light show of diverson and misdirection.
2. You, as the l;iving principal on the substance /private side, are speaking on behalf of, but not as, your strrawman/Defendant. Ideally you have filed before ever going to court your Court Bond and Notice of Acceptance, Standing, and Status; Request for Remedy, wherein you have attached your accepted-and-returned-for-value documents and your standing/status documents that define and clarify your standing as living principal and authorized representative for JURISTIC PERSON, ENS LEGIS, STRAWMAN.
3. By proceeding in this manner, especially when supported by your notary-witnessed documents, you neutralize the presumption that you are attached to and united with your straawman.
4. You do not traverse or dishonor, thereby disarming and defusing the matter.

5. You end the controversy by your acceptance and return for value, filing the bond, and stating that you are not disputing the facts in the charging instruments. By not disputing the facts (on the private side) you remove the dispute at its origin and leave nothing to resolve in the public arena. By making your exemption available to discharge the charges you are in harmony with the law, leaving no violation to prosecute. Technically you could say, “As the living principal I do not dispute the facts on the private, substance side and my client pleads guilty to the charges on the public side.” The point is that if you end the controvercy on both the private and public side there is no dispute for a court to hear and entertain. There is no one and nothing to prosecute. Then, if you wish to convict your strawman of something, let them find the strrawman guilty on their own (leaving them exposed). They are welcome to put a piece of paper with the Defendant’s all-caps name on it on the electric chair, throw the switch, and discharge the charges through the paper while you are out having dinner with your girlfriend.
6. By not traversing into the game, and by not trying to defend yourself or your strawman against the charges, you do not enjoin the substantive, private, common-law side with the civil or criminal charges and thereby become the victim of sentencing as a result.


The authors have never heard of this being done, so cannot vouch for the results that might accrue from doing so. Since this statement is accurate, explicit, and addresses both sides of the bar, it theoretically should be effective.

The intent of using the above approach is to truncate the time, effort, and dialogue involved in dealing with giving one’s name in court. If you are in this situation and it looks as if it is not getting the job done and getting you the closure you desire, you can at any time go to the Three Questions approach (discussed below):


In the meantime, if you are in a court proceeding, although no one and nothing from the public side (i.e., all attorneys and government officials) can place actual evidence on the record, you, as the real being (especially with a notarial witness) can! People and documents you can subpoena for deposition and evidence in your favor include the following:

A. In both civil and criminal cases, subpoena persons for deposition and /or bringing in documents you require as evidence in the case. These parties can include the mayor, of the municipality, as well as the risk management accountant of the municipality, with documentary proof that the insurance books on the case have been adjusted and a bonafide assessment has been made of the bond (the original complaint filed in the court). The voucher that must be issued (by/in the department of risk management of the municipality in which the court is located) is to monetize the complaint that created the funds by utilizing the derivative name (the all-caps name of the DEFENDANT), supported by municipal bonds.

Serving a subpoena duces tecum, herinafter “SDT,” whether or not you depose anyone for direct questions, is appropriate in both state and federal cases. Obtain several official, stamped subpoenas from thee court in advance. In the section asking for documents subpoenaed, print, “See attached SCHEDULE OF DOCUMENTS SUBPOENAED, SET 1.” You can have the SDT’s served by a process server, sheriff, or US Marshall, and serve the processing attorneys, and perhaps also the accounting department) of the municipality department of risk management. The documents you should subpoena and require them to provide you with are as follows:
(A) civil.

1. Basis upon which prosecution concerning Case No. [Case #] may continue after Authorized Representative has accepted and returned the charging instruments and Case for value and posted a bond secured by and through Authorized Representative’s exemption (and therefore discharged the obligation and ended the controversy);
2. Certified, copy of the assessment in fact on which the charges re Case No. [Case # ] are based;
3. Certified, true copy of the order from the Secretary of the Treasury to collect the debt obligation of the Defendant re Case No. [Case #];
4. Certified audit trail of the voucher for monetizing the complaint/ and the accompanying physical body of [Name] re Case No. [Case #].bond on the case.

(B) Criminal. All of the above items for civil, plus:

1. The detainer authorizing incarceration of [DEFENDANT] and the accompanying physical body of [Name] re Case No. [Case #].

(Their failure to provide any of these items is a tort and grounds for habeas. As evidence you wish to establish on the record, first file what you want judicially noticed as evidence. This should include your Court Bond. As soon as your documents are filed, obtain at least two (2) certified copies from the clerk of the court. Once you serve the evidence on the court it cannot be denied. You give your documents to the bailiff, who serves the judge, and even if the judge throws everything back at you it does not matter. What you want to put into evidence has been served. The documents for you to file in the case and serve on the judge in open court should include the following:
1. The judge’s oath of office that you received from the secretary of state (or whatever official source provided it to you):
2. Your Court Bond that bonds the case;
3. Proof that you have accepted the case and all charging instruments for value and returned them for value;
4. Your judgment in estoppel on the law (first certificate of non-response) that the notary served on the opposing parties;
5. Your judgment in estoppel on the facts/money (second notarial certificate of non-response).

The Sixth Amendment (Amendment VI) to the United States Constitution sets forth rights related to criminal prosecutions. It was ratified in 1791 as part of the United States Bill of Rights. The Supreme Court has applied the protections of this amendment to the states through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
The Sixth Amendment grants criminal defendants the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury consisting of jurors from the state and district in which the crime was alleged to have been committed. Under the impartial jury requirement, jurors must be unbiased, and the jury must consist of a representative cross-section of the community. The right to a jury applies only to offenses in which the penalty is imprisonment for longer than six months. In Barker v. Wingo, the Supreme Court articulated a balancing test to determine whether a defendant’s right to a speedy trial had been violated. It has additionally held that the requirement of a public trial is not absolute, and that both the government and the defendant can in some cases request a closed trial.
The Sixth Amendment requires that criminal defendants be given notice of the nature and cause of accusations against them. The amendment’s Confrontation Clause gives criminal defendants the right to confront and cross-examine witnesses, while the Compulsory Process Clause gives criminal defendants the right to call their own witnesses and, in some cases, compel witnesses to testify. The Assistance of Counsel Clause grants criminal defendants the right to be assisted by counsel. In Gideon v. Wainwright and subsequent cases, the Supreme Court held that a public defender must be provided to criminal defendants unable to afford an attorney in all trials where the defendant faces the possibility of imprisonment.

These next articles about language will help you understand that we are slaves to these controllers partially because the mutilation of our languages into legaleze and deception over definitions of words. Without the excellent knowledge of the etemology of words of Santos Bonacci, we would be at a loss of understanding how our language is a major weapon of our controllers. Laura Airica is one who has been devoted to this understanding and is asking those equally directed to join her in building a new poeticallyt veautiful language that is not constantly casting spells on our subconscious minds:

Law and Language – Part 2 Geelong 2 May 2012 santos bonacci

law and language. Giordano Bruno died (at the hands of____for 7 years) for saying that 400 years ago. He said everything is populated with beings. He knew that . that was not his opinion and they don’t have a liscense. So if you want to lose that stuff. Lose it all wherever that corporate name, that could capitis diminish o maximum wherever that name is to be found you need to wipe out the trace of it wherever it exists. It’s the mark of the beast. The name is the mark of the beast. It’s absolutely the mark of the beast and I don’t not fast wheather people don’t understand tjhat or don’t believe it. That’s what it is. In their system.
The trash in the history books from the institutions of Rome where they tell you that those martyrs in the 1st and 2nd century were Christians. They were not literalist Christians. They were Gostic Christians, neo-platonists, hermetists, people from Serapis, in Alexanderia. That was the chief religion around the time when Rome was killing people. There were the Acehneses in the middle East, the therapeutic, the Telestoy, the followers of buzzy ladies, the Gnostic that burned all these books. Palfrey was a Gnostic. They burned all these books because he spoke out against the literalists Christians. These guys. They were hermetists and people that knes who they were. I AM . that’s who you are. Not what’s your name. any other word, adjective, noun that you want to put after that is misleading and a lie. There is nothing but being. And the now. And they pull you out of that with a thing called in Latin, nomen. Nomen is the word for name. they give you one of those and they want you to have a Christian name. what’s your Christian name? interesting, it’s a corporation. That Christian empire of rome. That rules the earth. A pillaging and land grabbing and stealing the aborigines not Origines. They they don’t call them origins because that’a original. AB deprives them of originality. In latin. And therefore they tell you the aborigines and then Hollywood because these cowboys killing the bad Indians. You know all those cowboys, john wayne and we’re going to kill us some Indians. You know?
It wasn’t the
eyes. They must be the fiction is up. I’ve got enough proof on my u-tube let alond Dupree, Viogneir, Manley P Hall, Alvin Boyd Kuhn, Thomas H Burgoyne, the reverend Robert Taylor who went to jail twice in 1830 for teaching down at the round-a-bout, you know the devil’s pulpit. So in the book that you can get on Amazon with his 24 sermons in there. Get it. Read it. He called himself that. He said I’m the devil to the priestcraft because they don’t want to know that pastors should be teaching astrology because that’s what Astors is, Astro and pastor, same word, minister,moonstar, deacons, cardinals. I can go on. None Monsignor moon. It’s all from the srtars and yet there’s a historical Jesus that’s going to save you. Come to church. He’s coming in the clouds in the ;;;keep drinking the aspartame and the prozak and drink the fluoride, it’s good for your teeth. In Spanish the word hombre is man. Nombre is name . change h to n . the letter n in no, nbot,never, negate. Nothing, nowhere, nobody. The is to negate. No man. When thd lord says to mosses in the burning bush . who shall I say sent me? To pharow you go as an emissary. Don’t you say God sent him. Says you go down and get my people out of Israel and this burning bush and so moses like well who shall ..and god says I AM. He was teaching moses a lesson. If you’re doing you’re not being. If you’re thinking you’re not knowing and guess what. Good old rome gets us to do. All that thinking in the left brain. By teaching us to write and do everything with the right brain so you could say polarizing the left brain which is thinking doing. The right brain is being. The hermetic right brain which is connected to the cerebrum. Remember the cherubim? Covring over? The cerebellum, that’s the man brain. That’s the small brain because
cerebellum means that. Small brain. That’s connected to the left side. Totus is the left brain. And Aries

Hombre is man. Nombre is name because in Latin nomen is name. the n in a word negates: no, not, never, negate, nothing, nowhere, nobody. That is what the n is for. Who shall I say sent me to Pharaoh? We go as emissaries. God says I AM that I AM. Because he was teaching Moses a lesson. If you are doing, you are not being. If you are thinking you are not knowing. Rome gets to do all that thinking in the left brain by teaching us to write and do everything with the right hand so you could say polarizing in the left brain which is thinking, doing. The Hermetic right brain which is connected to the cerebrum. The cerebellum is the man brain. The small brain, by definition. Connected to the left side. That’s torus. Aries is the right brain. The left brain is the man, the bull, El, the phallic and they’ve stuck us in there and we think we’ve got a name and we are our bodies. Don’t take any infusions that might give you an out-of-body experience and then you look at your body and say, Wow! So I’m not my body. I’m this, I AM. And that’s what the Samuri Masters in Japan to make someone so courageous I war. How do you do it? You got to eliminate the fear of death. Because if you are not scared of dying, you’re the most courageous warrior on the field. And you lead. They don’t liked warriors anymore. They make soldiers. Soldi in Italian is money. Paid killers. Not warriors. What they did to those warriors, those initiates who wenbt to school to learn karate and get as the best karate masters and Samuri and fight like death is a beautiful thing, not like the idiots that go and join these government corporate armies and go fight other corporate armies and then every year on the 11th of the 11th we have toi remember this killinig machine because that gets into the psyche of people thjat we need the military industrial complex going because there are terriorists out there. Soldi is paid thug. What they did to these initiates is the master knew where to press the body according to Manly P Hall who discusses this in his books, on certain parts to kill the initiate. This is a big favor. You are making a man a god. By killing him and then reviving him by pressing another part. The soul and the spirit comes back into t he body. They’ve just come from an out-of-body experience and they’ve seen their bodies lying there and this is science, nature, how it is. We’re not just this lump of body that evolves from unconscious matter and then all of a sudden consciousness is a side effect of all those permutations in nature and all that stuff that Darwin teaches. So when the soldier would look down and see his body and know this eternity, this nowness that I’m in, this godship that I’ve inherited by leaving that body, this uconditinal consciousness I want to get back to the right brain. But I want to get backinto that body, go out and fight for truth if I have to and teach people the science of this and then the priest would do another favor revive that person who would never have fear of death again. Because thee ain’t no such think. And that’s what he schools around the Mediterranian. You see Rome destroyed Alexandria because there was too much Gnosticism, librarys, and science down there. What we’ll do is we’ll tell the world that we burned that library down. But what we’ll really do is we’ll grab the books and put them in the vaults oion the Vatican. And don’t let anybody ever read them. We stole them off the librarys of you people and you ain’t going to read then\m. brecause we run the world and we keep you in ignorance because those books have got science in them that would delight you and save you.
Your name is the negation of your divinity. When you go to court I would suggest when the cop askes your name I would replu with I AM. Because if you say your name, what’s John. There are trillions other Johns. That is a lie telling you nothing about me. What do you know about me? You have seen and heard me. That’s it. If you touch me, well that’s a third sense. Rome has taught to you to trust in these five senses. The right brain is the 6th and beyond. 360 senses that are reactivating soon. And we will know all this. So you are not your name. and you’re ugly, beautiful, tall, sdark. They don’t describe anything. You ARE. That’s all there is. Lose the name win the game. {also lose the ego } you can get the documents to get you out of the system at

About court:doyou know what a writ is? It’s a write. You don’t hear the w. it’s a rite, a religious rite. The hearing? You go to a hearing, because you are the accused. Who accuses you? The prosecutor, the one standing in your skin. Pro-se-cutest.

I would say don’t jump in and do things wrong. You will be guided as to which ones to lose at the right time. But, you’ll lose them, because they’re all fictional. Attachments that don’t serve you. Me? I’ve lost the liscense. Stop payng utilities. They’ve cut my electricity off. I rang the Oldham bisman, got it back on again. If and when they ring me and talk to me and ask me to pay, get on a payment plan, I will ask them to send me a true bill. You send me a true bill and then I’ll settle that, because they can’t do that. They can send yu statements to tell you that they’ve dipped into your trust. It’s taken me 12 years. That’s why I’m a street performer. What am I gonna tell them I made $60,000 a year or whatever. No, you tell them nothing. They work for the Vatican. They are agents of these bastards here, these criminals. Pontifex Maximus, the bridge builder to the world of demons. They make the demons. They make them. That’s what demons are. They’re not fallen angels as they tell you. It’s their creations. The church goers are making demons. Demons are self created. They are psychic things, thought forms that you manifest and then you believe in them and then they’re on your back like the monkey on your back. You see that’s why these church goers smacked down on prozax, you’re going to get saved by jesus. When I was a jehovas witness I looked around and saw these depressed people doing criminal acts. The church looks after them when they get caught. Because jehova’s name is so important to them. What Jehova’s worried about his own…don’t turn this brother in. I’ve got a name up here to uphold. It’s their corporation. Their franchises that they’re maintaining. They’re registered also. The Jehova’s witnesses’ watchtower and tract society incorporated. They don’t tell the buffoons that go to the Jehova’s witnesses church that the watchtower and tract society incorporated, a dead corps is doing business with the idiots that go there . they stop at watchtower and tract society. (I can’t comment on that) You wonder whether to trust these organizations don’t you? I’d go down to the markets then on …there’s got to be a market where there’s little organic farmer. He’s got these bony looking potatoes and apples with a worm hanging out. Get those. Certified this and that. Sorry, they might be a real good organizarion. I’m not going to comment on that but, gut feeling is don’t trust them. …Mark has pulled himself out of the system. I’m going for, I’m going for all the biggies now. And then I’M GOING TO DO THIS PROCESS. I’ve done the Didi-Que. My son put it in court 4 months ago. I hadn’t heard a word back and if they do we’ll deal with it. But he at 19 years of age full of consciousness and HERMETIC wisdom is a rapper and you go hear his mental methods is his u-tube handle. And I’m proud of him. He’s the little one. He looks like his daddy, that’s rapping and what’s he talking about? He handed in his dedi-que. So I’m going for reeedon, true freedom. You can join me. It’s a process. You know for 12 years I’ve been doing that’s why I’m a street performer. I don’t have no boss. I don’t have a job. I have work to do and I do a lot of it. Good work for the light. And that’s the work we were sent here to do. Jobs? Just over broke. That’s another one of Rome’s fictions to keep you just over broke ot just as a slave and guys be ware of the charlatans out there like David Sympton and need to mention this one because he’s trying to create havoc for people who are looking for the truth. He’s a charlatan, a criminal and I’ve had people from around the world since I posted on facebook his criminal record. He’s up there in queensland somewhere with his helicopters. He’s a buffet, you’ll see it on the picture. I’m gonna post this article on universal truth school to make an apology to the public because he is e-mailin everybody on my mail list. How did he get my mail list? Well six months ago I went to a CLRG meeting. Good people. They’re doing a good job. But there was a woman there appears to be a really good person. She said David Symptoms up in queensland. He’s got a webinar service santos and he wants to help you. Gullible me, Aries. Arians believe everything and doubt everything until they learn it for themselves. And then you can’t move them. I get in touch with him. You c an tell he’s lazy. And I’ve had dozens of people from around the world now who have heard this calamity that is being perpetrated by this man. Making death threats. They say he is a known pedophile. So, he’s got to go back to jail. He’s done about 18 months in jail in 2007. it’ll be on my website. And this will go on utube to back up because I want to apologize to the public. I told him that my computer was running slow. I’m a computer expert. I work for the Asian underworld that’s gonna brig the system, the dark agenda down with thjeir rfeal money. He’s got all these helicopter stories like James Bond. A charlatan. And a criminal and has don ijury to me and is on record. The one law in the universe is do not do injury. He broke it. I own his ass. He helped himself to my computer through TeamViewer and accessed all my e-mail addresses and immediately took it upon himself to send out webinar notifications every Tuesday to come to him to learn about spirituality. Remember those astro shells those low vibrating animals in our atmosphere that Manly P Hall and Plato and Pythagoras , all talked about. Be ware of those. That’s who he’s channeling. He can’t channel pure essences as an animal. He’s unconscious. And he does injury. Like an unconscious Animal
Giordano Bruno not to die in vain. Feb 17 Birthday. He was a hermetists and a Neo-Platonist and he said unless we go back to the light of Egypt that was around thousands of years ago in Atlantian times in the days of Poseidon and Osiris when we had more subtle bodies, not so gross as now. And 5 senses and we want mor meat and starch and blood and we want all those cullenary shows on fox. Get hamburgers of dead body parts. If you eat meat and whatever, that’s fine. But from the point of vies of the philosophere, the lover of wisdom and the ascended one. Once you get there you don’t do that stuff. So we’re all getting somewhere now. Is any one perfect in the room? No one? Good. So there’s no condemning but we’re all improving. Every day, consciousness. Keep it up. Cosciousness and love will save the day. It will destroy this Roman fiction. Empire will be …forget about it. It will be one of those dirty words from the past. And all the other’s like IRS and ATM . money usury. Oh yes astrology is from the devil, but these liars and Pharisees and the Scribes and the money and the mortgages and the government that gotta be there because God’s got a controversy with the devil so he’s got to allow the devil some time to prove his point that he can rule better than god. That’s what the jehovs\a’s believe. The gov is takig taxes from your back pocket because well satans got a controversy with jehova and jehova’s giving him some time to prove and he’s tried feudalism and capitalism and oligarchies and Nazi just to give the devil to try all these forms of gov. and then THEOCRACY’S coming to town. And gues who’ gonna rule. Theo, the boy eith the beard. These guys are insane. And we connect them with established religion and Christianity’s are the most enlightened thing since all of thjose barbarians that built the pyramids and all of those amazing structures. Oh but they are barbarians and they came out of caves . now wew’ve got Christianity and jesus died for us. Third party savior. You can’t save yourself. There he is in the clouds, been coming for 2100 years.
Cannabis? I take infusions that have helped me connect many dots. I wouldn’t be too active in them. I’m from te school of TERENCE MC KENNA no doubt. And Aldous Huxley and Timothy Leary and Francis Crick who discovered DNA while on LSD. Psychedelics and hallucinogens are infusions. They give you God and teach you god. The other stuff, infetamines, barbiturates and narcotics, that’s the stuff they got out there in the tobacco and alcohol and all the cocaine and all the shit that the schick drugs. Like ecstacy and all that drugs and hallucinogens two different words all together. Drugs get you in jail because it’s illegal where it’s a dirty word and it’s in the bad stuff that they want kids on. You see all those kids that on those drugs and loud noise and are proud of being awake fro 3 days. You will be dead in 3 years doinfg thtat. You only have to do that oce and the toxins, the strain on yur internal organs, the liver and lungs.
A person said it takes years to rid antibiotice,
Get in distilled wate and Dr, Sebi and hero rotte manic solar gazing with hero HRM here de L’otan Manic and he’s this Indian. His goldsmith and he’s talking about walking on dirt. And solar gaze. You see the ball . you know it’s a sphere. The aura around the sun and moon is an entity it is Michael the arc angel. The sun’s true name in Kabbalah
This about orbs will be in the body is the holy land.

Oro in latin is gold. Ora is time. Remember houa hours hour / the sun is the time keeper. And the sun has the gold. The gold is light. That’s why I know that the sun is jesus Christ. Our moon. See they tell you in the name of jesus our moon. Would that be jesus’ real name. yeah the hidden one . our moom. It’s like saying in the name of the queen, Elizabeth. They’re telling you the name of the queen. See in the name of the queen Elizabeth. In the name of jesus in all of our prayers ahmen full stop. That’s his name. the our moon see…the w or ol the word of god is? It’s the goldits the light. the orb, the lord, the Jordan is the holy river. The holy river and Orion is the optic thalamus because he is the lamb and the lamb, in the head, the optic thalamus. That’s the one that gets aointed with the oil and pineal gland lights up two and ½ days later at illumination . the lamb orion has always been known as the lamb. It’s the lamb of god, the brightest constellation in the sky. It’s the light of the world according to the greeks. Pointing to location between eyes, Orion. and the Pleiades are the pineal gland. [that’s what ths oribinals are related to ] The Pleiades they all are. The Mayans tell you where they come from. From maya, the star in the Pleiades. Hello, there it is. .. Maya, the mayans. That’s the lamp of the world . The lamp of the world The lamp of the world, Orion. Orion is OR(ion) orion, the true name of the sun. the true name of Osirus, Baccus, Dioysus, jesus. You know what happens when you have an orgasm? That gold? That’s the or. The word of god is that seed that is planted in Bethlehem. And joseph and mary are the pineal gland and the pituitary gland. Because they differentiated the fluid and they are the progenitors of it. But they need the Christ to resurrect and be crucified in order to be saved. Salvation. Salvation comes from salt and you are the salt of the earth. You see, saliva, salary, salt. And it preserves. So, {pointing toi the pineal gland} it’s the salt that preserves. It’s the good oil. It’s the word of god, it’s the manna from heaven and god gave the children of his own manna to eat. It’s the lord, it’s the Jordan, it’s orion it’s the word, it’s the orgasm. Don’t have too many orgasms though. Learn how to not do that and it’s good for you. Let’s ger the OR going.
Orion has always been known as the lamb Turn lamb into lamp with a replaced vertical line
Whats the best way to keep the body alkaline? Walking on dirt. Not grass 45 miutes a day. Like hero says in the video solar gazing with HRM. And solar gazing. Electric energy goes straight through the optic nerve into the optic thalamus and guess who is benefiting from that. Joseph and Mary. The pineal gland. He wants some of that sunlight, photons. Get them in you. You can oly get them from looking at the sun. you can …man you don’t have to eat food. You can live on breath prana. Chi, holy spirit. The air has got all the elements in it. Traces of every single element. You can get it from thje air and the water. Distilled water. And a couple of herbs every now and then. That’s all you have to eat. That’s ///you can achieve that. The sun now is emanating different carbons than it was five or six years ago. It’s getting whiter and bigger and bigger. And that white light, the undifferentiated white light. See, all those other seven colors of the rainbow they’re just refractions and they’re just like naughty little boys. They’ve got their job to do, but the white light, that’s the gold. That’s the OR and it’s getting whiter and whiter. It’s going through a morphogenetic field and it’s upgrading it’s DNA . it’ll be a new sun at the end of this year. It’s a stargate , it’s a portal it’s our savior Michael As the Mayans say, so it will be. There’ll be a new sun in our skies. It’s a star gate. It’s a portal. It’s our savior Michael. Yeah we go through the portal, yeah we have to . there’s no way back to unconditioned consciousness. We go through those suns and we become suns. You are a young star aren’t you? That’s what you were told at kindergarten were you? . Hey youngster pull your head in. and you want a gold star to take home to mommy , to show her that you were as good as gold. You’ve got a bright future if you do that., bright like the sun, yeah. They know what to say. But they are saying the opposite with their words and their spelling. It’s time to be free. Let’s do it. I mean peacefully and lovingly, non-compliance. Don’t comply. It’s the best way to be. It works. Let them…Giordano Bruno lost his life for living it. Life? He lost one of these bodies that he’s had. You know if you get in your car to go to the store. You don’t think you are the car. It’s just a vessel. These are all vessels. Blood and flesh vessels. Come one day go another. That the soul is immortal. we are. I mean this stuff is simple isn’t it? You know it. It’s so simple. { a judge once asked a man where do you live? What is your address, he was told I live in here, I live in my body} Yeah, and the body is heaven. When you give them the name you negate your divinity. Why would you negate your divinity? If the lord says I AM then you are too. It’s teaching you. Don’t you go putting adjectives and nouns after I am. Because a word above and over that is a lie. I am not Santo, I am not this body, I’m not tall dark and handsome. I wish I were. I’ve got the dark bits all together. I’m working on the other bits. But I’m not and no one is. We all are but we have our individual…if we hang onto our souls, if we hang onto our character and personality and grow it and virtues. As jesus said, some will reap 60 fold, some 30, some 100 fold . then he gave talents. Two talents to one dude, five talents to another and then some of them didn’t do anything with their talents in other words they were sitting on their ass and keeping the oil down there and wasting it drinking and eating and riotous living like the good Samaritan. he went down with the prostitutes and bought bybers of wine and everything like that and then he said woop, he came to his senses. It’s never too late to come to your senses. Never too late to take the science on. And succeed in ascension. There’s no rapture. Oh, we’re going to be taken in the clouds. An ascended master is one who has ascended the Christ. Who has brought his oil back up and brought his 10% back up to the lord. The lord is the heavens, the lord is Orion and in Amos, the book of Amos, it says look for salvation to the one who made the stars, the seven stars of Orion. Orion is the lord because you need to go from a focus at the bottom at the sacrum, the focus is down there with Scorpio, the generative area and Orion is in Taurus in the head. It’s the optic thalamus. The focus? What does a focus mean? The serpent bearer. A fukus means the serpent bearer in Greek and it’s standing right there on top of Scorpio. It’s one of the deacons of Scorpio in the generative area. And a fucus is the serpent bearer. It’s the Kundalini and the Kundabuffer. Remember joseph and mary and the Pingala and the eda? They differentiate the fluid that they want back and time to bring it back.
Your common law meeting with ahmed. If anyone wants to get into common law

ther register because there are different words to use at work. If you are in the media, you have the media register. When you are working in justice, in legalese and the law then you have the legal register etc. well what they’ve done is they have popularized the legal register and so most people are speaking legalese with out knowing it and hence casting spells. This is why in court it is always spell casting. When they summons you to court you can only summons the dead. It’s not a subpoena that you are calling a living man. It is a summons to call a dead person. And so when you answer to that and they call out that name they are invoking the dead. And casting a spell on you, the living because you have fallen for their magic. [When you show up in response to a Summons, then you are accepting your ROLE as a DEAD PERSON…that’s right, only a Dead Person can be summoned to court…know your rights]. I first started learning about this in 2007. It probably did more harm to me than good. It takes a long time to study this great deception and to come out being on top.

We should avoid the egoic thought of

going it alone it’s time for defending all who have been shipwrecked by the long existing force of dominion which is now doomed to suffer the shift without victory themselves and carry many with them. All those who have been downtrodden will experience victory benefiting outwardly with celebration of their vindication. This effort is ordained and will be fruitful for all ancestors. I cannot force or drag anyone with me. I can only bring light and they only can benefit from it themselves.

David-Wynn: Miller – Quantum Language Grammar Syntax Seminar, 2012 AGUILA

David-Wynn: Miller returning us to our proper grammar
A 92nd degree Mason who broke the math interface in all 5000 languages proving that language is a linear craziness algebra which hasn’t been done in 85 years of written language. When he did so he was able to unlock the 2/3 of all the words missing from all languages in the world. and he can write any sentence in any language frontwardsand backwards with the same meaning. Once this was discovered it completely, 48 hours after he published on the internet he had two secret service agents from Washington asking does he realize what he did? He just disqualified every trust and treaty and contract in 8500 years in the world. he had told everyone by videos to protect himself. This to all natins of the UN and TV and news agencies around the U.S. he was asked why he was walking around still. As Pandora, destroyer of worlds, now you might think that’s a bad thing. The word destroyer, de means no and story is contract. Of is an adverb which connects to a pronoun in front of it. pro means no, no means no, and un means no. so the word destroyer is a no, no, no word. Of is an adverb and it’s a modifier. They connect the pronoun in front of it and modify the verb after it. Modification is change, changes motion, motion is action and action is a verb. Therefore the word world becomes a verb. Do you live in a world of verb or do you live in a world of fact. As you all know the word world is a fact. But because it’s destroyer of verb, I destroyed the world of verb in all 50000 languages worldwide on April 6, 1988. ands so with that said, how did that come about. Well in 1980, I went through a divorce, and judge Stanley Miller said you cannot be a father to your children. He took away my children. [one reason the judge could do that is that when he got married with a license, he did not read the contract that insinuates the government into youyr life and taked control of whatever issues from the marriage. You cannot look at the contract until you are about to sign it. this does not give time to search the un coverable section that arranges this theft. Try to get a copy of the contract to take home and study. Good luck] this is why there is a legal family law division. There is no more need for a marriage license than a general drivers license]. Why would you do that? I’ve been a good father for 10 years. Because I’m a judge and I can take away peoples children just because I can. Well that’s sex discrimination. Under the 1964 civil rights act for equality. I’m going to prosecute you. you can’t prosecute judges. I beg to differ. I know what the law is. You swore to support the constitution of the U.S, and the laws written by the U.S, Congress Senate and Legislature. That includes equality. …so he had the judge disbarred on 1980. seven years later Stanley Miller got re-appointed again.
The transcription stops here because of the 9 hour length of the seminar. There is a world of very, very interesting and needed facts, by all of us navigting through the legal system complete with descriptive history for all facts. He even introduces the ET s but faild to provide their nearness within the done rather than millions of miles away. So, for someone so much in the know, he should not be hiding flat earth, especiallu talking about the axix. Regarding his seminar, I studied this about 4 years ago and used it.
Below is a letter I wrote to a neighbor, who was going to the law because I removed a concrerte rain water trough from my land which he thought was his. This letter that he took to his lawyed prevented any action, since all legal action depends on improper grammar to keep them free of fraud, no action was taken. I have also used this tactic to have my Original electric analog meter remain on my house. The Smart meters are dangerous to health because they use 5G, the source of all covid symptoms. For more see:

David Miller – july 2014 Language – Fraud – Trial _ Hearing
Smart Meter Documentary – Take Back Your Power 2017

An additional link to David Millers teachings on our government by misdirection and deceit is below:

: David-Wynn: Miller’s Seminar.

This next letter was to sidestep a legal assault by a neighbor who mis-read the property line. There was no further comment:
To :Pat Jones August 10,2019

From :Charles-Albert: Smith, Claimant

For this concern of the damage claim on the fifth of August, 2019 of the rain diverting pavement of the Pat Jones are with the claim of the land ownership by this claimant

For the good-faith-communications for the resolution of the conflict of this concern are terminated by the un-proven claim of the ownership of the land by the Pat Jones.

For the resolution of this conflict is with the agreement of the two parties by the proof of the pavement and the land ownership.

For the claimant in good-faith accepts responsibility to replace said pavement upon proof of claim of land ownership by the Pat Jones

For the truth of this claim of ownership of the land is with the location of the property line stake.

For the non-response of the Pat Jones to the truth of claim by resuming communications brings the process of “Notary-Certificate-of-Default by the claimant

The Hijacking of the English Language into Legalese July 2019: santos bonacci

the hijacking of the English language into legalese July 2019 Santos understands HOLISTICALLY how organized society has come to Obfuscate their true English language.
[preview of Easter v Passover and flat earth don’t prove it see the need and our work from here—these are coming soon Freak Sense TV

We exist in an economic reality. Economics dominate our day to day existence. It shapes what our entire lives look like. I will describe it for you in a couple of minutes from here. All money currently in this sick reality is created, printed, or created on a computer put into existence backed by nothing. That’s why our paper money has printed on it legal tender. A fair way of saying it is Monopoly money. But we are saying it is legal monopoly money. So it’s a joke, it is worthless. The biggest punishment in our court system across this vast plane is counterfeiting because they are the counterfeiters. They are the pirates of the sea that came onto the land and have hijacked our reality. They counterfeit our money and take a dim view of anyone else trying to cut in on their business. Our monetary system backed by absolutely nothing is placed into existence by a banking system that creates it out of thin air, prints it out of thin air and there is no oversight. Probably the only thing of value that came out of the global earth wide collapse of the monetary system back in 07 and 08 when Ron Paul was questioning Ben Bernacky in front of the Senate and congress in the US were the responses by Bernacky which essentially said to Ron Paul, shut the **** up. I don’t have to tell you anything. Our company the Federal Reserve is not subjective to questions from the elected officials which means they are bigger and more powerful than the Citizens, the taxpayers of any country because their elected representatives are not allowed to ask them specific questions. So nobody knows who owns these central banks. Nobody knows how much money is getting printed in when they did the quantitative easing. They didn’t even tell them which countries it was going to in what amount. So it was all complete mystery. Our monetary system is a complete mystery because it’s complete BS. So what is the basis, the very heart of why we need money or some form of currency in the first place? Ownership of land. And folks you can’t own land. Land exists for all sentient beings to utilize and share. That’s why we’re all on it together to get along with one another and share all sentient beings we have to get along and share the resource that was gifted to us and even within the rules of organized society. The basic tenant for ownership is possession. Possession is nine tenths of the law. Prior to this new system that’s really only a couple hundred years old. Who owned then possessed all of land? Well, whoever was on the land? And we tend to like to call these people aboriginals. So whoever was here before us had possession. Therefore if they had possession, they had technical ownership. Now they didn’t claim ownership of it because they had wisdom. Wisdom says you don’t own something that you can’t take with you. You are essentially enjoying it and passing it on, sharing it, enjoying it and passing it on. They didn’t claim ownership because they had wisdom, not because they’re stupid.
Since 1756, the Jesuits founded in 1538. The whole takeover of the lands of the world really happened in force in 1776 when the illuminati, a branch of the Jesuits, was founded. Together with the Rothschild’s and the Windsor’s that made a pact with Rome to corporatize the world. Formerly they knew they had an empire called Tartaria which guaranteed freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of life and all freedoms to all the inhabitants of the plane. And then of course what happened was they went around with all their corporate ships and their weaponry, i.e., plagues, opium in china, weapons in India, decimated the populations, in Australia they used plague and weapons of course. When I was growing up they were always talking about the cruelty toward aboriginals. For instance they would bury them in the earth and just their heads would be popping up and they would play a game Polo. They would just gallop over their heads and just have fun with them or throw them off mountains. There are many mountains around Australia that are called Murdering Mountain and things: Murdering Road and Black Mountain etc. they planted their corporate flags on these lands and they started where Tartaris left off. We have been swindled of our true history. And we have got these corporate aberrations which are called the economy and prosperity and economic growth
And all of these kinds of schemes scamming people of their freedom.
So they seduce people to work hard for this phony money and then to buy land which they take off them once they have established and developed that land. So that’s how it works.
And the same has happened with the English language which was around for ever. Because all languages have one root. And that is in atoms. Atomology which we call etymology is what the Egyptians called all is Atum. So your body is an autonomy in which your body speaks etymology. And that is the true language. And English is one of the best entomological languages. And of course everything else has been co-opted, corrupted, and usurped, taken over. So has languages. And because English was such a powerful language, the Bar association along with this Illuminati group created a separate register within the English language called Legalese. And so when we now say “do you understand” now they have two meanings or even more when you talk of a man being a person, which he is, because we have a personality. Therefore we are a person. Most people who prescribe to the lie that English is a corrupted language and it is demonic and is used to corrupt humanity, they will use examples like this. I don’t say I am a person, I am a man. Well you are wrong because in English you are a person. In legalese you are also a person and you don’t want to be that person because that’s a corporate person. So the wise one rises above all this arguing and miss-understanding of everything. And is able to salvage all the words that legalese has tried to usurp and I would say invert. Inversion is one of the devices used. So for instance, when you invert a natural remedy such as a herb and you mix it with another herb, to make a concoction or a tonic for your health. These can’t be patented so you have to change the chemistry of one of these herbs and then you can patent it and make a lot of money out of it. Whereas nature and god are there to give it to you free. There is no lie in nature, only God’s truth encoded within, thru sacred geometry. Animals do not lie, insects do not lie, plants do not lie, the sun and moon do not lie. Only mankind does. That would be an inversion of something natural. They are very clever. When they say fluoride is good for your teeth, well it is but not sodium fluoride. Calcium fluoride is very good for your teeth. In fact it is one of the tissue salts. (The tissular, homeopathic tissue salts.) But when you put sodium in fluoride and you give that combination that is harmful for the teeth. So they don’t know people don’t do their homework thoroughly. And they know that people will see fluoride in there and say that’s proven that fluoride one of the things in the elements that harden the teeth and it does with the right combination. Calcium Fluoride is an Essential Cell Salt, a building block of life… Sodium Fluoride is one of the most TOXIC substances known to Man…guess which one Society puts into your Toothpaste and Water? For perfect healthy and happy teeth and gums, make this recipe yourself and brush when necessary…you will thank us! Low soct, effective, all natural and completely ALKALINE. (70% Sodium Bicarbonate-15% organic sea salt-10% Calcium Fluoride-3% Activated Charcoal-1% Turmeric-1% Cinnamon—mix well together and add water to brush] so we have inversion going on. And English has been inverted. So people are actually speaking a register of English without knowing it. Within any language there are different registers. So at home you have a register. You have a home register and only your family uses that register. When you go to work you need ano I was learning all of this, I was applying some of the things I was learning thinking I was doing a good thing. It only got me into more trouble. And it landed me in jail a couple of times in fact in 2014 and in 2015. So that was all unnecessary because of my not complete information. So it is very important as we go on our path and we learn these things, we implement them slowly and we are patient and give ourselves a enough time to grow. So with legalese, we find a language of great manipulation where they make dictionaries like Black’s Law Dictionary etc. and you’ll see when you look at the words that they have different meaning. We have which which is which for instance. And that’s no coincidence. [Virtually EVERYTHING that YOU have EVER been taught is by someone who doesn’t have a CLUE as to what the actual Truth is and you are okay with this?] English was hijacked you might say so that it could be used being such a prolific and wordy language. I think the most comprehensive Webster dictionary has 800,000 English words. [1,025,109 words in the English languages making it the most complex language on earth]. And so, the next prolific language which would have only 200,000. Believe it or not. So English has four times more words in it than any other language in existence. So we can see how handy a tool can be in the hands of manipulators, of wordsmiths, of people who Jesus condemned [“woe unto you lawyers, for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves and them that were entering in, ye hindered “Luke 11:52 it would have been better for you if a millstone were tied around your neck and cast yourself into the sea. Than deceive and stumble one of these little children] Meditation is the key to our salvation and they know it…This is why Societal “Lawyers” keep us LOST in the left brain]. [And they are doing it daily. [“Ye are the Salt of the Earth, but if the Salt has lost his Savor, where with shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and be trodden under foot of men. Ye are the light of the World. A City that is set on a hill cannot be hid, neither do Men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick and it giveth Light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.” MT, 5:13-16.]
Not once, daily to many of god’s sheep. And so it is very appropriate that we discuss this subject because I’ve done it quiet a bit in my presentations and there is one out there called “Language and the Law” where I deal with the subject of the Phoenicians and exposing their phony Phoenician Phonetics which ended up in Phoenician Venice. And of course Venice is an island on the sea. In Venice is where all the Birth Certificates are stored. The Birth Certificates are not records of being born on the land. A ship can Berth on the water. So there is another trick. We call our Solar return every year a Birthday instead of a born day. Not knowing that only corporate persons can be berthed in the docks. Hence the DOCtor is overseeing the stock and the merchandise that comes from the Mother’s womb. The placenta, the place where you enter, through the canals, the watery canals to the docks. [Born Free NOT Berthed! “Stop saying Birthday” say happy born day. Ships are Berthed, or Birthed, not Human Beings! So why does Organized Society LIE to us about every single aspect of our Reality? It’s their Job…] so the doctor then registers, not records. There is a record of your being born but they call it a birth. So again that word can apply to being born, ONLY IN ENGLISH where we think we are speaking English but actually using the birth day. There are two dates on the birth certificate. There is the born date followed by the birth date. If you quote your birth day you are mistaken. You are referencing the true born date, but confusing it with the birth dater which is later. So, knowing that the system has made it so that policemen, judges, etc. know of that fraud (mistake) where you are now killing yourself, your soul. Self means soul by the way. Soul is related to salt. We are a pillar of salt and cell in French is salt. When you say self you are speaking of your souls. Salt/Soul. And knowing this they proceed with the fraud and of course they are, I suppose, entitled to because they have equitable title. because the birth certificate is a split title, the legal title and the equitable title. So supposedly we have use of it. Kind of a usufruct system. And by the way usufruct is the natural system. Whereas usury, which we have decided and chosen to operate in commerce is the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. When you eat from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the good is God. The evil is the devil. The devil in the system is commerce on the waters, the person. [the tree of knowledge of good and evil (eternal Chaos) =left hemisphere of the brain / the tree of life (eternal Peace = right hemisphere of the brain.== the tree of knowledge of good and evil represents “eating” from our carnal world, the physical realm where we never know what is true and what is a lie! The tree of life represents knowing god face to face by going within via meditation!]
The good fruit is where you stay on the land and you act as a man or woman, with a living soul, and you are a creditor. Your life’s essence e adds credit to the natural system. Whereas when you eat of the fruit of the tree of evil, the side of evil, you are now a debtor. Always in this condition you will be treated as the trustee in a court case for instance not the beneficiary is on the side of good. [A good channel on U-tube is “the glossy channel”(the Justinian deception = reclaiming your name so that you can reclaim your life. )]
If you want to expound on that information, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil creditor and debtor and how to act as a creditor and bring yourself back on the land, and remove yourself from this SATANIC SYSTEM of the book of death, you want to go into the book of life where you are living. The book of death where all the names are found in it of those who do not go to heaven. That would be all of your licenses, birth certificate, credit cards that have the corporate name on there. [You are REAL and Not a FRAUD! A Unique Eternal Creation of the Creator, You cannot be Defined by a name…You are FREE and thus ALL things in ALL Moments; so, when You Agree to an all Capitalized Name that comes with a SUR Name (Sur=Serf=Slave), You are Agreeing with the System that you are a DEAD MAN and can be Bought, sold, and traded by OWNERS.]
So how to act outside of that system, well you would have to use your Christian name and not your
SIR (SURITY) NAME. so when you are calling yourself Santos Bonacci in my case you are now in fraud. Because these two names make the Cest U KV corporate person which is not yours. It was a creation by the system in order for the living man to be able to do commerce should he wish in the world of the dead. So it’s not necessarily wrong and evil. Like a knife is not wrong or evil but the use of that knife and how it is put to use. So once you are able to show their system that you are living and operating outside that system then you can use the true English language and speak your truth from that position. Whereas you now act as Santos Bonacci i.e., your Christian name and your surety name together you are making a contract with this commerce system. The Christian name is in reference to the fact we are free and spiritual beings with soul and body. And so, when it says in the scripture, “by name only. You will be saved. It is in reference to the Christian name, the given name. I was not given the name Bonacci. There are many people in the world with the name Bonacci and there are also many people with the name Santos. But I was given Santos. So that is the name by which I will be saved, saved from all the responsibilities, privileges, benefits and services which you can get when you empty yourself of your sovereignty and actually become a part of the legalese system. So what I do in my work, synchronism, is free people from mental bondage Governmental bondage and slavery. The Birth Certificate is a BOND, A Security and you are bound with stocks and bonds because that’s where the stock and bond market come from. It cannot exist without the birth certificate. [SALVATION is found in no one else. there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must BE SAVED Acts 4:12] in reference to the Christian name or the given name.]
So by teaching English the way it is we are able to free ourselves from the limitations of legalese. And English is rooted in ANGLE. The Saxons and the Angles (were Angels). Angles and angels are the same thing. In astrology you have good angles. They are angels. The square would be a bad angel. A triangle would be a good angel. These angels can invert their energy and become demons. So, the demonic language is definitely legalese created for the purpose of deception and to harvest energy from the living world, the world of the living. And so once we realize that we are enabling the system and giving it energy and feeding this parasitic demon, we can remove ourselves by our actions, by our speech. We can use the same words as legalese. But we can use them with their proper intentions. And we can walk over the Maritime waters. You see when Jesus was in the ship and he got up when the waters were rough and all the apostles there were sleeping in the ship (the Citizenship). Jesus gets up and he prays and he walks on the water. Well this is a man who is teaching you to be sovereign. Then, the other Jesus who teaches you to be a priest. So, the king and the priest. They will rule with Christ for a thousand years as kings and priests, the hundred and forty four thousand. Well, because there are two archetypes of Jesus the one who teaches you to be free from Rome and the one who teaches you to be free from the devil and spiritual enslavement (RELIGION). [Christ Jesus Teaching Us Personal Sovereignty Over Rome…Sovereign Jesus showed us that to be FREE, we must learn to Walk OVER the Maritime Admiralty Law Waters; failing to do so, we are merely sinking SLAVES.]. And this one here when he walks on water, he is walking on the maritime Admiralty Law waters and living. You see St. Peter gets up and looks and says “Lord, how is it that you are walking upon the waters? Can I also follow and Jesus said yes come follow me. Of course because anyone can do it. Anyone who has faith you see. Peter starts walking and after a little bit he starts to fall and he sinks into the water. Well this is like the parable of the sewer. There were four types of seed. And the sewer just threw seed out willy-nilly. Some lands on good soil, rocky soil, thorny soil, hard soil and the seeds produce according to the soil. And with the thorny what happens is the seed grow nice and strong and then the thorns just over shadow the light and restrict the light and cover over the weeds and after that zealous moment of sprouting they start to wither and die. And this is like Peter. [He became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord save me!” Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” Mathew 14: 30-31]. He had faith. He liked the idea of walking on water and sleeping in the ship. Because you see you are lost at sea in Admiralty if you are not walking on the water. And so what happens, these people go out and they like walking on the water and the power it gives them. But like the wife of Lot, they look back [But Lot’s wife looked back and she became a pillar of salt…Genesis 19:26] and they see you. Ah, you know maybe.
And they see you maybe I like the security of the ship you know. It was a, there was a lot of people sleeping in there. It was warm. Out here it’s kind of cold and there’s only one other dude in front of me that’s walking on the water. I mean, you know it’s goanna be pretty lonely and then you start sinking. And so from usufruct you go back to usury and you get used and this system is the enemy of man. It’s the Antichrist. The Antichrist is the inverted system of Christ. [The Anti-Christ is merely an Allegory for the living in an Upside Down World, where we do the Opposite of what Christ Taught]. Because the Christian name has been inverted. So that another name has been attached to it and that is a corporate family name or surname, or second name. it’s funny how they call it a second name. You got another one? Do you have another name? It’s your first name. What’s your second name? You know. Because they need to catch you in that trap which they have created. As we learn these things, then we master the art of being free. Not liberated, free. So when Jesus at the end of his ministry was brought before Pontius Pilate, and he asked “are you the King of the Jews, Jesus asked a question in reply, see? He didn’t answer because to answer is to swear, to say a swear word. But if you ask, if you are asking you are acting as King. And so, the one asking the question is the one who gets in first. Isn’t it? And so he throws, in tennis you always want to serve first. That’s why you toss the coin because you want to serve first. [Who Serves First? Christ led Before Pilate…Luke 23:1-4 / “The whole multitude of them arose and led Him unto Pilate and they began to accuse Him, saying, ‘we found this fellow perverting the nation and forbidding to give Tribute to Caesar, saying that he himself is Christ, a King and Pilate asked Him, saying ‘Art thou the King of the Jews’ and He answered him ‘Thou sayest it” Then said Pilate to the Christ and the people, ‘I find no fault in this man…”] Because you had the first shot. It’s possible that the other guy misses and you get a point and vice-versa. So you always want to be in with a point and so when you go to court [There’s No such thing as Justice in a Court Room, Only a Rigged Game that Society Plays. Know Your Inalienable Rights…if you Accept your Strawman Name and Answer their Questions, then You are obeying an ILLEGAL Construct as the VICTIM.]. It’s like a tennis court. The judge is always in there first. Calling Santos Bonacci today. Is Santos Bonacci present? Is he presenting, is he representing? Who is representing, do you have representation Mister Bonacci. Of course you do not want to be a Mister. That is a title isn’t it? Mister is not master. It’s a way of listening. The master. It is a belittling, and a reduction. It’s reductionism. You see.
There is no way you can convince me that these Judges are not aware of all of this. They have to be. They absolutely have to be. You can argue back and forth whether doctors really fully understand a lot of the evil that they are doing with their inverted system of medicine and health care which it isn’t. It’s the opposite, but Judges; they are absolutely in the know. And in that pod cast that you did that you talked about earlier. You pointed that out beautifully and perfectly. These guys are very well trained in this legalese and they are cleaver because if they fail it comes back on them. They go from the creditor to the debtor if they don’t win in that courtroom, that berthing canal. And it is ******* evil. Everything you’re talking about just makes my skin begin to itch and crawl. Because this is ******* evil. This is well planned out. It is collaborative, it is evil, it is sinister. Sorry about that Santos. But I just wanted to inject that. Oh no that’s a good insert right there brother because it is. The intent of it is for other entities behind the legal structure which actually harvest the energy. See? Because these people all belong to as cult and it’s the cult of Satan. Satan is Saturn, Saturn is Chronos and Chronos is the crown. So they all work fore the Crown. Do they not? Yes. The Bar which is backwards for rabbit which is Radburn in which is the son’s of
fah-rah meaning evil in Hebrew. It is a Talmudic Hebrew Society.[ ]. So when you look at the Jesuits, don’t leave out the Jewish Sanhedrin folks. Because they are one and the same. Two sides of the same coin. They are the Bolsheviks, the Communists, the Marxist, the leftist, the progressives, the liberals. They are liberating people not freeing them. Liberalism is about making you perverse like shuttin and the people who work for the Crown. See, they tell you, well that’s crown copy write. Santos. Bonacci is of course because Chronos Shattin, the god of this world. Satan as Jesus taught us. You don’t want to be using Satan, Satan’s name, the Crown name. In my name only you shall be saved. So when you use your Christian name when you go into court you’re not goanna be … you’ll serve that ball back and it will not come back. You win. But if you even so much as pretend or suggest that you are Santos Bonacci or acting as an agent or that name. You can get into a lot of trouble because you need permission from Satan. You see? And how they do that is they join the club you see. And they sign. Sign means to sin which is sinister which is Evil. So all those signers and co-signers out there, they do know what they are doing. This is why they always put a cross near there with the dotted line is and they say sign here next to. In other words they want to be a cosigner, a co-sinner like Eve. She said “oh the serpent said this fruit is pretty good and your eyes will be open. Take a bite Adam. Be a co- signer (co-sinner). And so he opted out of the credit system and went with his wife into the debt system; more people over there. Lot’s of crowds. So as Jesus said “do not follow the crowd. Do not follow the crowd. They will lead you to destruction. Broad and spacious is the road leading to destruction and many of those on it.” So, when we go signing after the little cross you see, the crown people, they are the only ones who can sign. That’s why they put the cross there. The sign is a mark. The Mark of Cain. The Canaanites. The Canaanites are the Phoenicians, the Phoenicians are the Venetians and Venus rules the world from legalese. For, they created legalese in Amsterdam and then brought it over to London, the city thereof. Not London, greater London, corporate London. And from there they run their Admiralty Empire. Admiralty Law is the law administered on the on the ships.. not on the lands, on the ships whereas maritime is the first law which is the law of the ships. Admiralty Law is what the Admirals administer on their ships. So when you go into court, you see, it’s like a ship. You know. And you got the docks there and you see that the Judge is, you know, acting like the captain and you are going into another jurisdiction, you see. So they make sure that you’re comfortably acting in that dead man’s jurisdiction and once they’ve got all the questions answered and you’ve sworn enough and signed enough, sinned enough, right? And then they make their magic. You see they cast their spells; they create bonds, bid bonds, constructive bonds, and so forth. There’s a few kinds of different bonds that they make and rather trusts that they create. They create a trust, you see? And then you’ll see the Judge may even step out, come back into court with a new trust. You’ll go out and make another trust and so you’ll, you know, he’ll make all of these little corporate entities which he can float on the stock market as the security, bundle them up and keeping the Crown Empire alive. This is why the Queen wears her crown on top of her crown chakra where Saturn sits. Brahma is always sitting here. God, the god of time. Little flying here. When you meditate on this part of the head, you see god. You see your superstructure, your transindental subtle body which in the lower body is your chakra system. Which people say of course from the devil you know? Of course in Gray’s anatomy it tells you that it’s the subtle body. It’s the endocrine system etc. so, yeah, rather than being ensnared and enslaved by Chronos, we can actually be freed by Chronos. Chronos wants nothing more than our freedom. So, the Bible, the system out there, what it does is, it enslaves the plebian public with the legalese side of English. And it frees the, you could say, the private living man-self-knowing individual. So you have the individual and you have the personality, the person. The individual is always higher. The individual is your true self, your true purpose that you came here to do. The personality is, oh I’m a doctor, I’m a dentist, and I’m a lawyer that Jesus condemned because we are liars. This is your personality, your masks and so if we hide, if we should hide behind the person. God respects no person. Neither does the Queen. Then we don’t individualize. And what is the individual. It’s an individual of God, an individual unit of God. For if you do not know who you are, that you are God, then you’ll be playing in that monopoly system and you’ll have to buy and sell houses and souls and signing and so what happens then, is you coming to a dead system rather than staying alive.
What is more important, this is the age-old argument between the religious order and those who read the Bible on their own. When you read the Bible on your own, it’s clear that the Christos and the Apostles are saying; which is more important, the temple or God. And what is being said is that the temple is more important because the temple represents the temple inside of our head and without us there is no God per se. God can’t exist if His creation doesn’t exist. Then Jesus goes to great lengths within the Bible to explain this. And he explains it so beautifully because he does it simultaneously by showing how the religious order of the day always says it is God. It’s always about God. God, God and of course they claim legal ownership, you know, through the Church of Peter, to own God. They own God. So, yes worship God and that’s it. God is all powerful and through His Son Jesus Christ is the only way, you know, you may get into heaven. But that’s not what was said in the Bible. That’s not what Jesus became actually quite angry about in His explanation and defending of this. The temple is more important than God because we are the temple. We are God. God exists within us. If we didn’t exist, if there wasn’t the higher mind, if there wasn’t the skull, if there wasn’t the third ventricle and the fornix and the chamber of the bridegroom and the claustrum then there wouldn’t be a mercy seat. If there was an emergency God where would he live? He’d be homeless. He’d be out on the streets. Is that what we want with our precious God to floating about with no roof over His head? Poor God, just a drifter. God exists within us and this is what Jesus would and it is just tingling for me listening to you speak about this. And now you’re tying in this brilliantly back to the true crown and I’ll just quickly say how I’ve tried to understand this and explain this to others is that when you are talking about the Admiralty Laws and the fake system that we live under. This is the left crown, the left hemisphere of the brain. The lawyer crown. And that, what we need to do is find the right crown, the right Chronos and as you said and it just gave me goose bumps when I heard you say that because that’s exactly how I feel. That Chronos can set us free. But the right Chronos. Not the left or the wrong Chronos. So I’d love to get your thoughts on that.
When you go to court, if you’re rehearsing what to say, you know you’re rehearsing legalese. Because you are worried about what to say. Whereas Jesus said; “do not be rehearsing what to say for what you should say will be given to you by the Father in that hour. But what this means is you don’t go speaking and learning their legalese. You don’t need to. You speak naturally. You’re going as a living man and it will be given you what to say. And what to say is if you’ve done no harm or no injury, you don’t need to go into Maritime waters. You see that’s why Jesus said give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and what is God’s to God. So we are here not to give our energy into that system. We’re supposed to give that tax money. We’re supposed to give that to Caesar and so then well that’s yours. It’s not ours because we are in this world but not of this world. So we are different. We are set apart. We are a priesthood, a holy people and we will always be, I guess shunned, marginalized in this world. You know people laugh you when you start talking about sovereignty. You can’t be sovereign. We’re all equal, you know. And we need a government to govern our mental faculties etc. etc. they’ll give you every reason and that’ simply because they are controlled by the parasitic mind. They are in the hive mind, the herd mind. You see? And like a sheep who is afraid. He always goes in the middle of the other sheep to be protected from the wolves and he sits there and he just hopes that there are enough lambs, brave lamb son the outside fighting for their lives to protect him. And you can see another day, see? So this is what people do. They hide in the crowd, you see. And get lost in there and they think like them and they act like them. And they don’t have their own originality. They don’t have their own individuality and it’s so the individuality is the higher self, you see? Because if you know who you are and you know that you are God with difference. Never say I am God and stop there. But, because that’s half true. See, we are God with individual difference. This is the gift that we have to be different and with God or God. As St. Paul says in Colossians 1:27, “the Christ that is in you, you see? Christ is not Jesus. This is why in Matthew 23 Jesus said “do not be calling anyone here teacher. For one is your teacher that Christ. So if we have Jesus speaking of the Christ in the third person and you can see clearly that Jesus himself is speaking of Christ as another Christ. And so, as a separate entity and somewhere over and above the man Jesus. Christ would be the God Jesus and they are both one and the same. That’s why Jesus says I and the Father are one. Yeah, this is why in Christianity they say Jesus Christ. I mean Freemasonry they say Christ Jesus. They never say Jesus Christ. That’s blasphemy because…but they taught us to say that. Oh Jesus Christ is my Savior. Well no. Christ Jesus is because Christ is in reference to God, the prime creator. Which is our higher self and light because christening and Christ means light and Jesus is the soul of the universe. Christ is the spirit. There is only one spirit. And Jesus is the soul; the soul is manifested in the body because Christ came in the flesh and became Jesus. In your transindental causal self you are Christ. You are spiritual. But in this world you have your soul and body. You have the subtle body of seven chakras remain. You have the physical body with 12 systems. According to the 12 astrological signs. So Jesus is the man. Christ is the God in you. And this differentiation is one of the most lucid and illuminating ones in all of theology. This is why syncretism is very important because it reverts the inversion. The half truths into full truths. You see in my presentations I don’t teach half truths. I teach both sides of the truth which make a whole truth you see? So the reason they get the church goers to call our Christ Jesus Christ, is because they are putting the material first. They are materialists. So they subscribe to theories. The big bang theory, Einstein’s relativity theory, and the theory of evolution, the theory of the hypothesis of the globe (Copernican theory), all of these…Gravity theory. It’s never been called fact. It’s a theory because gravity does not exist. Gravitation, the opposite of radiation does. And they are the two equal and opposite forces according to Walter Russell of the universe and gravitation would be Satan and radiation would be Jesus, you see? Satan and Jesus. The proton and the electron etc. L is Satan, the electron. And so, all of these theories come about because we believe in Jesus Christ the Savior not Christ Jesus Savior. And that’s why Jesus said “don’t have anyone as your teacher on this Earth. Only one is your teacher, the Christ. Showing, that if we know who we are and that we are God, then this language of legalese which is Saturnian Crown language. The language of Satan. Do not speak and do not learn the ways, evil ways, of Satan. You see, evil has to do with Eve who first subscribed to usufruct when she arte of the fruit of the debtor. You see? They give you the name on your credit card and on your birth certificate of the dead person in all capital letters because then once you bite into it and you have a bit of use of usury then from that day you will positively die. Well let the dead bury the dead. So we are the living and that’s why our names are in the book of life. Because, we have removed ourselves from the registry (Regis, the King) the worldly plane. The king is Satan, the crown and we record our names in the book of life. You See? So we become of the living. So it’s very important for us to speak English, people. Rather than legalese, you know. Remove yourself from this dead language. It’s corporate and corporate is corpse. And you don’t have to really…you start by living the language. You can’t just sever the ties so easily. You have to become a priest first. So once your eyes are opened, you see the other side of Jesus, the archetype of the priest is the one who teaches you how to lift up the son of man to be born again. As Moses did the serpent, the copper serpent in the wilderness. Well that would be the subtle body, the Kundalini.
[Via meditation, we must play our flutes to elevate the coiled serpent within the basket up into heaven at the right-hand side of God. Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness
Even so must the son of man be lifted up that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life
To become the Eternal man, Jesus Christ, we must raise our magnetic Kundalini energy from the bowels of our lower 3 chakras to out third eye called Pineal, illuminating our skull with a crown. ]
[Raising the chrism oil to the magic of the brains third ventricle…
The chrism oil is a gift of Santa Claus, from the Claustrum down to the pineal and pituitary glands. The pituitary produces the magnetic milk, known as Mary, while the pineal produces the electric honey, known as Joseph, the milk and honey travel down the Ida (milk) nerves to the Sacral Plexus to fertilize the seed of Christ which was born in the solar plexus (light og god)// the new born Christos oil begins. Its Life’s journey up the 33 vertebrae of the spine coming to a stop at Atlas, where the oil is Crucified, or ascended upwards a 1,000 fold to reach the 4th ventricle of the brain the straight and narrow path to the 3rd Ventricle. //the chrism is laid to rest in the Hypothalamus for 2 and ½ days before it ascends and illuminates the pineal gland, sending a beam of light Vis the Strias Pinealis opening up the fornix, allowing us via meditation to actually meet god face to face and activate our 7th and final chakra, the crown of illumination…]
[ the psycho physical seed of the chrism oil is born in the solar plexus chakra as the sun is the giver of all life… this seed is fertilized by Joseph and Mary (milk and Honey) in the sacred Plexus, before returning home to god as “Jesus Christ” the anointed oil, that illuminates our pineal gland ]
[Jesus Christ is the Chrism Oil within us ascending to heaven . our sacred purpose in life is to discipline our bodies and minds into strong, healthy temples that will allow the Chrism Oil to complete it’s journey within us, back home to god in the 3rd ventricle of the human brain, the magic mind.]
[I am the left brain, decisive, 011001011, logic, accurate, analytic, reason, numbers, practical, strategic, control science, realistic///I am the right brain, intuition, love, poetry, freedom passion, positive, vivid, creative, yearning peace]
[Semen retention in both men and women results in eternal life thru the purification of the body and mind…via the release of our Kundalini magnetic energy up the spine]
[Laminin, the lamb of god, that binds us together like glue… laminin is produced within the nucleus of our cells, in our DNA and since DNA determines what we look like and we are all made in god’s own image. well you get the rest… “he who is the image of the invisible god, the first born of every creature, for by him were al things created, that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, he if before all tings and by him all things consist. Col 1:15-17]

[Unity conscious sex// can only occur between loving partners practicing non-ejaculatory sex. Non-ejaculatory sex is one of the most profound experiences you can have because it represents two souls becoming one partner rooted in love and respect]

[Jesus is the Cerebrum of the brain, the Lamb of God, the good shepherd rising in the east. Aries
While Krishna is the cerebellum of the brain Taurus the bull, the good cow herder

The copper serpent is Adam and Eve, the Kundalini and the Kundabuffer, making love as they climb Jacob’s ladder. [Pingala / The Kundabuffer is the Male Serpent that coils around the Spine ~it is connected to the Pineal Gland & runs to the Sacrum. It is the electrical “Father” known as Joseph carrying the Honey.// Ida / the Kundalini is the Female Serpent that Coils around the Spine~ it is connected to the Pituitary Gland & runs to the Sacrum. It is the Magnetic “Mother” known as Mary carrying the milk], the spinal column. And then they go through here through the foramen, the hole of amun. The foramen is where the esophagus and the spinal nerve, the spinal cord, go through into head, heaven heaved up where you have your third eye, the crown chakra, the third ventricle, the optic thalamus, the corpus collosum etc. etc. in here the third ventricle and all of this third heaven stuff in the head. Heart is also heaven, but head is heaven. And so when you go up to Aries, the cerebrum, Sara Abram in Heaven head, the Cerebrum and of course that’s Aries. And Taurus is the Cerebellum. The Cerebellum, hence you have the good shepherd and the good cowherd. Christ is other good shepherd. Krishna is the good cowherd. We’ll say these are the two brains. When you go up in your consciousness and become a priest and you enter the Cerebrum through returning the Chrism and not squandering the Chrism willy-nilly here with all kinds of prostitutes and harlots and whores and ejaculating your God seed, you return the orgasm up the spine. You go up to Jacob’s Ladder and you see God eye to eye and you do not die and you call that place pin well (the pineal gland) and then once you’ve reached that then your crown chakra illuminates, the Chrism gets magnified a thousand fold and you have a halo. You are Christ conscious being and then you become a priest and a king with Christ standing upon Mount Rah and Mount Zion.

Mount Zion is the spinal column and the lamb of God standing upon the Mount Zion is Aries. So you go up to the good shepherd and you have the marriage of the lamb and through sex, sacred sex you can marry the lamb because you drive the orgasm slowly up to heaven where you have your orgasm, not your ejaculation like Onan or the Prodigal Son. Naughty. So, once that Chrism rises then you get more Charisma in your personality and you become an individual. You are an individualized God. Then you have the new name of Christ. You become a christened Christian with Charisma. And so, this is why Jesus, the other Jesus , the priest taught us how to lift up that son of man in the son of manner that manna is the manna from heaven. The Chrism and it is the fluid in which creates all the corpuscles of the body. And so paying your tithes and respecting God in heaven, the Lamb of God, Aries. You can now speak the new language. See the new language is given to you and if you go to my presentations called “all is Atum” you will learn the science of entomology. Etem is Adam and all words have come from Atum. So then you’ll be released from legalese and you will speak English. You see? And you won’t be cursing people with cursive. You will be speaking from the heart. And you’ll be freeing people with your words. Your words will be liberating. They will be kind. They will be true and they will not be for hurting people or harming people. And they will empower people and those words will make people free and not to have liberty under the statue of liberty maritime liberty. So to understand the difference is what it means to be truly free. For you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. The Bible and all these great sacred books; they are not literal books for doctrine. They are literary books for expansion of consciousness. Yes, so Christ the good shepherd is in Freemasonry Hiram Abiff. Hi Ram above the Cerebrum is Sarah and Abram and so they are the Blessed Mother. The right Hemisphere intuition, God activity, meditation, magic, and Abram. See? Sarah you have in the cranium you have what’s called the Piamata. That’s the holy mother, Sarah. Ceres, Ceres is also celebrated on the 15th of April in Aries. Sarah Alia because it’s the cerebrum, the cerebellum. Sarah. When we understand that this left brain of Abram is sinister. In Latin, sinister is left, but it is rooted in sin. So when you are not crossing the corpus collosum, the red sea, to go from Egypt into the Promised Land from the West unto the east as Bob Dylan sings; “I see my light come shinning from the west unto the east because your light is in the east. You see? Jesus said to his fishermen who caught no fish cast your net to the right of the boat. When you cast your net to the right of the boat, and thank you Bill Donahue and Jordan Maxwell with the difference between freedom and liberty is just a plug there for those two great Astrotheologists. Yeah. So when you pass the corpus collosum, to the red sea you come out of Egypt. You see, Egypt means the world captive. The captive are below the cold. The cold are below the chosen. The captive are the ones who offered … and Pythagoras and all the Pythagorean’s and Neo-Platonist. I walked amongst the crowd to see the folly. And as Ecclesiastes, the Song of Solomon, the king Solomon said “the son’s of man. All their work is a folly and the chasing after the wind. They’re all empty experiences. They had no fulfillment in their lives. She said, “Because they are captive. But then God in his mercy he calls us. See? And Jesus comes knocking on the door. And if we don’t open he will not have an evening meal which means you won’t ascend. You won’t be raptured into heaven. That’s the rapture. You know? And Jesus coming in the clouds. The clouds of the cerebrum; grey matter. Grey clouds? Yeah. Christ is here. the Chronos is Christ. Satan is an archetype of Christ. That’s why he is the one who will free you , but Chronos, the negative archetype of Christ and Krishna is the crown. You see? And that’s how you are enslaved in this world. And bound by the birth certificate because we are in the world of Satan, but God in his mercy is calling us to get out and become a sovereign and to be free and not to have liberty. And so how he does this is he awakens us. Someone, a friend starts speaking about certain subjects like astrotheology and sovereignty, and legalese, hmm you know? We listen and sometimes we make a good judgment and we act upon what we listen to. Other times after our calling we go back to sleep. Like Peter. He started walking on the waters, but man of little faith says Jesus. This is why you are sinking into the waters. You don’t have faith that God can look after you on the natural creditor side in the ship or rather on the waters. The ship is the opposite. The debtor’s side and so this is why it is so important to practice Godly sex of seed retention and not be like Onan who God killed because he wasted his seed and so we should be seed preservers instead of seed wasters. You see? Some are saying , not to save the seed but to spread the seed. Go out there and just have multiple ejaculations. That’s fine. In so doing they are not paying their tithes. And they are not like the wise virgins who preserved their oils. So that when the lamb comes a knocking, they’ll be ready with plenty of oil in their receptacles. Not like the foolish virgins who squandered all their oils and those oils are in reference to the sexual oils. The seed and how important it is to preserve this and to keep holy because the lamb is everywhere. This is why we have a Dalai Lama. This is why they have Islam. Israel. It’s the lam, the elohim, the lam. Everything is the lam. You have Lam-inin in your body. Your DNA is made of Laminin (the Lamb of God that binds us together like glue) and they are little crosses. If you look at laminin in Google images you will see what it is. It’s the lamb. It’s your DNA, The chromosomes etc., and the ribosomes. The rib – of Adam which made Eve. The ribosome. Some mean bodies. And so the lamb. Muhammad is the lamb born in Aries 19th of April the birthday of Muhammad, and he had his illumination in the cave of hi ram the high ram. This is why you have the Qumran. It’s the book of the ram. See? The lamb of God. And that is the Christ, because the crown chakra is associated with the Christ. Krishna the cowherd is related with the cerebellum, the lower brain, the motor brain and the sensory brain. So this is why you thank the good shepherd when he saves you from having a car accident because you see a ditch on the road 30 meters away and your eyes, your senses see it, and you say thank you Lamb of God, the cerebrum for your senses. And then of course, Krishna of the cowherd with cerebellum he kicks in with the muscular action. And he tells you how much energy to exert on the brake pedal. With your foot. And then you thank Krishna the cowherd for looking after your safety. Because, you see, in the Proverbs it says that God’s light shines on our path and that light is from the cerebrum it sees the path and the dangers and it warns us and then Krishna gives us the Kinetic energy, the muscular energy now to act upon these. You see? Aries
And Taurus rules the torso which is the torus field centered in your heart. The core of the
Taurus field, The hyperbola. And thee hyperbola is Bail (God) inside of all Taurus fields. Is Bail. And it is the energy of creation and it is centered in the heart. And so the shepherd and the cowherd rule the body. The ten tribes of Israel. These are the two lost tribes. See? Because, they are lost unto the Israelites because they went in the way of the Phoenicians and the Canaanites. And they bowed down to their Gods, idols, false images. Like bowing down to legalese or the theory of the globe. In kindergarten you were trained to speak legalese because now you think you live on that ball. Bale, ball. And so rather than the stationary earth where God said I have made the foundations of the earth firm and fixed and immovable to times indefinite and they shall never be shaken. Forever. The earth has never moved from its created position, it’s a stationary plane as in scripture. All scripture, Bhagavad-Gita, Bible, etc. no need to just hang on to the Bible. You church goers. “Oh the Bible says the earth is stationary, so does Ptolemy the guy who supposedly Copernicus debunked, who was a stationary earth proponent. And this is going to be interesting because I have so much to say about the stationary earth and how it absolutely destroys the Copernican theory and all the blasphemous demonic Jesuit trained Paul’s lost souls who believe they are upside down spinning on a hurtling Santa ball.
And it absolutely does Santos. It blows it away and you make a great comment there about trained. And that’s what this is all about. They are very clever. But here’s thing about their cleverness. They don’t play fair. No living human being of God’s creation would hijack the consciousness of the conscious brain of a baby, of a child. But that’s what they do. They attack us right away with the Anti-Christ. Everything that they physically do to us and then teach to us is the inversion as you were saying of what the truth is. And they don’t play fair. It’s not like saying; well we’re going to give you 16 good years. A good run for you and then when you start to come into the fold, we will begin our indoctrination then hope. They have to win, not lose. So they do things that we simply are not prepared to do. We wouldn’t even consider to do that to a child. But that is precisely what they do. And when you start looking at things this way and you just go to the very centrality or heart of the matter like you said the teachings of Ptolemy’s. They absolutely destroy in the most common nonsensical notions put forward by the Phoenicians, Venetians of the high seas.
[When we expose the globe earth lie, modern science falls apart, which causes gravity to fall apart which causes the big bang theory to fall apart which causes evolution to fall apart and when we finally realize that we have been lied to about everything we can then begin to discover who we truly are and why we are here.].
Yeah and when it comes to the subject of our cosmology I’m probably the only so-called flat Earther who uses all the books the Bhagavad-Gita and jumbled week and Boo Mandela which means flat plane. The Bible in Revelation where it calls the earth pilatus, the plane of the earth, ( not the planet of the earth where airplanes fly over which have tectonic plates not bowls. I mean, why don’t they call those tectonic bowls if we are on a curved bowl?) And so I’m probably the only one. I don’t know of many others that really use the Bible, Ptolemy and his firmament and crystalline see, exactly the same model as the Bible and Ptolemy. You never hear any of these church goers when they are talking about the Bible defense batter ever talk about Ptolemy who for thousands of years before the Jesuit satanic demonic Copernicus was teaching the true model of the ten spheres, the Sephiroth above the earth and the firmament protecting us from the waters above and the crystalline see. That’s Ptolemy folks, Ptolemy, the most famous of all astrologers. That’s why the Bible freaks won’t mention him. They won’t mention that Copernicus was wrong and he debunked someone who was correct. And who was Biblical and astrological at the same time because they are the same thing, hence, the Bible is always doing things in twelve’s. Punching Google, how many 12’s are there in the Bible? You will see 187 twelve’s. the twelve loaves, the twelve precious stones on the eighth word of the high priest, the 12 pillars in the temple of my God. The 12 trees on the sides of the waters of life, the 12 Apostils, disk idols of Jesus, the 12 son’s of Israel. I mean it’s the … I thank the churchgoers for preserving the Bible because it’s the greatest treatise on astrology as it ever was. And if you want to debunk that, go to my new video as video presentations on mr. astrotheology on u-tube and try and debunk that. And you will see even Josephus the greatest Jewish scholar tells you all the 12’s in the Bible come from the Greek zodiac intending astrology. Hence, God in the Bible tells us to practice astrology when he says in Job 38:32 “Job do you know the Mazzaroth, you poor fool. Do you know when to tell forth Orion and the Pleiades and Ursula at their proper time? Or, are you stupid as the rest are who do not know how to tell forth the Stars as God made the luminaries for seasons and times and months and to predict and to see what will come, the good moon or bad moons. See, we have left the ways of God because we have left astrology, the mother of all science, Charlie?
That’s entirely right and this, like you said, is exactly why you will not hear any churchgoer defending or espousing the teachings of Ptolemy, who was absolutely bang-on because he was an astrologist. If he was some kind of astronomist, well that’s a different story. But astrology, well that’s that whole third eye thing. That’s that whole pineal gland thing. And that is a gateway straight to hell. And this is why. They’ve just indoctrinated these people into understanding the inversion of what really was being said. And you just make so many great points about all of this.
Yeah. Know the truth and the truth will set you free. Churchgoers do not possess this truth because they’re waiting for a literal Jesus to come in the clouds as a man rather than the Christ in you and so you’ll find that all the churchgoers are full of people who subscribe to their credit cards and Birth Certificate that you need for government benefits. Where’s faith in God? You know, they are collecting corporate Rothschild warmongering bloody money to put in their contribution boxes; Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Catholics alike. Why do they love this filthy lucre so much and collect it and tell all their people that you need to contribute because God needs money. Thank you George Carlin…who said “religion has actually convinced people that there’s an invisible man living in the sky who watches every thing you do, every minute of every day & the invisible man has a special list of 10 things. He has a special place, full of fire & smoke & burning & torture & anguish, where He will send you to live & and suffer & burn & choke & scream & cry forever ‘till the end of time…but He Loves You. He loves you & He needs money! He always needs money! He’s all-powerful, all-perfect, all knowing & all-wise, but somehow He just can’t handle money!”
What you have is all these churchgoers subscribing to Rome. State religion, literal Jesus coming back to return to save their unwipped bottoms and so this is the reason why English which is the language of angels and many people in history including Linda Goodman one of the famous astrologers over there. She loves lexigrams in English and anagrams etc and many other great great linguists of history including Godfrey Higgins and Gerald Massey and the like. They know how valuable English, anguish, angei-ish is and when I did my tour of England in 2013, that’s how I started off my tour in St. Ann’s. Where I said how lucky you people are that you have English. And I don’t think many people understood when I said that it was an English, anguish angel-ish. There were probably a lot of people there who may not have appreciated what I was trying to say, and probably never will because again they have been swindled like churchgoers. Just subscribe to a system where you are not King and priest. You are a debtor and a slave to bonds and so those who have faith, freedom cells from this system. You see, by doing spiritual ascension and lawful rebellion from this system. Charlie; when you listen to freemasons (Pike) talk about Masonic temples, this is astrology 101 and when you read pike, he doesn’t mince words. He’s talking about God. He’s talking about astrology and he talks about the structure of Solomon’s temple in cubits. He relates this to the starry night sky and saying that if you do not understand astrology you do not understand freemasonry and therefore you do not understand the architecture behind everything which is God.

Yeah, I like that. That’s very good. Temple is tempo, time. Time is Chronos, crown, Satan, Saturn and this temple is your body. When you stand with your feet together and your arms outstretched horizontally you are in the shape of a “T”. that is the temple of soul of Solomon which Hiram abiff buildeth and so it’s of 12 because in the cranium there are 12 cranial nerves and they are the 12 apostles who go down to preach in the circuit of Galilee (in Strong’s concordance of the circuit of Galilee means the ecliptic in the zodiac). Well, Jesus when he goes on the circuit of Galilee he’s the sun going on the ecliptic, right ascending, Rah and not suffering declination which in astronomy is the latitudinal degrees whereas right ascending is longitudinal but the sun is only right ascending on the ecliptic. It doesn’t suffer positive or negative declination. So, that’s why the sun is the correct one. Jesus, he’s always firm on his path whereas the moon goes five and one half degrees positive declination or five and a half degrees negative declination in her plane or trajectory. And where those planes intersect is called the north node and south node Rahu and Ketu respectively. And every14 days the moon goes through these nodes and solar eclipses and lunar eclipses occur when these intersect, the head of the dragon, Rahu and the tail of the dragon, Kahu. And so once you know this, that in the body there are 12 systems. Air is the cerebrospinal, torus the endocrine, Gemini the twins the twin lungs, the respiratory system, Cancer the lymphatic and immune system, Leo the cardiovascular circulatory system, Virgo, the digestive system, Libra, the renal and urinary system, Scorpio the generative system, Sagittarius the muscular, Capricorn the skeletal system, Aquarius the 12 acupuncture meridian energy grid of the body, 12 meridians, and pieces the integumentary the skin and the two feet standing holding up the skin the body. And this pillar this is the temple, time of God and Solomon seven is time. And the temple is your body. If one is a materialist and does not acknowledge that they have a God mind with a lower carnal mind, if they are carnal, Cain and not able to get up into the higher mind. Well they will suffer in the dead system. It’ all intertwined, interconnected. English is the great language of liberation, not enslavement. Legalese is. That’s why we must never speak half truths because how will you know the truth and be set free if you keep repeating half-truths? Knowing this about ascending lifting up the son of man and becoming illuminated and becoming free and sovereign is the enemy of churchgoers. And it’s the enemy of Rome and State religion. So, that’s why I keep people waiting for Jesus to return. And he will return, but you have to keep waiting and suffer Satan’s evil until such time. Well, see what they are doing is inhibiting and preventing people from realizing that they are the Jesus hero archetype in real life, because there never was a literal historical Jesus. Jesus is the consciousness that came at a set time empiric period in time which brought us into the higher mind, and hence we stopped practicing fruitless labor and we then were chosen from the cold condition which was from the captive position. So many will be called, but few will be chosen said Christ Jesus because many walk on this path of purity and refinement and sublimation and transmutation and then they look back. The wife of Lot looked back and became a pillar of salt. Salt represents the body which is the temple which the crown owns when you don’t reclaim it. And when you give it over and be that person. We are always told in philosophy never to be the person. Be the individual in the high minds. That’s Christ. Jesus is the person. You could say representing, not the Christ, but its more so the lower mind and the carnal mind which is not evil because it’s a creation which is beautiful. Only that we are suffering in an age which is very dull and we are coming out of this age now. People are awakening. Syncretism and astrotheology is now reaching more people and awakening them and turning them into true Christians which is what we should be, enlightened beings and we shouldn’t be enslaved by Rome’s system of literalism. The scriptures are literary. Because a literary truth hidden in a gospel is telling more as a picture paints a thousand words than literalisms. In the gospel, if every word and deed that Jesus did were recorded, the books would reach to the high heaven. If the Bible was literal and historical and factual, it wouldn’t exist in such a little book. This is a literary poetic genius from the mind of Christ which is we in better ages in earlier golden ages. Now we are returning to that kind of consciousness and it’s very scary for some people. There run away from it as they run away from true love and sabotage it.
Charlie: they don’t care which mind you gravitate to. But the middle way is about not judging or hating. The left brain is carnal. Physical realm, materialism. The 3rd ventricle of heart is the center point of human physiology.
So the left brain is not an evil thing but evil to stay there. In the land of Canaan, Phoenicians, phony language, phonetics, syntax all of this cleverly and trickery and wordsmithery and spelling binding cursing, cursive. So, the left hand path is what is known in philosophy as anything goes. The evil path, and that’s why the right is always right. The good angel is here. The devil is sinister. This also carries through into politics. The left-liberal. The right conservative staying with God. Always left and right. Rah and red. And right is the true side where intuition exists and where we speak to God a higher mind. You have to go through the red sea, the corpus collosum and go into the Promised Land or east of Eden and all of this is all synched in. it’s all the same thing, sovereignty, spirituality, language. They are all tied together. And as you know them synchretically then you can be free because you understand what Jesus is really saying. How he is trying to free you from ROME. And to free you from Satan which is the temple of your body the physical realm which has 12 systems. So whether you accept this synergetic teaching and understand it holistically and everything is interrelated as all the great minds have ever said then divide and conquer will not exist and Rome will be no more. The kingdom of ideas will perish and then everyone will be not in ideas but in ideals.
[To be divine is to experience completion thru the number 12. “Divinity isn’t Spiritual mumbo-jumbo or the latest Fashion. It is the PURPOSE to LIFE & unless we ‘Do the Work’, we will NEVER experience Peace-of-Mind & Completion of this Sacred Journey…”]
[“And I saw in the RIGHT hand of him that sat on the throne a scroll, written INSIDE and on the BACK, sealed with SEVEN seals rev. 5:1]
[‘”And when he was emended of the Pharisees, when the Kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, the kingdom of god cometh not with observation…for behold the kingdom of god IS WITHIN YOU.” Luke 17: 20-21]
[The Garden of Eden, with ite 4 rivers of eternal life, is WITHIN us and we are shepherds of this sacred land. To achieve Eternal Life, we MUST keep these 4 fluids PURE and Alkaline…our CSF (including the Chrism Oil and our Semen), our Blood, our Saliva and our Urine…Liquid Gold]

[Do you truly want to change your life and achieve heaven upon earth or continue to live chaos? The 7 virtues of BUSHIDO = GI/integrity, REI/respect, YU heroic Courage, MEIYO /honor, JIN/ Compassion/ MAKOTO/ Honesty and sincerity/ CHU/ Duty and Loyalty

The 144,000 Lotus Petals of our Chakras Tree Represent our Ascension to God (1 + 4 +4 = 9-god consciousness) Root Chakra/4 Petals for our 4-fold nature./ Sacral Plexus Chakra/ 6 petals for our Sex Chakra / Solar Plexus Chakra/10 petals for our “10 digits”/ Heart Chakra/ 12 petals for the trinity (1+2=3)/ throat chakra/ 16 petals for God (1+6=7) /third eye Chakra / 96 petals are twice as powerful as the first 5 Chakras (2×48=96) /crown chakra /144 in-body petals x1,000 =144,000]
Few are the ones that make up the 144,000 class. I want to be in that number when the saints go marching in. it’s very few. When you add up all the electromagnetic petals associated with the seven chakras along your spinal column. The bottom one has four petals (4 Hertz). Obviously 4 is foundation. The next one is six, sex. Sacral and sex, same thing. Lift up the son of man, sacred sex. The next chakra has 10. 10 fingers. That’s where man gets his power. From the solar plexus. Heart chakra where Christ is always pointing. Not Jesus, Christ where it has 12 petals. 12 petals lotus. That’s why Jesus is pointing here because he has 12 disciples (12 discs) this is the disc of 12. His 12 disciples are in the heart. Earth anagrams for each other. The throat chakra is 16. Sixteen is the number of 7 and the number of god and the 7 chakras and the maha-mantra (Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna hare hare alam alam hare hare) and the third eye has 96. So when you add all these petals you come to 144. And of course the Lamb of God sitting upon Mt. Zion when you multiply this 1000 lotus petals by 144 you get the 144,000 standing upon Mt. Zion with the Lamb of God singing a new song. That new song is the song that is sung in heaven when you acquire your higher consciousness. Because in the Bible it talks about
The 7 seals and only the lion of the tribe of Judah, Leo-the heart chakra and the lamb, Aries the crown chakra when they unite only the lion and the lamb can open the 7 seals. So, the lion is the courageous heart. When we expand our heart and become a king and them we rise up to heaven- to become a priest, then we open the 7 seals, the 7 chakras
That’s the process of ascension and how to get into the higher mind of Christ and when you are there well you are free. You’re free of ambition, lust, greed, anger, hate, because now you’ve found the kingdom of god WITHIN. That’s why Jesus says “don’t look outside for my coming, don’t look over to the east or the west. My return will not be with sudden obviousness. It will not be obvious. Not physical of visible. It will be something that will be internal. We will know that Christ has returned when something is shifted within us. And that shift comes from being spiritually and physically healthy and to be healthy is very important and not have too many parasites. Parasites feed the demons which control your lives. Many people have been controlled as I had been for a long time and finally the protocols to deal with them; smash them and you are free. Also health is very important folks if you have an ailment or affliction as I have in the last 10 years especially the last 2 have been incredibly toxic and demonic and torturous for me. I’m sure with these protocols I wouldn’t be healthy or happy today. And centered and enjoying life and being in the now for once.
Charlie comments: When you eat a tortured and murdered animal’s dead rotting flesh you are putting in parasites. Life comes not from death. “We have faith and belief and know that all things that are seen come from things unseen. So when you understand the transcendence heaven or supernatural planes, you’ll understand that all things that appear to be material actually are not. They are unstable and temporary. Which means kind of lends to the idea of an illusion. Reality is very persistent illusion. It’s not really an illusion but because it’s so unstable and temporal all things have swallowed up back in time. So that’s why Satan is so evil because it is time (time I am says Krishna) so Chronos the Chronologer of events, he makes the events. He breathes them out. Brahma breathes out, makes a world and then draws it back in. and so when he draws it back in. that Christ and not Chronos. That evil one time. So he is drawing back in in the sense that he is reclaiming the spiritual unstable world in which there is birthing and dying. Everything is doing this and that’s why he’s so evil. He’s the grim reaper. Satan with his sickle harvesting the crops. I have to grow, experience and then be eaten consumed again at the end of ages. So really we can thank Satan and Lucifer the same archetype really because one is descending bringing the material world Saturn, the ruler of earth in astrology and the ruler of the world in theology. In alchemy Saturn is known to rule acidic and the sun is known to rule alkaline. So on your pH you’ve got the sun on one end at 14 and Saturn the acidic side, red, we have red shift, blue shift. So Satan rules acidic. So the war of Satan and Jesus is the war of maintaining stability in your body and the alkalinity in the pH level hence, keeping there alchemy going in the body. It’s so import to know who Jesus and Satan are in all their levels, in astrology and theology. That’s how we set ourselves free. This is the knowledge of the true system that once existed in the renaissance, in the neo plutonic Rome, at times of the 3rd and 4th century in the Hellenic period of the third century BCE, in the Egyptian periods. There were many periods where syncretism flourished. And now it is coming back. And I’m doing my utmost to bring etymology and syncretism to as many people as possible.
Min 2:00:00; we need ascension which comes from longitudinal waves. Embodied with the Kundalini, the magnetic flow of energy the serpent, the cobra that needs to rise up within us because these are permanent longitudinal scalar waves the system that we are presented with in a downward causation of electrical transverse waves =temporal/ magnetic longitudinal waves are eternal. If you live your life breathing shallow, fake language, dead animals for food living in an acidic nature vs. alkaline nature you will choose death.

[Alkaline Body and Mind versus Acidic…by consuming acidic foods and thoughts = heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s, dementia Kidney failure, sexual dysfunction///by consuming Alkaline foods and thoughts= cell regeneration, mental acuity. Long life, high muscle / low body fat, sexual prowess, disease free.]
[Currently, humanity is having to FORCE BREED well North of ONE TRILLION Sentient Beings every single year, just to supply us with Dead, Rotting, Diseased Animal Flesh to Eat; knowing that over 50% of Humanity is currently starving and MOST are dreadfully ILL…]


Laura is on a mission to make our language the beautiful communication that we all deserve, not the legaleze that we speak with no knowledge of what we are saying thus bring our frequency down to keep us subject to their fear treatments. If you care to, contact with her movement.

Taking Command of the English Language
Laurel Airica

OCCULTURE 31: Laurel Airica // Word Magic: Power of Language, Spellcasting & Recreating the World

: David-Wynn: Miller – Quantum Language Grammar Syntax Seminar, 2012 AGUILA

grammar used in legal processes to our disadvantage

These are thoughts trying to round-up all brought I so far. This is the tip of the ice berg of information in my collection od statutorial teachings by those who teach FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. What a crock. Legal advice deals with fictional entities and rules and procedures that were written by our controllers to keep the truth at bay. If we want to be free we need to be free. All that I have includsed should be viewed with this freedom in the subconscikous and conscious minds. We are programmed to follow their rules. But for what purpose? For their’s. they do not deal in truth or justice, so we have our rights in this realm. We might jujst say”FOR TRUGHFUL EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES”, no lies or deceptions are permitted by God’s rules. Our consciences as I have provided are our difference between educational and entertainment purposes. As a reminder for you to analyze your part in the cover-up, I will place these scriptures for you, the judge of your own self. Remember we have establisjhed that we are not the body, but the soul, an everlasting powerful and divine entity. This is their secret from us. They know our power. So they hide our knowledge and feed us fear of their power which does not exist except by our consent to their miosguided definition of their selves in the Talmudic fiction.

These dominators using the energies that they have taken and hidden from mankind are the people from Ur appearing as the original 13 of the oppressing church. And as the creators of illusion, fictions, reality, lies and lack of justice. Like Buddha said,’ Three things cannot long be hid; the sun, the moon and the truth. Now their walls all come crashing down with our knowledge of manifestation with the frequency of the emotion of the heard as were the walls of Jericho.
Their family names still exist in the Vatican along with their family crests. But many of them have changed their names out of necessity to keep their identies secret to further their plan without detection. Rothschild is one of those in those blood lines. He knew previous to the of Napoleon’s loss at Waterloo by the method of communication of carrier pigeons. For a few hours he accumulated all the stocks in the London stock exchange and became the richest man alive. Many wanted to acquire some of his wealth. He let it be known that that would be possible for them only by helping him destroy the worldwide grammar. The preposition would be separated from the prepositional phrase thus yielding the language of all trusts inviolable. And to this day all legal matters dealing with the justice systems were written without prepositions yielding sentences with primarily only verbs and adverbs. Any attempt to confront the unjust system would only come up with fictitious wording. Thus, no one in these systems could be accused of fraud.

All the definitions of words and the use of certain verbs and consonants within them would also yield this result. They could write contracts without having to live up to their words in for instance a word began with a vowel followed by two consonants would be defined as a non-contract word, no contract. Many efforts today have been foiled in bring this out and using it for advantage to all by such power backed phrases as “giving legal advice.” Bringing such revelizations into the public view can ruin a persons life, or find them hysterically dead. Another case where “good Christian” organizations are fighting to bring truth to light only go so far as to help individuals defend themselves but do not attack at the neck

These “so called judicial courts” have never been given judicial authority in any case except for adjudicating disputes between two entities joined by trusts and contracts which supersede the law. Yet the “federal corporate” legislature writes criminal statutes without the necessary component statutes to give any trust a penalty.
Fear and deception lead to sentencing

This word penalty and penal institutions deriuve from the cannon concept of penance. This powerful means of conditioning the masses to obedience has devastated many lives. Also many Christian organizations in collusion or under concise constrictions provide many with a remedy out of this “red pill-blue pill” matrix. The sovereignty redemption yielding many with freedom from the system find them selves constricted to almost impossible means to survive in this corporate world. At the same time as giving them freedom they end up in living their lives outside the economic system of benefiting from the remedy provided within the bankruptcy and judicial acts. People

are given logical ideas to protect themselves from prosecution under unlawful executive orders such as in the plandimic we experience today. They could teach their clients how to dethrone the courts which are maritime admiralty courts without jurisdiction on the land. They could have their clients win their cases and benefit from the bonds constructed to make the corporate courts wealthy themselves. But in the “good Christian” manner they suggest we do not care what these courts do with their evil gains. We just want to prevail unscathed by their ploys. Here, you wonder if their teachings and the large quanties of money they make from their clients are not limited by how far they go in their teachings and suggestions. I, personally have experience of being at odds with these “Christian” organizations. My concern is in discerning whether they keep their mouths shut to keep their profitable ventures going or they are infiltrated by or even Jesuits themselves. There cannot be many of the last category because there being more of them is actually unfeasible. Most people living lives made lucrative by the “licensed practice” of controlled professions defer form exposing the lies that bring them their lifestyles. Those who do the public tax work for clients do not tell the clients about inner correspondence by the IRS System shown earlier, the internal memo which I was attempting to spread by first trying to use myself. It must have been too late to take advantage of, but to the light I will still bring it, reward or not. I do not seek freedom for myself alone but for all. As in the Statue of Liberty given to the United States Inc. placed on the waters, not the land was not the Statue of Freedom. The sailor at sea knows liberty only when permitted by the admiral which is of course a limited time only to give respite, not freedom. So in turn, we are not free either. We ar either blackmailed or knowledgeably departmentalized, or fluoridated to keep us happily living out our fiction of abundant freedom. After all should we be abundant, or should we sacrifice unholy abundance for salvation and redemption.
The Machiavellian elite with their unlimited wealth from our labor initiate all fears which drive us to seek their protection, just like the Jesuit elite families in Italy created the well known mafia families or became them. The Kennedy family took advantage of the restriction of alcohol sales until it became not free but legal with taxation. By this time they had control of all distribution chains. After all who would venture to corner the market on something denied. Those who would try to do so would be encouraged and controlled by this family. Thus producing lucrative illegal sales entrapping many others not in on the scheme. Besides this, all alcohol, tobacco and firearms as one facet of this scheme also included a treaty with the Queen of England. She was to receive all tax monies from these ventures. That is why there is an agency, AFT, incorporated to protect the Queen of the country that did not lose the colonial rebellion as our deceiving history tells us. This history provides much pride in being an American, especially in the name of the UNITED STATES incorporated in all capital letters. This history which instilled the churches with their doctrines to indoctrinate us with and the traditions such as Thanksgiving which portrayed
Columbus (goddess of war) as he who discovered the new world. This new world is the world fashioned as the desired one of the corrupt elite. How is it that all previous visits by other nations such as Norway are not discussed amongst we Christian people who are taught to obey those in authority or suffer penance. Penance is man’s retribution replacing the Harms imposed as learning lessons for the spiritually driven few amongs us. That is, those who understand their purpose here on this earth as enjoying the creation of such wonderful things as the animal, mineral and plant kingdome sharing in our spirituality. That is the spiritually taken and hidden by the church by any and all costs. For those who refrain from going outside of ourselves for peace and salvation listen to the spirit world of angels, and spirit guides teaching and guiding by the universal knowledge which we as a collective are a part of. We manifest our world with the agreement with the universe. That is, being of on true and loving outcome. In actuality adverse to the church doctrine of how to interpret the bible, we are guided by the truth imbued in the lost gospel of Thomas which was left in its pure form because it was not included in the canon of books accepted. The one accepter being John contained the instructions for our manifestation efforts. John described the method of manifestation. This yields going outside ourselves, OUR SOULS, for the desired outcome. The Gospel of Thomas in agreement with ancient practices such as Buddhist teaching stated that “when the thought in the mind and the emotion in the heart ” are one, “energy” would affect the object of our desire as long as our hearts projected the correct coincident frequency. This is as previously mentioned how the walls of Jericho came tumbling down. These people controlled their emotions in line with Thomas’s directions.

Thus the manifestation was complete as desired. But today it is increasingly difficult besides not having the knowledge which as Jesus said makes us free, we do not have control of our emotions. As mentioned before the use of poisonous sodium fluoride has calcified and compromised our pineal glands. The evil elite men in this world know these so called “laws of frequency or attraction” but

Cannot manifest when their aims are not in coincidence with the divine plan and of course our own. They can only interrupt our efforts through miss-direction or dumbing down our knowledge. I was healed of the symptoms of scoliosis in a catholic charismatic retreat where all in attendance unknowingly coincided with the Thomason concept. It was through holy as the church puts it instead of divine desire but yielded the correct results because all hearts produced the required healing frequency corresponding to the frequency of my spine or “Jacobs Ladder” as the original Christians understood. Understanding the factual concept as divinely planned does not prevent the desired outcome nor are those devoid of the true understanding through evil efforts be judged by their ignorance. However thief acceptance of these truths depends on their desire to seek the truth with their own free will and open mind like the child who at least questions how come? We are taught to respect our authority figures especially when they instill on themselves —-incorruptible truth. the purpose of this effort in enlightenment thus far intervened by those in that authority to remain in their power. We as a collective in unity must question the ideas of “alone together” put out by the elite in their plandimic.

Another interesting or awesome example is when the collective energies of the hearts felt emotions of all the people in the world came together on 911 in NYC. There is a graph showing the increase of The surface of the

earth changing by a large percentage over the 8 hertz frequency of the earth. This is why the elite keep all lies in place. The truth shall not prevail on their station. During the years that I took part in pilgrimages and prayerful abortion processions at clinics across the country, we had some effect on the outcome. However those who took part as offices of he church would not entertain the concept of removing from our practice the unity of the legal system. As I explained the legal system works as the kings of old times. They would allow certain un-divine practices by changing definitions of words. for example the word murder of the innocent to abortion, the proceeding from plan A to plan B, and nothing more than that brought all mankind into conformance. So, we were against a man’s definition of a choice rather tha the divine law of killing or harming noone. I even went so far as trying to convince the church to prove the earth was flat as portrayed in Genesis I had come across this truth from

the internet about 5 years ago when the controversy had started. Many U-Tube videos were there for me to study for two months. I was convinced that once the people knew one truth they would consider seeking all truth. My intentions in all church prayers was always “that truth and justice shall prevail.” I had always questioned worldly practices opposed to teachings we were also exposed to. But these never coincided. Thus my prayer was aimed there. I explained to the “Tradition, Family and Property” (TFP) with us at all abortion demonstrations that this truth would convince all peoples to question the odd concepts of world authority such as NASA, the government, schools, hospitals and all of authority in our lives. Strangely it was not until my stated concept of the origin of the church and its

Intentions were know. My answer to these Knights of Columbus was that we need not go so far from our prayers. It seems to me that outward directed prayer gives credence to and anticipation from these figures. Whereas meditation and inward seeking of knowledge through our pineal gland from the collective knowledge filled collective spirit. How otherwise can one explain the ability of all peoples in concert ot discern the incredible actions of that 911 event to the point of absolute control of the cosmos from within. The church was instrumental in teaching constant learned prayers as a means to eliminate the chance of hearing locutions and seeing visions from the universal collective souls. Later when I would bring up the flat earth to priests and knights I could get avoidance and answers like it is alright to believe what you want as long as you don’t need to feel right. Bishop Baron of the catholic church is on a mission to stop the youth from leaving the church. In one of his videos, later taken down from the internet, told the church school teachers to convince our children not to believe in scientism. Without addressing flat earth proof, as the elephant in the room, he advocated placing the largest picture of Father LeMatre, the Jesuit author of “The Big Bang Theory” on their schoolroom walls. After all, this worked for Stalin, didn’t it? The bigger the lie told often enough, the more believable it is. Being a Jesuit like his brothers Copernicus, Newton and Galileo gives concern for this “Theory of the Flat Earth.”

This compilation of my seeking and finding many truths does not come from me in the recent past. As my mental and spiritually directed prayers were that truth and justice shall prevain, my motivation was not for just myself but for the collective in the world. It is interesting that I was not raised in the church by a concerted and impressive effort of both father and mother. My mother was raised Baptist but my father was Rosicrucian into the occult knowledge, as were my in-law uncles who were masons. They did not teach us cousins. Only the efforts of our mothers influenced us. I was not compelled to enter the Baptist church until I was a teenager. Attending with my brother without her or my father resulted in our attending Sunday school and not the church service proper. However after a year or so my school friends attending that church exerted an influence. One Saturday my mother had the preacher come and visit me and my brother. We were essentially instructed in what to do in the next Sunday service. Later we both were baptized into the church making vows to God and his son, after that some friends of my parents were on a vacation together when a daughter of that family explained heaven and hell to me and my brother. I was really taken by that instruction. As I found later my constitution was one of desiring freedom from outside authority. I told my friend that if I were ever in that hell I would try to help everyone there to get out. Even at that time my desires were not only for my self but also for others. This was the influence I had in my future interactions within the churches I joined and the activities I participated in. many years later as I became enlighted in the spiritual realm, I was convinced that my purpose for entering this life was exactly that of bringing others or all peoples out of hell. Now at this time I find it to be true and am pursuing my goal.

Jesus. Not until 1966 at the age of 21 was I more formally and desirous of involvement in my first wife’s family’s Episcopal Church. Our marriage lasted through my senior year in college and through a year of church scoutmaster although never been a scout myself, I rather thoroughly enjoyed this emotionally fulfilling mentoring work. After a miscarriage our marriage failed. I did not contest it, but was, nevertheless disillusioned. Still maintaining my troup until 1971 when I transferred to Akron Ohio with Goodrich-Gulf Chemical company as an Electrical Engineer. I dated a lot but never got to the point of chancing this institution of marriage again. In Ohio, I made a conscious decision not to attend a church institution either. In 1973 I met my second wife and got married in 1981. Her family was Catholic but we never attended until our first child a son was 3 or 4 years old and daughter was 2 years old. That was in 1977 after we had transferred back to the same job I had left in Port Neches Texas. We had been visiting her fanily when crossing a street in Columbus Ohio that our son Christopher said, “Daddy, and look at the smokestack on that building.” My newly gained fatherly responsibilities included providing truths that I felt unable and ill-advised to attempt. So, we took him to a church and came to find out that we were obliged to join too. So I did officially join the church and she and I had our marriage by a Baptist church in Ohio blessed, consented to her doctrine. In this church in Orange, Texas I became involver with the charismatic prayer group and began a 30 year involvement in a prison ministry with the prayer group teaching “Life in The Spirit.” After the original members resigned on account of age, I decided to continue on. Later I also joined Kairos, an interdenominational ministry that gave two annual retreats attempting to bring all to Christ and for my own desires, to bring them out of the Hell we were inhabiting through manipulation and deception. Additionally later I joined the first Catholic Acts ministry. I was really as involved spiritually in these missions as I was in the church’s pro-life ministries. While in the midst of all this commitment about 5 years ago as I have already mentioned I came upon the first of a series of truths that brought me out of the willful involvement in these missions. I was on another page now, trying to bring all peoples in the world not out of Hell, but bring the hell influenced by the church errors out of the people. Bringing the stated end result of the path enslaving them into error. I have lost my friends over the discovery that the earth is exactly as presented in the Bible so adamantly taught in the Catholic Church. Their only reply was “what difference does it make that the world is a sphere.” My answer was that it makes all the difference in the world. It was and still is that their “Holy” spirit seems to lead them into error. They are as adamant about their denial of the possibility and will not discuss it that, I am in my truth.

Somewhere I have to cover law and my educating myself in it for my own preservation.
It is my concerted discernment that all people calling themselves Christians in the worldwide or Universal Catholic Church and the 30,000 or so protestant. Denominations (name only) but of the same indoctrination must stay in their churches while at the same time learning the original truth of the Christians of past eras and other Eastern spiritual beliefs who were also deceived and euthanized by the Jesuits. There seems to me that if all were to quit looking on their own, many would fall away from spirituality and truth totally. It is my understanding that these church goers and even the preachers and priests trained in seminaries and universities are guiltless and misguided as are all professionals receiving licenses to partake in all social ministries for the needs of the church to maintain control with as few as possible eliminating the chance of insiders leaving. Only can our spiritually sound people bring this transition about. In addition to the intense desire to achieve this soon, I now realize the shift of rhe world from 3D to 5D frequency. This transition will eliminate the luxury of time to do so.
Now time is of the essence, thus my quest to bring even truths I have yet to understand. But as always my objectives are not only for me but all mankind, as my contract with universe entails. In order to impress on all my understanding it is my contract in this incarnation. I am in union with a twin flame soul mate. That is we entered under the same contract separately to find each other and support each other in our enlightenment and transition to 5D. I am at this point unknowing which spouse is the twin flame or another third person to yet meet. I am presently as of the last year separated from my second wife and family of two children and three grand children, who all fit the description of God’s devout religious not desiring to make any corrections, flat earth or not. I find that I cannot overcome anyone’s will, so I will spend my totally directed efforts to my purpose here. This is a very distressful existence. Yet with the heartbreak comes the consolation that each of us has the purpose to fulfill our original contracts here on earth while hopefully fully enjoying peace and bliss while transitioning. My concern is who will cross the 5D with me. Also will I? I have found that it is all about out intention and corresponding action that brings us out of this “so called hell or maybe so called test.” Who will be successful in totally undermining the elite’s brain washing invention
Ego constant flow of thoughts or sub origin add guru talks

of the ego. Such a creature does not exist but is named for masking just what subliminal thoughts created in our conscious mind building into this ego until it controls the unconscious mind in our daily activities. This train of thoughts replace our consciousness in these daily activities because we are taught to be productive citizens of our beloved nation which ever that corporation might be. We are all pitted against each other as separate nations as competitors for increasingly depleted sources as worldly materials vanish. The strongest and most productive will survive. We all are promised more lucrative lifestyles by entering the job market setup by these corporate think tanks. The goal is to leave the sweat shop farm for the sweatshop office job which takes forty of your best hours for family togetherness and mentoring. Rather, the corporate world will take the task of teaching the children the skills of being your replacement or the gladiator sportsmen of this later age. After all this new gladiator age eliminates the king from having the looser killed. Instead he finds a job. Somehow their goal is to educate and control us.
The masses must continue to be entertained.
I recall noticing that the church never taught James 3:16 along with John 3:16. Somehow this scripture does not question the competitive age they have created. Rather they teach us we will be provided for handsomely after our service to our shepherds. “Where there is bitter envy and selfish ambition, there is there is disorder and all foul practice.” Isn’t that what they have created for us to compete for? I taught this to the men in the prison. This made them think, the comment one later made regarding my classes of “life in the Spirit.” I also taught from the scriptures the churches don’t dwell on. They teach you to praise and pray to your guide and savior they have created by bring the mythological characters to life in their history (doctrinal interpretation of select scriptures;
The books of Sirach 14:2 and 37:14, 1 Sm 25:31, 1 Kgs 8:38, Wis 17:11, Dn 13:56, Acts 20:26,23:1, 24:16, Rom 1:31, 2:15, 9:1, 13:5, 14:5, 14:20, 14:22, 14:23, 1 Cor 4:4, 8:7, 6:10, 10:25, 10:27, 10:28, 10:29, 2 Cor 1:12, 4:2, Phil 1:10, 1 Tim 1:5, 1:19, 3:0, 2 Tim 1:3, heb 9:9, 10:2, 10:22, 13:18,1 Pt 3:16 and 3:21

It is the conscious (mind) that saves you or convicts you. This I now refer to the mind which is living consciously, regarding all decisions and activities, used to keep us grounded and focused on our purpose and test passing. The mind that is overwhelmed with worldly job type thoughts is always off track. Regarding the gladiator’s job in entertaining the masses, I also noticed the church’s mass, which always included scriptures from Acts, the old testament and the gospels. Somehow the story in second Maccabees chapter four never coincided with Acts chapter 9 where Paul is debating with the Hellenists. In the prison classes I always asked those in attendance who the Hellenists were and never of course expected the Protestants to know because that book was not in the Kings version. However I noticed that neither did the Catholics know who the Hellenists were. This is because it wasn’t taught. And the reason was that it would be apparent that if Paul were here today we Hellenists would also want to kill him with his debate of our life style. So that the rest of you who have never seen these two scriptures I shall enlighten you. It seems that in Jerusalem, Joshua asked the king to allow him to be the high priest. He paid handsomely to build a gymnasium at the foot of the acropolous and to institute a youth club (a university) to teach the Greek way of life. In a short time he even had the priests playing the competitive games with the discus and javelin while wearing the Helen hat as tribute to Jupiter and Saturn. So, those in Jerusalem began to live the political, gaming, and competitive way of life we are sold on. Our time is completely devoted to our so called pleasures rather than in quiet meditation about who, what, we are and what we are here for besides providing for the prosperous unseen lives of our elite masters. Those masters being the 13 alien families who created the churches, altered the eastern spiritual practices, created the corporate governments and influenced the sciences to mislead us and the press to shield us from all truth. After all, if there is any truth sneaking in their world of fiction will crumble. Thus we have the brainwash of the Global Era. Are not out Universities teaching the Greek way of life with their fraternities and societies? Are not out public schools teaching this life style in the health classes where the teachers warn their students to use protection during fornication? Of course they do not call it that anymore, it’s just sex now. And only the seminaries teach semen retention for a holy enlightenment and teaching spilling your seed as Onan did in Genesis. Of course we are all lacking in the knowledge that the spinal fluid (the Christ) works the seed (sperm) up the Jacob’s ladder to the Heart chakra where it is deposited monthly so that Christ lives within us, as he promised, on a monthly basis. This is why God killed Onan. In Dallas, I attended a catholic talk provided by a well known priest, Father Caropi, after his talks I asked him if he had ever given a talk regarding Acts chapter 9 and second Maccabees chapter four. He was not aware of their significance. It seems that the seminaries have not picked up on what I discerned to be a key topic for us to reflect on regarding out lives. And this was before my enlightenment. It was all in my subconscious waiting for release within this, my purpose. Also during these early years I was compiling the works of many whistle blowers. This was before the advent of the U-Tube. I had typed or collected the written works of the likes ot Rense and others. So, today I shall include many of these past insights to explain how we have over long periods of time tried to wake up the sleeping job and school directed people.
Now to look at one particular aspect of my unfortunate miss-direction in my youth, I will explain how my prudish mother and aunt decided to teach me and my brother about the birds and bees. They would not even use the word pregnant around us. They sent us int to bathroom to observe our older cousin taking has bath. He, of course, being the mentor proceeded to teach. Over time we were introduced into the homosexual activities. Being keen to my mother’s prudishness taught me that this was the standard of our civilization. I looked at this differently from my brother who took to this lifestyle later in life. And eventually died from the no-existent virus causing Aids, after some

years of helping him afford his medications, he died from these same medications. They say to teach the children the lifestyle before they are eight or it is too late. I just happened to be two years older than my brother. This, in addition to the fact that our ego decides at birth to be complacent or rebellions when born cesarian. The fetus loses his first choice in life which is when he is born. That is part of the contract, deciding one’s astrological make up. I reacted more as submissive not carring so much for self as for others along with the astrological make up I received. The secret I lived with has led me through a life of not being worthy or of shame. During my life I learned that with stress and misfortune one always had the endorphin relief provided by ejaculation. With my exposure to Playboy and my new fantasies, I became a very relaxed although addicted individual. Later on I found that the aroused state would last longer by not ejaculating.

This also gave me a more divine presence
This became my ego state. All thoughts led to my pleasure. Why not, since life is full of subjective Hellenistic goals. Later, when I moved to Ohio, I visited adult book stores where I could look at the pictures without having to buy the Playboy magazines home and explain them to my wife. I would also view videos of sexual content with other men who had the same issues I had. There were also times when I would run across these men in public places like restrooms in parks. It never occurred to me that some of these men or maybe all were planted to catch people engaging in illegal activities. Luckily I would only observe but at times I was reckless with my activity of exposure when I might be seen. This effect of fear seemed to enhance my endorphins which act like adrenaline. My activity was brought back to life by an undercover drug investigator who lured me into the act of exposing my self to him in response to his doing the same, nothing came of that since he was waiting for me to make a drug request I believe. But later that day I saw him pointing to the house I was building. Now my homeowners association would probably start asking questions. I was embarrassed, but again nothing happened except that my neighbors shunned my family expecting that I might be a child molester. My house is elevated by columns to the height no one can see in, except for some that have parapets on their rooftops where they have telescopes to view the lake. I had and still do have some either fungal or cancerous tumors amongst the testicles which I treat with sunlight coming through the windows. The only way anyone could see this would have been with the telescopes. And with their suspicions I am sure they did. So, some neighbors approached a police detective who said he could set up a sting to entrap me. I saw it unfolding and my spirit led me into spotting the two drivers brought in to witness an exposure. I just happened (to be led by spirit) to cross the roadway as they on separate occasions scoped the house out. I let them see me taking their license plate numbers and the sting quit, especially on the day it was to take place. The detective was there to make sure I was at home that morning. However I wasn’t until a few minutes after he drove by with me looking right at him. But earlier that morning I was with my daughter paying for her rental car with my credit card. I thought I had them but somehow they made a check. Months later my immediate neighbor walked out her door onto her deck and immediately took a picture holding her camera above her head. She could not have seen me otherwise. During these years I was studying the law along with hearing such sting operations from the men in the prison. I actually never to this day finished my home building. But I have knowledge of how these men were tricked into prison. This now becomes a truth seeker’s or whistleblower’s truth to bring to light. It seems that those people from Ur not only created the church but the legal system too. Since they had been controllers of the worldwide commerce system concerning shipping as Phoenicians, all their laws were not law of the land as taught in the Bible, but laws of the sea. Land is fixed and firm but water is not. There is another jurisdiction on the sea. Everything of law was dependent upon the admiralty of the ships. The sailors had to obey the admiral in anything they did. He was the boss. So, on the sea jurisprudence went beyond the law of the creator. Just as in the Jewish legal system of the Pharisees and Sadducees there were too many laws to live with according to Jesus words in the Bible. On the sea in a ship, his apostles were huddled below decks to keep safe and warm, from a storm. During this storm, in large waves, Jesus appeared to these men walking on the surface of the waters. How could this be? Jesus commanded his apostles to “come out of her, my people” referring to the jurisdiction of the sea. His jurisdiction (kingdom) was of the land, not the sea. On the sea his apostles were subject to the admiral. Today our court system is based on the laws of the sea. They have no venue on land, yet they try land cases in their admiralty courts because this federal legislature writes all these laws not based on common law. All these laws are really corporate codes, statutes and policies (police enforced). All of which are as fictional as the corporations existing today on paper only. There is nothing of truth or substance comprising our legal system. As they say in the court system “no law or fact shall be judged in a court of law (this sentence , by grammar changes has no subject-all verbs and adverbs).”

The reason for this is that the people of the land are sovereign, not the government itself. Therefore no criminal law (statute) can be truthfully tried in our court system except under the consent of the governed (under their jurisdiction) and as corporations they cannot even speak to a sovereign man. To try a sovereign man in their court, they have to assume him to be corporate. When Washington D.C. was established by the republican government to be a 10 square mile area not even a part of Maryland. That land and the territories set aside in the land for army use are regarded federal (corporate), to be assumed to be a corporate person such as those employed or living in this zone of land are, one has to be under a contract with the government as say, an employee. It is like a kingdom. If you accept or consent to the king’s liberties or privileges you are required to live by the policies and codes and statutes. Keeping this in mind, think of your driver’s license. It is a license given to you by the corporate state. In accepting that license you become an assumed corporate citizen. This is true since corporate or contract supersedes law. Because that is what law is, contracts. The term driver is assumed to be as indicated in their law dictionary, a title such as an employee of their jurisdiction. Of course our dictionaries do not define it that way. So, we carry their title and even respond as drivers operating a motorized vehicle from the driver’s side of the car and not the passenger side which refers to a paying client. Thus we are corporate and under their jurisdiction unless we rebut their assumptions. Just entering their courtroom at their request is like accepting an offer which can and should be rejected. On entering and responding to your name spoken by the judge, you are consenting to the all capitalized name on their charge which is improper grammar and of course into their fictional world. Nevertheless you are in their jurisdiction but not within their venue. To rebut their venue on land rather than the sea removes you from any controversy. Case closed. Who ever challenges this? Obviously those incarcerated did not, nor did their paid attorneys (To turn over), actually working for the corporate private court. These attorneys are educated in the procedures of the courts and not in the fictions that entrap us. The only cases they win are given so that the corruption of the system can be denied. They have many presumptive rules of court we do not know not counting the language used called legalese which incorporates words that begin with a vowel followed by two consonants which mean no contract or no law. So anything they say and do to anyone cannot be held against them. Since the people of Ur had control of commercial shipping over the seas, their expertise followed on land. To add to the complexities of our lives, all commercial transactions fall under the codes of the sea, or the Universal Commercial Code (UCC) which along with the legalese law terms we endue as the country with more men in prison just for breaking drug laws than all the other prisoners in the other countries combined. Now, how can this condition exist among us? Well, they can manufacture fearful situations where people are hurt or killed, resulting in imprisonment. Thus the population seems to put their trust in the protection enjoyed by these statutes. It’s their Maceavaleian system all over again. To gain some more concepts of how rhe church or the people of Ur are in control just consider these corporate court judges are supposed to have taken an oath from the judicial department to uphold the constitution to the best of their ability. Yet the laws are written by the legislative department. The U.S. legislature who writes these statutes have given authority to the court system to try only cases involving individuals under contracts with each other. Since contracts are the basis and outside the law, these courts have no authority to work within the law system. The judges can only administer trusts and contracts. Their oaths to uphold the statutes are administered by the Cardinal Bishops of the church diocese they are in. A person can only be charged for disobeying a criminal statute if there is a statute that states the penalty for breaking that statute. There is no penalty statute that addresses this situation. All courts are civil courts, not criminal courts. When a judge finds a person guilty of a crime, he sentences that person to a prison sentence of so many years. This time is set by a commission, not a governmental agency. The Supreme Court Judge Rourk, stated that having a commission to set penalties for the statutes was as unlawful as the court procedures themselves) the judge lost his position on the Supreme Court for his statement.
When the judge sentences the man he tells him you will serve 50 years, but to be more just we will only hold you for 30 years if you sign this plea of guilty and promise not to challenge this finding. Who wouldn’t sign? But by doing so you have just accepted the sentence. As the past Supreme Court justice Roark said all men in prison today are there voluntarily. The city councils in the city corporations assign certain aspects of of their duties to commissions to keep the politics out of the press so the peoples cannot make them accountable.

One of the most enlightening of this book writing exercise is the teachings I could not have received from the spirit world directly. Even though I have had some audio messages which are hard to remember early in the morning while I am in the Alpha state of consciousness. These Tarot readers are channelers straight to our angels and spiritual guides that make up the overall spiritual universe. I have received as you will see in the next chapter actual directions my path should take. I was told that my book which I had supposedly come up with on my own would be needed by all in the world for their chance to raise their frequencies to 5D. fos some time I was totally overcome by the importance of my purpose I had contracted for before my incarnation here. most of the actions I have taken were streatching my poweer to do so. I would have never left the atmosphere of controllers in my life to have the solitude to even concentrate. I have found that every thought in our subconscious mind and conscious mind is projected as energy from my heart. The frequency is the result of my pineal gland, which is in contact with the spirit world, knowing the correct frequency of the desired target, just as the walls of Jericho came down. Every virtue that I have had increased is the result of totally concentrating on the goal. I have been tested for my competency to continue this work and have been informed of my success. I have become the higher spiritual being I am now only because I took this project as so important that even my life and its pleasures took second place. This is what it takes to elevate, lessons learned theough tests passed on the spiritual realm. This is what I have on my heart in case you are not reading it now. I have done the work and now I am being prepared to reep the abundance we are all equally able to reep. It is primarily the work of remaining in constant consciouisness of yur goal. It is not in lounging around letting your subconscious, auto-pilot, lead you to a lower spiritual state of consciousness. In the subconscious resides the ego thoughts you are addicted to and have ready to keep your identity in check, that identity our controllers have and are still programming. In order to be free of that I am constantly manifesting my desires and realizing the. It is such a high that I do not require constant diversion mentally or spiritually. I jhave not watched TV for two years. I do not desire to be entertained by these controllers any more. I also quit eating meat and returned to the size I was in high school. I truly believe this small communication about my benefits of finding my purpose and fulfilling it is going to be the story some day rather than some facts that prove the lies we live with.

Here is the newest part of my story. Since my Tarot readers have been giving me the truth about my experience, its reward for exposing the lies, I bring you and the entire universe this story. This part of my story speaks about exception. That is the principle that there must be a “James 3:16” which you may remember; where there is BITTER ENVY and SELFISH AMBITION there is disorder and foul practice. Let us now see how this disorder is made to look like order and their envy is made to look like reaching for achiecvement for the good of all. Well, now how can we have the good for the all at heart when we so well take advantage of a perfectly designed system that creates the exceptions in our world, of too many people to corral, that is to control. The elite way of life would naturally cause this envy to create desires that cannot be fulfilled. I just went to a Bently “motor car” dealership in Houston. The dealer was of course proud of his product. It was a beautifyl “hand built” car with “real” materials, not cheap throw away plastic that disintegrate like all the others which of course have their elite exceptions too. This dealer’s pride showed by the way he spoke of his products expertly designed and detailed craftsmanship. And of course his opinion of me was questionable because of the car I drove up in. we quickly got to the paperwork to see if he could cull this one further bolstering his pride, I presented the GOVERNMENT OBLIGATION’S REMITTANE COUPON which surprised him. He thought he had seen everything, but maybe not. He studied it quickly saying he was familiar with the principle of GAAP, generally accepted accounting principles. Of course this is where the banks keep the economy going by making the use of cash appear as actually happening. By now we are all beginning to see the truth glaring out at us. There is no cash flowing around. Try to get some out of your bank. There is always the threat of the “IRS,” the great US watchdog keeping fraud and money laundering and counterfeiting down if you ask for too much. It is not there. This “Banker’s exchange” principle is not necessarily needed to know by this dealer, or maybe not. How reliable of a secret keeper is he? Do we have to blasckmail him with the threat of loosing his coveted license. This license idea is expert. How many people accept the fact that this “legally necessary license” is necessarily necessarily except to keep control of the licensee. Doctors are glaring examples who keep the pharmaceuticles selling bogus oil produced symptom relieving pills. So, now back to the dealer; he was puzzled when I divulged how the system has worked since 1933. His ego is now being inched away at. His ego keeps him faithfully working with the elite to keep their ego’s producing the necessary exceptions in our society. He was quick to ask if I had a driver’s license. That is one way they make sure we are still believing in that necessary need to carry on in our fictional economy. That license can be revoked if we do not play the further exception game. That exception is the one whereby you the buyer must produce an iunsurance policy for the other necessary elite driven and accepted corporation; the insurance company. This corporation with the bank are entirely fictions. Neither have any skin in the game. The bank uses the buyers treasury account generally produced by the birth certificate game your parents consented to at birth (a term used only properly for ships no babies). The bank requires you to be honest and promise to pay them back for the funds they never produce and you never see. You just produced the digits in their generally accepted accounting books. You are now believing they are telling the dealership we should be considered the elite who now can drive their product on the fictional “IRS provided” highways. Now he must remind you of the dealership’s, that is all dealership’ requirements that you have insurance “for the protection of our elite society.” Of course this is just another hurtle we must jump over to acquire our necessities that are supposed to be provided by government obligations which are also our necessary remedy. This is a feel good and a requirement in the elite’s book of “CONSCIENCE.” Yes, they too have a conscience. Otherwise the universal spirit would not alow them to run over us like they do. Remember the Biblical books that admonish us it is our conscience that convicts us and saves us. I will relieve you from going back for a review of this most important entry, the conscience listing scriptures:
These are the scriptures again the churches don’t dwell on. There is too much a contrast from the New Testament rendition of Salvation from without us. It comes from within us, our heart which emnits the frequencies of happiness not guilt which in itself is contagious and habitual thanks to the ego.They teach you to praise and pray to your guide and savior they have created by bring the mythological characters to life in their history (doctrinal interpretation of select scriptures;
The books of Sirach 14:2 and 37:14, 1 Sm 25:31, 1 Kgs 8:38, Wis 17:11, Dn 13:56, Acts 20:26,23:1, 24:16, Rom 1:31, 2:15, 9:1, 13:5, 14:5, 14:20, 14:22, 14:23, 1 Cor 4:4, 8:7, 6:10, 10:25, 10:27, 10:28, 10:29, 2 Cor 1:12, 4:2, Phil 1:10, 1 Tim 1:5, 1:19, 3:0, 2 Tim 1:3, heb 9:9, 10:2, 10:22, 13:18,1 Pt 3:16 and 3:21
The only way they can soothe this conscious and stay in their unconscionable exploit of us is to promise a remedy. Of course they make the rules that it is not the dealership who has to divulge the remedy. Why should they? Their profits hang in the balance. Why the bank also and the insurance company? Here we have profits without the necessary investment. All runs on our treasury account so secretely hidden form us, the original creditors who are convinced we are the debtors. The legal courts in their complete fiction use this ploy of which one should not divulge the “LEGAL ADVICE?” well why not make it, too, the illegal activity of spilling the beans. Remember, these agencies of this fictional US government as a corporation are also benefiting by our purchase of the car without the title. The title goes to the Department of Transportation making the car a State owned item. Thus we have the reason for the GAAP of the Government Obligations Remittance Coupon which is the legally defined receitr they give you for already taking your credit from your account, there is no cash, just credit, the credit the whole world now runs on. That is, the sweat off our backs who know not how we are controlled and also despised. How else could they in good CONSCIENCE exploit us so? Now, back to the unfortunate dealer who must ask his superiors how to dispose of this “radical-exposer of the “TRUTH?” some call this truth “legal advice.” But it is only conscience relief. Our universal spirit permits us the luxury of seeking to be part of the elite and being just another who “consents” to the evil “James 3:16” revealed plan. Where does the dealer fulfill his ego when all the populace could afford this elite product reserved by the fortunate secret keepers or the unfortunate unknowing secret keepers, those who do anything to own that car. Now, there is the question of what would you give for the ownership of that car? Or, is the question really what would you not do to own that car. Would you sell your soul? Well now that we know it is “WE” who are the soul that now posseses the incarnated fleshly body, are we selling our souls now or our divinely created bodies?
Now, with everyone able to afford this elite car, what will happen to the other lesser designed and built cars? Once as chairman of the IEEE in Beaumont, Texas (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), I invited a speaker from the automobile industry. That was in 1970 or around that time. This speaker for General Motors was proud to announce how well they produced value out of their product while keeping profits high. They were now combing the junk yards to find any old car part still functional. If found, this part would be subject to be down designed and produced. There is where the, cheeper the better, cars came on the market increasing the desire for the elite cars and their increased profits especially using the tooling technology paid for by the buyers of the cheeper car.
So, now the dealer’s supervisors are knocking their heads together trying to stop my purchase. Well “I don’t buy insurance” was my answer to his company’s policy of not selling to those who have no insurance. So, now the insurance company is assured their profit which cannot, by unspoken treaty be interfered with by any other corporation. Yes there is honor among thieves, or at least conscience soothing adherence to their unspoken rule. I could push this back by showing that my contract superceeds their’s and their policies. Or, I could just buy a bond to represent my ability to “protect the public.” How is it now the public and not the other corporations profits to be protected? Buying a bond that does it’s function without expiring yearly like an insurance policy and to be replaced in a certain time period seems to be a better way to protect yourself and your investment, not the public’s. And then again, what investment? Just a piece of paper? Just like the Federal Reserve worthless notes. Well, yes this fiction comes back to bite them in the “but, we only do this for your convenience remedy.” Does this GAAP remittance coupon have teeth? We will see. It is totally based on United States Codes. Now, will I be able to afford a new car and actually own it with the MCO provided by the dealer when I ask for it (Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin). The title that generally goes to the Department of Traqnsportation as I have explained. With the court givin you the certificate “of” title, of in legaleze is defined as “without” so you end up with a certificate without the title which the State now owns and makes a profit every year with your re-registration and your license plate, with their name on it, purchase. Not to mention the repair corporations making their profit inspecting the safety of your car protecting the public? Or corporate profits; how much in all the corporate profits do you the “driver” pay compared to the original cost of the car. Does the term “Driver” enter the picture of conscience soothing? Of course it does. Their definition of the title they bestow upon you is the occupation of driving for hire, such as a chaufer or trash truck driver. Since their conscience has to be soothed by good intentions, their drivers should not harm the general public on the roadway. So when you buy a new car that has never been registered with a State, don’t forget to check the empty box which is generally accepted to mean “I am buying this car as I would a refrigerator, to use privately and not for corporate gain. I will be traveling in it, not driving. Do you see how they even change our language.
Don’t fail now to view the “highjacking of the English language” video.
So, how do we afford other luxuries we are promised by our maker when we are in the divine kingdom? Well we don’t sell ourselves, the soul, for an ego benefiting purchase. I truly only need a new car because mine is not worth the cost of replacing all the manufacturer’s cheaply designed profit driven parts. I just appreciate the beauty and good workmanship of the car I chose. Of course I will have to remember to not let my ego be considered everytime I drive it. It is a fine line we tread as we walk our pathway to divinity.
Remember, it is our conscience that will convict us and the low frequency of the one who succumbs to it. However, how much this seems, it is so much superiot to man’s rules where you will be subject to his judgment or the judgment of his invented maker which he represents in his shepherdhood. We cannot fool our spiritual status because the ego plays a part. In other words, we can fool ourselves when we apply for our membership in the kingdom when we justify our actions with our ego produced excuses. If we are deserving our very frequency, our vibrations as we call it, is our savior. That is our conscience in our heart which is already in the kingdom and is the motivator of the mind to live in the heart’s conscience.
So, in a nutshell, this is how we are involved, up to the ego, in this chaotic society we in most part consent to. Now that we have uncovered the real manifesting protocol, we should put down all secondary pursuits in favor of raising our and our neighbor’s frequency to be able to inhabit the new 5D environment. All other pursuits go down witht the existing 3D world and its creators, that is the creators of the false kingdom with their false god. The time is now, when we, all at once, are exposed to the evil we consent to and all at once can bring down their walls “of Jericho and raise the earth to 911 levels without lifting a happened in New York and the world on September 11, 2001.
This has just been presented in a NUTSHELL as I said at the beginning. It is now up to you to break open this nutshell with the study of material laid out in this book in the best time line I could imagine.

Also within the NESARA story you have just read, there is confirmation on every topic this book has coveres feom who dunnit to who is helping us from the Constallations to elevate to the 5D level so we can exist on the 5D earth we have been manifesting by our unspoken desires for peace on earth.
After the study, or preferably along with it, following all the advice from expert producers of the included videos to the ET’s (Expert Teachers) who have been helping us expose and expel the so called “Greys, who haved come up from one or all of the 7 below earthly planes to infiltrate us with our own gifts and powers suppressed by our own UNCONSCIOUS EGOS. So, as the shawman Shunyamurti admonishes us, kick out the ego even to the point of relinquishing our own free will. Remember Chrisnamurti’s admonition of not thinking of the self when we try to live in the present moment. Our fears of the future and our rergrets of our past are bogus fictions in our subconscious mind where we don’t know truth from fiction. Who presented us with the fiction and persuaded us to consent to it? do you want to witness their demise? Then do your job. Live your conscience from your heart, not your mind. The mind is a terrible master when not led by the heart. And do this in the present moment. Give your neighbor the gift of conversing and living with him in the present moment in your state of consciousness, not your auto-pilot.

What would be the best way to remove the concept of the corporation and their unwritten treaty of interrelated support and their requirements of working under the control of licenses from the face of the earth? Remember the saying, “what is good for the goose is good for the gander.” It can be brought to fruition. I just thought of an idea that will achieve this. I was talking to a woman taking classes to be a doctor’s helper. I reminded her that there are many men working on their own without a license to cure people naturally. Of course they cannot advertise because we have consented to the corporate codes. But we should understand that their requirements depend on their assumptions we all have consented as contractors to their codes. We have no contract in our present state of mind that we have signed with them in ink. If we have signed a contract with the corporations in ink we are their employees and have to live up to their codes or suffer their penalties which in themselves are baseless. We are just believing as we are taught by our piers, families and the controlled media that they have power and influence over us. It is like them teaching their globe theory for all these years. We deserve all they can dish out to us.
But if we ditch the concept of their liability free corporations completely, we can do as we wish. That woman I talked to could just as easily and with superior results study natural healing. The study material is here in this book along with those proposing it. there is much more on the internet if the Google doesn’t dispense with it. so we put up our shingle, not in their media. They have created such a complex fictional and very lucrative procedure for those wishing to take part in the elite systems that we are believing we have to ask the same high prices to actually heal a person. Soon we will see people ditching the almost to totally free insurance to pay them to use the professional and accredited cures that we know don’t work. If the government is bankrupt and owns everything and owes everything to us prepaid, why not our own desire for our own selected healthcare and by who. That GAAP can work both ways. The government has to provide what it owns to us and that something is the truth we promise to each other as a provider of that truth and the natural products of the land also owned by the bankrupt government. We should have the Government Obligations Remittance Coupon printed up and distributed to everyone for anything they desire, the existing resigm or the new collective, not corporate provider of the services desired. Soon, we as a collective working individually in our own efficient or inefficient capacities will replace the evil with the good. Who has a wet ink contract with the government saying we cannot step into their provider’s role in their promised provision as a remedy for their encroachment on our freedom to operate with out even an economic system an they have produced. We don’t need or want syatems, but un-written intercorporation with each other.
We don’t need their fictional courts and should refuse to answer their invitations and we don’t need their prison “SYSTEM” and should not consent to their imposition. Also we should require all those fooled into their prisons be set free with their bonds and without any ties such as paroll spying on their free lives. The freeing of these convicted by the fictional syatem should not require any procedures in their books of procedures and codes and statutes designed for controlling the seas. Remove them from the land and leave that to the congress enforce. All it will take is the understanding of the fiction we have lived and believed all our lives like a GLOBE we have been taught to worship. The GLOBE people have controlled us long enough. The light of truth has broken through and their darkness is vanishing.
Like is suggested, do your job. Wake up and smell the flowers, not their plastic reproductions and the rest of their fake world.

One more very glaring fact is the soothing of the feathers of the freedom seekers. They just came up with a way to make a lot of requirements on contracts promising those wishing to be sovereign. In that statue they will “BE LEGALLY” sovereign freeing them of answering to statutes and policies of the federal government. Trhere are LLC’s that help you in preparing these contracts to make you free. But in turn they ask you to give up everything that makes it possible to live in this legalized world. one of these is having a bank account . there are very complicated ways of using a bond which cannot be used as a bond for doing business. This explanation seems strange. That is because after becoming a sovereign I have asked myself the question: how is it that the very controllers who control the statutes, the courts, the police and all things legal are really coming up against a wall when we all object and don’t consent to anything they write, proclaim or say. We just get our sovereignty papewrs and sit back happy and undisturbed by the continuation of their fraud against the orhers. Where is brotherly love and where is let’s stand up and figjht together. Well it is quite expensive and time consuming and tedious to learn so most will pass. So it is expensive enough so that the LLC’s that help make out real well. And of course they are all good Christian corporations like all the churches in our land. Why shouldm\n’t they make money helping and make money coaching during a case. The LLC I have taken a $6000 course in Equity law has admitted what I knew as many ways to get people out of a prison that the system put in without the authority or venue required to even try the case. But these good Christian LLC’s follow all the legal rules that try to keep us satisfied and quet. They have told me that we should be careful who we were to help get out and that it would be easier to do once the inmate was already out. Lets just cut to the chase and admit that it is the church that controls everything. So. These keep them quiet and satisfied sovereigns from arousing the others and giving out the “TRUTH” camoflauged as legal advice. What they are is liars and fraud artists with loopholes and we are not contracturally connectred with them unless we break one of their rules. Hold on a minute, their rules. Why not no rules. THAT IS FREEEDOM. No rules, especially rules peoduced by and for the liars and fraud artists requiring everyone to be licensed to do anything necessary in our society. This gives them control over health care or uncaring, education or indoctrination, justice or injustice and true spiritual or indoctrinated ego programmed fearful whimps. It is very difficult ti overcome a programmed ego. With all of their systems to keep us hearing, seeing, feeling, and tasting the objects of desire programmed into our subconscious ego we are dead in the water.

It is with this heartfelt, not mind directed sentiment that I encourage you to remain in the present moment and in a conscious state of being constantly reviewing in your memory what kind of people we consent to be even living with us, let alone being our advisors, authorities and protectors. We would be much better off if we released all prisoners to be replacements for these so called people. We would benefit by having caring and strong willed for justice replacements who have learned many lessons and been strengthened morally in a system of torture meant to be corrective. How can it be corrective if the true government never was involved in the provcess. The prisons are run by separate private corporations paid so much for every ting they do that fortunes are made especially by England. The only civil treatment thy receive is when these corporations allow good religious people to come in, comfort and indoctrinate them to be good behaving slaves when released.

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